Fat Nick, Bexey & DJ Scheme remember Lil Peep & XXXtentacion

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[Music] [Applause] no jumper coolest podcast in the world today I've convened a meeting of some good friends and some guys what I just recently saw perform the other day you guys are all on tour together right now to my left DJ scheme to his left fat Nick to his left back seat how's everybody doing swell good on tour just going crazy you guys a tour boys the tour boys you were just on tour with a ski mask for like months right since May man like five months so what's the difference between being on tour with a fat Nick wears a ski mask it's really comfortable just go in say who parties harder so you get some more girls just be real judgmental and [ __ ] up come on okay with ski it's a little like you never know what's gonna happen mmm when Nick it's like a little more predictable Nick will let you know what we're doing so it's maybe safer I would say okay a little bit yeah I feel you I won't say too much but yeah it seems like Nick might be a little bit more stable well faster ski that sounds bad he's stable he just loves doing like whatever comes to his mind at that moment hmm which is fine spur of the moment I feel like Nick is more likely to like spend I feel like Nick's got like anxiety so he's more likely to just be like low-key from time to time whereas I don't feel like ski is ever gonna let anybody let him stand that's what tour is for you yeah do so you go back you eat food and go to sleep huh right which is different from the first interview we did where you were talking about all kinds of crazy [ __ ] I know is it a crazy to think where'd you like 18 as I'm sure when we do the [ __ ] but I told Don I learned tone down tonal exam you're toning up I'm just a clockwork how did you how did XE end up becoming the the co-headliner on this whole thing together and we were making music and really yellow let's just knock out some song to go on tour together we need to get this right up to your mouth no yeah yeah right that's yeah we may buy it don't literally buy it yeah we might stay alive and I'm just like [ __ ] it let's do a tour did you guys see your clone got so many [ __ ] upgrades since I last saw you you got no but the teeth are going crazy the eyes are [ __ ] woke up looked in the mirror and it was all that scary but everybody's gotten some upgrades actually you got a [ __ ] gold teeth in there next all kinds of new face the NYX dreads got a lot longer you just got fatter you got fatter yeah okay so we have a for you that like the X interview is so iconic and you're just in the foreground just sitting on a bike smoking blunts or whatever yeah yeah it's just like a weird role that you sort of played in it cuz like any professional interview like the person you're interviewing is at the forefront and that was at a time where there's like eight other people and then X is all the way in the back even though he's supposed to be the focus of that interview yeah I appreciate when I saw you guys live because you guys all like go super out of your way to keep like peeping X's names alive like just fully like busting out multiple songs during each of your sets yeah is that like important part of doing a tour and like just that the mentality of wanting to keep these dudes alive keeping millions 11 every single sure I think of it they blessed us they meant this with a lot of blessings so it's like it wouldn't be right if we didn't do it I mean yeah what um alright BEC City tell me about meeting people I'm just we got to get some [ __ ] memories flowing here and I don't know I'm gonna have to throw some questions out there to start getting I was talking about like the the Bros that we lost in the past year how did you meet up well it's crazy I was on soundcloud and I heard star shopping and it had probably a thousand plays you know very tight dollars wouldn't sound out of the side it wasn't oversaturated you just go through and just here cool [ __ ] everywhere you know there was a [ __ ] like 2014 it felt like that that's weird you just find a new [ __ ] all the time yeah I found something how'd it will follow him then like I don't know a 5k full of us or some [ __ ] he had a few hundred and I played it and like the first 10 second fast 20 seconds like the first few lyrics hit me man I was like this kid special you know [ __ ] he's fame or whatever healing and go I'm gonna work with this kid you know so a message time when I was I broke you're gifted like we need to make some music and he replied and it was a broad scroll up look at the fan man I used to sing you really so I scrolled up and it was like paragraphs like this from him to you yeah I haven't seen him but he had been sending me messages for moms like you're one of the reasons I start this thank you bro like you're an inspiration [ __ ] so he was in New York I was in London it was weird and I he used to play runescape we play runescape together why I didn't know that you played runescape we made it eight people Romeo's regrets and the cover of all my Juliet quest for runescape oh I saw two yeah yeah that's runescape I'm glad that you guys are bonded for that runescape the Warriors cuz he's from New York and then just like music the movie you guys would talk about the movie the Warriors yeah yeah yeah he told me like some parts where it was shot like in where he's from you know right so uh yeah man but it was crazy that I approached him and he'd been trying to get hold of me was I you know I'm meant to be you know is that one of the reasons like him talking to you is that one of the reasons why he ended up going some London yeah yeah yeah he came there cuz we was there you know right it was a break from the whole LA 200 people in his house [ __ ] all of that [ __ ] it's just me him and rain we would live together you know so I just uh I don't know he felt his love his energy was like he was from London you know he was out there for a few months came back he was on one of us you know right the whole way he told the whole way there were people after that woman that people take the piss out him you know people that was [ __ ] him over he was like I can't wait to see him I'm gonna [ __ ] him up that is a very like English mentality you really like came out of his shell kinda and I found himself in London you know that's [ __ ] crazy so Ed Hardy tattoos and the Mohawk and like yeah yeah stylistically he took a lot of [ __ ] risks during that time period all the face tattoos got turned up into a whole different level that was when he shaved his eyebrows and he has no eyebrows he's like pulling a face doesn't look humanly possible and he has a fidget spinner and the weirdest like this sounds like music from a mall in Vice City like the games playing and it's just like spinning in his hand like it's legendary I wish I had how many months was that that he was out there in London I don't know I'm really bad with like time and Shea everything's a blessing felt like he was there for a few months yeah he would stay there I would live in the house and then he'd go to LA and hit FaceTime I said I'm coming back tomorrow so like he'd come back and stay there yeah Wow that's [ __ ] crazy Nick I was just trying to get this sparked off what how did you meet peep so I think like 2015 um Mikey no magician showed me him on soundcloud and like you know he's lit cuz I girl for like blink-182 brand new take him back Sunday August uh for like nanny like has that vibe to it you feel and that was probably one of the first times that you heard like rap music that had that vibe because that was like a new concept kind of at the time yeah so Mike had his number we talked blase blase and then he made a song and then I came to LA and he was living like maybe like 40 minutes out by the OEE and we just like chopped it up and then he came he lit up my house I was thinking uh in Van Nuys uh-huh and he stayed with me like for a month or two and then we just hopped on tour it was me ham smoked purple like his first Tour Preferred story that's crazy my first day holy [ __ ] how long was that tour like I was doing more than a half yeah it was what was like your impression of peep from like first spending time with a mic that or being on tour them like how would you describe who he was as a person no cat um people down here like I the first show we did was I think Seattle Washington and it was so nervous before like he wasn't gonna perform really no I'm not performing blase blase like why he think y'all nervous as [ __ ] like I've done one show before and it was like ten [ __ ] people and I'm like look I told Coco like yo give my favorite artist right now like you're lit like you're about to be like the next generations like Kurt Cobain in a sense you know all the kids now look at Kurt Cobain is like an icon hmm I told me you're gonna be that for the next generations people and yeah that's crazy you said that early on because now like you can tell him who the stars not I'm like you got it but you got the whole thing like you're him that's crazy and he really liked was the firt I would say X is the other person but like he was the first person I saw him like this whole scene that whole world that like had that vibe where it was like holy [ __ ] like this dude could really like be a huge [ __ ] thing like on a level that maybe hadn't even like imagined for anybody that was coming out of that world at that time I started but the two most I mean everyone is influential in a certain way but the two most influential pointing people of this generation it's people eggs hundred-percent hands down no matter what anyone says yeah I'll fight you about that right that's [ __ ] crazy so were you guys described how hard you guys were going with the partying on that first tour because I know [ __ ] perp on there too you guys must be going crazy yeah I mean we're all safe like I took care of people like ID credits like Chavez he took care of a lot of people a lot should happen but it was lit it's really [ __ ] especially just because you guys are young that it's like to any degree that you might be kind of sick of tour right I really [ __ ] and you just wanna get [ __ ] up but yeah well that's good scheme did how much time you spend around paper every what was that like yeah 5 min twice I'm assuming it was that traps house but it was really cool he's really nice kids I'm just burning on a blunt my bad no it was really cool you know like being part of like the members only side like you know people had their differences when we were younger but that was at a point where everybody was like [ __ ] up and all dumb [ __ ] you know what I mean so it was easy for people to find like you know where they wouldn't like misunderstandings between each other so I feel like my first impression of people I didn't really get to get a good impression with him until I actually met him at traps house mmm so like when I met him it was like after the fact that like the whole argument happened between you know so homies and all the weirdness from that though for people who don't understand that there was like one day because I remember I was like glued to Twitter watching this unfold but like basically ski had been staying at the GBC apartment or some [ __ ] and he left his clothes there right peeps apartment at the time and then did anyone actually steals clothes I we see just tweak no no no it wasn't peep though so that why I was that's why I was like after him and ski had talked and it was like you know worked out but like he thought that like you know like peep had stolen his clothes so that's why he was upset at peep but it wasn't people and like they came out you know they spoke about it after everything was cool but like you know just stupid little things like that so it was cool to like I actually get to meet him after the fact that that happened mmm and like I got to meet him like I was a person and he was actually just really really nice there's a nice kid you know what I mean there's been weird to see like with the ex and peach song coming out that some people tried to take that argument and like you use that as like proof but skeeves of [ __ ] or whatever it's like these are little arguments that people get it to it's not like you understand bro like I was like two three years ago like we're 2021 now like we were so young bro like you know how much dumb [ __ ] we used to do and like like that doesn't like I feel like those things man they don't define you you know what I mean some people take that as like Oh something happened in the past like something stupid and little I was like argument and like what you're supposed to hate that person forever like you also don't see the other side of it where the two artists get to speak about the situation and they become cool and like they have an understanding and they find that middle ground and it's just like you know we're kids from all around the world like all around the u.s. we're not gonna be like on the same page about everything so and straight-up like young ass kids and that's one of the things that really [ __ ] me over like seeing the way that some people talk about peeping eggs is just that it's like these are like kids who are like all of a sudden becoming famous at like 18 having to like work [ __ ] out in their own head dealing with stuff dealing with whatever issues they have going on and precious a [ __ ] yeah shit's real life man I didn't and like I know they know seeing people like how much he [ __ ] he would go through like being there for like X and ski how much [ __ ] I have to watch them go through and like you're just a homing so you have to watch it and you're like [ __ ] and I wish I could do something like the only thing you can do is really be a friend you know what I mean yeah it's weird though because there is that level of like where people want when someone passes people want to find someone to hold responsible you know and we seen that with the peep thing like I seen a lot of people try to act like you know everything in particular was really messy like a lot of people are trying to drag everybody under the sun's [ __ ] name through the dirt just in a way for like them to feel like they understand it like they have some sort of closure or something back see I know you dealt with that a lot that that last tour how was that like what was the Vagos I feel like a lot of people that's one thing that kind of gets lost and I seen this with the Mac Miller thing like the media really presented Magnolia as if he was this crazy ass drug addict that like was ready to go then I actually exposed to people who were around him at that time and realized like not like this you know people can have accidents when it comes to using substances and doesn't necessarily like mean that that's indicative of where they're at in their life yeah my favorite time in my life you know like the beginning of it obviously every show it was amazing the energy was it was beautiful aside of some of my favorite memories ever even like that day like when he woke up but the whole day before he passed away it was like a beautiful day you know like me and him woke up together we was gonna go shopping you know close just a normal day you know the tool wasn't filled with like drugs every day every day like I from London so I don't have all them drugs out there I don't I don't do all that [ __ ] you know so me being in America I thought all those drugs are like unknown to me you know hmm no no it's it's [ __ ] up the whole thing's [ __ ] up I still don't know how to process of all that he's not here you know yeah it's weird yeah I mean that was it must have been a crazy thing for you to experience too because not only do you have to deal with the fact that you just lost your friend while you're on tour in a different country but then also just the unbelievable amount of like just [ __ ] stupid ass opinions and all the chatter that all these fans and everybody know it's like I Know Who I am as a person you know I'm comfortable in my own skin I know I know I know who I am you know so no outside opinions can [ __ ] with me no more someone called [ __ ] James in Australia who lives in his mom's basement saying you're this you're that I'm not gonna be no my mind is your opinion like decide who I am [ __ ] no you know I don't even read the comments but you feel like you had to grow up or a fast like in that moment just from having to deal with something that crazy completely I was a little boy you know I was a kid has really changed everything about me that's fun there's but these people will never see a thing in real life you know they know not to you mm-hmm Thanks and they will never ever see one word you know ain't never gonna say [ __ ] to us laughing mmm-hmm I respect myself and everyone around me until you disrespect me you know no can I says I don't know how to hold back you know yeah I'm pushed it way too far yeah yeah that's people don't approach you like that I'm no laughs yeah yeah um Nick where were you when you found out about what having people Miami my house in my living room is crazy really so you were at home actually like having some downtime yeah yeah yeah I'll just repeat like five days ago cuz he had a I just came off my Europe tour he has talked in Miami and he called me the killer in Miami like yeah I just got back like two nights ago so y'all gonna pop out I'm sleeping you're credible as a brother that's like music I might art for sure so he came to the evidence show slept over main music why not to eat late was fun where'd you go to this Italian spot like we just ordered it was over eats but still good in Florida you know the options are slightly more limited than LA after they I said no Miami's got good food what um yeah because you you sort of been like thrust into a weird position where like you're one of the few people that has been like outspoken and really like new ex and new peope is that sort of like it was that like a decision that you made because like you're one of the few people that was willing to speak out when you saw a lot of people get angry about the song that came out right like like you know what you know on the internet right that doesn't mean you're friends with them it doesn't mean any of that right you gotta have mutual love for each other cuz like as an artist supporter does that mutual love right but I then they like you don't know him like he imagine anyone right so it's like how are you gonna say he didn't want this he didn't want this blase blase [ __ ] this like you don't know she's like you don't know like I was at Peep like I said fighting Friday night in Miami we talked about everything like dude like act 1 for our we thought about every little thing and I don't know how X came about but he just came up right like yeah he said 40 minutes from me like I'm from Dave I stay in Broward I was born in Broward and you're like oh how are you the person oh he's cool like don't believe everything the internet says you family Internet fit with a bunch of [ __ ] and people just like to be really one-sided just cuz they don't like you so there's no like it's like an unfair trial and like he was like look I got my last show I think was like in LA or something he's like I want to come to Miami for a month chill with you and then I want to go to London now they are let's do it and I like look when you come back to Miami after tour we'll go looking for X because he's my DJ it's like it'll be like a whole same thing there are for sure that's running so there were plans to meet so it's crazy like no there wasn't like not there was yeah I was there like we made these plans they were love calling a liar for saying they're like no he did not he like he really did like I had this convo with him when I wasn't like we were gonna go to X's and meet and giant except you want to have dinner too right so it's like [ __ ] like I can see it's not true but like that's true I did call those to go me so it's like great like y'all really batshit crazy yeah it's like when someone passes the fans like feel like they know that person to an extent where they want to be able to make all these you know they want everyone else to act in a way that makes sense with how they feel like that person would act it you know and it's like these are people like that they change their opinions and I said something in private and then change their opinion or whatever I mean we all have people that were good friends I remember before I met skiing I used to hate him I also met you before like before either of us have really done anything yeah that's cool that was actually really cool yeah back in the day cuz people forget that the Wi-Fi NB was before the X interview man I remember when he was like on Twitter about that cuz X wanted to interview and he known that he had already known that I knew you so he would always be like Matt persistent persistent about it like I'll be like man we go to LA man we go see Adam there we go get interviewed and that's why really the interview was so long cuz like he was so excited to do that bro that was like we were at such a low point so it was something like to do an interview with you we thought that was like the cool the [ __ ] it's cuz you - cuz that like even by the standards of me interviewing like people that were pretty up-and-coming at the time like X really really was small but he had like a crazy number of like his fans were losing their minds about it was like 10 it was like 13,000 followers were like 13,000 of those followers we're like real right you know what are you doing what are you doing and that's why I have to check it out too because I was like what the [ __ ] is his name it was weird name blow you up yeah and this I got an interview this kid because all these people are like hitting me up about it you know that's it's kind of like whoa that was like our whole thing literally that was our whole thing it was like cult-like but like we're family you know what I mean the fans would understand that we are family so when we want something done no it's for you guys so it's like why wouldn't you want to like screen what you want at the top of your lungs you know what I mean that's what we would tell the fans so it's like yo we want to go we want a song with this person blow them the [ __ ] up blow up their Instagram that would happen like when the Drake should happen blow up Drake [ __ ] Drake's gram was blown the [ __ ] up you know what I mean it was like [ __ ] like that that's like we try to base our fans like that that's how we want you can't even do that cuz if you tell your fans to go I'll go harass somebody they'll be like all your her targeted harassment or whatever I don't know our fans aren't like that our fans don't give a [ __ ] right I love them they're the best yeah our supporters are the best so do you support ski and like all the underground movement and acts and Nick and puia and BEC C and everybody those are like the best fans in the world well did you feel like that has brought you guys all like closer together just having to endure such [ __ ] traumas yeah I can't lie I will definitely say that that like but I used to look at these boys when I knew that peep a sway and I used to be like oh my god like if something like that happened to me I wouldn't know what to do and then when it happened like 100% I can kit I can say this Nick and I got closer Fisher and I got closer to back scene got close to rain I got closer to everybody like it just you you like mutual experience so that was what really made it you feel closer you feel like pee passing like change the way that you guys live your lives like did it make you want to reconsider like anything that you guys do I don't really do drugs like that you know I like I said and mushrooms but I I don't know about all these other jokes you know Nick we worry about you sometimes Russ worries about you I know you do no III definitely turn down a lot like I think they're like this like and we speak about addiction like you gotta have the mind of an addict to understand it like do I want to stop yeah but no so I'm not gonna stop but I saw that a lot I know my limits I know my boundaries I'm smart with it so it's like it's out shitty it sounds [ __ ] but like kind of cool it no I feel it was like a level like because people that again like in in these situations people just want easy answers and they want like hard and clear distinctions they want to hear somebody say like yeah I don't I don't do anything anymore I've completely stopped them sober you know it's not that simple I didn't know cat like five years that's like daily you feel me well like I said I know my limits I know what to do like a big Nanak like he does too much today like so I played smart like it still sounds bad but alright be educated on the topic be smart on how to do it and I know you can't and just [ __ ] myself up mmm yeah what about you you want or scheme a semester for a lot of challenges in terms of opportunities to turn the [ __ ] up every night game drinks what Lila gets [ __ ] up for a week it's a lean drinker I am I was [ __ ] I was but not anymore really the show like me man I first saw my sook was like in eighth grade no grandma's house I found some in her medicine cabinet and it was my cousin's I [ __ ] hated him I was like my drug in his name [ __ ] you poem right I mean people would like like my old like my older home you don't know what you're doing man it's not good so you know but whatever you know it's like I don't I don't do it like like I don't have a problem with drugs mm-hmm and I really do drugs like that I love smoking weed that's pretty much it I noticed you didn't try to pass the blunt anyone I mean can try you're on tour though how do you not know if there aren't that some people don't like to smoke during interview no I'm one of them out I wrote so kill me um yo so I do it all right fine way but here's the question before we can even get into it because I do want to address Russ's concerns is they his whole thing that he said was that he doesn't appreciate her he thinks it's [ __ ] up when people use drugs those like a marketing gimmick do you feel like you've been guilty of that anybody here at this table you know III just face time rest a week ago me too I haven't spoken I talked about the phone I just talked about it's clear we squashed it it was cool now we just talked about it and like so like when I'm faced on together I think it was weird like I didn't know what to say like [ __ ] I'll do the rest like this [ __ ] was a was a and we talked look the main reason why I didn't [ __ ] like you is because two reasons you had that shirt that says does n and lean like [ __ ] it's like yeah I get what you're trying to say I get what you're saying but you're saying in a wrong way like for example these kids are who comes and X some of them meet them for anxiety and then with jobs are worth inherit drugs so like if you stop doing xanax like you can't and you will see sure up and you can die like my homie right now be done to dance he'll have seizures every day so it's like staying away that kid to understand and be safe off it you feel me and then I'm like the second thing I'm mad about is right when Pete past you said [ __ ] about drugs like right when he died I like look I'm a grown man like maybe didn't intend it but you said it right when he passed so it sounds like you directed it at him and I like those are two main reasons why I don't like you and he told me he's like I didn't say it about P+ as a like it's nothing about a matter which premature squash are that cool you say have a man it wasn't towards Pete then I'm gonna take as a man be like all right cool and I feel you it was my job you feel like a lot of your fans are pissed off that you didn't keep the beef going cuz like I have my fans always screaming [ __ ] Russ at me on the street now and I'm like no [ __ ] people have custom [ __ ] t-shirts yeah it's like they want to hold on to it more like for you or me it's like all right like it's good to just get along with people it's against you know you want me to be honest sure if I was Russ and I was getting all that attention even though it was hate like listen Takashi get the same hate you know what I mean not the not the same hey I'm saying listen listen listen like you bring Takashi up and people are like yo I don't [ __ ] with him because of the [ __ ] that he's done right but people it's like a bunch of kids that are on the [ __ ] rush it you know what I mean like for Takashi it's like older people sometimes like most older people don't like him because of the past and [ __ ] hear me out hear me out though hear me out though all the hate that Takashi gets he gets so many plays right all the hate that Russ gets he sells out arenas he literally his albums do great his songs do great and it's like the more that people have been hating on him the more people talk about him so like I get it you know you break as a person you have to go do things but at the same time it's like you could have just stayed quiet maybe the [ __ ] rush it could even gotten bigger but you would have gotten even bigger than it and then it's like you're just you're adding so much fire to your flame like I don't think that I think the whole [ __ ] Rus thing definitely helped his current because anyone who is san [ __ ] rusts are not the kind of people that were listening to Russ in the first place the same thing with the Jake whole thing like when people making fun of Jake all he came out and sold like the number-one record in the [ __ ] country it's like the people who listened to Jay Cole don't really give a [ __ ] about anyone who's saying [ __ ] Jay Cole and in Russell's case it's like if you actually listen to his music he spends a lot of time talking about you know other rappers people who are doing other things that he's not doing so it's like that actually I think was kind of good for him to like make it clear like these are the people that I am different then there's a lot of people in this world bro so like just how we have our side of like drugs and [ __ ] and partying [ __ ] there's that other side that looks at us like you guys are pieces of [ __ ] and they stream music they got a lot of money those people pay a lot of money for [ __ ] they'll buy expensive tour merge our fans you know we slang them too you know we give you out a good [ __ ] man but it's like it's a lot cheaper man is fired up fire you still feel under me as a person do you feel like connected to that forever dude just because of my homey just because my homies got like a couple plaques and because I DJ for X or Nick her ski that don't mean [ __ ] man we all came from something from that one place I feel like knowing where you came from keeps you grounded mm-hmm that's what keeps you grounded like it when people and I've seen that I've got an underground I like now we've broken the roof we are no longer underground we don't say that [ __ ] no more like they become very arrogant and like sometimes their music like they think I'm gonna change my music for some reason so I feel like that's questioning yourself and then it just comes out bad and then that's when you get oversaturated and people are like ah he sucks yeah well it's crazy just like all the [ __ ] that we've all seen happen over the past couple years like never in a billion years did we think that we would see little pomp with the 13 14 million followers someone like he's now yeah I did you saw it yeah wife I did - he told me about pump and I was like on the train early right yeah pumps late I was on early too and I definitely thought pump was tight but I like didn't think it was gonna be like this you know it's like I thought it would be like he could you know have songs and millions of plays that you know that's a lot from our perspective you know I didn't think it was gonna be like it ended up he had to there was no option that was like what he was shooting for same thing with JA like X shot for that he was that you know I just got a shoot for it right pop was like I'm be arrogant and be ignorant I might speak about it I'm gonna do drugs and then it was like imma be lit and like he just did it he found the right people too though I will say that's a very key thing finding the right people but I mean we got some [ __ ] I was deal instead again with Lloyds who actually like did it with him you know like things could have gone very differently you know a lot of people get bad management a bad label or some [ __ ] could [ __ ] anything up yeah I've seen a lot of that happen that's happened a lot of rounders though the show a lot of the home he signed bad deals and then you're like what the [ __ ] yeah and they're like what in the [ __ ] yeah and then it's like what the [ __ ] do you wish 69 was from Broward like a Hertz C in New York get what I mean doing listen you want to know something funny minsky rob banks Takashi had dinner once mm-hmm and like I was rolling weed I have like a video too long ago dude like before before like man like maybe a year and a half ago it's like before that like the whole like he was lit I don't think he was right before he signed a deal right with whoever he had poles come out yeah that's when I like I don't think it's signed yet when we did the interview it was like when Paul's was buzzing but that was about it yeah dude shot that you guys are straight way to or how do you feel well yes yes yes Betsy's like Oh what are your reservations I don't know a few songs from him under any bumpy's music like that if you finish that dude he's a freaky [ __ ] hitting me up Spanish boys he from Brooklyn right uh yeah Bushwick Brooklyn Spanish [ __ ] you know what I mean that's like epitome of what it is and like the ignorance of New York it's like 50 cent in the Spanish for him and I'm Spanish so I root for its akashi and I feel like if you don't man you just hate in there well we're you kids the night cuz we're on that boat oh why so much sixth I'm playing it I was like I was like this is like us recreating his trip to Hawaii Hawaii Betsy are we going to Hawaii why are you go stupid hard we're in the venue the [ __ ] promoter walks us out hands us the money from the [ __ ] show and then walks us right to the strip club across the street to spend the money although I don't know if I really spend any money I felt like everything was free everything was free out there so free and we don't need to go Raziel anyways I'm on that one of my analytics on Instagram the United States Russia of course yeah and then Brazil is equal we're going out and that's where they got all the big asses out to Oprah zillion girls with the most beautiful cousin alone yeah trust me anybody here have a girlfriend you do my my little mom man she's Brazilian she put her Regan okay with I'm never having a girlfriend again what you got hurt this year huh yeah hurt this year I'm a big heart you know it I've been hurt so many times you know I feel that sorry one more time it's gonna kill me so I kind of I have girls but so yeah can't get so close to me you know no you have to be like that forever man up dude I'm half I made like a pact with my boy like if I ever get close of a girl like stop it and like you know dude I hate that you're saying that I hate that you say that because all the [ __ ] are gonna be like it's like a serious relationship you know like well that whole text and and why did you like a photo and like it's a lot of like the crazy [ __ ] it's a lot of commitment I'm going through too much to have down top of it I feel that for that I don't need all that you know I know I need to just be focused right now I feel that it's a lot of opening up it makes you mad boner book me but there just has to be that understanding level shows you though I feel that you know when you think you've had something perfect and inside yeah [ __ ] never gonna [ __ ] off bang they do the opposite and it side right I thought he was this and you was that you fully convinced me [ __ ] liar now aside next time yes perfect oh no way [ __ ] done this to me you say you know it's hard for me not to like develop feelings off I started giving a girl dick for a long periods of time it starts to just sort of build up like I just want to cuddle with you love you love you I got love man I give love I love you I've given this dude boy I don't want a wife up my girlfriend I was one of the [ __ ] dude I couldn't I have you know after whatever asked out my girl we just we just ended up like hmm together it's just like when you find one who's just gang enough well she's gang happy that they show just true way but shall we just said train late at the same time that was weird I was like did he really just say that the same exact time I did damn Trey was the crew of choice for us right now we're all just aspiring to make it they often the Eastside man I'm from the East Coast those like you know I feel like there's West Coast [ __ ] you know and then there's East Coast [ __ ] I don't ever put them against each other but like I favor the East Coast [ __ ] like the southern East Coast [ __ ] to him I mean even now [ __ ] he's coast how do you guys feel about the people next song I'll tell you what though it should have really been peed Makonnen tan tanga released the same the original and three days later dude I'm a huge mokona fan but it's like the label wants it to be a certain length no you listen listen you know what I understand I understand that the family has to eat right my brother's gone and their brothers gone and family lost a person man your family gotta eat bro yeah understand these kids made a lot of money and a lot of taxes to pay and there's a lot of [ __ ] to do so unlike people go and speak out about like either peeps mom doing something with peeps music or jobs mom doing something with jobs music I feel that's so disrespectful that people say anything towards that cuz it's like yo you don't [ __ ] know them like Nick said and also bro you got to understand bro the family has to eat well they did that so they families could eat and nobody could be poor anymore in their family you get what I'm saying like why don't people talk about Michael Jackson selling merch or like these old bands selling merch and people being like oh what's up with their families doing this because that's where the money's going yes thank you measure the families of Kurt Cobain was like how dare Urban Outfitters be selling this shirt and [ __ ] family making racks off them of millions off that [ __ ] man like that's so disrespectful I see that a lot and it's so disrespect I think the whole thing is unfortunate just because it's sort of forced a lot of fans or whatever into this Pete versus X conversation that is like the number one conversation that does not need to take place like they're gone they need to be honored anti X agenda for some weird reason yeah like I said like I said peep in extra two biggest people of this generation like they should be happy like that's the biggest record like you know peep and you have eggs like through like people's like the leaders of the youth you feel me sure sure and all these kids are like an anti extra gender for what god no I don't know I will even say to the the anti people gender because there's both sides like both sides come and they like form this one monster I don't feel like there's that much of an anti P crowd though but there's old huge anti XK for show but that's because you know not mana see that that's something that like people on the internet have to figure out within themselves because I don't know what they got going on some people are just crazy bro and they just feel like they have like something weird entitlement to say something on the internet you know it's like how complete strangers will trial I have to tell you your relationship with people you peep for a week like someone tweeted Fanning you people yet do cater I can't go see you I don't feel that that because the peeps it within the friends is more controversial because with Ja all my comments are nice I don't get any hate bro all my supporters love the [ __ ] out of me and all of my homies and that's the difference and it's I feel so bad because I think it's so stupid in this beep situation you should know what's what man it's it's black and white like the heap had a lot more friends than acts where his ex kept like a really small little circle but peep was like such like a loving person that he just would go and hang out with all kinds of different people that's why when he passes [ __ ] 15 girls like I don't like they were dating them and all this crazy [ __ ] because yeah and that was like I don't know I would say is downfall but that advantage of that you know yeah me too man is vexy faded I'm faded no matter what god if I actually was one of [ __ ] to start [ __ ] with like the people who are talking about about accent [ __ ] god or I mean peep is more selective I guess but like Godwin like the number of people who are going crazy about the X thing was just like I had to just start ignoring at a certain point in my DMS are open by the way your body can DME and you can send me a location how pull up entre where you know but you know what it is to those that's like the fans want to just break down these artists into being like the simplest things they want peep to be a saint and they want X to be a monster reality is that nobody's that simple and you know he has the real ones that actually love him so every time someone hates on him like it's like all his fans like [ __ ] you like like you know what I mean and that's why I love them because like like reciprocate that energy bro like they you know what I mean like let them know they hate him and they're gonna have some haters man the Kanye shoutout from yesterday that's rocky for the name of love that's crazy but I mean that's like it's crazy as [ __ ] it was said in a weird context because he's talking about how you know Kanye has his amazing relationship with a set Bari apparently cuz at some point people watch this and I can remember what I'm talking about Kanye has his friendship with barri he came out and said like that he felt guilty because he was scared to say how much Bari meant to him publicly because he didn't want people to come after him because Bari had his accusations at his video that came out or whatever and he compared that to X thing like he loved X but he was scared to come out and say something about it and as much as people want to hate on Tanya for saying that I think that was big of him to be that honest knowing that people respond the way they are because it's like bro a lot of people were like that bro I would even say that when he was alive people would keep their relationships with him like under wraps you know what I mean like it's like I you know what I mean who gives a [ __ ] though now like you know what I mean like if you're gonna come out and say something bro just you know you might as well just say the truth and that's why I respect Kanye could it's like at least you respected my brothers artistry enough and if not and if you're just trying to make some clout move off my on my brother's name then [ __ ] it man you finna make us more money - right run it up man we gonna run it up right is that if that's what y'all want you know what I mean at the end of the day like our people know what's up man you know what's up with job man you know how good of a person he was you also know how good of a person people was so the people that like hate on that [ __ ] it's like man and at the end of the day like they're both just kids and that's the thing I can't like it just hurts to see people talk about them like like especially in exes case where it's like yeah you got a [ __ ] troubled past and it's like you you can't just like write off somebody's entire life because they were abused and probably had some of those tendencies as well you know go live grow up in Florida where X grew up in the same conditions and I'll say this about any ghetto in any you know like poverty location and you know like like even sometimes lower middle class [ __ ] man like you know it gets real out there man like that's why the drug [ __ ] is real like these kids are finding an escape you know what I mean and it's like bro like it's really real out there in a field bro and in life in general like so it's like you don't you never know what a person has gone through so when you see people say oh this person did this it's like damn let me let me let me do a little more research let me figure out where they from and what it's like to grow up out there cuz I'll show you some videos man if some crazy [ __ ] that goes on out there like back in the day on YouTube people would post and [ __ ] like down south in Florida man that [ __ ] gets crazy out there so it's like live through that [ __ ] man live through abuse and family drug abuse and [ __ ] like that man and then tell me that you come out making the best choices you know I mean how many times out of 10 a person will go and make a good choice when they're surrounded by negative [ __ ] they're gonna brought up and all this crazy [ __ ] expect somebody to be this fully formed a person by 18 and that's the end of it if you love somebody like yeah you can you can forget about or ignore the things that they've done wrong in their life because you love them like a lot of times when we hear this conversation about X it makes me just feel like like if that was all it took to write somebody off then I'll have to write off my dad I'd have to write off my grandfather like you know all this [ __ ] like I know a lot of [ __ ] dudes who are great people but of like you know dealt with their anger issues and have done things over violent and it's like you accept that because people aren't simple enough to just break them down to the simplest elements facts yeah anyway so uh [ __ ] house tour going nice good transition like three off date so for Nellie dawn prayers yeah how's your relationship with who you these days it's good it's tight like I have my own [ __ ] like before I was like really like thinking putting a plane take Legos like a do-it thing right right like scissors now I got my own [ __ ] going yeah I don't [ __ ] going so like yeah like we don't livi turn the weasel in the mouth like we all got our own [ __ ] like I still my best friend that died you feel me like no matter what but you got oh sure I got mostly going and it's awesome you feel me so whenever we come back like we both have these two amazing markets to put together right yeah that is dope yeah it's like a weird thumb of the fans to is that they probably like it for you're best friends with someone hanging out of them every minute of the day they want you to just keep doing that forever no yeah like right now like I'm doing my American swear he's doing his Europe tour you feel me right and then when he gets back I think I'm gonna go overseas so it's like we both have different schedules that's so my bestie yeah that's what's up I played poker with him for like 10 hours Illinois lit it was cool I was like doing a really really long podcast where there was no pressure to talk at all I started feel bad I was like they haven't said anything to them in like 20 minutes we're just sitting here it'd be like during the morning now going knocking the room seems they're like are you like go grab food associate see it's like 8:00 in the morning really you think he's an addict yeah yeah he was talking about like how he sort of keeps it in balance you know because he doesn't want to like go overboard I was like this is like lean fat nick has lean you have poker huh it's like yeah yeah 50 racks it's pretty good that's a good show it's a great show man [ __ ] vexy how you feeling man yeah I'm exploring America is that where your arm when you're at home though is you're just [ __ ] gloom and despair in your room you know I just play games and watch weird YouTube videos I don't know reach what do you play I've gone off full tonight really yeah yeah I don't know what's become you play every day would it become you going up you play every day I feel that bro no I like you know what I will say though go ahead no no you say right I liked it when it was just building right I was our kid this game so different from every other game these games cause cool I can get this don't cook up blah it's all right and then they put in [ __ ] like you you can be chasing me in the game right I can box up forever grenade on the floor that's a pool and it can tell upon me behind you yeah fly around you inside there's grenades that boost you like yeah too much I just want to build and drive man it's not runescape because was it every update why runescape when they went to the 3d or another things like yeah [ __ ] I graphic [ __ ] yeah ruin the [ __ ] game now look they ruin the glass skinny from escaping that's why yeah you just inspired my next tattoo because were you gonna get a look Laurie and also dude we teleport bro oh my yeah you needed to tell you berrak I know I'm a lot lumbridge see even the building is too much for me like I'm very far removed from like the first person shooter thing so when I'm watching ninja play and he's building these crazy [ __ ] things I'm like what is this like what is this supposed to represent and that's the new cool to GE really call of duty guys leaving don't leave a comment in the comments is it a whoa be water or sea water a B or C keep going water most commader wind water you know what it is water water hey dude my [ __ ] I got Cheetos on my fingers brown and from America have you hot cheetos yeah that's nah I can't eat like anything hot really I don't even like onions peppers nothing that's an English thing huh those flavors don't exist over there white no they got Indian food over there and [ __ ] I have to just get like the plane come on white rice bro I went to chip oh where did you go to paddle it has signs like has that free peppers is hot too is like kind of oh I know what you're talking about yeah I don't know if they said barbecue and then there was no peppers next to it I was like she's like what what a heat do you want expect me to be free I have him doing an American are you butchers are you sure I'm like yea barbecue comes out [ __ ] what's up just like I don't know what's going on yeah I'm deteriorating ya know I'm not really I've always been this way [ __ ] spicy out here yeah I hate spicy food spicy interfere I'm not into it there was no no no I'm not like eating Cheetos I don't understand it it's like horror movies si you're paying money for hot food for your tongue to like watching a horror movie till I look around the room like sings gonna kill I know it you don't like Hormuz I know no out of stereotyping so soon that's kind of thing I don't like them either I like horror movies but for too many weird experiences spirits to watch the [ __ ] that their garage and all those films where [ __ ] moves around and yeah and she kinda I don't know I like fat too many places I don't have enough of an imagination for horror movies because I just don't really I don't take it serious enough to get into it it all seems goofy to me I can't like I don't really get scared because I never get into the movie you know I've never had any spiritual experiences really I think my favorite pastime really movies I'm slowly starting to do these kind of things like I just went to Universal Studios for the first time with my my girlfriend though I didn't try the big dogs but I went on the Harry Potter ride and I got sick I do go home and take a nap not really my family a beer guy that's not beer yeah but whatever the butter I'm not trying to take a butter beer I heard it was good but I'm not I feel I don't know oh wait you're a vegan right now vegan no I just don't really do that extra sugar thing I go about almond milk and Muskaan that's small it's good I'm trying to lose weight I'm trying to get it real with diesel shape hey wait Simpsons whoa that's not universal where is that you want to go videos 15 is a quickie ma you can actually go in yeah no no no I see I did a vlog there I'll send a link in Simpsons you know the big dude oh yeah I know I know him at the comic book store I went to as a kid there was a dude who was almost exactly like that guy I mean yeah and then one when I turned like when I got to like sixth grade and I decided I liked comic books I sold them my entire collection for like a hundred fifty bucks that my dad was pissed he was like I think that was worth a lot more than that right having a comic book collection yeah I agree with that difference of white people Shelley being like my dad was like you should've let me give you the money that they would've gave you and I would have held on to it so we could have further assess the value of that later on and I thought that think about you know cuz it's like I got 150 bucks what was maybe at most was worth a thousand like I'll be alright hurry up really what are you talking and an Alien Ant Farm city an ant farm dude how to have a had a dog I have a dog I used to know a kid that used to eat red and we got bit one by one it's like search for the floor for them little piles and just like look you know as a UK serious question do you guys ever like torture animals or anything cuz my girl was saying that that is like what like cause she listened stories like podcast about serial killers and they all and she was asking me because I think like her always kind of wants to know she thinks I might be like probably crazy well I used to take salt and put it on slugs they're so small that's I had a photography class when I was in high school and I saw a dead squirrel in the ground so I took a picture of it and then the [ __ ] photography teacher like called the [ __ ] cops and [ __ ] yeah well I mean I guess I understand I just saw a dead scrum I go boom took a photo that's a really artistic yeah how would I have killed the squirrel what am I gonna run it over am I like this master driver like you're making me think of like ways that I could catch a squirrel and that alone seems like a be idle loss yeah I have to set a trap from tool to dead squirrels this is crazy yeah people are gonna think we're really feeling their loss I also just remember the Nick had a dragon knight tattoo it which means a lot to me yeah that's [ __ ] Gengar hell yeah watching Wartortle oh there you go see I have a term million on my leg just fully for my ass and gives face sorry about that how'd you become DJ's scheme you're just that much of a schemer no dude I used to be a scammer oh that's a scam that's not a scam no it's an election selling weed is not brooch well someone bid is not drug Gabe sold it was not [ __ ] it was not mentioned due back to smoking vigil on the store that's far shout-out to our sponsor Bear woods in Sharjah was - yeah where the [ __ ] my bag at I got a whole bunch of pre-rolls of yep but she doesn't want them maybe no pre roll blunts not like pre-roll no I know what you joints okay middle pack that's no no no it's no minute it's gas there's wax and then shoot oh right right and they don't use [ __ ] spit when they roll it I just want to say also that I reject backsies characterization of England as there not being a lot of crazy drugs there because all the people I know and Glenn do [ __ ] loads a coke and ketamine we have the best drugs like Coke and all that but we you know like percocets you guys are not on characters we decide it just like but we do have that code that cat that everything like that ecstasy but I don't get how he would have better code I don't know I don't know I've heard from this a lot of people you have to mix pills with the codeine look if you want to draw me in and you got a distance science experiment I'm extracting mixes yeah like these are Cody and I think it's a remote disease yeah well not told me about this you said it's not worth it do it but sucks yeah it's just me you'd ever done ketamine I never did it on some white people having a dragon eye tattoo some white people Shih Tzu and Nik is clearly a PLC so saying that he's white is like saying of those Anne's white he's not he's not black but he's not white your first name is Diego you're not what you want you can be white I'm sure he's white he's white white past how many do you notice I didn't really mean yeah thing is that joke I think he was joking but dude the [ __ ] BBC had it on the front page he said it on Instagram live and you know yeah Diego yeah I was saying in a video the other day that Takashi since 9 is the master troll and that Roseanne is the accidental troll because he is constantly making headlines but by accident you know who's funnier Takashi Roseanne right and sometimes I can say that lows and situations are funnier yeah that's what the pumps going as pump is like the other hilarious you look at like funniest soundcloud rappers there needs to be a chart for that if you don't sample that and put that in the song that was great I like the thing with him and Noah Cyrus at the VMAs where he's mush in his face against her it's not like he planned on doing that is our relationship our relationship was fixed by Columbia Records I thought it was real but our entire relationship was staged by Columbia Records or some [ __ ] and then you you just tweeted it and then I saw it and I might [ __ ] him I'm tweeting the exact same cuz you said it wrong do you spell something wrong that's why I don't want to retweet it I don't know no that's totally fine it's totally understandable no cuz you're not verified you gotta get verified yeah trust me how do I get there easy yeah you get a verify every labels like yeah just sign this contract like damn about that no but you do on Twitter because there's a separate tab for verified mentions and someone like me that gets way too many mentions I check that a lot more than I check the other tab I'm a piece of [ __ ] that's alright so I'm like a peasant amongst gods right now - man you're on no jumper that's enough right there honestly like you're supposed to it's just like if you've been covered by like media articles you just have to put together the little resume think honestly I thought I did that ski go to skis label people say hey hello you know and also [ __ ] you help me be like listen help me that wouldn't be where's Mikey Mikey magician where is he he's got connections you know what Tariq should get me verified see there's someone else who could probably do it you don't tark doesn't care he doesn't care about you there's no career verification that's my brother man I love talk to death man shoutout rollin loud groaning loud you know what the [ __ ] is going on you dig what I'm saying I'm pressing him trying to have had me a host to LA date I'm like you gotta have me host this you want me to tell him to do it you should do it before yeah he's cool now God without the mud yes based on tarik mane oh god her name I wish I could change my Siri tone emoji do you think that he gets like offended when people call him Tariq which I like frequently do he doesn't like that if he doesn't answer he's really he doesn't give a [ __ ] about me as lost in Maine or is that just he has two phones Maine I was thinking I just was like that's not really his child though so that's the only exception he also just probably thinks you're a J and just wants to avoid talking to you right my brother man well for those who don't know tarik manages Wi-Fi and does the wrong a lot of festival and apparently doesn't [ __ ] with scheme didn't pick up okay well I think of Wi-Fi I just seen you ever seen Adam get beat the [ __ ] up tarik ain't doing his job if you don't have you verified on Twitter he got to get in there get in the trenches get in the trenches man yeah scheme season coming soon to 2019 BH so yeah you don't get sick of going on tour for months at a time you just got done with a ski tornado and now it was made for this [ __ ] man and it's only cool cuz it's Nick and Maxine and like the homies I wouldn't go on another tour anybody else I would have went home and slept and played fortnight mmm well it's only because it's them it wouldn't be possible around people you're not comfortable no way even from the first day your dudes I'd never met before and it was just instantly on the same level like gang you know we're gonna do that it brings you together and makes you feel this connection little chairs a little huh normal with addy what how do you say little little little little little Wayne welcome little little what do you thats a shotgun you kid what do you know about [ __ ] you backs so anything that we just found out I know cuz you know about this tell me you what do you know about the excellent Wayne thing wait when did this come out tomorrow or today that's all right the album will be out by the time this comes up you swear to god [ __ ] the matter even if it came out just give me on like four hours well you know what sometimes I feel like when I say things and then it doesn't happen so you know what I'm not gonna say [ __ ] but just know this mother [ __ ] I shouldn't say that on YouTube and [ __ ] right no that's totally okay can you believe that so X is on the first song on the way now let's talk about it air it out that's not happening because I'm not gonna say that well it's not I'm all we heard what's not happening what's not what's not happening is me saying that but what I will say though is that X has a lot of records with a lot of big artists coming out and I will tell you what man it's gonna be awesome that's what crazy to think about yeah it's a beautiful thing tell us everything you know I'm not doing that people ask me all the time it wasn't so bad I don't I would love to I feel like everybody should know Nick were you pissed off that you weren't able to get the clearance out that peep song on your album let's talk about you know [ __ ] happens I couldn't left I've got it right there soon really is honestly that record is so [ __ ] good and you know what what's funny all the [ __ ] talkers X was gonna be on that record too so [ __ ] you it's true you remember that right yeah it was definitely and he was like trying to do it so yeah I have a message that's people like no cat that's the last verse he ever recorded in Miami last verse I like yo I need my hours like you know let's [ __ ] do it so dude we nee got that recorded it [ __ ] yeah so you already have a song ready to go yeah like okay so I showed her that sounds four months ago he's like Nick this is my favorite song you've ever done in my whole life can I can I get on it I'm like yeah of course I guess I showed it to you you know all right cool and then like I said I went to Europe you in America run we didn't have time to say yo nay I couldn't record it let me around my picture he's like yo i disappoint you buzzing about that cuz I'm like yo you're good like I won't drop I once I get it and then he gets to Miami and it records you and then yeah it's [ __ ] awesome so coming out though you know [ __ ] happens like [ __ ] gets complicated sticky and yes you like that Oh a label [ __ ] yeah I don't know I got a lot of people's worst fear is that they're just gonna like [ __ ] out peeps music and like a really tasteless away you're worried about that too I feel like the people that have it under rap are doing good job and like at least like before you drop should like I get that [ __ ] like yo Nick what do you feel about this record what do you feel about this I'm sure you do sense to the bench they add like the people who have this music [ __ ] ask you feel me so I just asking people that gave a [ __ ] about peep and like know what people want to do with this stuff yeah you know always new shoppers amazing yeah our new record is hard she got with other but yeah she was smoking second true that's just [ __ ] awesome mm-hmm really you know you had a EP with Harry fraud have you had that alright so that feeling that's pretty much the best music I've ever heard man Wow I love Harry from production back in the day Action Bronson shake I love hearing that he has him being like a huge must be found and at French Montana [ __ ] enough he Perry for all that's awesome yeah but I've only heard it once 1 all the way through it's like 5 songs but like at the beginning is like a guitar and he was like that's me singing Harry food was like singing that peeps tight singing sound his worst thing to a guitar like well yeah it's powerful that's right and like where it is but I love hearing that our homies have music that's like not out yet yeah I love hearing music that's crazy - cuz people is the kind of person to go just do like 10 songs and a night getting [ __ ] up hanging out of his friends like it's the same thing with X dou X didn't get [ __ ] up though but it was like same work do you think though cuz I always wonder if X was extras making songs or was he working on single songs for long periods of time you know so tell me when exit lock and it was a week every album would be like it'd be like a straggler song like there'd be a song or two that was worked on like before at some random point like on tour and then like he locks in for one week and it finishes that out it's like one feeling that's what he tries to do one week it's like a feeling you know what I mean and then like the same thing for the question mark album it was like the same concept like it was just like him and all his people actually you know I think the question mark might have been longer than a week but it was some it was a very short it's always a short period of time and he would lock in really hard and just make music but then on the side there would be like him going to studios and seeing people or him like facetiming random people and being like I'm a remixer song I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that like I mean he just do random [ __ ] he was just the most like sporadic person with who he was going to talk to he's gonna hit up yes like I'm gonna remix this [ __ ] I hit up another person yeah I'm a remix this it was like he just try to like touch that's why yeah it was so crazy when he passed cuz there's so many even somebody like juice world who had like just come out really like when he passed he had only juice world has only been known for a couple months it's like he had this whole conversation telling juice world about great he was gonna be all this [ __ ] yeah he job just reached out to everybody you know and I mean he would always do that cuz like even I have messages from like before when Wi-Fi and I were doing things of him reaching out to us just trying to like speak to us you know what I mean there's always that type of person even with the fans so like I feel like you know that's just where I guess dude the whole [ __ ] vibe in Florida when I was out there first his service and everything was like like it was that positive stop I swear to God I felt it everywhere I went like from everyone like because the you know the uber drivers [ __ ] knew about it even if they didn't know anything about rap and they were asking me about in [ __ ] that's the worst week of my life yeah I will say like what BEC she said about like I was a boy and then like my homeboy my one of my best friends really like like a brother to me you know JA say he was killed you know what I mean I never had nobody get shot and killed before in my life and I live in Florida like I had nobody that's not true cuz I like you know people from high school people that passed away dying getting murdered and [ __ ] that's you know that happens in Florida especially with guns but it's like someone who I consider my brother like my little brother at home leo if like I felt like he passed away you know what I mean like when John say passed away so that was like I grew up bro I'm like I feel like I'm so much older now for sure I was a [ __ ] child well I didn't understand [ __ ] and after that bro like it was like a [ __ ] real reality check like yo like XMP pit was just so senseless in both cases you know two people [ __ ] yeah well people passed away I [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah because I was Witzke are people that I want to talk about that [ __ ] again you know I mean like that whole situation I was with ski in his apartment we were playing fortnight when he passed away and we were talking about peep on my soul crazy geo we play fortnight with him he can cosign that we were talking about Pete like about how like his music we were talking about his music and [ __ ] and literally I looked at my phone I'm like yo Stokes he passed away and he's like what like it that [ __ ] was it was so weird bro and so like that man I don't know I feel like people just start to pass away and it's like reality checks for everybody sometimes it's always the most influential people that pass away it's always like you know Mack just passed like that was super shitty I know for everybody bro for everybody so I feel like those type of people always pass away you know I mean when Mack died because like I didn't know him or anything but it was crazy just like seeing so many people come out and say that how much he meant to them because it was just from me observing that I'm like this is exactly how I felt and exit P past Cho definitely yeah I was in being I read on to awesome DJ retweeted it was an awesome bro amber can you miss down like a [ __ ] you know the first ever like thing I ever recorded was on okay my boys webcam I didn't have a mic it was a lot Mac Miller covers you know I've seen him have such an impact on the world like being a similar agent shares like I can do this [ __ ] too you know yeah I was like I don't know but it's hard to process everything right sorry it's so shitty and dying burn like it's so [ __ ] it's so shitty yeah and like being young in this [ __ ] it's so shitty they get [ __ ] to you your whole world just gets thrown upside down your mom's and you have to pick the pace like what dude I hid out I hid in Nick's house basically when that should happen I literally mix house like I would only come out to do like the Jos a related things you know what I mean like and I went to the BT Awards to with Stokely and that was [ __ ] weird like I don't know it was just a weird week not even thought I was weird like it's still a weird three months you know what I mean and it's just like [ __ ] yeah I don't understand it no I see you guys perform the other day that was sort of the vibe dawg I was like a part rap show but it was also a part memorial service just because like the presence of like their music and stuff is just such a big looming factor it's really like on you guys people like you guys to keep their names alive and to keep that music alive you know yeah and that's just sucks because I wish my homie was here to like do what he wanted to do I know they feel the same way about peep so like having that pressure on you and like when people talk [ __ ] that's why I like it hurts me so much cuz I'm like damn you know you don't know like what it feels like like the pressure I think I might have tweeted it once I was like yo like I'm happy that it's me that has this feeling of like knowing someone personally and having to deal with it and like not you guys look how you guys are already acting how do you think I feel that like that was like someone I considered family you know what I mean I was family you know what I mean it's just like damn how could you be so [ __ ] narrow-minded how could you feel that way how could you how would you feel if your brother died you know what I mean and it's like you're I go to you and I'm like I'll [ __ ] your brother bro that that man was [ __ ] and man was [ __ ] bro but there's actually journalists and there's actually people who work at like legitimate magazines or publications who had that kind of [ __ ] decide which is crazy noisy a bunch of articles a bunch of blogs that write [ __ ] about my brother man you know shout out double XL man cuz the owner that lady she came to the tutorial she was there to hold tacos enough so that was when I met her yeah she's real bro and at the end of the day it's like other blogs man they be talking that [ __ ] and maybe lend their little people and that write articles write [ __ ] up like if you like how are you gonna run a company and let something like that slide man like and then oh you're gonna put the black on the writer you're letting it happen you are at fault for what you are writing that is your company bro your literally were saying something like oh yeah look at this kid look what happened in his past talking [ __ ] about two kids that their mothers agree to pop putting a song together that's crazy to me you are crazy that noise the article in particular was just they just like no ignored all the details like they didn't mention Nick or anything that he had to say about it didn't mention what exes mom had to say about it [ __ ] I said [ __ ] about it too on the internet and it's like yo that's crazy to me bro and like whenever I make post like that I think they get a lot of attention because people know what I'm talking about you know what I mean so like I know you guys see that [ __ ] I know y'all see what we say about John like give a [ __ ] about y'all companies Brown and start writing up some real [ __ ] articles bro some get some real facts bro before you start spewing [ __ ] for cliques that [ __ ] ain't cool man and if and if any of y'all feel a certain type of way like I said before my DMS are opening you can save me any [ __ ] time bro that's really hot you want some rest [ __ ] yes and send some goon now I don't need no golden - I'll fight you one-on-one that goon survive we could run that [ __ ] I love the bass that's just crazy to me no yeah it's [ __ ] but you know what shout out to the homies I [ __ ] with all my homies that's one thing I will say I love y'all [ __ ] I feel like this is the first time pretty much that band will have like a really good in-depth chat with people who knew both of them like on the podcast I'm trying to do this for a couple months you [ __ ] yeah it was cool and I couldn't do it without these people you know I mean like I wouldn't be able to speak about it and I don't know how you guys feel about speaking about people how comfortable you feel around me but the way I feel about you guys is like I can speak about it because they they understand I'm not here the same [ __ ] yeah exactly like the day I start but I messaged you a big mess yeah - I can't wait to be with you birthday show I remember that round good I was so happy to it man like that shit's that's the [ __ ] that Robbin us being alone in our rooms dealing with these demons you know like man this [ __ ] defeat us we're out together man performing every night playing their songs the whole crowd up with us that's what it's about every I do I said to the crowd I'm like people tweet me able to time BEC see I've got anxiety I don't want to come to your show like everyone next to you is your family you know you ain't gonna feel alone when you're with us yo have you seen it it shows I see you every single show cuz I know there's kids at the back like [ __ ] shaking you know that around such a big crowds like yeah when I hear that I look at their face and I see the effect oh yeah people start hugging each other right shake your hands well and we do things differently you know it's easy to sense the energy these [ __ ] week poses now say enough for the youth when I'm doing a single thing except we love the youth with if even know you're not depressing you're trying to capitalize offense oh [ __ ] you whoever feels some type of way watching me right now yeah so I love vexing LXE go in yeah somebody really feel amen Safia what else should we talk about before we wrap this up anything cover mind oh yeah they're working on a project together I don't know who's that not supposed to talk about that yeah hey we have a k-pop song oh my god of course it's soaked but there's no work for us how'd you guys have us come about it was me and Becky if Mikey the magician and he made like a fire ass-beating to kpop yeah he like a pop so kpop is like a type of bead there doesn't actually have to be in Korean people involved it's gonna be kpop i if kpop influenced okay yeah yeah yeah I didn't I recorded with Mikey and it was [ __ ] late and then back to king of Miami for loud and like you'll get on it yeah yeah I had billboards up then as soon as you hit place like magic keener I feel like Korea's probably ready for you guys like to be yeah I'm gonna go super different yes like Dennis Rodman go do it in North Korea dude yeah you're calling him again let's put this man yeah Mike you're on no jumper what's up oh no they can't see you they could just hear you this is Tarek from rolling loud for the people at home sorry sorry [ __ ] we're going back and forth about that hey listen he wants to be the host of the LA thing yes but not really yeah we already told them about you I also but yo but I said that you're you're not doing your job cuz you haven't got scheme verified on Twitter what's up with that hey alright they're telling us that we have to wrap this up boss right sorry sorry alright you guys want to send a shout-out so let us know about like new projects are coming out since we're gonna this is getting cancelled yeah ended so the toilet it's lit yeah actually coming out me and ticket my Twitter famous decks about to get tickets get tickets to the tour come show em see us in the show yeah what's the next day San Diego Santa Barbara right yes we got West Coast and yeah their projects gonna be amazing yeah we have an EP a k-pop song kpop video lots more magic on me no [ __ ] in a week [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] magic shots out to ski man I love you ski gang [ __ ] yeah wait wait that's an interview we need in the future yeah and the future for show well a sweet life of skiing scheme on the way we working on that that's a project that's gonna be hard okay I can't let nobody swagger jack that these your scheme also I want you to know that you should buy his merch yeah wait is it online so he gets available anymore shout out sue calm oh shut up stop calling man it's the hardest [ __ ] man we just did a collab man $13,000 in ten minutes Wow get off me I like those numbers all right Chris long grab this flick Chris there it is all right appreciate you guys thank you for coming on then talk with me Mara it was fun meaningful people need to hear this no jumper clothes pockets the world takes on YouTube SoundCloud iTunes shop Beck see fat Nick DJ scheme aka Gabe that's why you came out his ball sack you're under the armpit I think I'm lit yeah all right debatable piece [Music]
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 638,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fat nick, bexey, dj scheme, lil peep, xxxtentacion, ski mask the slump god, lil pump, fat nick interview, pouya, bexey interview, dj scheme interview, no jumper, adam22, hip hop, rap, smokepurpp, kodak black
Id: osqQxmZ6qGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 13sec (4933 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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