Fast Food Employees Rate Each Other's Chicken Sandwiches

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at the end of the day it's chicken everybody needs to relax calm down it's just chicken hey I'm Sarah Beth and I am a former chick-fil-a employee hi my name is Joshua I used to work at Popeyes hey guys my name is Alisha I am a former McDonald's employee hi I'm Victor and I'm a former KFC employee hi my name is Luna I used to work at Wendy's the perfect chicken sandwich to me has to be really well seasoned has to be crispy I want a nice like flaky outside crunch when you bite into it the right sauces the right texture taste that it was like freshly fried that's like really important it has to just just be something that makes you happy or also what are the calories for my pleasure mmm mmm so good chick-fil-a is the king of kings when it comes to chicken sandwiches oh I know what this is yes a smells really good I like the way the bread looks definitely a hefty piece of chicken not a super big fan of pickles but when they complement and they work together in a sandwich I'm all for it and you could tell by the actual fibers in the meat that it's a real chicken breast which is definitely what I'm looking for in a chicken sandwich [Music] amazing I do have one critique though and that is I don't like the bun it's really buttery but otherwise just high-quality chicken so good oh my gosh this reminds me of high school Peron I can taste the controversy like I mean other than the fact that the LGBTQ I mean there's nothing else about it I mean I would eat it every day this one looks wack okay there's one single pickle on the bottom but okay there's two pickles right on top of each other right in the center of the bun so I'm not sure like what good that's doing anyone if you're like going from the side the bread is kind of just like limp and soggy you know it feels like it's been floating in like the wave pool at like an amusement park for like the past like hour to like honestly um I don't like this very much as this chick-fil-a yeah I don't I don't really care for this very much I feel like I've had better chick-fil-a sandwiches though honestly so I don't know maybe this this particular one is just like cursed you know out of ten I'll give this one solid 9 we give it an 8 gotta give it an 8 because you know what there's always room to improve the chicken and the bread are both delicious by themselves so putting them both together definitely puts them out of strong eight for me if I was just over the bread it'd be like a five this is like a 1 out of 10 I don't want to continue eating it [Laughter] I love the KMC Jenga sandwich it's an awesome piece of chicken breast the bread is bangin it's got like a nice shininess to it you know like typical brioche bun they use an awesome mayo on it put a pickle all together everything combines awesome awesome chicken sandwich real good bun not soggy not hard not flaky it's nice and shiny we got a good bun we got good seasons on the chicken we got a nice sauce - chicken ratio my one criticism is they're hella pickles on here that's good has good seasoning I really like the crisp of the chicken it's a it's a big old piece of chicken it's like a giant chicken tender I really like the bread I like the sauce everything about it's pretty good so bomb Wow at all of them I think this one has the most flavoring for sure the chicken the bread is really really good - like I love bread and this bread is amazing you can just tell it it's like butter because the top of it is shiny I would definitely eat this like that least twice a week [Music] I don't know it's kind of thin like I feel like it's kind of a thin piece of chicken which is I'm not a big fan of that the breading is kind of like soggy which is like I'm also not a fan of yeah I'm not impressed with this it's kind of like it feels like it's been like eaten out like it looks kind of like sad like it looks like the kid in like middle school who just found out his parents got divorced and like love isn't real like but a sandwich you know what I mean it's a date it's a solid eight seven I'd give this someone like a solid eight I would give it like a three out of ten because the lack of condiments that the lack of effort like also I feel like on behalf of it and like half of like the chicken is just like this like thin like breading I don't know not bad I really like the McDonald's chicken sandwich because it's aesthetically pleasing you have that big beautiful bun the crispy lettuce tomato and so good shiny fast food fun delightful little baby tomatoes they'll take a nice flaky crust let's see I'm actually really not sure what this is from but the piece of chicken is ginormous so I love that already the breading is actually pretty decent it actually has a crunch to it I guess I'd never really McDonald so I didn't know that they actually could actually have a good chicken sandwich dry I love McDonald's I purposely go to McDonald's at 3 in the morning to not feel hungry I will eat this any day for the fact that it is McDonald's but not necessarily because it's the best chicken sandwich I've ever had I'm not a big fan of the seasoning on this one the bread was a little bit just not it's like springy and soft as other sandwiches might be it really didn't I mean it tastes like McDonald's you know like you can count on it to be mediocre you know what I mean like it's not gonna be bad it's not gonna be good like it's just you can count on it to be just kind of okay I feel like McDonald's is perfect like like I just had like a bad day and like I want food that like is my bad day in food form you know what I mean like I had like like I feel mediocre so I'm gonna eat some mediocre food and like hopefully that'll make me feel better I don't know I think it's better than the KFC one but I'm also not impressed I gotta say six out of ten I would say it's like a strong six I would give it if I had to rank it I would give it like a five out of ten um ranking is like a six and I'm not mad at you know what news has got it right with her classic chicken sandwich she's got the lettuce the tomato the Mayo but we'll see if I guess you could tell by the little pepper bits this is most certainly a McDonald's McChicken sandwich I think let me see I'm gonna try it on that [Music] classroom hmm that's cute not too much playback it's not the best thing I've ever eaten but I would eat it could be a little crispy err but it's good I would say my main critique is where's the spice at you know I need a little I need a little bit of that that boom it is a little me foamy inside but very good taste classic chicken sandwich defi among my favourite ones in the whole lineup of fast food chicken sandwiches I would not feed this to my grandma I love you grandma if I had to rank this sandwich from 1 to 10 I would give it like a 3 I'd give it like a 4 and I would give this in which is 6 I want to give this one a solid 7 just not my chicken you're lying no it's not one dude pretty bangin though I guess nonetheless [Music] the Popeye chicken sandwich laughs everybody knows that it's last and if you haven't tried it you're missing out I mean I've seen a lot of crazy stuff like on Twitter and just on social media people by getting into fights and doing some really extra stuff that I probably wouldn't do for a chicken sandwich but if it was like the last chicken sandwich I pop I've you know I probably would I probably those enhancer I check us out I'm not gonna okay this is a big piece of chicken that's a big boy this one probably weighs about a pound by itself that's exciting I'm gonna taste okay that one's really good Wow the star of this sandwich is the flakiness on the outside this is so good it's a nice dollop of mayo the pickles complements really nicely I gotta say yeah this looks like it would be pretty expensive no I know when people are getting beat up over this this is good [Music] yeah good I have stopped eating this I would finish that host name yourself [Music] yeah not the best so far this baby is a ten nine and a half just because I don't think ten exists this is this is pretty close if I had to give this a rating I'd give it an 8 out of 10 because it's a great sandwich it's got great chicken great condiments but the bread is where it's really lacking it's real just like smoosh down I feel like you know the chicken deserve butter frankly in terms of the bread so I'm gonna give it a 5 so Popeyes won I knew it I set up in the jump Popeyes is the best people don't stand in those lines and have those fights for nothing I mean there's a reason that all that stuff is all over social media Twitter and Facebook and whatnot I knew they were gonna win I hide it [Music] [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 4,056,392
Rating: 4.8781347 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, chicken sandwich, Popeyes, fried chicken, employees, fast food employees, best chicken sandwich, popeyes chicken sandwich, taste test, food review, employees review chicken sandwiches, buzzfeed chicken sandwich, fast food, popeyes chicken, popeyes spicy chicken sandwich, popeyes chicken sandwich review, popeyes vs chick fil a, popeyes new chicken sandwich, popeyes chicken sandwich vs chick fil a, K_fe
Id: jWRfsHBbGzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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