7 powerful moments from the hearing that sent Larry Nassar to prison for life

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I met Larry Nasser when I was somewhere around the age of 5 years old my parents have become close friends with Larry and his wife Stephanie they were all medical professionals and shared a passion for the subject it was during this time I asked me I was approximately 6 years old the latter Nassar began to sexually abuse me I was 12 years old when I told my parents when Larry rubbed my feet he uses his penis my parents confronted him and he denied any such action due to complex details that I won't get into here my parents chose to believe Larry necks are over me [Music] Lavigne answers actions had already caused me significant English but I heard worse as I watched my father realized what he had put me through my father and I did our best to patch up our tattered relationship before me committed suicide and do that some 16:13 answer wedged himself between myself and my family and uses leverage as my parents trusted friend to pry it apart until we fractured perhaps you have figured it out by now the little girls don't see little forever they grow into strong women that return to destroy your world your letter state now Aquileia is having a four day sentencing media circus she wants me to sit in the witness box next to her for all four days so the media cameras will be directed before it perfect I don't know I don't need any cameras you certainly are free not to take my picture I don't have a dog in this fight sir I adore castrate this you get by your actions and by your plea of guilty and you may find it harsh that you are here listening but nothing is as harsh as what your victims endured the thousands of hours at your hands collectively you spent thousands of hours perpetrating criminal sexual conduct on minors spending four or five days listening to them is significantly minor considering the hours of pleasure you've had at their expense and ruining their lives none of this should come as a surprise to you judge Aquilino is seeking media attention over port protocol this is the people the state of Michigan which is Larry Nance right not judge Apple you know I'm doing my job I try to do it well unlike what you did so I don't know if it's your frustration at night or what's going on here but I have to say this isn't worth the paper it's written on I'm the mother of Chelsea Martha know she couldn't be with us today but I'm going to be telling you from a victim's mother's point of view but I first want to tell you that my daughter was adapted from South Korea and I got a call from our social worker that wanted to know if we would be willing to take a baby that had some medical issues and 90 in August of 1985 and we said yes I'm still because you couldn't lay down and the but the king from her night was just inseparable we did everything together as she continued to grow up during your normal childhood she you know wanted to do all the activities that and all her little friends did and we had the Saturday morning classes in the Gymboree and you know whatever is swim lessons Diana so she really caught on to gymnastics well um that became five days a week sometimes six and she was at Maine and she went a team really quick because she was really good I have been in the room with her during her examination as usual and I said he ready to go to lunch and she's like no mom I just want to go home and I said what time are you in pain and she said mom I just want to go home and they said okay so we got the car and I said and she's ferret bawling and they said Chelsea tell me what's wrong then she said mom he put his fingers in me and they weren't beloved and I said Tulsa it was right there in the world and she goes you couldn't see what was going on mom and she said he hurt me [Music] she had the self-loathing I didn't I had to see a psychiatrist and I didn't seem to be helping there's a lot of self blame who said quit gymnastics the following year when she was 13 she made bad decisions it affected her social life she started running with bad crowds she got into drugs and she never really recovered [Music] and so and 2009 she took her own life because she couldn't deal with the pain anymore it all started with him it just became worse as the years went by until she couldn't deal with it anymore and as you can see she turned into a beautiful young lady who was really really sick and that's my story came in today and I didn't want to be a disruption but you guys are you guys are reinforcing my view that I am a disruption for processes for the victims and the survivors and not about us and there's you to say to them again today is about the victims it's not about us this is not the place for that conversation there'll be another time and place to do that folks there are there are pieces about this story there are public and there pieces that will be told this is not the day to do that this is a day for this into the kitchen again this is not the day to have that conversation [Music] I've become disruptive enough and I don't want to do that again very thing you won't come back what do you see no what I'm saying is I listen but I'm not going to be this kind of disruptive because the focus of attention should be on the people who are telling their story and to Lou Anna Simon I don't even know how you are still in the position that you are in I don't know how you can still call yourself a president because I don't anymore you say you weren't responsible for this I wish you would come up to this podium and be half as brave as all of us have had to be the past year and a half you are trying to manipulate people into thinking that you are innocent when you are not as far as I'm concerned you are just as bad as this monster that has attempted to ruin all of us but he hasn't and you won't either Larry I hope you Lou Anna Simon Kathy clay Gus and all the USAG are scared because you have pissed off the wrong army of women thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] his so-called treatments included but we're not limited to breast exams stretching me when he would lay on top of me with his penis on my crotch massaging me in very intimate places and even placing his unglued hand getting to my anus and vagina in order to get my hips to pop back in place and relieve my back pain when I came forward in August 2016 I was attacked on social media people did not believe me every day after that more women and young girls were coming forward I wasn't alone [Music] dr. Nasir was not a doctor he in fact was in forever shall be a child molester a monster of a human being end of story the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo he'd given me a sleeping pill for the flight and the next thing I know I was all alone with him in his hotel room getting a quote treatment I thought I was going to die that night our silence has given the wrong people power for too long and it is time to take our power back thank you Seiden mckayla maroney [Music] who was the doctor that USAG sent keep us healthy and help us get through the doctor that was our abuser the doctor that is a child molester nobody was even concerned whether or not we were being sexually abused I was not protected and neither were my teammates flarin NASA is accountable USA Gymnastics is accountable the US Olympic Committee is accountable I am here to face you Larry so you can see I've regained my strength that I'm no longer a victim I'm a survivor your abuse started 30 years ago but that's just the first reported incident we know of if over these many years just one adult listened and had the courage and character to act this tragedy could have been avoided for this sport to go on we need to demand real change and we need to be willing to fight for it it's clear now that if we leave it up to these organizations history is likely to repeat itself this sentence will send a message about how seriously abuse will be taken so I asked how much is a little girl worth victims were silenced intimidated repeatedly told it was medical treatment and even forced to go back her continued sexual assault when I came forward in 2016 I bought an entire file of evidence with me and the MSU PD handled it beautifully but MSU officials for a different story because the response of Dean Williams Trimble was to send an email to Larry that day and tell him quote good luck I am on your side what we had to go through for our voices to be heard because of the responses of the adults in authority has greatly compounded the damage we suffer and it matters not long after I stopped seeing Larry I transitioned from athlete to coach and every day that I nurtured those baby tunas I wondered if any of them would find their way into his exam room when one of my little girls was finally referred to him I took a chance and I spoke up and I was kind of caution for my own sake to remain silent her family moved away almost immediately thereafter and I wrecked for that little girl and I prayed to God that she was under the age range that Larry preferred she was 7 but when I filed my police report Kyle Stephens came forward she was 6 a year in yoga and my little girl and I cried in my kitchen and I don't know yet if that little girl walked out to seeing the shoe lucky Larry I remembered the day you brought Carolyn into your office so that I could hold her he knew how much I loved children and you used your daughter to manipulate me and every time I held my babies I prayed to God you would leave your abuse in the exam room and not take it home to the little girl born with black hair just like her daddy I have been there for young gymnasts and helped them it's warmer awkward little girls too graceful beautiful confident athletes and taken short in their success because I wanted what was best for them and this isn't joy you have cut yourself off from forever because your desire to help was nothing more than a facade for your desire to harm you have fashioned for yourself a prison that is far far worse than any I could ever put you in and I pity you for that I plead with you to impose the maximum sentence under the plea agreement because everything is what these survivors are thank you your words these past several days have had a significant emotional effect on myself Commission to me to my core they also recognize that what I'm feeling pales in comparison to the pain trauma emotional destruction how sorry I am for what is occurred acceptable apology sir you need to plant the microphone er they can't even accept for apology to all of you is impossible to write and convey I won't carry your words with me for the rest of my things I do want to read some extension of your apology and whether I believe it or not I was at the doctor because my treatment worked and those patients that are now speaking out were the same ones that praised and came back over and over and referred family and friends to see me in the media to convince them that everything I did was wrong and then please feel broke their trust hell hath no fury like a woman scorned it is just a complete nightmare the stories that are being fabricated to sensationalize this would you like to withdraw your plea no not because you are guilty aren't you are you guilty sir I accept my duty exactly this letter which comes two months after your please tells me that you have not yet phoned what you did that you still think but somehow you are right that you are a doctor that you're entitled that you don't have to listen and then you did treatment I wouldn't send my dogs to you sir it was not treatment what you did it was not medical there is no medical evidence that was ever brought sir you knew you had a problem then it's clear to me you knew you had a problem from a very young age even before you are doctor you could have taken yourself away from temptation but you decided to not address what's inside you that causes this control urge the causative you to be a sexual predator sir I'm commuting 175 years which is 2100 months okay I just find yourself orange I find that you don't get it but you're a danger you remain in danger I'm a judge lead to life and rehabilitation when rehabilitation is possible I have many defendants from back here and shoulders great things they've done in their lives after probation after parole I don't find that possible with you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV
Views: 3,606,050
Rating: 4.9140844 out of 5
Keywords: USA Gymnastics, Larry Nassar, Michigan State, Michigan State University, gymnastics
Id: oNK-wpyr_F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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