Farthest Frontier Best Defence Tips/Tricks!

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they're attacking from down here somewhere oh here we go this is going to be a big one this is an invading Army for the purpose of this video I'm going to have my city absolutely destroyed so uh so for you guys entertainment hello guys and welcome back to another video now in today's video we're going to talk about defense these are going to be my top tips for defense in farest Frontier so we're going to go over different types of defenses how they can be used um basically I'm going to tell you everything I possibly can about my knowledge of defenses and Fest on here now as you can see I've loaded up one of my um the well this is a very very old map this is a map I used a long long time ago but this is something which I can show you in action with defense how it works and whatnot um and explain a few different things cuz there's different there's different aspects I want to go over so this is probably the best map that I can show you on um this design here for the market this is is an old design for the houses so I've got a new design so I'll go through that in a different video how to get the best amount of gold and work rate for the for the marketplace I'll go through that in a different video so don't worry about too much about the layout and everything because this is a very old map that I play on um but this is the perfect one for the defense so anyway let's kick it off with the first things first let's see what type of defenses we've got in Far front here so we going to defenses on the buildings list we've got Towers we got Barracks walls Gates and then You' got tier three walls so it's an upgraded walls and Gates okay so there the there're the defenses that you can place into the game so there things that you can uh let's just pause the game so I'm not missing out on everything under trading wise so these are the things that you can place in the game which will affect obviously how um you play where you place them is also a big key factor you got to work into account and it also depends on your map see if you're on a big open field area um and you've got an open m like this you're going to want to place it sort of somewhere where it covers quite a wide area and then I'd always recommend placing a wall around it um otherwise it just get blasted through especially in the later years when the um attackers have got um battering rams and stuff they're just going to smash straight through it so see how I've got here where it's um blocked in between two walls that is probably the best way I do it this is an upgraded Tower I'll come to that in a second but that's probably the way I'd do it so so they have to smash through two lines of Defense to get to it so they're getting shot the whole time so it's probably best to do it like this if you can't don't have the room for two I definitely just do one um but that's a tower anyway that's that's sort of like the standard thing you can get that straight away in tier one so that's something you can play straight away but it does cost five monthly gold so you have to have a market up with quite a few houses first to be able to afford it um and obviously the initial building cost is $25 wood 15 Stone and 50 gold so it's quite a hit early game but you have to get don't forget the Town Center also shoot so early game just use a town center when you sort of get into year five six then I'd Place One Tower down to help it as well um otherwise you're just going to you're just going to lose everything that's going to run for your city um so Towers sticking on Towers we've got obviously a standard Tower which looks like let me go up here so I can show you standard Tower which looks like this and then an upgraded Tower which looks like this so the standard towers do less damage um and the upkeep is only five gold per Tower the upkeep for an upgraded one isif uh this one's 12 I don't know if it's change now slightly higher I can't remember on the new update um but it's 12 as you can see on the monthly cost on the other Tower it's only five um but with upgrading it you get an increased durability so it's a lot more durable you get additional range damage and additional attack range so the range of the actual attack is gets bigger when you upgrade it and the Damage output gets bigger as well so there are things to bear in mind so it does cost a lot more per Tower but you get a lot more out of it so it is definitely definitely worth doing um probably the last point on Towers I'd say is that each tower has a certain so let me show you if I place a tower down on the ground you can see I'm only getting between 1 and three plus damage that's because it's on a Level Playing Field now that is why I've raised all the terrain Around Here and Now each one of these towers without being upgraded is doing plus 18 damage when they try and get up this pathway so I blocked the pathway so they can't get through with defenses so I've got Gates so that my villagers can come through quite easily but obviously the Raiders they they all those Gates closed and they have to try and break through every single one to try and get through so whilst they're trying to get through they're getting shut down with Towers which you got two people working on them with a plus 18 damage now that is a massive massive benefit if you don't have that plus 18 is very very unlike it's it's more than likely if they got a couple of batting Rams they' go straight through so you definitely need the plus 18 damage where you can or if you don't have plus 18 any height will do you any plus damage is definitely worth it now this is quite a flat uh flat map so I'm trying to find somewhere which is not so let me just show you quickly now so if I if I could place it here see I'm getting just below the tower I'm getting plus six then a bit further out I'm getting plus eight and then plus 10 obviously cuz I've got a bit of height so any height is very very useful um the lower it is the More Level it is the less sort of damage you're going to get and another another thing to bear in mind if the towers are shooting up you're going to get a plus zero so you're not going to be getting any damage so basically if an arrow hits an enemy you're probably going to do one damage to it which is not going to be anything near where you should be needing um especially later game um so that is why I've raised the terrain like this CU it makes it much much better uh damage wise damage output now the damage when you upgrade the tower you get a plus 18 damage but don't forget the damage per arrow is increased as well because you've got an upgraded Watchtower so you end up doing nearly double the amount of damage uh between a non-upgraded tower and an upgraded Tower so it's definitely if you can afford it it's definitely worth upgrading the towers um I know they cost a lot but I've got a sort of solution to do that now all of these tips I'm giving you now see how I've got the storehouses and the gold storage all up here another defense tip is the Raiders can't climb up mountains so what I did on this map if you want the seed for this map guys please let me know and I'll um I'll put it in the description of the video or I'll answer your messages and I'll give you the seed um but I terraformed all of this out so that Raiders cannot come from anywhere over here that like they can't come around and climb up see this wall I could probably delete now cuz I don't need it cuz the Raiders were spawning from over here and then running over here and trying to get around so they were missing the whole thing then they have to come all the way around to come back over here again so it was taking ages so that's why I put the wall there so they'd come straight through and come up um but they can't climb this so the only way they can get to all my gold and all my um good loot is if they come up this path break every single one of these and then come through don't forget I got the Barrack shooting down on them as well so there's a lot of defenses there but that allows me to have a lot less defenses now if I didn't have this and all this was down here I'd have to have 100 towers around everywhere cuz I don't know which side they're going to spawn from so I'd have to have Towers absolutely everywhere and there'd only be one or two towers shooting at them at a time where here I've got all of the towers focusing down in the same place which is a lot more beneficial for me so you can get away with a lot less Towers see this is quite a big build and I've only got 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven Towers up here shooting down and I've got 500 population city I'll get a um I'll wait until a raid comes so you can see the actual raid in action I don't know how big the raid is going to be I haven't played on this map in absolutely ages um so I'll show you it in action but this works really really well but one thing to bear in mind with the 0.9.1 update the Raiders now are a lot more intelligent see they won't just come for the gold before they' literally just try and come through to the um to your store house just to get the gold now they won't do that they'll spawn they'll attack your uh statues they'll attack your um markets they'll attack they're really really pain in the ass now because they'll attack your um like Festival poles and stuff which to up um to maintain like rebuild costs loads of gold so you have to bear that in mind so they will come from any direction now and literally just run through and break everything they're a lot more focused on houses as well destroying houses which is really really annoying um and then they'll sort of make their way through they'll break your um places where you make the bone and arrows and stuff they'll break all of that and steal stuff anything like this they'll break and they'll steal bricks so they're they're a lot more painful to deal with now they'll break through and still heavy tools so before where they just come for this where this sort of Defense would work perfectly now that is no longer the case but if you can have height somewhere and store stuff like this you know for a fact that that won't get touched so it still has some relevance but not you can't rely on completely keeping your city like this um matter of fact if I show you a defense um in action when they come to attack they'll probably Spawn from somewhere else now and come through see how I've got Towers here as well cuz I was Finding they were coming from down here quite a lot um so I thought to protect these people down here I'll place a few just a couple um around um what else have I got have I got anything else around haven't played on this map in ages okay no that's not it right anyway quickly moving on to the next one you got obviously the Barrack so mine is a fully stock Barrack so this costs me a month 60 Gold a month um and the recruitment cost is 25 gold so it does cost a lot but it is definitely worth it because if they start breaking through and they getting really really close I can take these soldiers and I can place them all down here so I'll show you what that looks like so they'll all come running out all geared they've got all their armor on and whatever so they're all quite geared and they'll come running on and they can fight them all here um if I don't need that to happen I can just return them back and they'll shoot arrows from the barracks doing plus 18 because of the height um down at the people that are coming through so it is definitely definitely worth it to get height if you can get height on any of the things shooting it is worth it you have to do it for the bonus damage now you can also have an upgraded Barracks as well which does a lot more damage you can have um more additional workers increase durability again additional range damage and then you got the additional range so that is definitely worth having if you can afford to do it this is more later game I'm in year 49 here this was a bit Rush this one so normally you'd probably at this stage you'd be at like year 70 or 80 but this was a bit rushed this one um it was just a quick this was just a casual one this wasn't for a video or anything um now so there's them too that's that's everything about towers that I can think of and that is everything about Barracks that I can think of we've spoken about the terraforming terraforming can be used as a defense as well so if you terraformed a line completely through the middle of the map they won't be able to go over it I know obviously you can't do that cuz terraforming takes ages but in the 0.9.2 update there's going to be mods which will allow you to terraform um easier so you can raise terrain you can lower it or you can flatten it and stuff like that so that's always really cool I've seen it uh people using it already um and it will be very very useful but they don't just want you to terraform a square and then build your city in it because then you can't get attacked at all and that basically ruins the game but I don't think anybody would do that because the attacks and Raiders are definitely a big part of this game so I don't think that's going to happen um so yeah you can use the mountain or you can use any of the environment to your advantage another thing on environment Lakes any lakes or water they cannot go over not yet anyway maybe in a different update they might have boats and stuff which they can float across but as of now they can't come over water so if I got attacked from here they'd have to come all the way around this bit of water to come through so it definitely makes sense to use your environment it definitely makes sense to use your environment to your advantage because they can't get through even like this that's a little bit there but they can't get through that so they have to walk all the way around so it's definitely worth using to your advantage if let's say I had a lake here and a lake here I could literally just put loads and loads and layers of walls and it take them ages to get through cuz that's the only place they can get through so it's um it's very handy to use that to your advantage as well um so that is the towers Barracks that's the terrain and environment you've got um you can also sort of how the Raiders work now in the new update I'll tell about about the new update now cuz no point me telling about the old one like I said they will come for everything else as well so this build won't necessarily work as well as it would have done in the old update so I'll be excited to see how it actually works I'm going to wait for I'm going to speed this up and wait for an attack so hopefully we can see that but um yeah I don't know how this is going to work anymore they won't get through here no way because it's too defended but I wonder how they get on with everything else they'll probably come through and steal all my meat and stuff from all the uh the root sets and whatever they'll probably break all my statues and and everything else and just cause absolute Mayhem but we'll see we'll see um another thing about defense um this is probably so important now more than ever is the temple now this is the temple here you can get different relics now depending on which ones you want depending on how depends on how you want to play play the game depends on which relics you want now for me uh if it were just talking purely defense I'd upgrade the temple as soon as I can because I get the additional Relic I'd have three Relic slots I'd have one of the relics on there I can't remember the name or what it's called um but one of the relics is it gives you a 15% damage bonus uh for arrows and bow and arrows so everyone using a bow and arrow and a normal bow uh will get 15% more damage so that helps massively with the towers and with the Barrack shooting down and then there's another one which gives I think it's another 15% damage um to towers and barracks in general so that's a really really good one um again more damage the better especially if we're talking defense so if you got city which is struggling to defend itself then relics are going to be perfect and then the other one I'd get is the um is this one here so it's the uh the coin purse one so soldiers upkeep costs reduced by 30% now if I didn't have this on now my see how I'm positive 169 gold so I'm getting 169 gold a month after paying for everything I've got up at the minute so I'm still doing really really well as you can see that's why I've got loads and loads of gold that is because of this it's reduced it by 30% now that is a massive massive bonus that's a big help especially if you're looking to um have a big city with big defenses that is a massive massive help now in the uh trading center I've obviously got 4,100 and I've got quite a lot of gold up there as well so as you can see I'm producing a lot see this was a rushed build where I've got a lot of bricks a lot of heavy tools I could sell them for so much money I could sell absolutely loads of them you probably only need a little bit at a time um yeah I've got absolutely loads of everything 44 sores I've got loads of Furnitures you can sell them for really really high amounts of gold um yeah you can sell you can sell a lot of things for gold but if you're positive gold it will help with the build cuz don't forget each one of these costs a lot to a lot a lot to keep and maintain um monthly costs so uh to get these relics just in case you're wondering um you can either there's there's things around the map which are called temples which you uh go and um explore and then it will give you a relic but don't forget now just be aware that some of them have Raiders in that they camp out in so you might have to create a Barracks get all the soldiers geared up and then send them out to to fight them kill them and then you can go and get the uh The Relic so just be just be mindful of that if you haven't got any near I'm just trying to look now this is an old map so probably not going to have any on but if you haven't got any around then the other way you can do it is from Traders now each Trader that comes in they'll have it um right down at the bottom of what they're offering uh A Relic so as long as you got the temple up you'll be able to buy it um and each one has a different um different Relic so you just have to keep an eye out for them but they are very very expensive they can be between sort of 2,000 gold and maybe 6,000 gold it depends so make sure you have a lot of gold for the one you want um yeah other than that I don't know what else there is to explain I've spoken about how the Raiders attack and what they go for so now you've got to be careful something like this won't work as well um I've spoken everything about the barracks and the towers my main top tip will probably be try and upgrade everything you possibly can because the more you upgrade the more damage they do um and it's so much more beneficial if you have a big pool of workers like me I've got 74 laborers um let's up the builders a little bit um if I have got 74 laborers so I've got spare people if you have spare people then definitely get two in each Tower cuz that helps instead of one arrow shooting down at a time you've got two so let's say you're dealing I don't know 10 damage to a Soldier um you're now dealing 20 damage to Soldier so it's it's much more beneficial um yeah I'm not worried about the buildings they're all breaking down and they're all not working but I'm not worried about that I'm just waiting for a raid to happen so they can uh so I can show you they're going to come from oh that's another thing this is very very important that's just reminded me um I was going to say they can only come from one or two places over here and over here like over this sort of way that is because of field of view now here I've got field of view here I haven't that is the difference between field of view field of view is places that I can see because I've got buildings or people or anything near it see see now how it's opening up a little bit that's now field of view but because I haven't got anything permanently there that will go again as soon as they walk away see how that's happening when they walk in that is called field of view now to keep field of VI the best possible way to do it is probably placing a tower down and then let that Tower build you can as as of now you don't have to pay for that Tower you can disable the tower so it stops working and but keep the building there that then will give you field of view why field of view is so important is because Raiders cannot spawn in a field of view like they can't spawn here they have to spawn here they can't spawn in a field of view so anywhere where I've got field of view they can't spawn so if you're doing a big build and in the update you're going to use terraforming mod to terraform a sort of section halfway across the map and then leave one big opening for them to get through leave the other half of the map unexplored then that gives the Raiders the chance to spawn there instead of spawning in the middle of your city which obviously would be not ideal if they just spawned randomly in the middle of your sea so you can control where the Raiders Spawn from now that is probably more beneficial for uh big builds if you've only got a tiny City in a tiny build that probably would help but for me the mountain I know is here so I could probably uh terraform that mountain especially if I had the mod I could do it really easily but even still without it I could terraform that mountain over here to the lake so they can't come through this way then I'd put towers down over here everywhere over here so I had field of view so they couldn't spawn on this side and then the only place I Spawn from is anywhere up here see how I haven't got field of view here or I haven't got field of view here and I haven't even explored it over here that's that will then give them the opportunity T to opportunity T that will give them the opportunity to spawn in this part of the map and not over here like not in the field of view areas obviously they can't spawn there cuz that's a lake so yeah if hopefully that makes sense I don't know if I'm just rambling on there and not even make any sense but hopefully that makes sense ah here we go I've got 108 Raiders attacking and they're attacking see how I didn't have field of view here this is where they're attacking from they're attacking from down here somewhere oh here we go this is going to be a big one this is an invading Army so if you haven't seen this I don't know what this is this is um let me pause the game because they're going to be heavily I don't know if this is a a separate raid this is normally um a big raid which if we don't normally it's more beneficial to pay them to not pay them because they're really heavily geared and they take a lot of damage before they die normally it's better to pay them but for that amount of gold I'm going to for the purpose of this video I'm going to have my city absolutely destroyed so uh so for your guys entertainment because they're probably going to destroy everything with the new update they're going to go for everything they're not just going to go for my gold they're going to go for everything so they're probably going to destroy everything but I don't know if this is a separate raid I don't know if I've got 108 Raiders and the invading army or the this is the invading Army cuz I can see them moving um in the corner where are they yeah I can see them moving over here they don't look as geared as they normally are so I don't know if it's the same I'm going to deny the payment I'm going to get everyone ready and hideing in the Town Center just in case uh I'm going to boot it down to times 2 speed and we'll see how this goes now they're spawning from this side there's probably a load spawning from the other side as well um no maybe not right let's see how this goes probably not going to go very well I don't know if this is a separate Army that's the thing see how I'm getting let's boot this down to spawn speed see I'm getting quite a lot of damage Now 46 damage that is a massive amount of damage to these people oh they walk straight around that it's not terraformed enough they walk straight around that one and don't forget to upgrade these as well because they do a lot that there is uh 1,200 health and then the normal one is only 6 50 so it does a lot more hit it's got a lot more hit points so it takes them a lot longer to break through see how they're getting sent away now you got two shooting down for every single one oh buildings are getting destroyed where are they where are they attacking from are they attacking from somewhere else oh no I think it's the buildings that broke down cuz of the uh um what do you call it they're not um they're not happy about the uh condition they're not they're not up to the the meat so they're going to leave but I don't care cuz this isn't the city I'm using but that was how many did I killed then 48 Raiders have been killed so they're still attacking somewhere now where are where are they coming from don't know what they're attacking 50 rers oh here they go they they broke through here this is the other side they come from see how they got the battering rams and they're absolutely destroying everything that is a big see that's another thing as well see I'm talking too quickly cuz I got should explain but they get confused they get drawn into a tower if a tower is shooting them they'll stop where they were going and they'll get drawn to that Tower see how now they've been shot they'll turn around and then come to this Tower unless they've been shot too much and then they'll keep walking um yeah that they're probably going to break through that and destroy that with the battering ram they're going to destroy all of that as well another thing to bear in mind of there's a there's issues with clipping and see stuff like this there's an issue with it so so if the Raiders are standing in there they'll probably not get any hits on them uh there's a little glitch with that for some reason so what you need to do is manage walls mark them all and then click rebuild see how all that Rubble goes that then allows them to be hit again by the towers so that's a big uh big help I'm not sure what they're running away for where they're going they're just running um yeah they're still attacking see see what I'm saying though they didn't get anywhere clo they didn't even break the First wall so it's so good to have that advanced um height on the build yeah see see how they're not getting hit here this is exactly what I'm talking about see a lot of arrows are coming down but not a lot of them are getting hit because I haven't rebuilt this it allows the rubble to go and then see how now they're getting hit a lot more oh yeah I need to rebuild that one too but they'll get see how everyone hit then everyone hit again then every single hit hit again then there's a little issue with the uh clipping so it's yeah developers have got to work on it but they're probably going to break that slowly but surely um if you kill enough of the Raiders they'll tend to run away so they'll just run out um but you can confuse the Raiders as well see how now they're breaking through these really slowly and stupidly um they're breaking through them you can and he's coming through here you can confuse the Raiders of where to go if you have a load of walls and if you have gaps in certain places and gaps in not places so he see that's it look he's already broken that wall so he could go around but he's going to break that one cuz he thinks that's the quickest way through when he could just come around and break one wall and be all the way through he's now going to have to break two walls to get around and they're going to go and help him see so you can confuse the Raiders a lot by doing stuff like this um so if I had a load of towers over here they'd be shooting them the whole time and causing a lot of damage see what I mean now he's going over here so yeah you can confuse the Raiders a lot as well but um my top tips probably early game uh for the defense is Hunters hunters will get you food but the hunters cabin they also have bows and arrows so if you have bows and arrows with the hunters they can also shoot and attack um I probably got Hunters somewhere near here I probably should yeah I got a hunter here so he this person here can attack the Raiders as well see they didn't get that Tower in the end he stood strong um yeah so the hunters and probably one Tower would be enough um I'm not sure what they shoot are they shooting this I'm not sure what they sh what what I'm not sure what they're doing at all I don't really know what's going on um I think they got very confused and they just running Here There and Everywhere but this this was a very big raid um this was a very very big see look he went all the way through there for no reason so you can confuse them so if I did have defenses shooting down on them there it would have been much more beneficial for me to confuse them like that while they're getting shot the whole time rather than going for the defenses so they're coming through here they're probably going to break this now because they got the battering ram if you ever see a battering ram on its own without a load of soldiers Around It Go and rush it Rush attack it and just destroy it because they do the tamas tamas the towers and the uh Barracks don't really do a lot of damage to it but Soldiers with swords will do a lot of damage to it so um see how a lot of them are coming back they're getting shot shot and they're coming back is because they're getting drawn into the um the tower yeah he'll probably he'll probably destroy this now um they have got they're probably going to have to run cuz otherwise they're going to die are they going to stand there and fight no they're going to run yeah that's fine that's fair enough hopefully they make it all the way through and see normally now with the update they attack all of this stuff so but they're not doing it now maybe cuz this was an old map but yeah they're probably not even going to make it past the town cent They they're not going to have any chance coming up there but if I I can probably take these people out and put them over here um if they commit if if you kill a certain amount of them normally by now they'll all just run away but probably because this was a um a big attack from that group they're not going to do it so again you can use the Town Center as your uh as a defense as well if you want don't forget you can use that early game that's still shoots uh but just make sure you click on this button here cuz it will send the villagers in and they'll shoot out yeah see I've killed enough of them now they're all running away yeah they're all running away now I've killed enough of them um literally just before my soldiers got there as well see how they're now shooting soldiers are shooting as well yeah look they're very geared they've got they've got a lot of gear they got a lot of clubs yeah let's pause that they got they got bone arrows they got full metal gear and they've got uh clubs as well so yeah they they're goodar they're going to run away from them they're going to chase them all the way down right that is everything I can possibly explain in this um in this video I survived the attack I didn't get absolutely destroyed like I thought I would so I survived I made it through bar a couple of rebuilds I've got to do here you go this is what it cost to rebuild an upgraded Watchtower 18 uh Stone 10 iron 170 gold and 10 B WS that's not too much doesn't cost a lot but if they destroy loads and loads of them it will cost a lot so you've got to weigh that up pros and cons but um yeah thanks for watching guys we killed 75 of them two uh how many grades they kill of me I'll wait for the message to go so I can actually see but yeah we killed quite a lot of them uh we managed to survive so I'm happy with that not too bad the attack is over anyway guys thanks for watching this video hopefully it helped um if you made it to the end of video please like this video uh to let me know um it'd be much appreciated but thanks guys for watching and I'll catch you all in the next one
Channel: RMG
Views: 553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4EYreLZ3IA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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