Stanley Johnson says 'tackling Nigel Farage was a mistake' over banking scandal

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what do you think Stanley do you know I'm gonna I think I've got to declare an interest I mean way back in 1957. it was some way back how I opened a bank account at the West Bank in Dublin Somerset not far from where my farm is and I'd have a NatWest account Galveston of course has been shut down has gone to my head now but I've had a net worth account since 1967 I've actually had a a atom account and a Coots account so I just want to put that on the table because I'm not going to say someone's going to say oh well he would say that wouldn't I have a good account are you going to keep your I am going to keep my good account but can't tell you why because I'm not as a worker to debank I mean debanking goes in one sense and it could go in another sense as well but you see this why I say that's why I'm happy to you know to declare in this case you I am happy with the service I have had over 60 or 70 years from this great conglomerate which is now NatWest now is that very boring to say that no but to be fair your values would fit in with their values you're a remainer yeah you're you're an environmentalist an environmentalist yes well you see I didn't know until I started following this story is difficult not to follow it now that these Coupes and let's expand this NatWest and let's expand that because after all the taxpayers quite a lot in that way yeah thank you for all well maybe am I to say that that particular set of values is actually shared by everybody no I think not I think it's been slightly accidental this whole farage business I cannot actually believe that there is a systematic effort made by Coots and other suspects Nigel Lawson's uh granddaughter was barred a bank account uh demented and she's got down syndrome 16 years old and it was because of her grandfather a former chance of this jacket you know Nigel Lawson the late Nigel Lawson he was an archbrexoteer and also seen as a climate change denier Ken Clark told the house of laws he was lost his Amex bank account as did Michael Forsyth two Tories on completely different sides the chancellor of denied an online bank account because these Banks decide they don't like I don't know they like the tour is very much Stanley well I mean I I hear what you're saying I'm I'm struck dumb I really say to myself the biggest error of judgment these banks have made and this bank has made is actually tackling Nigel farage but that was a mistake yeah but the point Nigel Ferrara made every single day is that it's not just about him it's about everyone in this country who doesn't have a voice who for one reason or another has been debunked and it is usually because of their views be they religious be they views on LGBT whatever but they've been back so he says he's talking out for those people yeah well I I hear I hear what he's saying I say I'm I'm totally totally amazed by this and I would like to know okay you've cited three or four people and that's important these are important people these are important examples but when you say all over the country people are being debanked thousands thousands that's what Nigel says I'd love to know where he gets it are you curious to know if the report which an ideal farage extracted which he's entitled to by law out of the bank 40 pages where it said he was a brexiteer 86 times he said he was homophobic xenophobic racist disingenuous and are you curious to know whether Coates bank has got a report like that on you and if you are why don't you get it yes please share it with GB news Well Nigel apparently uh exercised somebody calls the subject assets subject access right I'm very intrigued by that I'm very intrigued because um yes I have had a a career in the European commission and the European Parliament and no doubt there are documents which could be got but I hadn't known that there was a legal tool for getting all this and now I know there is and if nothing else comes out of this that's important for for people out there who don't have a public profile to know that they can call their Bank to account if they're demand can I just make one comment as it were on the side I would get their side of Sanity but it's not what I really mean I think I'm in the side of just little bit of balance this morning there is a law in this country that everybody has a right a legal right to a bank account I think a criminal and something else somebody ought to buy for some other reason as well and that is important and I've heard in the course of today Minister's stress the importance of that law and no doubt this morning ministers Andrew Griffiths and so on will come in and say yes yes yes this is totally exceptional it shouldn't happen it won't happen again so maybe some good will come out of it but Sunny if not if all of this hasn't happened this week this well as I say it makes me see it makes it seem as though this is a kind of society where far more goes on than we know nothing from the labor party so we had our GB news earlier a front bench boats a very thoughtful French bench spokesman who couldn't bring himself to say 90 price has been treated abomably instead they said oh if only the Tories had been as critical of blah blah blah why can't the labor party just embrace the fact whether it's Nigel farage or you Stanley Coots NatWest Bank have behaved shamefully they've treated him like he's a criminal uh and chucked his banker and then lied about him in public well that is certainly what seems to have been the case I could not agree I could not agree with you more I am very sympathetic to Nigel farage in this case I think I'm sympathetic to anybody who finds self-trapped in this and you do say to yourself Banks should not actually have this sort of thing it seems ironic with Couture because they do have a record for um for for having people in there in their their ranks who in fact I'm not criminals you know there's some of the banking they had General pinche as a client in the U.S they had the Egyptian former Prime and a big mafia boss they could stay the night of farage I wonder if they put their values to those people um can we ask you about a story in the Sunday papers at the weekend um it was a documentary that was due to come out which suggested that your son had exaggerated uh his covered and he wasn't close to death which meant the whole of the NHS that was in this documentary movie was smearing the NHS smearing uh uh Boris Carrie we know was beside herself for 24 hours when she thought she was going to be a widow what did you make of the fact this documentary well I lived through it as far as I remember it was like was it April April 2020 uh did he come out of hospital about May the 6th 2020 something like that I was down in Somerset and there is no question in my mind that was a real real incident and I was as worried but maybe more than this other people because you know yourself oh yes you were talking to Carrie presumably I tell you what uh I was woken up one morning by actually Nick Robinson who was doing the today program right and I've gone to bed that previous night as well as as we all were and the sense of relief when the phone rang I was down my ex small farm and it's Nick Rumson I want to tell you Stanley your son has just come out of ICU the Intensive Care Unit and I tell you you know there was no question in my mind at that moment who is this guy this is a guy called Marcus ball yes and he he's tried to sue Boris back in the high court in 2019 and you might remember the case he's trying to bring a prosecution against him saying that um the the Britain sends 350 million quid a year to the EU and he had on the side of the bus so it went to court and it was a failed prosecution the guy hates your son yeah it's quite clear on that and he he is never so and and this last week Gary lineker did a trail uh do you remember a YouTube trailer documentary and but to say say he what we all saw Boris when he came out of hospital he looked terrible looked her before he went in he looked over when he came out he still looked terrible and I remember at the time thinking how can he come back to work he came back to work immediately I'm not sure I'm not sure you want to give this photo out on this man with this Ludacris we wanted you to give you the chance to say you knew it oh well yeah well sounds like that is the most aren't throttle that I've ever swaddling and we're missing your son he's presumably got his nose deep in his Memoirs or something standing hookah who can tell who can tell I mean you know he would be busy yeah I think he'll be busy he'll be busy he's got to call him another son and a column in the Daily Mail rather fine I've been reading it I'm good I have to sneak The Daily Mail into the house
Channel: GBNews
Views: 72,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GB news, uk, uk news, coutts, nigel farage, boris johnson, stanley johnson, banking scandal, natwest
Id: McEl0oeNUZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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