How To Get RICH And FAST!!! Farthest Frontier!!!

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hello and welcome back to another video today's video we're going to be talking about gold how to make unlimited gold and how to make it very very quickly in Fest runs here now gold is used for many many different things um of course one being able to trade buy and sell certain items and the other uh to be able to upgrade certain items to upgrade stuff you going to need gold to build a bigger population and a bigger city you're going to need gold so without further Ado let's get started so first things first the very start of the game the only way you're going to be able to make gold is by placing a market down and having houses in that radius for that particular Market multiple markets will do multiple houses as long as they're in the same radius now early game marketplaces will only give you one gold per house for a level for a tier one house so every one tier one house you've got in the radius is one gold this one here as you can see I'm getting 54 monthly gold but that is because they're tier three some of them yeah some of them borderline tier 4 um but they're tier three houses some of them are tier two so you get more gold for the higher tier of course um as long as you meet the requirements I'm not going to go uh diving into the requirements in depth if you want if you guys want that information then please let me know do that in a different video but like I say the tier 2 houses give you more gold then tier three give you even more tier four of course give you even more than that um another thing to note is that not only am I getting gold because of the upgraded housing I've also got something called uh luxury taxes large house taxes and Homestead taxes so as you can see in the top right of my screen now those are the different things that I'm actually acquiring gold for I've got taxes for the markets Square which is generally everything put together then you've got a separate tax which is luxury tax now that also gives you gold luxury items can be glasswar it can be candles Pottery soap stuff just just luxury items the more luxury items even uh Furniture the more of them you have the more your increased luxury tax income will be so that is number one that is the very first way you can make gold in Frontier soon as you got a mark it down Place some houses in it you're already starting to make gold now moving on swiftly to number two this is the second and probably my favorite way of making gold in the game once you've established a good sort of settlement and you've got enough people um and you've got a nice housing layout set up and you're getting gold from the market I also like to have at least one but preferably two production items that I'm going to mass produce to sell in the trading center so that can be a range of different things depending on the map you're on if you're on a map where you've got loads and loads of um loads and loads of clay you can Mass produce or acquire clay loads and loads of it have loads and loads of workers on it and then you can sell clay like a raw resource if you if you like uh in terms of iron clay stone any anything like that any raw resources are good to start with for me personally I like to especially early game whack down a sill have all my workers on it I like to whack down at least one but two if is preferable and then Mass produce wooden planks wooden planks sell quite well they do sell quite well once you uh they're easy very very easy to produce all you need is uh wood so the wood gets chopped down this is the setup that I have so this is how I like to produce my wooden planks I have a Forester Camp next to all the Sawmills they're cutting down all the trees or to to acquire wood they store it in the storage the large Stockyard which I have just wood PR pretty much again another one which I have for other production buildings but I like to keep it all very very close so the production level is very high they cut the wood here here they store it in there then these people who are working in here go and click the wood bring it back turn into planks so it's all very very efficient and I like to have that relatively close to my trading center where I'm going to sell it cuz if then if this is miles away from this then they're going to take ages to run all the gear back and forwards and you're never going to be able to sell them but of course you can transfer up to 500 at a time so it's not too hard to get that stocked up before the Traders come and buy the goods now another thing to bear in mind I always like to have two people working in the trading center otherwise it's only one person again reducing the actual productivity of transferring Goods to be able to sell one more tip I would like to say before we move on to the next item is the Whatever item you decide to produce to then sell in the trading center you have to work out which one comes frequently which Traders are buying what items frequently because there's no point for example there's no point me making heavy tools let's see there's no point be making loads and loads of heavy tools which take ages to make a lot of materials required and then every 15 years the person in the trading center comes and buys fre it's not going to make any sense whatsoever so have an item I like wood and planks I also like to sell pottery uh also candles and glassar that is my sort of main things I go for if I'm match producing Uh Wood like logs I'll whack 500 of them in the trading center that's quite easy gold to make especially if you've got a forest Camp because is basically unlimited wood that is also something I like to do but make sure that the people that are coming to buy items are buying your chosen material they're buying it frequently because if they're not it's going to make no sense in producing it to sell you need an incoming gold source and you need it often there's no point every 10 years you selling two items and then getting 600 gold you might as well have every other year sell 500 of these for a couple of thousand gold each much more beneficial as you can see I've got just under 7,000 gold and an incoming gold every month of 96 so the method that I do use works very very well for me so that is number two anyway moving moving on to number three I like to also not only sell items in here which are obviously going to acquire me gold but I also like to well it it depends on what year and it depends on certain circumstances but in the actual trading center sometimes you'll have two trading people I don't know what they're called two um trading people that's what they're going to be called now that are buying and selling items that one wants and the other one is selling that that probably made no sense whatsoever so let me explain so one person is going to be for example selling beer the other one is going to be buying beer but sometimes if you look carefully I'd recommend pausing the game cuz then obviously the time isn't running out and you're not going to waste time while you're watching the whole thing and working out who's selling who's buying what but if one is if one is selling beer for 5 gold and the other one is buying beer for 10 gold you you if as long as you've got some gold in the Trading Post so I always always keep a little bit in the trading post as long as you got gold here I'd recommend buying all of his beer for 5 gold and selling all that beer to the other Trader for 10 gold so you're making all the money back that you paid for the beer plus all the money that you're getting from somebody else from the other guy so look another thing guys as well by the way there's a lot of uh this game is looking very colorful I've noticed quite a lot of plants down here and I've also noticed them in the field area like down where is it gone yeah it was here earlier do you know what I don't know if it's been a new patch or not but they've they seemed to made oh here we go look like down here it's all like colorful whatnot but down here earlier there was all yellows and greens and blues all sorts of plants and stuff I don't know if they've uh patched that and changed it but I've never noticed that before like even over here now it's it's it's very blue and colorful I don't know if that's just me being stupid or if that was a if it's being new added I'm not too sure but here we go there's a Trader here so I can I can um show you what I mean so I pause the game every time a Trader comes because obviously they're only in here for a certain amount of days you want to quickly work out what you're going to want to sell and what you're not going to want to sell another thing to bear in mind for me I always always find if I've got none waiting in the inventory it's always a good far above average price if I've got if I had 146 weight in there that would probably be 11 per item it's always always works out like that so if I was you as soon as you see the trading Icon Pop Up pause the game quickly jump on here then transfer those goods into the storage or whatever one you want to sell and then you can refresh the game now they're stocking the The Trading Post so they're going to be running backwards and forwards stock in the trading post and then you can actually sell those items for the higher price as long as it's close see it's done already because I think the um where is it I'm not too sure I think it's here yeah here it is so all they've got to do is run from here to there that's it that short distance that's all they've got to do so now we still got 66 days left and I've got all of them to sell that's 1 and 12,000 gold just just like that just for doing nothing basically I've got loads and loads of iron I could sell him loads of clay I could sell him and then you can use that gold to buy something that you may not have or something that you may need so that's also another another good thing now my last tip tip number four uh I can't remember what Relic it actually is um but there's lots of different relics in the game that are going to help you to either produce gold or to save money on gold now of course you not only do you need gold to buy certain items in the game that you may need you also need it for the upkeep and monthly cost of buildings so this one is 12 you've got other stuff which costs more obviously it's a monthly cost of 20 but the recruitment cost is 25 gold and then it's five gold per Soldier so a lot of them things cost a lot of gold so for me in my temple I have the uh coin Pur which solders upkeep costs reduced by 30% which is massive especially for the big cities big big population cities that is a huge help and I've also got the soldiers and guards do 15% more damage but that's just that's just personally what I like as soon as you can upgrade this then you can get a third one and you can have another one uh what is the other ones villagers Health upkeep cost reduced by 30 which is what I got and then that one yeah that's fine but I think there's one more if I'm not mistaken I don't know how you see the actual list um I don't I don't know if you can see the list of all the all but I think there's one which helps you produce certain amount of gold as well like the houses or the markets give you more gold I'm not too sure I'd have to check on that but that is my last tip on making gold in this game as soon as you've got all these houses try and upgrade them because they again produce you a lot of gold this Market is giv me 66 and this one here is G me 54 and that's only two markets that is a lot of gold for them markets that is that is hell of a lot so make sure you meet all the requirements and upgrade them sell everything keep them close to the Trade Center so they're not taking ages transferred goods and make sure all the production items is close to the storage is as well other than that guys I hope you've enjoyed this video I hope it's been helpful it was a short but sweet video um if you want me to go into anything in detail then please let me know but until then thank you all guys for watching and I'll catch you all in the next one
Channel: RMG
Views: 753
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Id: yNW-gjs3XGg
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Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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