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hello everybody and welcome to another tier list here on the channel and we have one that I've been excited to get to you for quite some time it's a fantasy book titles tier list this has been requested for ages and it's been a little long one right because there's a lot of fantasy titles that are worth talking about some real hot takes or be coming from hear me today I'm sure and what we're gonna go ahead and do though is have an alternative tier list for this because I found this standard s 2d not necessarily appropriate because of how different the approach for these titles can be so if you go ahead and look at this to your list here we have it broken down a little bit alternatively starting off we have perfection this is gonna be held out for the few books that no one can think of a better name because the title is the perfect iconic reflection of the source material and the book itself probably has to have reached a certain level of just iconic status to even qualify for this these are the titles that resonate like with the zeitgeist and society and are just so perfect next we have two tiers that I'm going to consider on equal setting they're just different goals for the title itself so I felt the need to kind of break them up and we have the pretty much a tier of the poetic approach which is these are just beautiful in how they read and they are titles that reflect the book well and really have an appeal outside of even just the context of the story they just strike you right next up we have these solid these are the ones that don't necessarily have a poetic title but the title itself is still rock solid and reflects the material magnificant link below that we have good anything can qualify here if it's poetic or just kind of the more general approach and it's just good it doesn't necessarily reach the eight here above that's been split below that we have generic which is going to be something that a few books fall into you gotta admit a lot of fantasy books have generic ass titles and we're gonna talk about that problem here and I don't want generic though to be considered bad you can have a generic title that still sounds good right it's not a horrible thing to be a bit generic especially in fantasy when you're trying to hit that appeal and have something that communicates a clear thing within your story so that's why it's openly you know fantasy books have sort of something or other sort of truth sort of kagan's sort of blah blah blah blah sword and stone you know there's a lot of those for fantasy and it doesn't mean the books bad I'm just talking about the quality of the title so I think generic can still good but there's a generic aspect and then below that we have the bat we have the release something to be desired the it's not awesome tears so these are the ones we're gonna be going through I have 33 books that we're gonna pile on through and I'm excited to do so so let's go ahead and kick it off with a Joe Abercrombie one the blade itself joe abercrombie really has a way with titles in my opinion I think he's actually gotten better if you've seen his bibliography go on I like more and more what he's bringing the title but even this early on really his first first law book the blade itself that's a great name I'm gonna go ahead and put that blower in the solid I don't think it's near like perfection but the blade itself tells you a lot and certainly matches the tone of the story you're about to read so I'm saying it's go ahead and put it in solid which is low I'm gonna say low a tear right here for the equivalent the other one next up we have promise of blood from Brian McClellan find that to actually kind of sound a bit like a to Abercrombie title these two have titles that kind of work for each other a bit there but promise of blood I'm gonna put above the blade itself because I think it's a bit more oomph to it and does still certainly match the the story behind it a little bit more of a solid a they're really enjoying it now we're gonna flip flip back over to another joe abercrombie a little hatred I love this title it's like charming in a disturbing way it certainly is the best representation of Joe Abercrombies personality as a writer I think of any of the titles of his I've come across it's like cheeky in an odd way so I'm gonna go ahead and put that above promise of blood we had there's three solids back to back to back so I think solid might be a bit crowded by the end of this we have 33 titles to get through so we're gonna have a lot to talk about but those are three titles I really do love none of them I feel like our poetic in any sense you know that's kind of being offices territory for sure next up we have one that I think is gonna fall into generic sword of kaigan so I really loved sort of kaigan it's so next level for fantasy meaning and like it's it's where I think the genre is going sort of kaigan brilliant but it's sort of blank I don't think it's a bad but it's certainly what I would consider generic for fantasy it doesn't tell you a whole lot about the story on face value and it's a representation of what's inside in a fine sense it's not mind-blowing next level or anything like that so I'm just gonna leave it in generic I don't think able to disagree there Leviathan wakes I'm gonna go ahead and say is a bit poetic but I'm also gonna elevate to perfection this is such a magnificent title for this book it hits it hits like twice it has Leviathan wakes like that sounds good then you think about your like bass sounds hello there like that's oh man that's good I love Leviathan wakes as a title and it just matches the book it's oh yeah I don't need to talk about this because it's Leviathan wakes like can you think of a better title for this no no you can't and honestly if I'm like of the opinion that the expanse on Amazon if they wanted to draw more eyes just on the title value they should have pulled a game of Thrones and instead pulled in withe and wakes and make that the title of the show there's my hot take right there the expanse is interesting as a title let me wrong but Leviathan wakes as a title for the show I think would have gotten more people's ears to do a little little prick up and go huh what's that let's go check that out just saying just saying never die it's a bit generic if I'm being honest never die like you know there's those fantasy books that just have titles that are you know they're just trying to hit you with something like Never Dies quite a few of those but I it's a good record it's a really solid reflection of what happens in the book I think the books good I mean I gave it a pretty positive review it's it's a fun video game paste type book and I think I believe the title is just good it's never die it's good you know consider that like Seeta btr-4 the other comparison list and I think that's that's a that's an okay one the name of the wind certainly in the poetic vibes really good reflection of what's in the material but if I'm just picking this up off the shelf I am also thinking as poetic generic to it does seem a bit generic so if you're remembering generic here doesn't necessarily mean horrible haha I'm gonna go ahead and put this at top of generic don't get me wrong I'm not insulting Patrick Rothfuss his prose the guy has some of the best prose in the game no one can deny that but this title it's not this is not elevating for me honestly like any other Kingkiller book title would be higher up for me I think I would put a Wise Man's Fear in poetic I would certainly put slow regard of silent things in poetic actually yeah let's just go ahead and put slowly router side of things that's like at the top of poetic I don't think of anything that can really top that for the poetic one right there yeah so just to justify no I'm not just dumping hate on Patrick Rothfuss but I do find the name of the wind to be a bit generic for me baptism of fire oh that hits doesn't it that's like a that's a spicy title right there I like it I'm definitely at least solid do I want to put it this what I think do I like it more than a little hatred baptism of fire versus a little hatred they hit different right that's like a weird thing to compare or do I want to consider baptism of fire poetic it is a bit poetic to think you know baptism of fire it kind of has this grandiose appeal to it but I don't think it's kind of poetic in the sense that I'm meaning for this tier list that poetic in the kind of okay the title itself has almost like a rythm Bachelors of fire isn't hitting that so I'm gonna go ahead and relegate it to solid baptism of fire I think I like it a bit more than promise of blood but I don't like it more than a little hatred I don't I like the cheekiness of a little hatred there's something in there that just is so on point for Abercrombie so I'm doing that winds of winter so this is an example of there's a lot of generis ism or generic qualities generis isms not okay there's a lot of generic qualities to Martin's titles but almost all of them once you put them in the grander context of the story have a bit more appeal like winds of winter if you don't know the story of Song of Ice and Fire it's just kind of uh it's definitely a kind of falling in generic as well maybe you put it in good but I'm actually because of the context of the story and if you're a reader who's really invested in the Song of Ice and Fire and you here this next book is called winds of winter you're gonna go oh page you know it let's pretend the show didn't happen if you've just been reading through and this titles announced you're now more excited for that next book because of it so I almost want to give appeal to all the way up to solid but instead because the winds of winter is dragged down by a bit of a generic thing to me I'm gonna say it's not generic to the point where it should be relegated to generic well maybe it should like right that's how I'm dividing this up anything that gets me is generic is kind of just put in here unless it's so elevated out by the personality and I don't think winds of winter has a strong enough just feel to it to really pull out of generic and it's it's not you know it's more generic than this good so I'm gonna put a top no can I don't like it more than the name of the wind I think name of the wind is better than winds of winter although I love the alliteration I'm also a sucker for alliteration that's a really weird quality I have but it's totally true you know what no I'm gonna go with my gut here and say that because the context of the story is so great and so ominous winds of winter I'm gonna go ahead and just put up at the bottom of solid and solids gonna be crowded let's just get over that the Fellowship of the Ring pretty much guaranteed perfection there no one should really argue with that one on face value good title amazing reflection of what the book is cuz it is the story of the Fellowship of the Ring it has a nice Kames to it the Fellowship of the Ring hits well flows off the tongue its iconic more than any other book title on this list by a huge margin but I'm gonna have controversial opinions for these next two here the two towers it's good it's it's good I don't think it's stupendous it's actually a bit generic but I can't really chalk it up to being generic because it's Lord of the Rings so I kind of made the generic thing like a lot of people copying this kind of thing so I'm not gonna attribute generic to it but I don't think it's super solid like there are other titles that I think could have been better I think two towers is held in such high regard because it's the two towers but I don't love that it's the name of it so I'm going to just put at the top of good and there's going to be a flood of hatred for me for that don't think I'm reflecting the quality of the book I put Lord of the Rings on my number 1 spot recently for like top fantasy series I loved Lord of the Rings I just find the two towers to be an OK title it's is not anything better and here's the next controversial opinion The Return of the King it's a spoiler it tells you how something's going to go down and I don't like that if you pay attention in the text you know this is referring to you know it's just basically unveiling something in the plot and I think that's annoying that being said it's a solid title The Return of the King hits well so I'm gonna go ahead and say yes it's solid probably put it above the winds of winter but I also just don't like that it's telling you the return of the king and you're like oh I wonder what that could be like I know cuz it's like classic fantasy it's not the same vibe or whatever and has that problem but it bothered me okay it bothers me a bit the lone dro very good I actually really like the lone dro or as drow you tube you groups who debate that endlessly you have fun in the comments section I'm gonna keep saying to row I hate the word drow bro sounds cooler so I'm saying to row and row really hits well I think the loans row does hit well it's not poetic or any sense it's just a solid solid book title and I'm gonna put that just below the Return of the King what's gonna put that right there alright so next up we have a feast for crows by George are Martin here and this one is just phenomenal feast for crows in terms of what you've learned in the story so far and everything here these four crows just love it love it love it love it definitely kind of has the matching ominous vibes here that you you need for first song of ice and fire again I don't love the covers I've covered that many times for this series but yeah that's definitely I think gonna go right above the blade itself feast for crows beautiful ninth house this one really does a good job within the text of meaning something but on face value if I poked it picked up a book and just read ninth house zero appeal for me and that's it's like I'm not drawn in at all I think the covers gorgeous and I love this book but ninth house the title it's just good it's nothing wrong with this it's good it's good it's not generic anyway but it's it's just good I'm gonna put it below two towers and above never die the last art sorry last argument of Kings what an extraordinary title love it for Joe Abercrombie last argument of Kings so good and the more you think about it the more it's kind of like oh damn like really sets up the story I'm actually gonna put this in perfection I think last argument of Kings is the perfect title for this book and I'm just gonna leave it there though i'm not-- i have put fellowship of the ring below Leviathan wakes because Leviathan wakes is just a it's just a pop of a title and I'm all about it storm front for Dresden Files love this series like this book a lot a title and that's also because of the context of how this book pretty much now the titles controversial because of things outside of mr. butchers control I feel bad about that sorry man but yeah the title itself and can only start from there the way of kings very very nice there I'm going to say way of Kings is it is generic don't get me wrong that's a generic fantasy title the way of Kings it is and it's elevated out a bit but I'm not going to put it as high in Psalms I think some people are going through because of how generic it is I'm not gonna put it in generic because I think it's better than that but it's not it's not super high in solid in fact I think I'm just gonna put it just above the winds of winter I think the lone dro hits me a little better hits me a bit better as a title in terms of getting me intrigued especially with the point you know let's not talk about Forgotten Realms but I like it a lot the lies of Locke Lamora that much alliteration earns you a poetic status and I'm gonna put that just below the slow regard of silent things lies of Locke Lamora is such a phenomenal title I oh and it's it's like weird amount of alliterations that's the gute like the quirky tone of the story that is darker so I'm very very good red sister yeah it's got some meaning in the text but it's just pretty generic have like oh you know the rap scene I would even say it's generic I'm just gonna put it in there I love red sister I recommended again again and again again but the title itself definitely mattered Stormfront I think because of you know the in text meaning but yeah I'm just gonna put that in because it's it's just red sister I think there could be better titles from you know playing with things from the text there but it also set up the whole trilogy to be named red gray and holy sister but I don't know I got I wanted something a bit more there and actually then we wrong I actually really enjoy Dresden titles in general and there are several I wish I could brought in here but I don't want to be like a whole Dresden list because I like Jim butchers kind of two-word constant tongue-in-cheek things as storm fronts not necessarily his best work the thousand orcs uh I mean that's kind of a sign of really generic right thousand orcs it's just like oh okay that's fantasy is all hell well is it isn't necessarily generic to name like there's not a whole lot of like books titled like fifty-two else I'm sorry I don't think it's that I'll leave it in good I'll put it just above I mean I could definitely see a lot of people reading the thousand or looking at that cover I can't take covered account a lot of people reading thousand dork and going ooh what's this about that's got a lot of action and it does have a lot of action so I'm gonna give it credit for that I'm gonna put it right there in ninth house Game of Thrones this it's the first book of the Song of Ice and Fire and it's just got that Martin appeal which is just like oh man there's something there that we really found appealing in Martin's wordplay there I don't think anything Martin is gonna go below solid I like it more than winds of winter I actually like a more than way of Kings I like it more than the lone Dro yeah I'm gonna put that right below Return of the King I'm gonna put it right there that's that's a good spot that's a good spot fire and blood gonna be honest even with the Martin context this just seems generic to me it doesn't you know we have things like baptism of fire which I think are going for a similar vibe but accomplish it so much better in their title this to me seems like the first draft of a title that eventually turns into something as awesome as baptism of fire and they just didn't have the creativity to come back and think of something better so it's generic it doesn't pop to me much and I'm gonna put it probably just above the sword of kaigan the three-body problem put this in there to have a bit of a different appeal a little bit a little bit outside the box but I think it's a really good one especially how much it reflects the inner text and it's good enough to definitely be in good put that above thousand work that's gonna be a weird one people don't have a problem with that probably but I'm okay with it I of the world that's a great title I really think it definitely earns solid enjoy it it's not perfection or that I have the world's that poetic not really poetics becoming weirder weirder to define as this goes on because there's certainly case to be made that other ones these could go into poetic but I think I think you guys in general are going to understand what I mean where I'm saying like there's something about those titles that hit you in a way that's just so different it's difficult to compare them solid but I have the world I like it more than way of Kings I like a more inland row Game of Thrones that's Ashley that they're so different in what they're competing you like Game of Thrones tells you this is political intrigue I of the world kind of communicates this is a fantasy adventure with grand epic themes or something like that it tells me there's some real magic going on here to have something called the eye of the world and that's actually a really nice reflection of the differences in these series yes they both have grand fantasy elements yes they're both politics at you know large chunks but the difference comes down and could be personified in these title differences which is kind of poetic in itself but which do I like more Game of Thrones or I of the world another thing is I've said I of the world so many times in my life that it just starts to not mean words anymore you know what I mean I think people get what I'm saying I'm gonna say I of the world god that's pretty much a tie I'm gonna leave I of the world and Game of Thrones in a tie I don't have a strong preference between the two cuz I like the implications of Game of Thrones more but I think I like the way I of the world hits me I'm a bit better oh wait I accidentally confused oh whoops I actually put last wish when I meant black chasm of fire so baptism of fire is actually cover oops well let's go ahead and put baptism of fire where it was and then I'm going to wait baptism of fire above or below promise of blood oops I think I had it above right yeah let's go ahead and leave that above and then we have a last wish last wish is good I don't think it's generic I'm down that's pretty generic for fantasy the last wish that that's kind of generic hmm yeah it is it's kind of in that same name of the wind fantasy vibe definitely you'd like it more than fire and blood someone's gonna leave that there um let's go ahead do I wanna drop fire and blood too eh I really think I do actually want to drop it to air just above storm front to be honest I don't I just don't like that I'd fire and blood to me just sounds so it's not even generic enough for me to put it with the good generic titles it's generic enough that I just want to go yeah like just get out of here I'm sorry I know people are gonna rally against me on that buddy cuz it does really reflect a lot of the themes but you could have so many better titles to reflect those themes well Harry Potter in the Philosopher's Stone that is a solid title I'm gonna put at the bottom of solid I think it's good you know because it just has magical item yeah actually yeah I'm gonna go ahead and put this just below two towers no I'm put it above two towers I'm net Philosopher's Stone is now the top of good which remember is still good like that's good and I'm going to come in here and say that they changed it to sorceress stones the American copy which i think is annoying and dumb and I put at the bottom of a because I hate how they did that stupid we Americans can get behind Philosopher's Stone this is something that still bugs me so yeah you for doing that anyway Oh scythe this is just one that I actually want to do is put in here is just a good example of good like there's I don't have any problem with scythe it reflects a lot what happens in the text it's good it's fine overall this is pretty much the exact middle of the road for good and I want to put it probably just below 9th house I find ninth house to have a little bit of intrigue in a way above scythe for me the black prism by Bryn tweaks this is one that is so much better the further end of the series you get this is a title that grows in meaning which I really enjoy and has so much reflection so it definitely earns a solid place and I'm gonna go ahead and say it's probably just above the winds of winter for me that's yeah gonna put that right there that's good that's good crossroads of Twilight that's a great name that's a really great name I feel like so I'm going to put that just above just above game of throne no I'm gonna buff Return of the King crossroads of Twilight I like that it has a lot of hit behind it yeah and then the final one we're getting into here is the final Empire which isn't a bad name it's generic I'm gonna give it that it's a generic name the final Empire for fantasy is a generic name it to me at least it strikes that way but it also is super confusing and Brandon's like marketing team I think has even admitted this that it was a mistake to name the first book in a series the final Empire because it sounds like an ending thing and that's actually I think part of the reason I've heard very from various sources that they're trying to just rebrand as the first book being called Mistborn like they had a oh this is the title if you look at the first printing and it's like wait no miss born so I don't know that to me yeah it's it's it has an issue that way we're now like people are just and I'm gonna say it's it's probably just gonna be the top of a for me don't love miss borne love it so much but the final Empire yeah doesn't strike me as anything super spectacular or fantastic and I'm pretty let's go over this world quick Leviathan wakes is perfection me and I can't think of a better title that's great fellowship earns that spot because if it's purely iconic status and last argument of Kings earns that because I think it's just absolutely extraordinarily good title for record bar for reflecting what's in the text and just like the epitome of Joe Abercrombie zap feel their poetic I mean lies of Locke Lamora and the slow regard of silent things their long ass titles that hits you in a way where it's just mmm like that ooh a nice way and I think that's our to really rock solid there honestly if I had to put these in solid I think they both go to the top so actually this kind of just works out right there actually lies a lot more might be below a little hatred I have a weird liking for the light roads that this one do I want to rearranging these a little hatred baptism of fire promise of blood feast for crows actually I'm gonna put feast for crows above promise of blood I feel like no promise of blood is such a good maybe in my back we promise of blood too high I feel like I might be promised of blood isn't yeah the blade itself him to put above promise of blood and I think that's oh man definitely gonna put crossroads of Twila to go friendless and blood return to the king promise of blood for Return of the King above it I was getting quite the demotion I'm gonna put it below yeah I think that's where I'm gonna leave it I think I'm gonna leave it there the lone dro absolutely I'm putting promise of blood there it's still solid don't get me wrong I like the title promise of blood I think what was happening is I was like get that cover and going damn that's a good cover cuz really it is oof promise of blood is one of the best covers I've seen full stop and I was lugging that win me over but promise of blood just earns above winds of winter there I think that's that's uh that's it that's fine that's right that was way too high that was way too high so now we have feast for crows played itself processors of Twilight return the King Game of Thrones I have the world Fallone Dro God that that loans row has a vibe to it drow as some people are gonna comment okay the way of Kings black prism promise of blood winds of winter mmm I'm gonna put once a bitter I'm just gonna put this right there it's gonna bother me if I don't so I'm doing that and then we're gonna have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone yeah yeah let's find their two towers the three-body problem thousand org 9th house scythe never die never die might be a bit high but I just something I like something about never die and you know its reflection with the material obviously the name of the wind that's a bit generic but I think it fits there it's so good like I still like name of the wind as a title so consider generic and good to be on the same level I'm just separating those out because they have you know last wish yeah that's fine they're sort of kaigan that's the epitome of generic for fantasy yeah the final Empire yeah read sister fire and blood stormfront Sorcerer's Stone seriously I'm mad about the Sorcerer's Stone thing like I still AM to this day it's gonna be something that bothers me forever but I'm pretty happy with this titles tier list let me know what you think of it in the comments down below let me know what titles you'd like to see me rate next and where am i horrendously wrong here I know a lot of people are wishing are gonna wish I have included memory of light so let me just say if I was gonna put memory of light in here probably right above baptism of fire yeah I think I put it right there right there because he lit bothered that I didn't do that so let's just knock that out of the park remember you like right there but like and subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon to go to support what I do here and have a good one y'all peace and of course I'd like to give a special shout out to my latest high tier Patriots mr. Fahrenheit Ben McCarthy and Timbo there's also one more here that is apparently in Hebrew according to Google Translate and Mario come on I'm sorry this is going to rough me I did my best feel free to shoot me a message about corruption
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 95,227
Rating: 4.8646808 out of 5
Keywords: fantasy books, witcher, a song of ice and fire, game of thrones, wheel of time, ninth house, book titles, naming a book, daniel greene, cosmere, way of kings, book title tier list, fantasy book titles, fantasy tier list
Id: hIxI_xeWbg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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