Americans & Australians Swap Snacks

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so today we're gonna be swapping some snacks I've brought some Australian Zac I'm representing Team American snacks it's like more kids in grade school where you're like would you break but lokay I feel like ah snacks Abed I'm not even a competition American snacks are very all very salty yeah I've got a lot of stuff we do we'll see who's better okay America Australia USA today a us so right here I have RIT's this is very classic we're gonna complain about the cheese because it's not like real probably I have shakes these are so iconic keep putting a ball at a party well you just like sit on your couch Nate them out of the box really it kind of just smell like pizza it's very subtle it's not too in-your-face biscuit itself is nice like it's nice and buttery biscuit but the cheese is like the cheese that you get in a burger at McDonalds look I would eat this yes I just don't understand why it's sweet if sweet it is sweet no it's not look I don't hate it but I definitely cheese yeah this is good this is good although I do prefer the original Ritz I think shites are definitely better than Ritz crackers I think at a party I would I wouldn't rather some shapes premium handi-snacks you're gonna dip a little mini breadstick into the cheese so have fun so even more orange cheese this is another flavor of shapes chicken cream PD chicken is actually my favorite food that's an interesting favorite food to have really yeah she can do like an ingredient any chicken yeah okay this doesn't taste like chicken this just tastes like weird salt I must leave does not taste like chicken but I like this better look I'm really concerned about this texture together more real than the one I was a kid I would love this like if I got this in my lunchbox at school I'd be really into it these are really hot like you know chicken cream pea shapes a hundred and ten percent better than me I like this better than pizza one so this is definite my favorite so far there it is Lunchables the most basic the most oh gee this every kid's dream I don't know if this is a snack this is a whole-day meal all I have for you is chicken chips which if you didn't like the crackers I don't know more chicken flavored salty things why oh this is good hey does this that check anything it's a solid chip if you're really into chicken flavored ramen highly recommend are you missed eight disco yeah let me just uh move your hands yeah oh it's a version oh I feel like a little chef the fun is like you could put as much or as little on of whatever ingredient this is what I meant by shredded cheese make it truly feels like rub ah but this is this is what I like though shredded cheese oh I'm ready okay I noticed that she put more white cheese on them yellow cheese you are making such a face don't hurt my fault this bread is like I don't know what's happening it's like so soft and pillowy and like doughy the bread uh-huh it's a roll paint job why would you want that but I think it would be better if you just have a sandwich the piece de resistance pup reason if you're not a sugar lover watch out it's pretty cool it's like a patch of gypsum I had probably like five persons per day when I was young yeah [Music] I kind of like it no way that'd be a good mixed drink yeah say this is vodka I don't think they're quite the same but if we had to compare I'm gonna go with lunchable because eligibles oh this yes good how's this yeah I think I'm also gonna say Lunchables win just because you get a drink a dessert and you get to make your own food where this is just like you're eating chips yeah Twizzlers iconic classic get it with your popcorn at the movies well on the flip side this is like my favorite loli that we have in Australia these are Rob's related so I feel like raspberries just that fruit that's like it's all little better yeah yeah this looks like fake candy that doesn't look like it should be consumed by a human this doesn't taste like anything they have like the faintest flavor strawberry but like it's just like you're eating like plastic I would assume trailers are red flavored this kind of tastes the same guys that one that has flavor though ate one of those and then tell me that that again does it oh nevermind thank you why are you so hard to chew you do have to work that hard for every single gummy piece Oh God no these people like this you will like this no I would say Twizzlers are better because they don't give you such a tough time they taste like nothing but also you're sitting there and you're like well that's what these are Tara what's a little bit more of nothing this is a good comparison [Music] sour patch kids my favorite candy if you don't like this candy I'm gonna like be very sad this this all different five bucks in high school which is ridiculous overpriced but I still bought it these are cherry ripe switch I feel like in Australia is thought of as like the old person chocolate real cherries dark chocolate coconut I feel like you're gonna like me I think I will yeah this is very glossy glossy packaging which is the best color mine was yellow no yellows never the best flavor of anything really yellows are always the best no red oh nice nice breakage mmm oh good mesh with us this is good stuff so is this I really like this they off salabat you know sweet way I see what you mean by like American got me it's like easy to choose right because I could let you just put this in my mouth and swallow and I wouldn't die yeah I'm look like you need more than one of this really sweet yeah cuz no may I come in a Bob that's like this big these are just like the fun size is big yeah Wow but like now the question is like which one is better this so different it's like they're so different I almost want to just like call it a draw and be like they're both real good I'm happy to draw this one somebody choice is hard pitch for sure Jack I really love these yellow I'm good I'm eating the other one I [Music] loved cashews as I can't although preface haven't had them in ages when you really think about what this is it's weird but so good fantail so basically just caramel covered in chocolate the idea is that like H fantail has Moody trivia on the packaging other okay so it's kind of like movies Oh Oh interesting the only thing about these is that they are really hot and chewy if you lose a tooth it's not on me that's like a problem then you should go back and fix the food will enjoy this is very splashy alright that's a very interesting way to do it it's not oh it's really sticky inside he is sometimes the flavor of the gushes out of Laura Lee okay well you cheese oh man before I hard it's up to my taste it's good but it's very hard to gain we feel hard to eat I'm worried for my chase right now but does it taste good just kind of fake tasting I think I'd like it as a kid but I do like the gush it's not quite a gosh it's more of a squirt so I've had like three different ones of these and they all just taste the same yeah he's an overlying taste quality if you like chocolate and you like caramel and you like fun facts about celebrities perfect and if you like sugar you're not bad your match well of all of the Australian snacks my favorite was definitely the pizza shapes those are good yeah the top hatch gets a good but overall I feel like a show you definitely has the better snacks I'm sorry I feel like Austria necks also cater to adults where a versus the American snack that I showed you is for kids only yeah good in different ways yeah definitely it depends on what you're craving and what your tastes are and what your age is that's also true yeah but now I honestly like had to mature so I need to like have a nap or something [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: BuzzFeedOz
Views: 8,638,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, US, USA, VXWf, america, americans, aussie, australia, australian, buzzfeed, buzzfeed australia, buzzfeed oz, candy, food, kelsey, lollies, lunchables, shapes, snack swap, snacks, sour patch, sour patch kids, swap
Id: ANlghqCMuek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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