'I hope you suffer,' mother says to son's killer

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but that's okay because I suffer your moms are gonna suffer too my son my grandsons have to live the rest of their life without their dad they didn't even have a dad growing up so thank you thank you for what you did cuz you're ruined in my life you're ruining their lives and you ruined your family life cuz he didn't need no gun to kill nobody he could've beat your ass up and down the street you won the clowns that you hang out with now my baby's dead so you're happy thank you cuz I'm happy too cuz yeah his body is dead but his spirit lives on and I know he's standing right here laughing at you that's why you killed him right cuz he laughed at you cuz you're a you're a coward you already know how life isn't is in prison and you think you're gonna just be happy go-lucky nama you're gonna suffer for the rest of your life bent over with your mouth up and being everybody's for the rest of your life why did you kill my baby you ain't got a reason mother you're gonna die in prison I know I know I know I know but I have to live the rest of my life without my son I know I know I'm sorry I'm sorry no I'm not sorry to you cuz you got what you come you green light on you ain't that what things that eat that what you heard good and I hope you suffer for the rest of your life but there's not much to say you're a coward yeah you're a coward and you know if you would have fought him that day you would have beat your ass and you couldn't take that ass-whooping so you decided to kill him you decided to go get a gun and kill him cuz you don't have the balls to fight like a man you had to come back around and kill him cuz you know he would have whupped your ass you took you took my kids dad for men no they had to grow up for the rest of their life without their dad and he was a good ass back he'd spent every single second caring for them and loving them and now they had to go on without him and I have to go on without him and raise my two boys without their daddy you don't even know what it's like to be a father you don't you're just stupid you killed him for no reason you had no right and I hope you rot in hell in prison for the rest of your damn life I hope you get exactly what you deserve in prison and you know you know what's gonna happen when you go to prison God forgive me but I hate you yeah and I hope you rot in hell for the rest of your life
Channel: MLive
Views: 20,072,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @gr-video, auth-grpnblake-auth, sylvia villarreal, andy gonzalez, michigan, mlive, news, sandra bravo
Id: G_o3qU4k8A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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