Farage exposes the Great Immigration Lie.

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what has happened this week tells us everything about our government today and the sheer dishonesty with which we're being led so we knew that on Thursday yesterday the immigration figures would come out both the gross and net figures and we know how many people have come to settle in the country last year what did the government do well they knew these would be all time records so cynically the government leaked the media all the figure could be net 800 000 maybe even a million when it comes in at just over 600 000 we're all supposed to say oh well that's all right then isn't it I mean that's the cynicism with which they dealt with this announcement another point to bear in mind had we used the same counting methodology as we've used in the previous years the figure actually would have been 730 000 but now they fiddled the figures but let's take it as it is at the six hundred thousand net that's 1.2 million new people settled in our country last year that's a city the size of Birmingham but who left well actually people leaving were those retiring to Spain businesses fleeing to Portugal to Dubai elsewhere if you think about the rate of demographic change it is truly and utterly astonishing but what really gets to the heart of this is the sheer dishonesty of both of our political parties Blair started this he opened the doors up unconditionally he told us it would lead to an extra 13 000 people a year and hundreds of thousands started coming understanding and knowing that the British public were not happy with this David Caron in 2010 promised net migration at tens of thousands a year in 2015 he promised net migration at tens of thousands a year and then in 2017 and 2019 in in a Britain that had voted for brexit we were promised that Australian style point system and promised control of our borders Take Back Control do you remember that was the slogan and actually it was borders that won the brexit side the referendum and gate Boris Johnson an 80 seat majority albeit I think I might have helped him a little bit with that which at the time I thought was right now while I'm beginning of course to ask myself one or two questions and when those fingers of 600 000 come out what happens really soon that gives it gives a speech and says we're going to start cracking down on students that come to Britain and bring dependents with them well why the hell in the first place were students allowed to bring dependents why the hell are students after they graduated allowed to join the workforce for a couple of years basically you come to the UK as a student you are here to stay and whether they crack down on family members coming uh well we'll just have to wait and see and what are the Australian style point system what did you think when you heard that I know what you thought you thought it means skilled people with absolutely no criminal record who pay their own health insurance and be a net benefit that's how Australia has managed immigration what have we done we've set the salary threshold for those that can come for work permits under this points-based system we've set it below average salary we've set it at minimum wage so now anyone from anywhere in the world can come into Britain on minimum wage with very very few skills and frankly economically very little to offer but here's what it's all about really Rishi says it's okay we're going to deal with this now the numbers are too high he says there's pressure on the NHS there's pressure on housing there's pressure on schools I'd be warning about this for the last 20 years and what's the worst part the worst part is when Cameron promised tens of thousands a year he was told by his officials it wasn't possible to promise that as EU members but that's okay you know the public will think everything's going to be absolutely fine and when Boris Johnson made the pledge in 2019 he told his ministers not to campaign on it because he didn't really believe in it and when Richie sunak makes the same promises why would you believe it even the Daily Mail big Tory supporting newspaper today that says stop taking us for fools this folks is the great immigration lie you have been lied to at the last four general elections he will lied to by senior conservatives who campaigned for brexit they have no intention of reducing that migration into this country whatsoever they're big pay masters in the giant businesses want as much cheap labor as they can possibly get and not only is the face and shape of our cities and towns changing beyond recognition but we have the biggest housing crisis you've ever seen do you know we need to build a new dwelling every two minutes just to cope with current levels of immigration and if you want to get a GP appointment that's going to get a whole lot tougher too the quality of life of tens of millions of people whether it's schools health education you know housing or even the traffic on the roads and the potholes we have a population explosion in Britain and it's damaging the quality of life for tens of millions of people and we're being liked to and the old excuse that labor might be even worse frankly I don't think that holds water anymore how much worse than this could they actually be we've been taken for months we've been lied to and I would suggest that the conservative party no longer deserve any confidence whatsoever they are simply outright Liars
Channel: Nigel Farage
Views: 111,649
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Id: RShPLuatKdU
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Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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