Father of victims lunges at Larry Nassar in court

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we're going to take you to a Michigan courtroom where the former USA Gymnastics dr. Larry Nasser is going through his third sentencing hearing third sentencing hearing so over the past couple of days victims have been coming forward and telling their stories of his abuse and just moments ago a very dramatic incident a father a father of three gymnasts lunges at the former doctor just take a look at this I can't imagine for both of you and your families and everyone it it's very difficult to concentrate think about anything else but you have each other you have your sister mr. and mrs. Mayer graves thank you for being here today thank you for letting us hear your voice father have a chance say something go ahead sir no we leave we don't want to swear we don't want to have profanity I can't imagine the anger and the anxiety and the feeling of wanting retribution and if you need to say something to help you I'm more than willing to let you say something but in a courtroom we we try it we don't use profanity but if you have some words that you would like to say I would like to give you the opportunity to say I would ask you to as part of the sentencing to grant me five minutes and a lot of this demon would you do that yes or no would you give me one minute [Music] just relax okay now we're gonna kind of let up okay you have to let up too okay sit up on your side does that we cannot behave like this I am the sandwich mr. margaritis frustration but you cannot do this this is not helping your children this is not helping your community this is not helping us this is not gonna be the police department use your words use your experiences to get him into change so I just want to apologize because I should have warned people that there's you know some language being used there clearly father of victims very very upset you heard his last name was margrave's we've got some tweets saying what his first name is we don't have it confirmed he is the father of three gymnasts he was standing next to his daughters who it looks like had just given impact statements this is Larry Nasser's third sentencing hearing so it's been going on for a couple of days now and emotions have been running high through this entire process and perhaps it's not surprising that a father would feel compelled as he said to just you know give him five minutes with the doctor but as you can see this is something at me that the the judge had warned about in his previous sentence saying you know the vigilante justice there's no place for that here um the justice system is doing what it's supposed to do and Larry Nasser will spend the rest of his life behind bars he's already facing way more than 175 years and now he's going to be sentenced to more at this point but very intense moment the court is in recess at this point
Channel: CBS News
Views: 16,457,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, live streaming, live video, cbsn, Larry Nassar, USA gymnastics, court, lunge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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