Black Family Tries Each Others' Chocolate Chip Cookies

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[Music] hi my name's Bubba awesome little bubble of hi I'm dawn also known as mama alright my name is bondo also known as Barney boy I love barn also known as the dad hi my name is Jana we're just a very competitive family for some reason I was like let's do a baking challenge I decided to pick something that we really make which is chocolate chip cookies and excited to try them god help us all they don't come into the kitchen unless it's to get a plate if there's a sales any pieces of cardboard or plastic in it you win surprise me I personally love chocolate chip cookies but I don't think I like making them as much least after today it does not say when that happens that's the most important part does look like sugar cookies more if anything don't look like chocolate chip cookies with me they're mine so far see one chocolate chip it tastes like a cookie it tastes fine to me I'm gonna try again do the hit okay so - chocolate chip please not too bad not too bad at all I like this city of their cooking I like this now I've taught me a lot of sugar a lot of moisture oh I'm gonna give it a 5 whoo give me five kind of I live with these people and I gotta go sleep and they might be up and they might be mad I mean it tastes like a cookie it just doesn't look like a cookie so I mean 10 as me we love no that's all you need to know what I'm doing all of Marsha a bunch of different recipes and I'll try to come up with my own kind this cookie got a lot of stuff going on with it it's a it's hard I think handling nuts in it I can see some chocolate chips for sure I like a complex cookie that means to me that stuff I got a flavor you got tins to it oh it has like this weird taste it's like this it's not becky mo very nutty and business dr. chips but they're not just like overpowers everything it's nice it's not overly sweet I've got the right balance to it when you get past the nut it tastes like a really good chocolate chip cookie it's just that you have to find a spot where there's not a lot of walnuts I would probably give this an 8 hi mr. clay - I give it a 4 it's not bad it's good you give it a 10 it's like an espresso chocolate chip cookie why did I make that it sounded interesting like it xx in here I guess it's gonna be more spread so than chocolate ooh there's like a real golden brown on there like my Browns like the brown act like a coated chocolate guessing it's not supposed to turn that round okay it's our new boil I like how I can see some of the chocolate chip like trying when you're melted on top of the cookie looks like it's kind of losing this cookie actually looks like in front of that doesn't mean it tastes like it smells like buck popcorn pug butter it's cookie kind of smells a little like coffee if anything this is not bad at all yeah chocolate chocolate it's not bad at all I like food has a taste to it but at the moment nothing's like worse than this one for sure this one's up there you got up in the morning and you uh made some coffee and put bark butter any instead of creamer or something thought what this tastes like I hate to say I want to give it a full minute I know if it tastes like a cookie it gonna get intent hey pretend that you don't need a bad water if everybody's eating this cookie today I'm sorry I feel like I should be okay I need some talk yeah well this is right here I can do chocolate chunks of my preference I ain't got no chocolate chunks I'm still talking to see up in there you know I'm kind of add some little cleavage the competition this is like a pancake it looks like a pancake - don't you feel like a cookie it smell like cooking baby's fighting it the memo it's this West chocolate chip challenge weather and putting effort into this of this course cooking partner no chocolate chips in it but we'll see what's our tanks I should have the kitchen I'm really convinced this is a pancake to give this person a - it's not a cookie even though it's tough hey no chocolate chips in it it tasted better didn't imitation do kegels I give it a five eight base ride huh it's better than up someone so here I make this one by it's a store Bob cook me I'm pretty sure they won't be disappointed I made enough cookies in my lifetime let them run around making cookies they've had these cookies before though just because one of my recipes see now you can totally connect business you know your basic chocolate chip cookie like the ones you will see in a store so I don't know if someone made this or not but this is small it's really really really light - you can't get chocolate chips like this this is just a store bought cookie be anonymous look store-bought it does but you could taste that was homemade this is chemically induced machine produced cooking I know this cookie so my cheated challenge was homemade Chuck chip cookie I'm gonna give it a three I saw like 80 or because it's not the one homemade I'll give this one a nine and only because I like soft cookies you know if it works it works [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 720,169
Rating: 4.9261098 out of 5
Keywords: Bake Off, Black Family Tries Each Others' Chocolate Chip Cookies, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Video, Cocoa Butter, Family Challenge, K_fe, PL-CocoaButter, PL-TryingOtherPeoplesFood, VXWf, baking challenge, black family, black family vlog, buzzfeedvideo, cbpl, chocolate chip cookie recipe, chocolate chip cookie taste test, chocolate chip cookies, cookie taste test, cooking challenge, family baking challenge, family challenge, taste test, trying my daughter's cooking, trying my son's cooking
Id: U_xIw9pq0YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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