Nigel Farage to join forces with Boris Johnson to DEFEND BREXIT LEGACY?

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now I'm delighted to be joined by my fellow GB news presenter he presents a weekday show I don't know if you've noticed it from 7 to 8 PM his name is Nigel farage president of the Reform Party All Around political Guru as the former leader of ukip and indeed an MEP Nigel good morning bristling with questions for you um first of all do you think this is the last we're going to see if Boris Johnson in the political Arena I think the anger that you saw there from tobarcel will become the mainstream view of the conservative party I don't think he's got any future in the conservative party whatsoever and this idea he'd be allowed to fight a safer seat the nuts Bridge well hang on he's effectively gifted Uxbridge to the labor party and who knows the other seats could go lib Dem we'll find out very shortly so I think he will be seen to be doing damage to the party the his allies calling for a civil war no Boris Johnson's road with the conservative party is coming towards an end that's a really interesting caveat with the conservative party but he's got some Road politically elsewhere if he wants to yeah I mean that all depends on him I mean the way I see it it's fascinating Tobias Elwood there saying we inherited a lot of debt well do you know how much they inherited 700 billion of national debt it's now 2.5 trillion and is you quite quite rightly questioned him this is now this conservative government is now corporatist globalist shows no interest in bringing in the benefits of brexit whatever they say about immigration they have no intention to reduce these vast numbers of net migrations that are coming into the country every year this is now a full-on Social Democrat Party okay so are you saying there's an opening on the right for Boris Johnson he'd have to Pivot on a number of different issues right he's pro-immigration that's going to play we're not going to play well with the right of the conservative party as it stands electorate yeah I mean look you've got you've got a group of MPS who are dedicated to brexit and getting the benefits of brexit they want to bring numbers down they want to help small business with deregulation they actually believe in smaller government but they're only about three dozen of them in fact we're back to where we were at the time of the master Rebellion we're about what we were 30 years ago this is now you know hunt and people like that are the modern day incarnation of the house and herds of yesteryear so to your question there is now a very big opening in British politics just as there was with Osborne and Cameron with miliband leading my labor party and Clegg yeah and I used to say 10 years ago you can't put a cigarette paper between them and it was it and it was that Gap that ukip very effectively filled I think the gap between Westminster and the country is now bigger than it was 10 years ago I think the sense of broken Britain the sense the Health Service doesn't work anymore that people's kids and grandkids can't even get onto the housing ladder I think these things are very very real and so there's an enormous opportunity there now you're talking about Partnerships you're talking about going into partnership with Boris well I disagree with that I just okay I disagree with Boris Johnson fundamentally on many of his Metro liberal views but if anybody can turn on a six months and say they now believe in something completely different it's Boris Johnson the important thing to remember is this on the biggest issue of our age the biggest constitutional question we will face in our lifetimes most likely namely brexit that Boris actually was on the same side as myself and others there are now and I've heard it this morning major conservative donors and supporters who say they will never support the party again right now you know you know maybe in 10 years they will but they would never support the party again so there is an opportunity if Boris Johnson wanted to and to use and the good side of Boris of course is or just look at today's newspapers he's very good at dominating years he does have personality he does make people smile and if he wants the defend his brexit legacy yeah well I want to defend my brexit legacy too so would there be a possibility of a new coming together on the center right it'll be Boris Johnson there'll be other MPS that will join in with this as well not with him directly no but I have discussed it with people very close to him and around so you've given this some serious thought I I've been very critical of the way that he handled government very critical that the advantages of brexit in some areas we won foreign policy vaccine rollers I've been very critical but but what I think we now face is as soon as sulak dropped the piece of legislation that would have got rid of thousands of EU laws yeah we knew that we're now effectively without saying it following alignment with what the EU is doing that gives labor who are clearly I mean unless something seismic happen is going to win that that allows labor to sign us back up to the single Market before you know it will be associate members of the European Union again and I I get a feeling that the brexit battle is going to have to be refought in some way I mean storm has ruled out what you're suggesting because he doesn't think there's an appetite for re-entering the EU although I appreciate your point about alignment and shadowing sorry let's just go back to the proposition of the Nigel Boris party I mean you're president of Reform yeah can we have a definitive answer now are you going to be doing more Frontline politics I haven't decided I genuinely haven't decided when we're facing this what you're saying is a very very dangerous future of your precious brexit project being reversed Richard Tice has got reform to a respectable decent position in the polls and thank goodness to get it higher and I wouldn't and I would need other people's help he hasn't he's not got enough to win any seats Nigel as you know no and if I do you know what if I joined tomorrow and said right I'm giving everything up I'm going to go campaigning full time and I know exactly where we'd be we'd be between four and five million votes you know we we'd get more votes than ukip got but it's still not enough so how would you work with Boris if that I know we're talking in the land of hypothetically yeah a completely separate party no do you want to pull him into reform you know you know setting up new political passes is a very difficult thing to do reform has a base it has a structure uh who knows I mean maybe if the brexit battle is going to be reef is going to be refill we'll we'll go back to the old name of the brexit party who's to say I said I said it for six months so you're talking about you might revive the brexit party well it is actually reform is the brexit this is the change of name if the brexit battle has to be refought that's what we'll do obviously so you've still got an appetite for all this because I'm presentation precisely you can boulder up a hill and you don't get much in return yeah is it in the past in the past it didn't matter you know even though I mean I was immensely cheesed off in 2015 to get four million votes in one seat but it was all pushing towards that great referendum now what we need if we're going to bust British Politics as it is if we're going to recognize the fact that actually the differences between labor and conservative are pretty minimal pretty marginal in every way if we want a new kind of politics and you know the Hope was that brexit would give us a new kind of politics it's still the old politics it's still the Oxbridge politics that's what we have investment but then you're talking about pairing up with an Oxbridge candidate yes an oldertonian but why would you work with him on enough space in one political party Nigel farage Nigel farage well I'm very easy going obviously um so we'll have I mean we are talking hypotheticals but but the whole brexit project is under threat we are a country in Decline this needs to be turned around if we had PR I'd give you very different answers we don't to break the first pass the post system to break the mold to code a phrase from Roy Jenkins from 40 years ago when they didn't quite do it we're gonna need a number of serious household names it can not be just it seemed to be me and what about the criticism that you can do this I mean we already know from the M uh PR voting or is it MRP voting rather in the week that actually if reform does stand candidates against the conservatives then you both lose and labor wins well labor win anyway right labor win anyway and I mean what conservative party how are they even vaguely conservative apart from the big corporates whose side are they actually on so are you going to be holding meetings I mean after you leave the studio what are you think are you going to phone Boris you're going to phone some donors you're going to get a little and back together I you know look Boris Johnson did not expect that report on Friday I doubt he's given this a moment's thought but whilst everybody talks about the Civil War the potential Civil War within the conservative party I repeat the message he's run out of road with a conservative party if he wants a future in British politics that he's going to have to take on something much bigger than he's ever done before one more question on another blonde Trump yeah the indictment your reaction extraordinary I spoke yesterday to a former State Attorney General two-term uh 40 years a lawyer he said never in his life had he seen a prosecution who before they get to court are releasing photographs of proof and evidence of why as his presidential Ambitions to serve another term I mean it's not the greatest news for him is it no it's not but it was expected the fan base I don't know the oh it certainly emboldens the van but I mean oh look the maggots go Mega yeah you know being no doubt about that I mean there is almost nothing that can happen that doesn't get Trump to win the nomination the bigger question is how much damage does this do to voters in the middle how do they see this do they see this as an all-out political assault coming directly from the White House with the politicization of the Judiciary or do they think well there's no smoke without fire that question we can't answer at this stage but none of this affects Trump in my opinion winning the nomination we're going to be discussing all that with Mick Mulvaney a little later in the show so that should be good as former Chief of Staff Nigel thanks for coming in thank you they work you hard here don't they and you're back on air tomorrow at seven back on air tomorrow with a special oh I can't say what it is all right
Channel: GBNews
Views: 173,397
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Keywords: GB news, boris johnson, boris, brexit, reform, conservative party, tory party, boris johnson resignation
Id: s-4ElfoiVfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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