Farthest Frontier: Best Defense Strategy

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[Music] hey there welcome back Manish here and today we have for this Frontier and let me show you most Invincible creation there can be and I'm not exactly exaggerating this is true let me show you and you'll see why um I am currently writers attacking already so I can show you how they how this thing stands against them and these are not this is not the invading garment they have stronger soldiers this is basically casual let me speed up so and I need to point out one particular thing I'll try I need them to get closer which is not that easy to do because they die really fast why because a lot of information coming through to you um so get ready so you see these arrows that are being shot and they land on ground or basically in any Terran they will never go through you can shoot through buildings yes but you cannot shoot through the Terran be aware of that this is where this invincibility comes in because nothing can beat the speed Hill you can't enemy can't get up there if I want to I can close it and nothing no damage goes through it so yeah that's the trick but I'll the most important part is later in the timestamps you will you can skip to the part where I teach you how and show you how to build something crazy like this no mods no cheats nothing involved just pure awesomeness right so what am I basically the tactics using here the tactics is simple let me find the other raiding party there should be two yeah whenever they attack until the point when when they get to your town center or something they will be spread out in one Thin Line which means when they reach your volley of death they will be one by one approaching and absolutely easily killed that's Point number one used in the study on number two why this silly thing why I built it like that because any direction anywhere you see even here at the entrance I have plus 18 damage boost that that's the maximum you can have you can't have more which means as you can see all the turrets basically are absolutely just decimating all your enemies and that's it that's it was that of course also one thing I need to point out uh game is a little bit laggy but I am showing you that I don't have damn it sometimes they just hate my statues so I need to rebuild but it's still cheaper than pay Etc so I don't have any defense anywhere else that's why I had to put my don't Center Vault um Warehouse where I store my goodies um trading center all the valuables are up here so they have really high interest to come and directly foreign yeah felt fall all in my track stupid me and I couldn't just English bad so no I am bad at English and this is the tactics which is used as you can see works like a charm they really want my goodies I am I had tried tactics where all this road is with the Fortified Gates which is absolutely incredibly strong even if they managed to get to the um to these fortified dates but sometimes they go around and just stuck in the in they try to the pathfinding basically broke breaks so uh there's a lot of test and trial until I basically came up with this one gate at the top it's enough for now uh probably I will need to scale when when it comes to the invading Army and all that but this is that absolutely amazing thing I have built as you can see even these funny things when they arrive I mean they could just not you know so that's it now the most important part five minutes already spent um that was not the goal but had to do it so how to build something like this I will Pro show you on a live action Mountain so what you do is you find the mountain and Hill you want to populate so we will be using flattening tool and flattening tool when used correctly let's call it abuse you can actually write rise the Taran or lower it not just flatten it so how to do that you use the simple logic how this flattening tool works you find the top area you see I'm just marking so I see where lines go up and down so this is the top one tile what I'm doing is making it flat so once you have one flat this tile you'll how how this tactic works whatever area you mark the calculation goes like all the corners are the height of them calculated and then average of that is basically ordered for each and every one of them so when this one tile will be flat in a moment I already make the next tasks you'll see you'll see I'm just rushing so I know what I'm doing so let me show this one so I'll now all four corners are flat now next task is you see we have one flat and this one corner basically goes downhills so when averaged out it is almost as the highest points so this lowest part will be really brought up on a level one of these and it it all depends basically on average the more tiles you have uphills and one tile downhills the the higher it will be raised let me check how the raid went oh one villager kill one building destroyed I think it sounds good so the only thing that the only abusing we are doing here is math geometry and some awesomeness I think and you basically repeat from this point you already know everything you need to know for example I I'm just demonstrating how now I have two tiles here two tiles here and in this scenario you see I have so many corners at high level that this one will just be brought up and I will have this nice pattern and as you can see I'm already I'm already ordering there's some trees I can't see nothing through them but should be fine should be fine something like that stupid winter and that's it basically from this point the the more tiles you have at the top the easier it is to bring one additional tile or line of tiles up and that's it from this point you just proceed and that is the whole trick also reminder you can do opposite if you need to lower some tiles for example you see this one Hill it's I don't like it for example and what you do you do the opposite you find a piece of tiles at the bottom of the hill let's make these eight tiles and I am flattening them out just you know for reasons yeah of course they destroyed my turret but fine fine okay kill the bear and stupid winter came but anyways I still should be able to demonstrate and you get the idea um anything to keep uh keep uh eye on is when you make this steep basically some I don't know how to call this ridiculous thing uh just just an obvious thing none not a single one not enemy not your villagers can climb this one so you need some some nice path uphills so that you need to be building also in parallel as soon as there's too steep this top area will not be accessible so be aware of that as it happened too often to be honest so where was my tile here it's enough I think you get the part I want this video to be really short because otherwise I'm always having those long videos I think I managed to explain how this works you see what I'm doing now is I'm adding three trials at once because I have nine tiles top flat area so I can actually speed up a little bit and I can do that on all sides because those middle those middle three tiles will stay the same approximately so in each Direction I'm raising basically like like little wings to the top level and here you see we are doing opposite the opposite you see I'm I'm just marking so you see what will happen when they flatten you see and we can Mark a lot of lower level tiles then add one line and that one line will be brought down and then basically proceed proceed proceed one by one you can't just Mark like this because remember with this what I'm just marking Mark now it's calculating averages and here I have a lot of tiles up hills a lot of styles downhills it will do nothing it will just actually flatten so you to abuse this tool you need to go like this a lot of tiles up hills and one downhill again and again until you have a nice flat surface at the top sorry it's lagging a little bit because yeah the game still is quite heavy on the PC and that's it guys that's it I will not take more of your time um build it test it it's fun especially when the flattening tool is meant to be flattening things not giving you raising up the mountain up to the point where all enemies are down there and you can shoot his extra damage to them so like it and yeah if you have any questions regarding the game um I am playing the latest of course version because now is the great time to get back in this game they have fixed most three things that was annoying one was trees missing now you can plant trees with which is Forester Camp War Camp when it's upgraded you can plant trees so trees are not problem anymore then there are few rare never ending veins for every single material that is on a map so that's another thing you can build it indefinitely and the last thing is workers are you can Auto refill so you don't have to worry about this so all three main issues in this game that was that basically prohibited you to enjoy it is gone is the latest updates and all that and now you have one more thing why to come back because you can build some absolutely ridiculous things on top of the modern all right guys uh yeah questions in a comment section I'll always answer to all of them so we'll meet in other videos and cheers
Channel: MLMariss
Views: 7,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier guide, farthest frontier tips, farthest frontier gameplay, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier base layout, farthest frontier beginner guide, farthest frontier how to, farthest frontier tutorial, farthest frontier farming and base design
Id: bME_-Y4GU0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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