Mass Immigration & White Flight: White British to be a Minority by 2050s + Govt's Net Migration Scam

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Britain, unite, end this madness!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BorkOnWasTaken 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
good afternoon everyone can we all everyone hear me good I hope you're enjoying yourselves so far uh unfortunately I'm going to bring you down rather from the cheerfulness of Philip at least for three quarters or two-thirds of my talk and then hopefully we'll lift you up at the end how many people came to last year's conference all right because I've only got once in George's Day joke and I used it last year and I wasn't sure whether I could use it again but treatment you've heard it already so I won't tell you instead of that I will just say that it's a great pleasure to be in the Midlands to um Marx and George's day because I really think that the Midlands is a region which for me evokes that very essence of England you know when you think about some Georgian englishness and what it means to be English invariably conjure up idyllic images of the English Countryside and um I suppose that emotional connection dare I say a sacred connection between heart and home and land and essential to that in creating that image really was one of Midland's own J.R Tolkien son of Birmingham who were expressed this very vividly particularly with his creation of the Shire and of um and of Middle Earth and of course that we're told was based on uh sir hall now a suburb of Birmingham as well as his walks in the nearby Northern Hills and of course the more then are also the land of Edward Elgar and of course we know he was inspired to right that's most moving of all patriotic Tunes Nimrod on those Hills so I can't think of anywhere more perfect to be on this and George's weekend but leaving uh one second do I have a clicker here yes I do right leaving um talking at Alger aside it's another son of the Midlands that I want to speak about today in terms of well just briefly to quote from him about England and that's birmingham's own son Enoch Powell um how does this work for those of you who don't know Paul delivered his 1968 rivers of blood speech at Birmingham as McDonald Burlington hotel which is about five minutes from where we're gathered today and a few months after that explosive speech he said to an audience in Eastbourne the English as a nation have their own particular peculiar faults one of them is that strange passivity in the face of danger or absurdity or provocation well ladies and gentlemen after two decades of mass migration and a demographic shift which has forever altered the fabric of England I think you'd agree that those words are truer now than they were ever because how can our Mass migration mess be considered anything other than absurd provocative and dangerous and who can deny that our response has been anything other than strangely passive indeed passivity is surely an understatement in the case of the conservative government a party once trusted on this issue it's been a story not only of passivity but of blindness and betrayal blindness to the consequences and the Betrayal of the British people 26 years have passed since Blair's election in 97 years equally split now between labor and Tory with 13 years each and those 26 years have brought Upon This Island the greatest act of national harm in our story and the evidence is all around us [Applause] the evidence is all around us but let me put it bluntly we've had more immigration to Britain in the past two decades than in the past two thousand years combined is astonishing to contemplate no country no society and no people can sustain such rapid and dramatic demographic change and of course all this happened without anyone's consent the British people were never given a vote on mass immigration even though it's the single most significant event to have ever affected or dare I say Afflicted this island it's incalculably more profound than brexit in the EU and yet for a quarter of a century our elected leaders have allowed it to continue all but unfettered having been voted in to do just the opposite so how has this come about well we know why the labor party were and indeed are still are keen on open borders their motivation has become the stuff of infamy no Kenneth Williams lines there please it was all admitted by Andrew neither a former senior labor advisor who revealed that new Labor's Mass migration experiment was a Cavalier back of the envelope policy motivated by a desire to quote rub the rights noses in diversity and as Peter mandelson later admitted the labor government quote sent out search parties to seek immigrants to come to the UK the ambition for this was to turn this largely homogeneous nation into a truly Multicultural country why because approximately 80 percent of ethnic minorities vote labor that's why a major demographic shift would eventually provide the labor party with the prospect of electoral victory for decades to come and a quarter of a century later it's a policy which is clearly working London for example is now essentially a one-party labor State and the same holds true for all their other cities where the once previous white majority Now find themselves an ethnic minority bearing that in mind one can understand why the radical left will be keen on mass migration but that successive conservative governments have effectively continued this policy is as scandalous as it is shameful for whilst new labor used its 13 years to boldly Implement its radical agenda and Usher in the social and Cultural Revolution that we can all see around us today the Tories have had best proved ineffectual unmotivated and unconcerned squandering and mismanaging their time in office at worst they are complicit for despite the tough talk and the empty Manifesto pledges to cut immigration it was the Tories who put the pedal to the migration metal increasing Mass immigration to levels Beyond Labor's Wildest Dreams whilst also permitting an industrial scale criminal Enterprise in illegal cross-channel Crossings in the year ending June 2022 long-term immigration into the UK was estimated at any guesses 1.1 million that's an increase of 435 000 for the year ending June 2021 and let's put that into some context because when people say quite rightly that Britain has a proud history of accepting immigrants they often mention the Ugandan refugees who were kicked out of Uganda by Idi Amin in the 1970s well the total number of Ugandan refugees who came to Britain was 27 000. and as many of you will remember that figure of 27 000 was extremely large and controversial back in the 1970s today 27 000 people come here every 10 days I should also point out what that when I say 1.1 million immigrants arrived here in 2022 I'm talking about gross migration which is the true and it's very important when we discuss this issue that we don't simply accept the government's use of net migration figures as the correct measure indeed I find it remarkable that the media and all the Talking Heads that you see on the subject on both sides of the debate almost always frame this discussion about net migration and the difference between gross and net migration is very clear gross migration is the total number of people who have arrived on our Shores in the last year net migration looks at the gross total and then subtracts all of those people who've left the country in the last year so we had a million but 500 000 people left meaning there's a net migration figure of half a million but it's not it's one million but the government like to use that fact because they're shocking as half a million is it's far less in a century than one million but the fantasy that the government and others are trying to perpetuate with this net migration figure is that the 500 000 who left blighty Shores are equivalent to the half a million who came in it's it's a simple like for like swap in their opinion but of course that's complete nonsense who is leaving and who are coming is of great consequence and significance to the future of this land a highly skilled immigrant isn't the equivalent of a low-skilled immigrant and most importantly of course a huge percentage of those who leave the UK each year are British not immigrants just think of that well-known phenomenon of white flight which is seen a white British Exodus from East London and various other cities in the industrial North and also in the Midlands now some go elsewhere in the UK to Essex and so forth but a lot of them go to Canada Australia New Zealand and Spain as a result in Britain today the indigenous population otherwise known as white British is rapidly shrinking in the 2001 census 87.5 percent of the population of England and Wales identified as white British by 2011 that figure had dropped to 80.5 percent and by 2021 it was 74.4 it's hard perhaps impossible to think of another example of an indigenous population of a majority country declining by 13 in the space of two decades at the same time the 2021 census results revealed that 42 of the 10 million foreign-born residents in England arrived in the last decade and that's quite without precedent in our history here you can see the charts which shows the foreign-born population of Britain since the great exhibition of 1851 when it was 0.6 it took a hundred years to rise by four percent to 1951 then it took 50 years to Jump by another four percent but now that four percent increase happens every decade perhaps more startingly in 2005 white British accounted for 75 percent of births in England and Wales by 2019 that had slipped to 58 percent in 2010 David Coleman who was a distinguished professor of demography at the University of Oxford predicted that white British would be a minority in the UK by 2066. that prediction was based upon migration figures which were half of those we are now experiencing now of course some will ask why does this matter why are you raising all of this as if this profound demographic societal and cultural shift is of no consequence it does matter and it matters on the most deep level you know that I've already heard I won't go into it the very sound practical economic and political reasons why this matters housing School places GP appointments NHS waiting list benefits Etc but just as important and perhaps more so is the impact this has on our culture and the cohesion of our communities and wider British Society because at what point does Britain stop being Britain what is the Tipping Point if only 30 percent of the population of these island is white British will it still be Britain how can the integration and assimilation of huge immigrant populations be achieved when the indigenous population is itself an ethnic minority what will the dominant culture be for television popular music film comedy sport the things that traditionally bind a nation and its peoples together and what about social cohesion and the impact of mass migration on our local communities and indeed our ability just to go about and enjoy our daily life because we already know that super diversity which is the term given to in cities and elsewhere where you have a hugely diverse population super diversity leads to populations living segregated lives with no contact with each other paranormal lives rarely engaging with anyone other than people that they know super diversity often leads to people being suspicious not just of other cultures or ethnicities but even of people from their own culture too and the walk through the East End of London will show you that diversity in action for example just imagine two or three old ladies at a bus stop we know that if they are of different cultural backgrounds it's far less likely that they will start up a random conversation than if they were all from the same cultural background in these and similar ways our communities are becoming less cohesive we know in Scandinavia for example which of course is very proud of its welfare state and its support for all people that taxpayers are less happy to pay taxes for welfare when the people receiving the benefits don't resemble them it's Human Nature the cultural divide of course is already well underway in this country as Lord Tibet has said we have imported far too many immigrants who have come here not to live in our society but to replicate here the Society of their homelands and we saw Stark evidence of this recently in Leicester where Muslim and Hindu mobs clashed on the streets following a cricket match all too often replicating the Society of their homelands means importing to these Shores the conflicts the prejudices and the disputes of Faraway lands for example we're often told now that anti-Semitism homophobia and misogyny are on the rise in Britain here the mainstream media remain reluctant to say why it's the greatest elephant in the room time and again petrified by political correctness and beholden to the ideology of multiculturalism governments councils the police and other public institutions have shown themselves unwilling to face the challenge and unable to admit that however lofty the ideal Multicultural diversity isn't a strength it divides towns and cities and it destroys social cohesion I mean does anyone really seriously believe that Britain and America are more socially cohesive than Poland or Japan Britain is now a multi-racial society but that's very different from being a Multicultural Society a multiracial society which has a shared set of values and a single dominant culture embraced by all can be strong cohesive and successful the distinction between race and culture is of Paramount importance and I say this also as a child of immigrants it's in all of our interests in Britain becoming not a Multicultural Society we must remain a United Kingdom not a United Nations so how on Earth can we achieve all of this well ideally I'd have an hour to lay out various hugely detailed policies and solutions but for now I'd like to focus on two of the most important and simplest priorities which if implemented by serious successive governments because it's not a short project would go considerable way to improving our future firstly it's no longer sufficient to Simply End Mass migration Britain needs a complete moratorium on almost all future migration for at least a decade ideally for a generation [Applause] now a full generation poses real practical difficulties but whether we hold migration for a decade or a generation the nation needs breathing space time to assimilate those who've arrived time for our infrastructure our schools and NHS to catch up with that new demographic reality and time for the nation to take stock of itself America in the early 20th century was ribbon with social tension and unrest following Decades of mass migration around the world from around the world in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries many of the fears that were expressed then are similar to those that one hears now America's response was to dramatically restrict immigration to the country starting in the 1920s right through to the 1960s the motivation was quote to preserve the ideal of U.S homogeneity now it's no coincidence that those four decades 1920s 1960 were America's Golden Age the era of unprecedented stability social cohesion and self-confidence but once our Channel generation long moratorium ends what then well the level of immigration that we eventually decide to agree on is is for the British people to decide not for me but in deciding what level of immigration is appropriate for the future perhaps the research of Professor Coleman might again offer useful guidance Coleman offered three examples of how different immigration levels would affect the nation remember he said by 2060s the white British would be a minority if immigration continued at the 2010 level but if you reduced it weighed down to 80 000 then white British would become a minority in 2080. if you use a cross-party group of MPS recommendation of balanced migration basically means one out one in then the white British would become a minority at the end of the century but even if we had a complete halt on migration zero migrants coming over then by the end of the century white britons would be the majority but only with around 70 percent of the population now the second thing after stopping migration for a few years is of course assimilation and integration because controlling immigration isn't enough to solve the issue of mass migration and the segregated communities and the problems arising there from already in our land but assimilation and integration requires the promotion of a robust and confident British culture in all areas of public life and that's clearly very much not in evidence today because what incentive is there actually for a youngest and minority person to buy into Britain how can we expect them to believe in Britain and the West when our media our universities and our cultural institutions denigrate Britain's Legacy and the West achievements when minority cultures are elevated above British culture and when our students leave school with almost no knowledge of British history or Civic values in that context who can blame a child for cleaving more to the masculine well-defined culture of his parents Aristotle once said give me a boy till the age of seven and I'll show you the man well of course in cities Across the Nation ethnic minorities now make up the overwhelming majority of schoolplaces integration into British Society can only happen through the molding of young minds now singing the National Anthem assemblies portrait of the king in the schools uh Union flag flying outside the school all marvelous and fine and good but we need to go much further than that in particular through the national curriculum at primary and secondary school levels making history compulsory to the age of 16 and also requiring Civic courses to teach our values and freedoms because the degree of historical ignorance amongst all age groups in the population is absolutely appalling because people can now finish history at the age of 14 knowing just about the Tudors the American West and the Nazis if they've ever heard of Churchill at all they think he's a fictional character today or a dog with a nodding head children must learn our magnificent Island Story other ways they'll continue to believe the rots that they are told about Britain and slavery about Britain's racist past and about the supposed crimes of our greatest heroes from Nelson to Churchill you can't participate in the past if you don't in the present if you don't understand the past that means learning the truth about the universality of slavery about Africa's role in slavery and about Britain's unique role in abolishing the slave trade that means learning about both the positives and the negatives of the British Empire and learning how Britain dare I say England created the modern world meanwhile civics or citizenship classes must teach our children the importance of freedom of speech freedom of expression tolerance of opposing views and of other faiths and the truth about Britain and race they need to understand how the freedoms were hard fought Free Speech free assembly free expression that these were actually British developments shared by only a few other countries that these freedoms and rights are not valued in other lands including the lands on which many of them have come and what happens to societies when free speech is taken away because we now know that the Youth of today think causing offense uh take is worse than free speech and we must teach them the truth as I've said about Britain and race and that's so important namely that Britain is one of the world's most tolerant and least racist countries that racism is alive and well in all parts of the globe including in Africa and in Asia and then Britain and the anglosphere and Scandinavia stand in stark contrast to that all of this has to form part of our core education system but of course that's not enough because to hope to get any of that history taught to students means going to war with teachers and the teacher training colleges the madrasas of the work religion teachers are more left-wing now than at any point in history with fewer than 10 percent voting conservative they are beholden to Progressive ideologies consequently the degree to which the young children and students of today hold views that differ from those who are just 10 or 15 years older is truly shocking we have to bring an end to the radical ideologies that Prevail in our schools and would seek to undermine Britain and the west and that means a complete overhaul of our teacher training system and an abolition of teacher training colleges and a swooping out of the old and bringing in something that actually works effectively for the best interest of the child and the nation ethnic minorities and their white classmates are currently being brainwashed into thinking that Britain and its institutions are inherently racist that they are victims deserving of special treatment that whiteness is shameful and that Western Civilization needs to be decolonized and dismantled if we don't tackle this cancer at the heart of our education system I can't see how it will ever be possible to successfully integrate ethnic minorities into the fabric of the British Nation we are in a battle of culture and of civilizations make no mistake about that and in these battles Only the Strong win I've said many times in the past that a civilization that won't defend its culture doesn't deserve to exist God willing Britain can still summon up the strength the fortitude and the resolution to be victorious once more thank you [Applause] [Music] hello if you're enjoying the new culture Forum Channel and you believe in our mission may I invite you to join our membership scheme at the link below or on our website dot UK our work is more important now than ever and we have great plans ahead for the future but we can't do it without your support from as little as three pounds per month you can help 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Channel: The New Culture Forum
Views: 81,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Culture Forum, Peter Whittle, So What You're Saying Is..., Culture Wars
Id: irMcgvkFXnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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