Judge finds Mackenzie Shirilla guilty of murder in deadly Strongsville crash that killed 2

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This trial is a combination of decisions made by one person, defendant. Those decisions have forever ald the futures of three families. And if you also begins and your decisions forever rob, Dominic and Tabion of the futurs that they had before them. If there is one thing that can be taken away from this case, as painful as it is, it is this. Every decision we make is impor. Every action we make is importa. Regardless of whether the decisn is a good one or a bad one, or the actions are good or not, the result is the same. The consequences ripple throughe and affect many more people thae might think at the time of the decision. In criminal cases, the state carries the greatest burden under our law, proof beyond a reasonable doubt. As I previously stated, I considered all the evidence presented and at this point I would like o comment specifically on Exhibit, the crash video. This is the type of evidence you can never Unsee. You can never forget the visual or audio of this exhibit, which is chilling and tragic. As you review that exhibit, you know that you are watching e oncoming deaths of two people ad there is nothing that will stop. The video clearly shows the pure and intent of the defendant. She chose a course of death and destruction that day. Exhibit 802 crystallizes the dey decision making of the defendan. She Morse from a responsible drr to literal hell on wheels that she makes her way down the stre. Mackenzie alone made the decisio drive the car to drive an obscure route, a route she visited a few days before and a route opportunity taken by her. Mackenzie alone chose the time o make the drive early in the mor, when any reasonable person would expect a few people would be nearby to witness it or offer lifesaving assistance. She made these decisions despite knowing, as any reasonable person would, that her mission of death could have involved others, not even in the car with her otr people and the cars pedestrians. She had a mission and she executed it with precision. The mission was death. Mackenzie alone decided to push the pedal to the floor and demand the ulte speed of that vehicle to 90 to 100 mph. She alone decided what was to b. Mackenzie decided death was the ultimate goal that day, and she alone made that decisior Dominic Deviant and she continuy asked the mayor to achieve her purpose whether or not she intended to also kill herself. As a matter of speculation, they have no relevance to the way of the evidence in this cas. The totality of the evidence cly demonstrates the Mackenzie Shirla acted purposely and intentionally in e early morning hours of July 31st, 2022. Her purpose was to kill Dominic Crusoe, and no reasonable fact Finder could vi. The totality of this evidence in this case didn't come to any other conclusion. Her actions were controlled, methodical, deliberate, intentional, and purposeful. This was not reckless driving. This was murder or writers are following verdic. Count 1. The court having had ct 1 tried to A pursuant to waiver, finds a defendant Mackenzie Shaa guilty of murder to win Dominique Russo in violation of a hard ICE code Section 2903.02 A is charged to count 1, count 2. The court having had count to try to in pursuant to waiver, finds its Senate Mackenzie Shiry guilty of murder to it Davion plan in violation of a hard ICE Code Sen 2903.02 A is charged to count to the indictment count 3 murder. The court having had count 3 tried to A pursuant to waiver finds the defendant Mackenzie Shirella guilty of mur to win Dominic Russo in violatin of a Hari Vice Code section 290302 B as charged in count 3, count 4 murder. The court, having had count 4 tried to A pe the waiver finds the defendant, Mackenzie Shirilla Shirilla guilty of murder to win Dominic Russo in violation of a Hari Vice Code. Section 2903.02 B is charged in count 4, count 5 felonious assault. The court haven't had count 5 tried to. The pursuant to waiver finds a defendant, Mackenzie Sharilla, guilty of felonious assault to make Dominic Russo in violation of a Hari vice code. Section 2903.11 for the revised Code is charged in count five of the indictment. Count 6 Felonious assault. The court having had Count 6 tried to pursuant to waiver, finds the defendant Mackenzie Sharilla guilty of melonious assault to its Dominic Russo. Violation of a Harivis code Section 2903.1182 is charged in Count 6. Count 7 felonious assault Court having had count 7 tried to it pursuant to waiver. Finds the defendant Mackenzie Shirilla guilty of felonious assault to make Dave Young plan in violatin of a higher revised code. Sectin 2903.1181 has charged in count , Count 8 felonious assault. The court, having had Count 8, tried to it pursuant to waiver, finds the defendant, Mackenzie Shirilla, guilty of felonious assault to win Davion Flanagan in violation of the Hard Advised Code Section 2903.1182, as charged in Count , count 9, Aggravated vehicular homicide. The court, having had Count 9 tried to, pursuant to waiver, finds the defendant, Mackenzie Shirley, guilty of aggravated vehicular homicide to with Dominic Russo. The violation of a Hard Vice Code Section 2903.06828 is charged in Count . Count 10 Aggravated vehicular homicide. The court having had count 10 Tried to A pursuant to waiver. Fines Defended Mackenzie Sharila Guilty of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide to win Davian Flanagan in violan of our advice Code Section 2903.0682 A Discharged in Count, Count 11 Drug Possession. The court, having had count 11 Tried to A pursuant to waiver, finds the defendant Mackenzie Shirella guilty of drug possessn in violation of Ahari Vice Code Section 2925.11. A is charging Count 11. Count 12 Possessing criminal tos or having had count 12 tried to have pursuant to Waiver Finds te defendant Mackenzie Shirilla guilty of possessing criminal tools in violation of Ahari Vice Code Section 2923.24. A is Charging Count 12. The court having had counts while tried to A pursuant to waiver finds the defendant, Mackenzie Shirley guilty of possessing criminal tools and further finda defendant did intend to use a substance, device, instrument or Oracle to win the digital scale to commit the offensive of felony Sentencg will be one week from today, August 21st at 1:00 PM. If any party wishes to file the sensing memorandum just to be fd by 4:00 PM on Thursday, August 17. Thank you.
Channel: WKYC Channel 3
Views: 8,267,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [ crime, local ], news
Id: dMAF9jsMD9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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