XXXTentacion Calls Out Drake In His First Interview After Jail!

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no doubt is one with the father beat I'm Kate Fox and you know what I'm not even gonna lie I need you to pronounce your name please xxx then you okay so what what do you want me to call you just call me XR young dagger do young you want me to call you young dagger did you vote you want me to say in quite young dagger dick I don't think I'm gonna do that I will call you X what does that mean younger digger X I could I could imagine what young dagger dick means ow X all right so X X X 10 tosh.o means unknown temptation um as far as the the X the significance of the X for some time the X was the only unknown numeral to me so it was a it it played as like it's like being giant like like John Doe you get on saying John Doe stands for unknowns ok X is a variable like the wife lies an unknown so temptation is uh I mean temptation is temptation in line so I actually just push two together an unknown temptation because I feel as if that's what my life revolves around but why three X's um I don't really know when to be honest like okay and you where did you think of this name like you just said I was a bouquet I'm talking about I was watching a blue movie after blue movie like my grandma wouldn't let me use the bathroom no more why so you were getting off in your grandma's house oh my god and now well my do you notice my goodness my lord so you come up with this name I'm gonna call you X but it's xxx 10th I see on are you do you have arm are you Latin or will you stand with your background I'm actually there's a there's a bit of confusion because I've gotten for my great-grandmother that I'm Egyptian but there's a switch I'm actually Syrian so I'm Jamaican Syrian there's a hint of Indian and then like Italian you know what you should do I actually did I'm ancestry you know the DNA you can and then you just kind of spitting a little vial thing you send it back and then you they break it down for you was wrong yeah works I know what I am last time I went on ancestry was like a family no don't do the family you just want to know who you are what's your do your own personal DNA makeup yep they email you your results back why is this scary I think it's interesting but you know and that about you so um this is a big moment for you you literally just getting out of jail okay so just been quiet that's really yeah there's like I mean it is a lot bigger than it was before and I mean always fun to plan to do something but just do something like what I was trying to do like a challenge also know well I'm still gonna do the challenge I just got to be more creative now because I was gonna get out and actually buy a casket and pretend to come from the dead oh my god and just say viral into the camera okay whose idea was that you thought of this yeah I mean first far as everything as far as the creativity of everything that I do it all comes for me okay well why the casket that seems so morbid cuz I got tattooed on my hair I feel like I'm dead yeah but you're not here why do you say that you feel like there's a part of you that died or yeah the which part would that be uh I mean as far as I mean I have a lot of compassion for the things that I do in my life but as far as um just like everything that goes on around me I feel like I've become very pessimistic like what like what have you seen like take us into your journey the people I love like I was just I was stuck and because I fell in love with the wrong person and like like even like yeah it's just it was a photo situation I felt a little wrong person I mean I tried to give him the world and I don't want to blame it on the career it may just be that I'm stupid as a person who may just be to some to my negligence or a karma catching up to me but just due to the fact that obviously I must not have been enough so was it it was a explosive relationship and so is that why you were j-law does that have anything to do with why you got locked up what do you initially uh the charges that were pending against me oh then I mean they're not true the [ __ ] apart is not true I'm on probation for so I can't say too much because he could violate me whenever they want I don't want to go to prison but I mean the the the to be very descriptive as to the situation that the case that the situation of the case I mean they had no evidence from the very beginning so I was sitting on no evidence just due to the fact that I've violated pretrial which is ankle monitor pretrial release um it made everything 10 times harder for me and my ex knew that and she [ __ ] me over on purpose like I always told her like you I can't get into no [ __ ] you gonna be saying or else I might you going back for life it's not PBO charges PBO ppl music punishable by life okay therefore like if you violate on a PBO probation they can give you whatever the [ __ ] they want to if you found guilty on that violation so if I if I so much as simply drive down the street with a suspended license or if they really want to [ __ ] me over like get a speeding ticket you know saying they can violate me and I'll be going to like prison for a very very long time it's seven years minimum they have to give me seven years out the gate Wow and how old are you I'm 19 the only 19 and all of this is going on yeah so do you still speak to your ex or what's the situation do you guys have children together or it was it was just more or less like when you I I'm just saying this to you as a person not even like not even uh no interview [ __ ] like well you feel well you know what it feels like to feel for somebody and when you have this genuine genuine feeling that you get from somebody and you get make that person your source of happiness obviously it becomes like a they become your drug you know I'm saying this girl became like my drug she must have had that good good it wasn't even a [ __ ] dog what was it what was that me she was talking so the mentor was there everything it was mentally it may have just been myself cuz I wasn't enough for myself at that point in time like cuz she fed something in you that you felt like you were missing he filled the void there was always there will be and always was a void in my heart and it was just due to the fact that I didn't have my mom a long amount of time and my mom was out there trying to hustle get her money out you for me and she was doing everything she could like and I ain't even from the dump my mom like I love my mom to death last month that's not that's apple of my eye I'll take a bullet for my mom any day you take a bullet for my mom right now no question no questions asked but it was just at the time when she was younger my mom was 17 18 with a baby and I mean it hurt her [ __ ] not painting no mind she ain't have nobody around you feel me so she uses us and they're trying to get out of mother she was passing me Hannah Hannah Hannah [ __ ] so it was like tell you hi grandma house yeah initially it wasn't even just that like she liked to friends and [ __ ] you gonna be saying our babysitter's and I distant family and [ __ ] like I was nothing really too close so I grew up having to self-soothe but imagine having to self-soothe and not doing it and just being like mentally mentally ill from the very beginning and just being depressed from the very beginning and I mean I mean it's like and I'm saying it's like from my heart light that's really what it was mmm-hmm well thank you for sharing that with me and so now that you have all this going on the ex is doing which which you and you know that I just want to say that she's not so she's been a part of it okay but I'm so what did you go to school like were you in the streets I was really living that [ __ ] you feel me really really really really living that life I'm not living that life I mean I'm gonna fight a [ __ ] I'm gonna fight in the god if I got a poke y'all gonna poke you I was never one to shoot at people you don't saying like I'm more likely to I'm gonna fight you and if you small I'm going throw the hands with you if you too big I know you're gonna whoop me I'm gonna stab you too big I'm gonna stab you and that's how it was on like on a on an aggressive aspect you gonna be saying but as far as I sling it don't push it like I never only so like one bag of weed every my like like two bags weed every life so but you were in school you just wasn't about that school I went to school so sophomore you know actually want a Piper high school or sunrise oh and you're from Florida originally yeah yeah apart D saw it okay a lot of you yeah but I mean all far as as far as going to school I mean I was in school to sophomore year and I just knew like like I said I was already depressed so I'll go to school go to sleep and I wasn't really doing anything and I felt like it wasn't mentally doing anything for me like I didn't feel challenged not even just not even just challenged like I knew it was fate like even like alright let's stay like realistically as the parents that send their kids to school they don't even know what their children are studying mmm I for one about the fact that they say that Christopher Columbus discovered America and Native Americans were already here that's clear as day have you really do but they can't still be teaching kids that now no no no that can't be happening I hope they've altered it was not altered when I was in school that's what they were saying to us wow this for Columbus discovered America like I mean as far as as far as the the information they solicit mm-hmm it's all they give us they feed us bits and pieces I mean I could talk about I should oh yeah I thought we should I'd like to talk about so you just kind of over it oh I felt like it was stupid anything I did not feed my happiness or make me remotely happy so anything that took away the freedom of my mental I took away that that couldn't made my thoughts conform I found a relevant and I felt like it would not benefit me at all nor has it anything everything that I've applied my mind to and then I really attracted mentally has come to me anything that I did not want has not worked out so then we're at what point did the music come into play into your life I mean when I was like 15 years old I would play with it I'll play without I mean I was I was listening to I mean all the younglings are that or that generation I was listening Wayne I was listening to Drake I was listening to I mean the whole the whole young money if you don't want your money was poppin but I was weird I used to listen to rock like well that's not even weird you know I was I was diverse I was mentally capable of dealing like that I was listening to like the free Papa Rose like different rock bands you go saying I was always strange and then I go from that to listening to classic and I was weird you should that's great that you know different genres and different sounds that you like because that's what music that's hip-hop yeah I mean you shouldn't just pigeonhole yourself into one thing I mean oh yeah I was weird I said as far as like what really made me start is I never knew what I wanted to do and I didn't want anything I took away from my freedom I wasn't with a 95 I only done one job and I was a sales broker because I know how to run my mouth sounds booked her for what energy solutions it was it was what does that mean I was a [ __ ] electricity salesman okay you knocked on people's doors and they came to you know I was it was more of like we would get on the phone call the corporate office talk to it like we're trying to get the corporate office to switch from whoever they're like okay so let's roleplay so you're calling me hello my name is Josie and furry from energy solutions how are you doing today I'm good um can I help you I'm calling from Energy Solutions because we're doing a brief survey in your area they're saying that you are actually paying more for your electricity bill than you should be are you aware of that you know you're pretty good at this rolls out yeah okay I was I was good at it but like I said anything that made me feel like a slave I wasn't with it we we've our skin color has long evolved from that you know I'm saying and now it's bigger than just our skin color that's what I want people to also see there's an economic war right now not even just that like mentally the slavery is not physical anymore it's mental as far as the new world order has come in the shape of electronics I'm saying taking away your mind from what you want to apply it to the mind is but a magnet to what you want you're I'm saying the law of attraction like all the laws of the universe I study all the laws of the universe you're I'm saying and I fully apply that so was this someone in your life that introduced you to that or just something you just kind of gravitated toward I was born with the knowing of it it was strange that's why I feel like I was I felt like I knew I'd I believe like I'm really weird weird weird kid I believe in past lives and future lives I believe in the karmic cycle I believe you will repeat this life until you get it right hmm I believe until you align the karmic cycle nothing else matters okay like a social projection and weird stuff like that mm-hmm and you incorporate that in your music yes to something to some degree yes because I've heard from some people that is a little distorted like the what like the way that it's recorder is distorted that's purposes why it's wrong is wrong and it don't sound like anybody else and if it don't sound like anybody else and they sound like me you don't say any China 4-iron trying to sound like I like but I like let's let's keep you blood roll like a nigga's at the top of the industry right now everybody's trying to sound like them everybody literally every single person that jumps into music they're like alright how can I sound like this this is the sound I want you know saying I came out literally trying to to change that and I felt like it was the most innovative thing I could have done for my generation I'm not gonna say I'm some super super mastermind but as far as like music was I feel like out of my generation or my millennial for that matter that I'm one of the most innovative youth to this day so how did that come to be so cuz you know when you look online they say you have a cult following so it's kind of like wow a cult following how do how do people just gravitate towards you so was the music but do you think your rap sheet had anything to do with that or was it simply the music the depression the person is real what is real will prosper I always said that's what I love about what is real will prosper a lot easier mm-hmm and I know what it feels like to be alone I got a little attached but I'm at left side of my face I mean I like I know what it feels like to wake up someone were you not supposed to be around people you're not supposed to be around and not and be around up you could be on a million people just like me you or or bro or or my men is we could be running a million people and still be alone I know what I felt I knew it I felt like and I know what it felt like being on the verge of wanting to end at all but being too [ __ ] to do it I was I was too [ __ ] to end my life so I knew that feeling and I wanted to come for anybody because I found a way out through the music and I think that is brave to stand up and live your life definitely yeah definitely I mean it it it's there's a double it's a double jeopardy it's a double edged sword I mean I get it but I think that it's brave when you choose not to when you choose life yes pain pain pain is a yes and if you choose to suffer through the pain you strong but for you the music is your outlet I want to clip I want you to clarify something for me what's the situation between you and Drake do you guys have beef are you guys cool like what was the situation let's go what's going on I was waiting on talk to me I was waiting for you I don't yeah me too all right so look um the [ __ ] hit up I'm even more nervous keep a black boy keep a plughole I got to cuz like I don't want nobody coming at me crazy you feel me like I saw his bro you feel like I wasn't like I wasn't wrong brother hit up a DJ that I fought with who did three okay Dre hit up a DJ that off what would you film me and brought to me um he was at yo and [ __ ] Drake what's your interview he said he [ __ ] with you and he fought what's a part of schemas he's like yo he's saying he'd go call your manager within the next few days okay so um what would you yeah if I'm objective genius ya know despite despite me disrespecting as a man cuz I can't respect him as a man I respect that [ __ ] career yeah oh okay the united differentiate I know I'm corporate leader under gives the globe yeah you don't saying and I knew what I was doing when I said what I said and I knew how to approach him cuz I know where he can't beat me at okay you know sense so initially he was supposed to contact one of my managers so he doesn't do it that same [ __ ] week but I go on I can't go on to the obviously because I'm locked up yeah I'm on the secures for you for me that's crazy when you in jail people checking for you the cult following is like yo was good you still buzzing in these streets and what were you thinking in your mind when you can't access it like that must be a crazy feeling ah like I said I was always really really really big on on being inside of my mind yeah astral projection and meditation and things of that sort so it was never it was a problem because it was a problem for the reason that I wanted to be with my family and the people I love you got I'm saying it and I wanted to be able to express that I wanted to be able to feed off the energy of my family now as far as anything that revolved around my career I knew it could wait okay god I know what you feel me like it's as a difference between me the artist and being a rapper yeah somebody's makin feel hop on hop on the radio and be gone the next day yeah oh soon and they could it could try and be on the top but they can't maintain it I can maintain he made for this [ __ ] on me for this [ __ ] so you in jail he's supposed to contact your manager and then what happened yeah I mean he dropped the [ __ ] video a preview now shouldn't Amsterdam was some [ __ ] from from the UK you know saying he dropped it he dropped the video I was talking to home I was talking to my girl at the time not not the same [ __ ] that got me arrested different girl I was talking to her at the time and she's like yo listen took no actually it was my dog Chris I was on the for my dog Chris he was like yo you gotta listen to this [ __ ] this [ __ ] Drakkar fault [ __ ] that's what exactly what he said that is [ __ ] drag a [ __ ] [ __ ] you gotta listen to this [ __ ] so he plays this [ __ ] I heard in my dad as soon as it started like I knew I knew he was getting at and funny thing is we didn't discover it the fact like you said the fans because they're so cold it's like I got a piece of the internet you feel me so they were saying that Drake was biting your style that's what the fans was named flow oh yeah right you could you could take his verse like they don't mash up they put his verse on my song and they the cadence is literally just at the same temple you it's not offbeat at all and you can if you listen to my song and then you listen to the song I like it isn't a mash-up on your Instagram page no that's not okay where is it you can just look at xxx dentists you own Drake so now where do you guys stand like what's good now I still think Jake before me oh no I'm keeping a blur I still thinking trigger for thinking I think he's he's not a man I think he's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] move especially when I was in jail facing facing life are you gonna send a drink what it came to my barn here you know saying I would have made more [ __ ] D if you if he would have showed that he's a hospitable person and now he's really in this [ __ ] for the culture rather than being a [ __ ] [ __ ] taking my [ __ ] running off with it and then putting it on his album then he would have got my kudos sooner got my respect remakes take 100% rule I would have done it yes I know I know I can maintain you go I'm saying that I would appreciate in for being a real [ __ ] great not a real [ __ ] so anything now like moving forward it happened you can't take it back I made the world hate me oh maybe will hate me I'm gonna make this whole thing from people like the villains they're they do hey hey I definitely agree definitely don't I'm gonna ruin everything for everybody I'll tell them I'm funny I'm finished [ __ ] so hard like I'm gonna need I'm gonna need moist towelettes on my right hand every day I'm finished [ __ ] [ __ ] so no more jail that's clear I'm out you good as long as long as they will set me up but they said all the time I feel like I said could I cook if you guys me it's recorder yeah we go to at a shop all right it became yeah I think this anymore if you ask me cuz when I was on when I was on I was on see the fucked-up thing is it don't matter how you get out if they got a hold on you they trying to violate you because when I was on pretrial remind you they say it's not as innocent before proven guilty but they wouldn't let me they wouldn't let me out free first one I have on you don't saying they put an ankle monitor on me hmm I would get a call from my pretrial officer I should be like oh your ankle monitor said you were here at this time because they [ __ ] used to glitch because I was on the twelfth floor FIU so it used to glitch out and say I was something down the street or some [ __ ] Wow never left my house call me brother call me I'm like oh you're gonna go back to jail for a very long time if you don't get right there I'm not something I'm like oh I didn't leave my house you know in some other of my houses you get pizza downstairs you know saying hey they don't give a [ __ ] you got to realize these people get touched for this [ __ ] that's crazy and the violating people's due processes I well we know what that's about we we know what the system is not made for people to succeed you know I'm saying I'm gonna be one of the people to actually give power to it I should go just to like let people I nobody gonna feel it till they end up in that situation ain't no he not gonna feel it unless his brother or his mom end up in jail he for me not gonna for the lesser daughter somebody end up in jail nobody going for the to the end but I mean like it's sick it's sick they don't feed you real meat and not giving you the right nutrition they put in chlorine you know in the showers they got belief soaps like the bro [ __ ] my brother there's there's a [ __ ] called they called Jim Jones you pour it they drink it you drink a light every day what is that it's like a juice it's like a like a I guess a fake juice like they put the powder in the water and you drink it's called Jim Jones if you pour this [ __ ] on the paint it melts the paint and they're making us drink this [ __ ] if you pour it on a kid's you know I'm not talking about you poured a [ __ ] on the paint he eats away at the paint well I heard that they were giving soldiers something like that to suppress their sex their sexual appetite that's funny because I was gonna say that what I was trying to dive into it that's what they said what it was a rumor they're like oh if you drain Jim Jones it dick can't stand up giving ya Jim Jones y'all wasn't thinking I said I'm water fine I'm drinking water damn [ __ ] whoa well we've kind of been everywhere so what's next with the music oh I got an album up coming out called 17 mixtape called I need Jesus the mixtape and then one more called revenge and I mean as far as as far as myself as a artist I want to be able to break all barriers and I mean as far as for the Underground I'm giving independent artists opportunities to actually shine like I mean I repost I repost people's uh they uh [ __ ] on my on my soundcloud I like the cheap like I'll charge them like two hundred dollars you from eternity hundred dollars I'll repost your [ __ ] on my [ __ ] for a whole day and you blow up you get like twelve dollars and what in a day you know thousand thirteen thousand so I'm doing that for people to give to take the power away from the industry and give it to the the individual and if you if music is your calling you'll see it because then people will naturally gravitate towards you so I'm trying to do that I mean I'm trying to give back to everybody because my mommy and my mom may have you for me was never like dead broke but when we ain't have it I know what it felt like to be hungry for me so I'm trying to like I think I actually got the idea from it was either you guys or another station but they it's definitely us all right whoa yeah where you all y'all would basically like go buy groceries and fill of somebody's fridge yes oh you're afraid I'm doing I something to do that same [ __ ] because I mean when I say y'all inspired me what I should like I would have never thought about something like oh wow it's a once a month once or twice a month if I'm saying I'm gonna pick at least like two to three people and take them to fill up the fridge and I'm just gonna give back but I'm not selfish that's good good for you xa a dagger well let's talk since we talked about how you got shared the X name talk to me about dagger dick then I'll give you that platform alright this is for the ladies so I'll go at least like a good like eight or nine but I have no girth I got all oh my god I got like a ETD like my it's like et finger like it's like super super skinny but long so I can [ __ ] walls oh you mean like like poke them but it's no friction and oh my I'm not even gonna play at all I so I'm gonna keep it all case you got the lengthen that the curtain I got Luger okay but everything else the tongue game is okay okay I'm just saying ladies want to know the questions ladies want to know I like to I like to to please a woman more than I like to be pleasing myself I'm a pleaser rather than yes you're 19 so that's a good start I'm very so good start young boy I've only had sex with one girl and not made her clone only way what would you say I've only had in your life and not made her cool oh and not like a good oh we don't need to know that I can't come on my we don't need to know the count but okay alright so that's a note for you guys yeah for the future okay well I think we've covered a lot of bases and you just got to stay out of trouble stay focused we ruined for you there's a lot of these you know kids are they're giving us opportunities and getting locked up and it's like a waste and it's really sad so I want to see you make it you know I want to see you live those dreams whatever you have in your mind go for it give back be the super villain the hero everything you want to be just stay out of jail please alright I don't want to sound preachy but no it's a real I'm talking about every time I said to me like you say what I need to hear you for me I mean look Kodak black I'm sange smarter you know I'm saying Bobby shmurda like yo its it was happening consecutive it's crazy Ross on house arrest Inc like it's just like y'all come on if I say if I say bro punch me but he punched me much too with no evidence no matter I'll go to the police I say he punched me I'm gonna go mm-hmm all the all I gotta do is I've like a little bit of a scar on my face yeah and he gonna sit for a good five months unless you got ten bands or 20 by CP lawyers even some of the lawyers don't give a [ __ ] but luckily I had a good as alert mom named Robert trattman hit my dog out you feel me go get him if he if you want to but Robert Redmon and phenomenal guy um he's actually going to model my condolences to him he's going through something right now um phenomenal guy helped me out you gonna saying cuz I had another lawyer on my case for like seven months like fought like six six seven months and broke was just sitting for me you know help me mmm-hmm so Trotman Trotman came out of nowhere he for me cousin thank God for my manager um he came out he came out helped me got me out on probation even though I wasn't for me I'm not I'm not guilty but I wanted to get all I wanted to be with my mom help my mama you feel me so I told the plea and and even when you take the plea that's even a setup cuz that follows you for life that's the set of right there I got I got with no justification okay okay okay well don't [ __ ] up don't do that thank you ex ex extension I do that right but I'm gonna call you axe the ladies call you suck the other ladies young ELISA call you something else I don't know what the other thing but thank you for coming through and being so vulnerable and open and this is amazing is a great opportunity and I'm very grateful to even being a presence as well as his and just to be able to even do this is not a lot of these I make it out the hood it's not a lot of people I didn't get to live out a dream you saw definitely and I mean I'm saying this again know me to you I'm definitely very very very thankful you're welcome shout outs 103 father beat shout out to revenge we're gonna get online shout-out to my mom shot at a road traveling back and you to everybody that supported me through all this experience 33 my manager
Channel: 1035 TheBeat
Views: 17,521,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XXXTentacion, Drake, Jail, KFoxx, Miami, 1035TheBEAT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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