Fatal Close Calls Caught on Film

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oh my god oh my [ __ ] god welcome today to some close calls and near death experiences we're gonna see who made it out on the lucky side well i think they'll they'll make it out severe danger all right interesting stuff let's go some nice music all right chris stick your head out oh don't stick your head out don't stick your head out oh my oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god why are you laughing she nearly got her head taken off that's [ __ ] why is he laughing like how is that oh funny god oh my [ __ ] god yo one sec one second is that a rock yeah [ __ ] hell i think it hit the camera guy to be honest jesus yeah but that's the face you're done for it comes from up above the tree ricky oh my god who shoots shout out it's idiotic but the fact that he got up so quickly oh wait whoa wait what holy sh wait oh my god sam you're supposed to cgi that [ __ ] oh my god he was up straight away so was no one gonna tell this woman that it's not okay to go under that i mean there were more than enough people standing around to say something [Music] how do you not hear or see a train job making a racket oh man oh my god since we only ever see bad things that cops do around the internet let me switch it up a bit for you guys today an awesome cop saved this man's life after he crashed into a gas station damn but you gotta get out i ace up you gonna get out you see he comes back to get him out actually right now the traps are knocked out probably probably just brave as hell man because when a gas yeah whole thing's ready to go yeah mate this guy's this guy's a hero yeah right right he's right here that guy's dead weight by the looks of it as well yeah he is dead wait look he's knocked out let me get my laptop real quick get out of there let me get actually my phone what let me get my bag as well oh [ __ ] i think i left my baby in there let me get that out oh dude in the time that he did that he may as well have just got in his car and driven away like then you protect your car and everything in it so there's still people like hanging around the background i assure you if i see a thing on farm i'm out there i'm so gone oh there we go god how big does the fire get that's pretty pretty bad big big enough to burn someone that's for sure surely one of these guys i mean the person in the car wouldn't be dead would be dead yeah oh donna like that is 100 life saved like you can't wait for the fire fire like fire brigade 100 save that person's life give that man a medal is what i said 100 a whale's going to land on him or some [ __ ] oh my god oh my god absolutely boys yo that could have been so long that could have taken the boat out completely i feel like wales would know not to jump into something like that because that would hurt them as well i guess jesus he's trolling for sure damn he flinches if he's been hit oh my god yo we've second jesus christ whoa man did air time to save the dog i don't think he decided to do it it just happened to be that way sharks aren't that dangerous well you've made you go outside you're going deeper as everyone says they are um i mean no no i'm pretty sure like they don't go out of their way to attack humans some of them do okay much rather eat a fish than a human yeah but sometimes i just they just see something moving around and like yeah i'll have a piece of that thanks they like consume they confuse humans with like seals and seals i don't know like i wouldn't take the risk put it that way i wouldn't take the risk but you're welcome to if you want yeah we'll send you into the dance yeah i'm busy actually you're gonna knock it out right just just punch it in the nose mate just like just like you're off yeah it's like the horse in the water my movements are a bit slower you know what i mean okay so you couldn't knock out a shark oh yeah just because of that yeah okay i got you if the shark was you know on land oh easy round one one one ko it's just there on the land if you just punch it ahead you knock it out or would it i don't know oh i think it would like suffocate before you wow okay yeah well you could hit it suffocate for my for my punch right okay okay let's keep going why do you hate me [Applause] we'll see ya oh no this gives me anxiety [Music] him a quick nod what's up fam i see you yeah he's lucky that boy i see you really yeah you're lucky you're not that boy you just gotta not panic too much but even so what's up in there is that baby just throwing out the thing wait what i think it was on like a little oh is it a pram the pram yeah didn't like let go that's a russian clipper those were some pretty great reflexes catching that [Music] oh there's a flood or something oh my god oh my god whoa that's a landslide and a half boy yo [Music] i'm yo trying to get to work and you walk into the bridge and it's just like that you're off for [ __ ] sake no offense it's the same clip or something like oh everyone's turning around they saw the law and they're like oh jesus that was a slow three-point turn [Music] [Laughter] oh he's gonna the building's gonna hit him off isn't it is he gonna clip them i don't know i thought yeah oh go through the windscreen that's not good that guy's gonna get to get to the uh the lumber yard they're gonna be like you've lost one mate [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's terrifying you've got to become religious off that surely that's like a yeah jesus oh jesus i don't want to look at this oh my god look if you stack stop holding the bike man if the bike wants to go the bike wants to go wait no how are you even laughing about that bro look [Music] a man tripped and fell into the subway luckily for him spectators were there to save his life just as the train was coming [Music] off the tracks my boy someone decides [ __ ] they're like stop no man you just gotta get him go down again yes someone's got a you know if you touch the if you touch the tracks you get electrocuted or something oh my god he just oh my god bribe well he would have been dead oh my [ __ ] hey yo bears aren't dangerous fam they're just they're just it's just yeah okay yeah yeah if they're like sharks they just want to say hi okay she went in for the high five yeah yeah yeah with his mouth i didn't think he wanted the smoke you know i think it got scared see with polar bears [Music] oh yes oh my god holy [ __ ] hold on you need a but that's why you need upper body strength in life otherwise you get stuck with polar bears she hasn't been doing her chin ups every morning this lightning strike looked like it was straight out of a movie like zeus himself were about to appear or something lightning oh god yeah whoa my [ __ ] ears are you speaking [Music] oh english god i think he's like south africa that's quality he's not going to open the door is it i know oh my god oh i really wish there was more to this [Applause] video glad they all survived yeah yeah no one died no one died i'd love to see it we'll see boys next time au revoir adios please [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,153,667
Rating: 4.9807944 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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