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today we are playing a giant game of Uno in real life and one of you will win a brand new iPhone zamfam today we are playing a giant game of Uno in real life Maddie punishment what punishment this punishment seriously dare Daniel I dare you to shave your beard no this seems a little extreme for Uno in real life nothing's too extreme Daniel do it you got two Matt this is the first of your two punishes what does that mean this is what it means oh my God now it's time for punishment number two no way I'm playing the reverse card Daniel manure got it Manila I smell so bad in Uno each player gets seven cards and the first person to get rid of all of their cards wins all right Daniel you are up all right got you I have to draw punishment and I pick someone else to draw punishment and I choose Max oh come on so my punishment is drop a piece of jewelry in the toilet then oh gross okay I have to do my punishment obviously I'm gonna do an errand you know what actually can I see your Rainbow real quick okay your wedding ring is in the toilet room okay fine just let me do this punishment [Applause] it's not my ring that's right here oh yeah she's so good oh I just shoved my hand in toilets on my face by the way what is your punishment Matt let me see it just says fire extinguisher oh I'll take care of that one I saw the Stokes twins do this are you sure yep you're ready oh no no no no no oh that's what happens when you play Uno in real life zamfam before it's my turn I want to let you guys know that we have officially locked in baby zamfam's name and if this video gets a hundred thousand thumbs up then we will reveal it to you guys otherwise we're gonna wait till baby zamfam is born oh no we can't wait vampire smash that Thumbs Up Wait 90 what are you saying sorry my newest resolution is to drink two gallons of water a day but James of water please get this to a hundred thousand thumbs up so that way we can know the name my turn for Uno ready no punishment this time got lucky uh Maddie you have to reveal a secret oh so Sam fam she has to pull from the secret pile and whatever it says Maddie has to tell secret time when is the last time you kissed someone the last time I kissed someone was on New Year's what happened all days and 24 hours if you want to find out but you know what that's enough I revealed my secret and now I'm playing my yellow three you got lucky Daniel I'm still confused on who Maddie kissed on New Year's we're talking about it here we go there Daniel you've only got punishments and dares on me wait wait before we reveal what the dairy is why we make this interesting okay what do you have in mind if Daniel or I win we're gonna do dares for the next 24 hours boys versus girls challenge what all right Matt but if the girls win then we get to dye your hair oh and doing both of your guys's makeup okay Sam fam so comment below who you think's gonna win boys or girls let's make this Uno game interesting but right now to pull a dare call someone's Crush to come over no you better not call my crush I am your crush I know but that'd be a weird call right all right Sam I'm calling someone's Crush right now hopefully they pick up hey I was wondering if you could come over to my house right now yeah you can you'll be here soon okay great we'll see you soon okay fam fam it looks like somebody's crush is coming over and joining our Uno game okay can you give us a little clue on who it is because if we want to know they like to wear black that's the clue okay all right yes my turn now I'm going to do yeah saving my good cards for later thank you for that you are welcome and I will return that favor with a blue skip Madison I drop the bomb right there on everyone that was so rude Matt well keep on drinking that water okay before we start this next round let's tally up the cards how many cards you guys have I have I have five two I have ten it looks like you can't you can't start with and you haven't drawn it Rebecca this is uno in real life I'm not gonna tell you how many cards I have hello fine I knew that because I skipped you here we go not a punishment please Daniel no it's just blue flies oh I doing draw two punishment you have to go put it kidding me okay you know what I'm confident that we are going to win this Daniel we won't have to be punishments and they're gonna have to do dares no no no we're doing your makeup and dying your hair lame for two tears for sure all right so who else is getting the punishment it can't be me it can't be Daniel I'm using a Sharpie permanent marker we really don't have to do this oh we have to do this all right Sam fam this is Temple the six bucks stop it drawn on I kind of got some shadowing too so don't mess it up this is my holiday New Year's six-pack what do we do we're just drawing more on it I cannot wait till this mystery Crush arrives right guys yeah I just hope she doesn't beat me up I'm just excited if the zamfam can get to 100 000 thumbs up because then we're gonna reveal the baby name but if not I'm okay waiting until she gets four okay time's up that it's time's up times actually dad bod what does it say down here I drew Snickers because I know you've been midnight snacking no I found those wrappers I just did that My Punishment says slime on head [Music] yeah music reverse card hat what does that mean s are you kidding me all right I'm up another dare I was blessed with lots of dare cars and keep using them Daniel I don't know how but I'm gonna find a way to get you back fine peel a banana with your foot this is the grossest thing ever I think I saw Preston do this oh my gosh here when Preston did this it didn't do that I got it oh my gosh what do you do what do you do I call this the clock use the clock use the clock okay [Applause] a baby cannot have your foot banana all right I have been waiting to use this but I think this is the time I mean the banana thing was my limit so while we want to do anything and you know what Daniel I'm gonna choose you to do draw two which is a punishment for you and someone else all right so now I gotta draw who's mine Matt you draw the second one are you kidding Daniel I didn't pick you on the last one oh that's right and with the wild card I get to pick the next color and I am choosing green I know I gotta eat an ice cream cone with hot sauce on it oh yeah have to wear my underwear over my pants are you kidding me are you wearing underwear today Matt okay Daniel just a little ice how much are you doing oh my gosh it's a punishment you gotta go okay when the boys win we're gonna get back to you so bad well the girls when you guys are gonna be wearing makeup no way we're gonna tear you you're gonna have to like slap them on top of your head yeah and then you have to wear underwear on the outside of your pants oh yeah why don't you show the Zam him the underwear outside your pants Matt don't hide come on don't be shy it's not that funny just eat it over with it's all worth it because you know who is coming I know get Daniel Oh you mean the crush that I called foreign and my tongue are going crazy okay well I've seen the Stokes twins do this and uh it was bad round three zamfam is on a bed in the pool before we get started make sure that you are subscribed I am giving iPhones each week to someone in the zamfam this was the winner last week thank you so much for the iPhone so all you have to do is be subscribed with notifications on and comment below the best way to contact you on social media I cannot believe that we're playing Uno in real life on a pool right now I've never played a game on the water before I will be honest but the water feels great turn right now dare Who you gonna dare I dare Maddie come on Maddie Maddie Maddie only touch wrapped using hands am I supposed to do a handstand on them I think you might have to get off the raft kind of Maddie and get a little bit wet I do not want to go in the pool right now Maddie how many Waters have you drank today three and a half oh my gosh yeah oh you guys keep playing I don't want to be in here for a long time Maddie it's technically your turn so here here's your cards all right I'm doing a punishment draw two Daniel oh man okay well I have to draw two punishments so Rebecca you draw the second one oh Daniel says I need to stand up for the rest of the round the water that's it that's all I have to do that's a lane punishment stand up in case you're wondering why we are playing Uno you guys know RZ twins sent a box from The Entity to this address and it was a Uno game which is why I came up with this Uno in real life concept we're going Daniel come on you have to stand back up it's very hard it's very shaky okay Maddie why is the water dark blue four bottles of water you guys keep talking about water of course Daniel's turn I'm doing four green secret me that's my turn Rebecca doesn't have any secrets guys says reveal a secret that happened in the last 24 hours what okay Sam fam I haven't told anyone not even Matt but I had the nursery painted wait wait is that why I can't not get inside that room yes that's why we put up costumes why would you do that because I wanted to pay the nursery come on you're doing like all these things without me why do I feel like you're getting closer we're losing air but we're singing right now come on listen listen I have a confession my dare may have been to deflate the mattress without you guys knowing okay why would you do that come on Rebecca you're cheating all right well let's just get inside get tried off for the next round of Uno Governor's getting extreme what just happened let's agree to no more Uno on the pool yes I'm down for that I'm gonna play a seven secret on Maddie's Secret Maddie revealed reveal a secret from your diary you know what all right I'm gonna pick the page what oh let's scroll up to something a little bit more recent oh let's call this Freddy read it out loud Maddie dear diary so I been talking to this boy let's call him FSM we've had a lot of her moments together especially on New Year's but he's no Halloween hacker or Robbie Rob I guess we'll do for now I wish he would wear a mask or at least sunglasses Maddie was that about me uh no the crush I called was thanks Shawn Mendes wait what you want someone to wear glasses and a mask like this guy oh Daniel yeah they made me shave my beard I didn't even recognize you you look so nice that was probably about someone else not fake Shawn Mendes what is he doing here I call the cry I mean I thought you guys knew that's who I was obviously calling who did you think I was calling I thought it was somebody for me somebody wears black huh oh no wait a second that's your crush who was over here on New Year's Eve no anyways Big Sean Mendes we are playing Uno in real life would you like to join sure all right it's my turn and draw four Daniel you lose your turn and now the color is gonna be red oh fine the color red and I'm doing draw two punishment and boom oh my gosh I'm not gonna do that punishment because it's a reverse no it's your punishment now do it on yourself now that's right and you have to pick somebody to do the other punishment all right fine I will do my punishment and the person I'm gonna pick is fake Shawn Mendes welcome to Uno all right here we go okay mine says brush your teeth with manure yes I'm so glad mine says drink a mystery drink then kiss someone on the cheek brush your teeth brush your teeth okay okay okay okay this is manure you guys I'm brushing my teeth with manure gotta get a lot of on there oh oh man zamfam maybe manure makes your teeth white I don't know comment below she did it she did it she did it oh no do you know where that spins that is the most disgusting thing ever great pick Shawn Mendes it's your turn oh what is that it's worms and some mystery drink oh they're moving I can't do it remember you have to kiss someone after you drink the drink oh gosh oh thank you I'm so sorry where's it at where's it okay okay we gotta save it though we're gonna bring these worms outside so they can live we're not touching it though no no hey sweet little zamfam comment below I want you to play this in public if you want us to do Uno in public like at a Starbucks and other weird places the meal horns are safe we are now on round and number five which is the extreme round if you play reverse card it will completely change the order of the game that doesn't sound that extreme plus if you can't play a card you have to remove a layer of clothing what after the pool I don't have that many layers of clothing left Maddie it's your turn reverse switch the order no it's a blue reverse though I don't have a blue core does that mean I have to remove a layer of clothing yeah Matt maybe you should show those six-pack abs that we drew on for you earlier let me draw another card just in case okay and after we remove a layer clothing I want to remove my underwear but I can't no no no no I think you're a rock and a dad bodender I'm not rocking it why all right you left your Snickers okay next you're up Rebecca hey well I can't play Blue either so gotta draw a card oh baby bumper meal okay wait oh wait there's a chance at looks like I'm joining Matt no not with his dad no no you can't do that this is when my baby Bella look at that damn fam Rebecca cannot lose any more layers of clothing okay neither can you yeah Daniel you're right this is Scott super awkward all right I have a blue card damn oh that reverse just totally backfired on you Maddie ha ha all right let's see what the Dare is let the group decide what text thread to read out loud from your phone what if it's a one-way conversation no we don't know yep yep yep read it that's the one there's a lot of other types that's the threat the one that the zamfam has heard before Maddie hand over your phone here we go this is gonna be awkward hey how was your Thanksgiving did you have chicken nuggets again I haven't heard from you in a while everything okay I know you've been super busy lately just wanted to see how you're doing hey fix amendes read some from the other side there's no text from the other side are you texting the Halloween hacker again no I thought you said you stopped I did stop that's not the whole I thought you chose me it's because he wears a map no I promise I was like hackers Thanksgiving do you want to go make sure he's okay I'll go try to talk to him okay sounds so awkward that was super awkward more Awkward then no not as awkwardness okay left okay we need to keep going I just want to win this Uno game and hopefully we can do this again in public no man I like yes moving on from that awkward situation I can't play so I guess I'll take a card and oh underneath my shirt thank goodness a lot of zamfam merch oh my gosh that it got wet in the pool Maddie you always come prepared Matt you're up this is a serious Uno game green seven oh switch it to Green Green anything else that you guys are gonna enjoy getting your hair dyed by Maddie and I because the girls are gonna oh one two all right Daniel with the game no I don't have any green oh I gotta draw come on Sam fam the beanies off the beanie and the beard oh look at the hair vote for the girls right now common girls aren't gonna win come on Maddie you got this I'm gonna have to pull another card wait what that means take off the shirts [Applause] I had a feeling if we're playing you know that it's gonna become removable layer clothing so I layered up Uno stay calm zamfam girls can still win this ready for some dares green one green one come on Rebecca do it for the girls two for the girls you can't lose another layer of clothing anyways what's happening oh look I'm not so I'm gonna take off my bra no no no no no no oh there we go get us out of awkward situation a one or a green no pick it up take it up are you doing your pants no we're not doing my pants I got my shirt hold on it's not girls have a chance and the boys are gonna have to dye their hair and get their makeup done okay Maddie you don't have any more layers right now wait no no no another layer this is too extreme welcome to the club but you're not pregnant and I am mowing the truth [Applause] I don't have a crane we're gonna win we have a chance I do have a yellow one no it looks like you guys are gonna be doing this sorry looks like you guys are going to be doing dares tomorrow and they're gonna be way worse than these okay well why would the NCAA set the deck of Uno cards anyway it doesn't matter because we're doing dares tomorrow can I put my shirt back on now yes
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 6,574,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Giant, uno, in real life, game, rebecca, zamolo, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: tLtsKKO35io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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