Father & Son PLAY DON'T STEP IN IT! / Avoid The Poo!

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hello hello I think my phone's broke oh this is a guitar it's what it is what is what is called YouTube what's up guys we are turbo toy time my name is Andy and this is my son hey and we're your toy videos and games and today we're doing a game it is don't step in it although it has to do with stepping in poop I'm not a huge fan of doing poop games but this was requested a bunch and it seems to be everywhere and it's popular it does look like fun I just don't really like talking about poop on the internet I'm sure you do what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this game over the table we're gonna look at the box get it out figure out how to play and then we're gonna go well head to head and we are going to a foot to foot okay and hopefully I step into poo yes all right let's go carry carry that let's get this video started this here is the front of the box says the blindfolded poop dodging fun so yeah it has this guy who's what's this guy's name don't name him poop oh yeah I knew that word yeah okay his name is not that his let's give him over your name okay what's his name Uranus you're really pushing your latest buddy you really do it I'm gonna name him and his name a blinding no yeah get back up there you know we're gonna name him Hank this is Hank and he looks like he's about to step in some poo the dog is laughing at him flies are flying around and then these two ladies over here laughing out on to this is my Hasbro gaming or anyone you give us this info for no one play up you can play this for yourself yeah it's really one or more players is where the plus sign means it says adult assembly and supervision required I cannot see what work I'm going to need to assemble but we'll see how it goes on the back of the box it shows people actually playing it so you got your blindfold it looks sort of like a weird Ninja Turtle mask I want to say no but I'll give you one more chance yeah her name is blind holder go that's a classic right a name that's not toilet oriented so that's good yeah so blindfolded is walking so this it kind of makes you like realize how the game is played it says spin the spinner walk blindfolded along the mat step in the fewest poops to win so your goal is to not step in poop that's why the game is called yep it's called don't step in it all right what's inside the box is a game at a blindfold four cans of basically play-doh plastic mold to make the poo spinner border of arrow and base and instructions they know how to play but we all we didn't know how did you I don't know we aren't super sure so we'll find out on the back it's pretty playing says don't step in it this one also says that the top basically all the sides are that except the bottom which has our friend the barcode you know it's a nice solid box it's a little heavier than you think it looks good good presentation other than the fact that has a bunch of poop on the box I know when poops not a bad word but it's just the word that I don't typically like to say over and over again it's packed really well the blindfold is feels you can rip it so be careful here have that put that on your face here's the mat it's like a tarp type thing which is what I would guess with a spinner board riding is huge okay here is the poo mold look it looked more like ice cream than poo oh and here is the actual potato and go figure they are different shades of brown wow I can't believe I'm doing this video so let's put this together this so this the assembly will take about two seconds here's our spinner ham again I lose you twice I'm gonna hold like a pizza there's a spinner alright be careful this is reserved just windows right by my face when you are using scissors be careful if you are young just get your parents to do it you can use scissors but you need to be careful that's the point I'm gonna get throughout it is is a compound as they call it I just really just play them it's basically play-doh we of course donate our games so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use these two and then these we're gonna keep brand new so whoever ultimately gets this game gets brand new things they don't get poo that's at our feet all in it alright here's the instructions that says don't step in it it tells you everything in front of box says let's this figure out how to play they'll go to peg is that how I sounded oh this again ok this again ok alright so here's how you play you start with putting the mat on the ground you have five poops put randomly on the mat okay when's your turn to go you walk the entire thing and you do it step by step so what I'm going riding I'll be spinning for me and wherever it lands let's see if we can all right so bah bah bah bah bum bum bum all right so this would be five steps since it lands on five steps now if it lands on this it is six steps but you have to add a poop there's also ones that let you take away up whoo and that would be ridings job to do it or if it's his turn it's my job to do it and when you get to the whole thing when you're done with it you count how many poops you stepped in and then he goes and whoever lands in the smallest amount of poops wins when the smallest eats I'm totally and that can still play that's actually a really good point you you're a mess I'm feeling really good well you're like daredevil usually have the you know exactly where things are because how it smells mm-hmm this arrow this in the circles means you rearrange the group so right and could move them all around it says lift your knees high when walking no jumping running or tiptoeing okay you got me and we can't take huge steps because that kind of defeats the purpose of the game it doesn't say that in here but I'm saying her right now deal all right then I'm not playing so I actually read these rules wrong and after we played I read them again and realized I had made a mistake but I actually like our rules better just try to follow along and enjoy how we played the game okay let's start by making some poos and getting ready to play this game we might actually have to open these that'd be a bummer because I would like to have some for the people that we donated to I just have to buy a new copy of this here's a poo here's the different colour what No doesn't look funny a chameleon it's don't step it is press it against your dad's face oh my god so it's my turn I get to walk the plank first Ryden is going to spin right in front the camera for you guys to see and then he's gonna tell me what to do is so he'll be like 6 foot or 5 foot - poop and then he will take the poop away or add a poop if he needs to orange walk at the beginning he gets to put the poos wherever he wants to and if he gets one of these little symbols like I said he gets to rearrange him however he wants remember the rules no jumping no big steps no tiptoeing gotta lift your foot up high yes wherever you want you know I can't see I promise you I'm not trying to cheat okay where's my there we go okay don't tell me where okay all right I got to do two more oh my gosh I literally just did this is disgusting is he gonna take five okay spin it again this is not my most elegant moment of my life cool three steps Wow that's it it was sticky one two three yes okay okay over that to riding I messed up you're supposed to when I step in it you're supposed to reshape it and then do it again so you want to do this one more time take a whip do we get to take one away good I'm all ready one two three four five I'm doing great this time we're late why Oh cuz it's head it alright four steps right now oh my god by two at once are you kidding me alright well put take away those and put two new ones on am I ready to go oh how many is that how many are on the map this is insane I think it's just one right that's two all right put two more back on are you ready yes three oh my gosh there's another one that's five because my next step I was going this Wow look at that I got five poos it is your turn sir and why'd you mix okay it feels gross but it doesn't get on you but if it went up into your toes that could be messy that'd be gross he's making some more poo are you ready let me spin it ah three steps let me get this poo from at under yeah and there we go two more steps [Applause] three did you really just did you really just okay alright hold on oh all right there's your three steps you gotta keep going let me find out what you're doing okay six steps [Music] those are huge those were the biggest steps paper you are a cheater those were huge my feet are twice as big and I got and I had more steps than you I think too so you win can I say again what do you think this is a fun game you like this game yeah I think we'll play again let's let's we'll do it off camera though okay I'm gonna play it every day Ryden loves this game and since we put our feet all over the playdough we will actually keep it keep it but we're going to donate a new copy of it so don't worry I got to give it to Hasbro this is a very unique game nothing like I've ever played I don't really care to act like I'm stepping in whoo but the actual game is fun and I think I mean kids will love it you liked it yeah yeah yeah see ridin loves it but there you go so I hope you guys like watching us planned it Scott it was kind of hard to film it so I hope it was entertaining for you guys we would need we needed a helper on this one oh no we didn't have it's just us it's just us in these videos so I hope you guys were entertained we do videos here all the time yes it's easy you just click it and you're signed up and you really want to be super nice there's a bell button on the page if you click that it'll notify you immediately when we upload a video and that's it thank you guys for watching if he is nice outside go outside and play it's nice outside for us so I think we're gonna go hiking that'll be fun won't it what might we gotta wait for mom though she's not home yet so you guys have a great day that was the most normal one ever pays towards out Tony Stark [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TurboToyTime
Views: 24,762,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: father, son, play, don't, step, in, it, toy, game, mouse, trap, crocodile, dentist, chomp, teeth, bite, alligator, playtime, time, balloon, Andy, andrew, ryden, schrock, family, quality, trick, tricks, laugh, funny, cute, adorable, laughing, amazing, best, funniest, aw, ever, turbo, trainer, how, to, help, assemble, build, hand, challenge, tiny, player, smash, pie, cake, haha, hilarious, poke, spike, blow, up, pop, battle, bug, bugs, knock, down, poo, poop
Id: CoNBU6alsjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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