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hello everybody and welcome to another tier list video and I'm gonna make some people mad in this one because I was very selective about which worlds I included and why I guys gonna make people go why I just warned in there I want this world to be in two tier list video but it's not so and also some people are gonna immediately confuse this with another tier list I did where I just judged fantasy series Maps not doing that here this is fantasy worlds meaning how do all the elements come together what do we have in total accumulation of the fantasy world and where I value it on this tier list so after I just quickly edited this whole list and added a couple more maps I realized and having there in the first place let's go ahead and jump in and judge fantasy worlds but I'm a whole lot of factors is gonna be about magic systems history utilization of the landscape but just so much coming yet how does this fantasy world as a complete creature immerse you as a reader that's what we're doing I'm gonna say a lot of things you're making a lot of people mad I'm gonna be brutal I be I'm gonna be I'm gonna be I'm gonna be unforgiving I'm gonna touch the camera lens I know that'll make some people angry too no I'm not gonna do that I'd like my camera too much first up let's just get it done we have middle-earth and we're gonna drop that in the s tier it's middle-earth it's got a fleshed out history magnificent lore magic system characters going all about it exploring left and right very well-liked geographically placed within the story you can definitely tell where you're going and how the landscape is evolving is like a result and it does directly affect the story it's the complete package it's the god tier it's the uppermost level or just getting that out of the way I'm gonna get to knowledge that it's gonna be knowledge right away no problem and we're gonna go ahead an get another obvious one out of the way we all the time gotta put that nest here as well it's the only other fantasy world I've come across that rivals in terms of history and maybe lower but I think middle-earth does take that point in terms of how the world is built we also have a lot of character bouncing around interaction with the world there but there is criticisms with the fact that it doesn't really have a name you have wetlands you have ran land but like the continent itself that we really son doesn't have much of a name and that's that's let's take a bit of a criticism I can agree with I'd love there to be a canonical name because calling it R and lands or the wetlands when no one after your first who is the wetlands whose like not ideal I don't know just odd but that's where I'm putting wheel of time for now though I do think it has flaws I'm blind to them and I refuse to acknowledge them now we have Forgotten Realms if you like your classic fantasy worlds they're not in realms anyone you really really enjoy because it kind of embodies everything that every author who was inspired by Tolkien created I mean it's not as deep as middle-earth but there's so much sustenance to it it has a lot of the same features and focuses so I don't blame it in any way shape or form for being what it is it's just I don't know it's weird to call a world predictable but the magic system here the characters the quests the journeys the involvement of the world in the story everything just feels kind of predictable there's nothing about this world that draws me in deeper or Wow's and amazes me so I like it but I'm actually gonna drop it in be it's good but I don't think the Forgotten Realms world is very special and well I do really like the series because of a lot of nostalgia feels I have I got those nostalgia fills in me I acknowledge that it's also fairly generic in terms of fantasy worlds all amend to that it's probably the best generic fantasy world because so much has been added to it it just doesn't ring special to me and that's just someone who has a nostalgia glasses for the series and in that series itself has a special place in my heart so what's that tell you the histories are there the lore is interesting the character moving around the world is good enough and I don't know the sustenance level for me just isn't entirely there if we're being totally honest so yeah I'm standing by my beats here and if you disagree I don't care now we have one that I think is going to be pretty special here and that's broken Empire a dystopian future of the world which Wheel of Time is also but we're directly so far broken and I think this does that version of fantasy where it's us but in a apocalyptic fantasy future which is interesting extraordinarily well and broken Empire I'm not gonna put an A because this is the first time I'm going to bring this up but the level of just character from the world itself really plays into the story there is a feeling of being in this the atmosphere of broken Empire really comes through and the fact that it's this post-apocalyptic landscape really matches the story and vibe like this is the actual history of the world playing into the narrative quite nicely and you can look at it and just go all US Europe like it is Europe itself and it all comes together and like really like the perfect formula I'm gonna give broken Empire a perfect formula ranking here and call it a it's not the biggest it's not a true historic monumental fantasy world which is the only thing really preventing it for being asked here but it has a lot of character I would say even more character from the world and history's itself than we get from one of the s tears I have up there not gonna specify which you guess and I don't know I really do appreciate it even though I don't love prints the thorns I really do love Prince of fools and the more I've gotten into what all of this is it's just it's just beautiful now it's time for controversial opinions Harry Potter world on surface level has so much like flashy interesting stuff to hook you in it is a well decorated world it is also just our world but there are so many flaws once you start questioning things in the Wizarding World that I can't put it very high especially because JK Rowling has made it worse there is a decent amount of Wizarding history we've been given little snippets into but those snippets are rarely if ever craftily woven into the actual Harry Potter story instead we get them in these like blog posts or tweets and things like that and it's just like why am i learning about your world this way that's not the way I want to learn about a fantasy world so well there is a decent amount of flash and a okay amount of sustenance The Wizarding World in terms of taking advantage of piggybacking off of reality JK Rowling did not reach the full potential I feel like The Wizarding World could have had theirs attempts to do so we have now like other wizarding schools and other continents we're getting more information about but Harry Potter itself the series the actual stemming up from all this reality could have very much so benefited from giving us more of these other schools instead we had one book where we got like some of the other college kids visiting for : Hogwarts and wizarding schools colleges but that's what it felt like it felt like an away team coming to play at your stadium and they cooked off and you didn't get a whole lot of culture stuff like there's really not much like I don't know and especially when comparing it to another world I'm about to bring into it which is also just kind of a layering on top of our own history you really start to see the faults coming through now I'm not saying the Wizarding World is entirely bad I'm just saying it has flaws and there's quite a bit of missed opportunity so for me Hogwarts is going to fall into see I know people gonna be mad at that I am acknowledging there is quite a bit there but I am one of these dumb nerds who really likes to question and dig deeper and every time I've tried to do that with the Wizarding World I just hit bedrock like there's a foot of depth and then bedrock now that foot of depth is a lovely garden but I hate this dead Rock barrier that you can so rarely get past and I hate it so yeah it's a seat here for me Narnia is going to be a surprising placement because I know I've made it very clear that I'm not the biggest Narnia fan and I'm not I don't think CS Lewis wrote a fantastic series I think it's fine but the world itself is pretty okay especially for the time it was released in this compared to other fantasy worlds around that time has few rivals middle-earth being one of them which uh Turley destroys it but it is very very good for what it's trying to achieve and I think CS Lewis one of the few things I will acknowledge that is extremely good about Narnia is the world he made the Christian lore added quite a bit of depth and he was able to use that within his narrative the way it all comes together definitely serves the purpose he was trying to achieve quite well I didn't necessarily like what he achieved but I will acknowledge that his world is well done for what he's trying to do so for me believe it or not Narnia is actually gonna go a because I don't know of a lot of fantasy worlds that reek of Narnia or at least are doing what Narnia does better than it achieved what it was so I like this world I think the magic is not the deepest but it's neat I like the characters I like the way that this world is fairytale ish and Christian ish like they blend together sweetly in a way that I think CS Lewis actually should be commended so for that yeah I will go ahead and throne Narnia into a tier I think the world the fantasy world he built was what it should be so good job CS Lewis I'm complimenting you maybe for the first time in the history of this channel Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland I love me some absurdism this is one of the best absurd worlds ever I debated between putting this in Discworld in here but I've already done Discworld in a video similar to this so we're gonna leave Discworld out for now and we're gonna bring in Wonderland Wonderland awesome it's wacky its personality it might have the most personality in terms of world of any of the ones we're gonna talk about here today no it just does it just does 100% no denying that and I know for a fact that you can't really improve on what is accomplished here the absurdist reality that is Wonderland is exactly what it needs to be it's not huge or epic there's not really any histories aside from the little bits we get in the story and the lore is minimal so those weigh it down a little and in the lens of reviewing a fantasy world but aside from that it's kind of just on its own level so I'm gonna give Wonderland an a tear I'm putting Wonderland up there in eight here we're seeing Wonderland take down Forgotten Realms it's a chaotic time right now no one knows what's happening but let's go ahead and jump to another one here oh I thought I sir I said I was gonna do another one that was just like our world with a layering on top of it and then I forgot to jump to this one so rewind in time and pretend I'm doing that right now Dresden Files okay compared to Harry Potter Dresden Files is such a better usage of creating a fantasy landscape on top of our reality we have more factions we under stand them there maneuvers their movements their political history their rivalries this is how you should build a fantasy world on top of ours not even talking about yet then never never interest in files not even talking about how well the magic system is remaining hidden and believable ways not always but usually it just it's so there and I'm all about it here Dresden for me man when I first started the series I would have put it like C and said like it's fine but as the series has progressed it is aggressively move its way up to a tear for me and people keep telling me how much even better it gets from here do I see Dresden being asked I don't know I don't know I'm open-minded I rarely say no to a thing before I get into it myself but I like it I got a lot and while Jim butchers personality as a writer comes through most with his characters that inevitably as a result also affects the world and so you have quite a bit of that personality punching through with just how this almost borderline absurd at times fantasy realm plays through so good job Jim and I'm going to be releasing my interview with Jim Butcher Tuesday look forward to that cool now we have one from our video game homeboys out there Azeroth this is from Warcraft those you unaware I played Warcraft one two and three I never really got into Wow so I am NOT up to date I'm willing to admit that so correct me if I'm wrong here but it's kind of falling into a similar vein of Forgotten Realms but better I think it is better than Forgotten Realms in terms of what it's accomplishing I think you can see that with just how devoted so many people are to the Warcraft Lord Forgotten Realms doesn't have these diehard lore fans well Ward Warcraft does people are obsessed with the history and politics and factions here and I actually think I'm gonna wait it heavier than Forgotten Realms I need to go through and wait these by which is the best of each of their tears - so let me do that I think I'm gonna do that that's it that's all many changes I need to make we're done with changes now I'm about to start reading changes for dressing files because I'm I'm quite far through the next book so changes boom reference big brain let's go ahead and jump on over here to Hyrule another videogame one I got you video game guys I see you I recognize you we got Hyrule Hyrule I was good it's not anywhere on the level like a middle-earth obviously but it's had so many entries of video games taking place in it that we've gotten these layers my biggest issue though is it's maybe the most repetitive fantasy world in terms of major events you'll come across because it has the Zelda formula which makes good games but if we're switching over the lens of good fantasy world well this is a rich and vibrant fantasy world it's redundant as hell extraordinarily so there's some standout events in some standout storylines but in general Ganondorf do some things linked stop him Zelda involved Tyrell look that's that's it so granted I've only played like 80% of the those Elda games but I'm pretty sure that's where it's gonna line up so for me I'm gonna leave this in the sea I think it's good I'm not saying C's not horrible I just think it's got its flaws and its flaws are rather large west roots man okay something that I think is not talked about enough when it comes to Game of Thrones shortcomings is how well they were realizing the world of Westeros from the books and then they just tanked I know the narrative had problems I know their words VFX issues in the last season's the last season is just bad but more people need to vocally complain I can't believe I'm saying this about how poorly the world was represented as well like geographically they screwed up multiple times but just like the history that has given you in the text of A Song of Ice and Fire versus how much of the history and lore you learned to the show is embarrassing we're going off the books we're going off a Song of Ice and Fire not Game of Thrones Westeros it's probably the best of the eight here I'm not going to put it in the s just because of personal preference I know there's a lot of people who would put it in s I acknowledge you hats off how do you do it how's your day I respect your dog but it's just not there for me it's just not there for me it's in terms of like my enjoyment of learning about the world I enjoy it a lot but it's not a world that I want like actually sit down and just like write pages about my thoughts on which I've done with Wheel of Time and middle-earth and one other and now we have Star Wars oh you you dear sweet summer child I might have probably the most controversial opinion of the whole video here Star Wars world is d for me because it has all the flaws of the linked world of Hyrule because it's just repetitive at this point to the point where there's movies they're just recreating other movies we also have the issues with it just is a lot of flash but it's had that bedrock issue as well red letter media has had a lot of discussions about how redundant and restricted the Star Wars world is and I agree with their assessment and on top of that all these stories that were giving depth to the Star Wars universe were just stripped out of Canon a while back and prevent me from actually taking them into account if those were still in play this would be bumped higher but they're not so I can't and it won't be unfortunate but it's the situation right I can't I can't count the non-canonical expanded universe stuff unless I know it's back into play and Star Wars has now told us like Darth Revan scannin cool well what else about him is if he's canon then all is all of everything Canon or no is it just revin and we need to rebuild the story around him we don't even know his fans Old Republic is just a mishmash of what exists what doesn't Old Republic I would really boost it here but there's so much confusion and frustration about what actually counts in Star Wars for me as someone who's a fairly large fan to the point where I'm a tattoo of it that I regret um I'm leaving it in D R & D until it's clarified I'd love to see it clarified I hope it is I think the smart move for Disney at this point would be to jump back and do Old Republic stuff and maybe recover because that would get the fans excited again but as of now leaving Addie fight me poppy war world so a lot to unpackage here it's another it's not like any world we've really encountered here before where we've had fantasy worlds that are just layered on top of her own and we've had fully original ones whereas poppy wars a bit in the middle it's based off of real Vince in Asian history but by no means is it to be taken as our world and that's hmm a nice balance I think there's so much to appreciate here in poppy war but it's rather small compared to a lot of other things going on we really just have one peoples in a region with different factions warring with each other and we don't know much outside of that which is a kind of negative I have to layer there but there's a ton of culture given to us a lot of personality from the events of the world the magic system is still mystical but definitely to find enough to be intriguing the lore is becoming clearer especially the second book I'm really excited to see how that's fleshed out even better than the third so I'm leaving it at the top of the B for now actually mmm I'm gonna put it in the middle of the B for now I actually enjoy it more than Forgotten Realms because the generic issue we mentioned their Forgotten Realms but I don't know if I can count it higher than as ratham that's how you say it's been a long time since I played Warcraft because I can't just you know I can't discount a lot of the rabid fans I'm constantly hearing about for the Warcraft world so I actually gonna put the asterisks here where I think popular has the potential to explode upwards into the a tier and remind me to come back and maybe leave a penned comment after the third book is out because I'm fascinated to see what that third books gonna go the Stormlight archive so man ready for controversial opinion time we're gonna do controversial opinion time Stormlight archive has an incredible world it's rich in its landscape magic all kinds of things cultures especially like it's it's all these flashy guests big stars across the board and then there is one category where it falls demonstrable o'er and that's its history we have like two events we know of before our story starts which is so barren like that is so little like how is that all we know at this point that's crazy so I like it it's inevitably tied into the Kazmir but I can't really count that here and because it's so high in other marks up into that one I'm still waiting it quite hi but I'm not going to give it 8 here until rhythm of war comes out and we get to learn more about the histories because Brandon has not given me enough history as a fantasy fan and someone who loves learning about fantasy worlds histories to give it the approval I feel like a lot of a fans want to now please remember I'm acknowledging that the Stormlight archive world in so many other categories is just fantastic but for us to be three books into this series and have quite a bit of lore knowledge but severely lacking in history is causing this odd unbalance for me as a reader I really want to know more about the history and I hope we get that in the next book we know of like a religious war that happened we know of the prologue from way of kings but we don't know much in between we're just given like vague things and with Brandon also having helped written Wheel of Time which one of the most which is one of the most history rich series that's ever been in the fantasy genre you'd think this would be something he's excelling in but for me he's just not right now so I'm curious I love the Stormlight world but with this flaw I'm going to hold it down sorry I'm pissing a lot of people off but don't worry we got another one coming in now we have Mistborn and yes miss borne for me is on a similar level to Stormlight but it doesn't have that flaw where we do know a good bit about the history of the Mistborn world and you could even count the first trilogy as history to the second now like it's got a lot more depth in that way where we have these time jumps forward where now we're getting this bigger wider picture of how this whole landscape is progressing and of course yes I am taking the first and second trilogies into account here and yeah Brandon's personality is writing his care with lore and magic systems is elevating this really high I'm gonna put it above Dresden and broken earth I think I'm not gonna put it above Westeros because Westeros is just in that transcended level where it's up there rivaling Wheel of Time and Middle Earth in a lot of ways and I don't think miss Barnes quite broken that barrier but with his third trilogy coming down the road for it definitely a possibility I'm not not closing my mind to that but it's just what I'm thinking right now and finally we have the powder mage world and this is getting bonuses for me purely because it's this Napoleonic style warfare really digging how different that is right now feels just huge in the writing like this feels like a world in a way that many other fantasy worlds don't especially a lot of the ones down here in the B tier aside for all okay two of the ones in the B tier so I'm actually gonna put this above those I'm actually gonna bring it up into the a I believe it's you know Fayette Easter authors put so much effort into making their worlds realize it doesn't surprise me that I have so many an a right now and I'm gonna push it beyond yeah I'm gonna push it beyond Narnia even I think I'm gonna hold it down below Dresden because I think Dresden's character overshadows and really just the layering there as special to me in my heart in terms of personal preference and this is a personal preference list so yeah I think I'm gonna put powder image right below that which is a really weird thing to have there it's like Narnia powder mage Dresden what other three things will you have locked up like that or what other list but you have those three things lined up like that and of course it is all subjective and I didn't sit down for hours and stress myself out thinking about this this is largely just me thinking off the top the dome so if I made a mistake I made a mistake and that's why the comments section exists for you to tell me all the ways and reasons I'm wrong I love hearing them from you these tear videos always result in the best debates I'm looking forward to it or this one like and subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon if you want to support what I do here during these piracy times have a go and yell Thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 218,067
Rating: 4.8469596 out of 5
Keywords: fantasy worlds tier list, fantast worlds, tier list, tier lists, daniel greene, dresden, dresden files, middle earth, powder mage, forgotten realms, harry potter, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire
Id: sKv9v9pgSrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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