A Tour of the Bottle Dumps near Manchester - Hunting for Forgotten Treasures in the Manchester Mud

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Time can never be your trusted friend or your  sworn ally no it's the harshest mistress of all and life is just a chain of moments spent a thousand hellos and goodbyes   maybe a love like ours can live out its calls i have just found something  that's just made my day   even with my poor eyesight i can tell what  that is can you see it can you see oh my god now that is a brilliant find that has  definitely made my day a doll's head   i'm so excited you know what i'm so  excited because i found it before   nicola a beautiful little doll's head  yeah a keeper and a star find absolutely hi everyone well today i'm doing something a  little bit different i'm very excited to be here   in manchester with sarah and mick from Docking  bay 51 you may have seen some of their videos   and i've been wanting to do this for so long  but obviously haven't been able to travel so   here i am today we're at a bottle dump there's  evidence of bottles and all sorts of exciting   things littered everywhere and i've got a really  good feeling about this so what are you hoping to   find? for me i'm hoping little bits because my  house is full of massive things so i need little   finds yeah and Mick? about the same for me i  think yeah whatever we get, whatever we get. exactly   And sarah has told me that if i find  anything good she's going to take it yeah! Of course!   yeah and you're going home or you're going in  a hole either way yeah well it's really really exciting and thank you for inviting  me so let's go see what we're gonna find something's caught my eye over here   what's this d d for dog and d for  digger that's appropriate isn't it's always tempting to go down  a little hole isn't it? yeah   off you go Nicola. In the hole!   Yes i think i'll go down this hole I'll get in this little hole and get all dirty in the hole  Let's see if there's anything hiding down here for me look there's a little hand  reaching out from the mud a little arm what's this down here Ye old farm pickles it's a new one ye old farm pickles   look at this it's always nice to find  something with some lettering on it i like that   look you see you've got part of  manchester on it it's very appropriate oh what's this oh i think this might be a  keeper this is another nice local bottle   and it's got manchester on it again and guess what  look it's still got the vulcanite bottle stopper   in it now that's definitely a keeper a really  fantastic souvenir from my visit oh nicola''s   found something nice she knows i'm going to be  livid if it's really really nice it's a good job   she's already down a hole! right i've got to try to get over there safely now i think she's laid a trap for me you're gonna have all your viewers going  "oh my gosh the national treasure's been   threatened to be shoved down a  hole" get your film face on! yeah   now i found something which will be really  nice a great souvenir of my visit right okay it's a beautiful old bottle look at you with  your toothbrush you're such a professional. Oh yes! but what's lovely is it's got manchester  on it oh great what what is it it's um it looks like snow snow drop snow drop oh  Snowdrop! that is a brilliant find right Nicola you're gonna  have to get your bags and go   do i have to give it to you? we'll say  no but really yes that great that is fabulous   yeah that is a great little find i'm so happy  with that yes complete with manchester on it i wonder what color the liquid is    it might even still have some snow drop in it. It might do. Oh, it's creosote. i've   had a few bottles that have had that in actually  and it makes your kitchen sink smell yeah   it's a fresh hole but look she's found a snow drop  manchester bottle manchester it's still got the vulcanite bottle stopper in it 1937 so we are looking at stuff  here yeah from the early 1900s 1930s   i do love these old newspapers you get  some excellent adverts in them sometimes   this is an interesting one again it's broken but  i've not seen this before it's Who de Kuypers nightly takes soundly sleeps and fit awakes who De Kuyper nightly takes soundly sleeps  and fit awakes make of that what you will   look at this tiny little bottle here a teeny weeny i've just seen something really cute down here it's here look it's a little button with  a bunny on it a little bunny rabbit button   oh isn't that adorable oh you know what i just looked down and i saw  a tiny little pair of legs poking out of here i wonder if there's anything on the end of  these legs right next to these roots here   let's reveal the body oh look it's just a it's just legs and a bum and one little hand i heard the word pipe being uttered from over  there what have you got oh look look at that oh that's beautiful yeah that's gorgeous look at that well  thank you so much! nice funny come on   chaser her chase her i love the pipes. as it  says on your sweatshirt yeah that's   going in the bag that's absolutely  gorgeous look at that pipe isn't it  beautiful i nearly stood on it i was going for a candlestick  oh stunning well done well done ta-da thank you   i'm so glad i went to this corner before  you! well i'm not! always go to the corners   nicola always go to the corners that's where  it all sweeps around - so you'll be on that corner now oh sarah's on fire over there look can  you stop taking all my pipes please. Yeah I've got all your powers Nicola. While you were sleeping I drained it out of you. yeah that's why i was  feeling so tired this morning oh that's a nice one   lovely fluted bowl there well well done yes  i think i'm going to follow you now yeah i'm   very lucky oh look what i can say i don't usually  spot them im just feeling the pressure well done   i'll see you in a minute with another  pipe okay just just call me over anytime now my old favorite vulcanite oh what's that what's this  oh wow it's like a lead swan really heavy oh that's so curious isn't it isn't  that's a lovely and very heavy lead swan oh i can see a little torso over here see her there oh that's so cute that's really  lovely let's give her a little wash you can come and join the rows of  little torsos in the tideline art studio there's another tiny lead figure  down here a really curious one   a very very skinny a little soldier let's see if we can see any more there's another lovely big marble here that's a pretty one isn't it! i'm sorry nicola i  don't do it on purpose I never find these   ever ever ever oh my god it's dinked  oh gosh that is absolutely beautiful   wow that's incredible it was just sat  there on the mud on this on the sand well done and i'm saying i didn't dare tell you i  told you earlier you're on the way down there to   find your pipe and you did it you know i've never  seen anything like it before you probably have but   that's beautiful that's really that's really  stunning yeah i feel dead pleased with   myself well so so you should so you should  that's wonderful yep brilliant find but i   have seen a little something down here see that  little face staring up at me a little tiny face   look oh no I just passed here three times well it  probably just got uncovered oh you're too kind   oh that's beautiful yeah but that is  really nice that's my consolation prize   i'd be happy with that if you  didn't have all the pipes what was your favorite find  well obviously i'd say my full   complete first ever pipe that's an absolute  beauty i wonder if it's a odd fellow's pipe   or something with the hands it's some kind of  it looks like some kind of masonic type organisation. It's got Auld Lang Syne on it and yeah the other pipe bowl the  one with the face on that's another   that is an absolute stunner yeah  these aren't things that we really ever find we don't normally find these at all, and then the third one  which hopefully is still in one piece is this one probably a bit more the usual  type it's so incredible isn't it what   washes out of the riverbanks  yes it is, that once someone thought was rubbish   and here we are so I'm just following "mrs pipe bowl for the day" that's me um it's hard to know where   to start really isn't it where are you going to go  first sarah I dont know, i think i'm gonna... there's only one way out   mick where are you going first i haven't  got a clue i was gonna wander around like you do doing i know that's the thing isn't it everybody  wanders off in their own little world yeah hoping   that you've gone in the right direction  yeah and you're the one finding the goodies   yeah there's so many different directions to go  yeah we'll hook up later and see what we've all   found all right good luck everybody good  luck good luck i can see a corpse down there oh and a nice little bottle what's this oh that's  a cute little bottle look hp sauce but it's tiny that's a teeny weeny little hp sauce  i'm gonna have to take that look   a little corpse oh that's quite a uh quite  detailed little corpse as well isn't it that's interesting i wonder what what that was   i believe you've got body parts nicola i have  and you know what it's very very um detailed body part Mick told me  and I said "she's got what?!" I'm so jealous i can't stand it see you went in the  right direction i went in the wrong direction   yeah so i just spotted this little  face down here or a little hat rather   turns out it's a little little chap with a hat on i thought it was a soldier at first but that  looks more like a child doesn't it maybe a postman what a gorgeous find its so peaceful here okay well it had to happen didn't it  i've just seen a clay pipe can you see it there it is it's just here   and what a beautiful clay pipe it is oh  and it's got a lovely maker's mark on it O'Brien 61. i think i found one of these before  actually isn't that a beauty excellent oh i'm in my   element here i could spend hours just wandering  around this place and get totally lost in it it's so pretty and peaceful too hello sarah i couldn't couldn't walk past anything   i know! There's jam pots and i can't resist jam  pots i've just walked past a few full ones now   so i'm gonna have to get them on the way back i can't  stand it it's really amazing there's some really   fantastic treasures here isn't there i found a  doll's head a little miniature doll's head lovely and um   a doll's face sort of lips cheeks so nice  i'm happy with anything like that brilliant oh my goodness you wouldn't  believe it i was just scraping away   the soil here and guess what just came  into view this beautiful pipe bowl it's absolutely stunning look i've  got one like it that i found in the   thames a little bit smaller but it's another hoof that is a beautiful hoof pipe bowl  just look at that oh wonderful i found a lovely hoof pipe bowl yeah i've got a lovely hoof here Nicola's found a a pipe bowl with a hoof on it oh i haven't got   one of those oh no i'm gonna have to give it to  sarah oh honestly how did she do it how does she   do it really right let's go and investigate  let's go and see if we can snaffle it off her oh that's great well done well done right Nicola just pack your bags and go though all right what is that there what is that oh it's a little head little head with a blue hat  on is it oh that's a super little find yeah super   find look at this when you're doing something  like this it's so easy to just wander off   and get completely lost you get so absorbed in  what you're doing just looking and searching and it's so peaceful what's that fenning's cure i've not heard of that one either so many different cures now something's caught my  eye down here it's actually   the embossing on this bottle now it might be  nothing at all but you see it's just there   i want to see what it is it looks like it could  be an interesting bottle oh alfred bird and sons   yeah i found a few of these before that's  lovely that's bird's lemonade bird's lemonade alfred bird and sons birmingham that's lovely oh what is that over there what is that  some kind of little creature i think oh mick look what i've got here it's a little  bonneted face of a little dog by the looks of it very unique i bet sarah will like that i'm definitely lost now i'll see if i can find mick and sarah  oh i think i can see somebody down there hello you absolutely can't beat  being down a hole it's true except when you get out of the hole now a moment ago we met some bottle diggers and  they gave me a couple of bottles and they're   lovely really nice embossed bottles this one is  fletcher and holt collyhurst manchester and i   love this picture here which i'll be able to see a  little bit better when i've cleaned the bottle off so that's a delight and this  one here which is beautiful   green sills mona bouquet so thanks  very much guys for the amazing pressies very happy so sarah did you have a good day i've had  a fabulous day can you show us some of your finds um right so we'll start up here with some body  parts we've got an ear a lip and a chin i'll keep   these because i make things with them so and then  that one oh yeah that's a nice beautiful but yeah   i do i do make things with these and then that is  uh the end of a hat pin lovely i don't know how i   see these things because my eyesight's terrible - a pipe bowl a little games piece   nice, an alley gob and that little doll's head oh   that's lovely that's a beautiful find  hp sample bottle i love those yeah i found   one of those i've never found one of those before  all right okay yeah i like those it's little and   it's a nice tiny little sheer top and  then this is just one of many that i've collected   because you like those i can't i can't resist i  absolutely cannot resist um jam pots and small   ones even better because they're not heavy but  yeah that is one of two bags full i've got so yeah   and you forgot something i did i forgot the star  find oh my goodness whole cod bottle and a mini   one that is a super find it is a super find it's  a keeper and it's going in my bag and it's great   brilliant well done thank you great afternoon  then yeah great morning and afternoon yeah oh   all day you've broken me nicola i'm broken oh  i can't do another step yeah wonderful we've   had a great time haven't we and so everyone  do go over and take a look at docking bay   51 youtube channel they've got a fantastic youtube  channel they put a video out every week and it's   full of muddy fun and muddy finds and sarah also  does a lot of crafting so um i think that it will   really enrich your life to go and take a look   to their channel or tip you over the edge hi everyone welcome to my studio thank you very  much for watching and i hope that you enjoyed   that video as much as i enjoyed being there  in person it was my first visit to manchester   and there couldn't have been a better couple of  people to show me around for my first time mick   and mrs pipe bowl - a.k.a. sarah they really are  such lovely lovely people they catered to my   every whim um they looked after me  they bought me empress gray tea to have   they also took the clock out of the room that  i was sleeping in i don't know if you've ever   had this happen to you but basically clocks for me  they can tick as much as they like during the day   i don't have a problem with that they can tick  as loudly and as long as they want but when i'm   lying in bed and you're just about to go to sleep  and then you're suddenly aware that there's a tick   tick tick tick in the background and so  i had to jump out of bed and go find mick   and sarah and ask them if we could take the  battery out and they came and took the whole   great big clock off the wall and put it in the  hallway and so it's now a bit of a joke between us   my diva-like demands or let's say a little bit  of a princess and the pea but anyway that's as an   aside they really looked after me so well and  i'm very very grateful to them for taking me to   so many wonderful places and i loved being in  manchester and i'll definitely come back again   and i'm surrounded here with some of my beautiful  finds i've got lots of bottles and bits and pieces   and lots and lots of memories and not only that  mick and sarah sarah rather sent me away with   some beautiful presents that she made herself for  my empress grey tea she's made me a beautiful mug   here a tidelin art mug and also sarah gave me a beautiful picture made out of some of her   fines there's a picture up here on the screen  now so it's really special and of course it is a bee in there which is the symbol of manchester  mancunians are known for being busy bees and in   particular in the 19th century it was a hive  of activity and the bee is indeed the symbol   of manchester so that's going to go pride of place  up on my wall so huge thanks again to you mick and   sarah they do a video every week and they also  do a live video every week and so there's always   something to see and it really puts a smile on  your face so i thoroughly recommend their channel   i'd also like to give a big shout out to nigel  if you are out there nigel when we came out of   one of the bottle dumps that we visited nigel was  parked by the side of the road and at first of all   i thought he was going to tell us off for being in  this bottle dump but he looked at me in a little   bit of a non-plussed way and realized that it was  nicola white of the mudlarking youtube channel   and i think he couldn't quite figure out what  i was doing in manchester and why i wasn't in   london so it was quite a funny moment so nigel  i just want to say how nice it was to meet you   big big hello and i hope you're doing really well  great to meet you the next thing i wanted to tell   you about is the totally thames festival is coming  to town now last year of course we couldn't have   one although there was one and there was some  online activities but this year there's a lot   more going on it's all covid safe of course  there's a lot more activities going on it's from   the 1st to the 30th of september and it's  celebrating everything to do with the wonderful   river thames now there are loads and loads of  events and i'll put the link in the description   to this video and for those of you abroad there  are lots and lots of online events but those of   you that are here there's many events that you can  attend so many that i can't even remember how many   they are but i am going to mention two events  to you so on the 3rd to the 5th of september in   saint paul's cathedral lots and lots of my mudlarking friends are showing off their amazing   finds there will be different mudlarks there  every day at St Paul's cathedral from the 3rd to the 5th   of september so that's one to look out for i'll  put the link here and for myself on sunday the   19th of september i'm going to be giving a talk  it was going to be last year but it was cancelled   so i'm going to do it this year and  it's a mudlarks feast and it's a talk   all about my finds associated with food and drink  and and lovely smells and tobacco it's going to be a really nice immersive experience at woods quay in  london and there will be some little bits of food   to taste as well that the chef is going to prepare  to match up with some of my thames mudlarking   finds so it should be a really good afternoon and  you can buy tickets to that through the link again   which i'll put in the description to this video  so i hope that you can come i'm hoping that we're   going to record that event so i'll be able to  share it with you at a later date if you can't   actually see it but in any case totally thames  festival is coming to town it's going to be great   and it's going to celebrate this brilliant  river that gives us so many wonderful gifts   the next thing i wanted to say is that very soon  i'm going to be doing a really exciting giveaway   of a beautiful handmade trowel by my friend graham  now i don't know how many trowels i've lost in my   mud larking lifetime but there are quite a few  which is kind of ironic because i spent so much   time looking and finding things but i do manage  to find trowels but not sorry not find them if   only i do manage to lose trowels particularly if  they're not attached to me and on many occasions   graham who is incredibly gifted in the art of  making trowels has come to my rescue and provided   with me with some now he's kindly offered a trowel  for a giveaway on my channel so i have of course   accepted and so within a month or two i'm going  to be doing a giveaway so do look out for that   i think that that is everything i wanted to say  to you so it's been really nice to hang out here   with you for a little while after this video  i'm gonna check my notes to make sure i haven't   forgotten anything let me see um no i haven't i  remembered everything so that's great so again   have a a great week ahead and i also wanted to say  something about the the bottle dumps that we visit   you know every time i visit these places and i  see these old broken bits of rubbish old shoes   or these things lying there or bits of newspaper  that used to be pieces of lives from the past   like faded memories in a way lying there for us  to to find it sort of really makes me want to live   every day to the full you know really live for the  moment and to make as many memories as possible   and i really hope that you can do that too so have  a great week and take care and i'm sending you   lots of love from london and i'm really looking  forward to seeing you again very very soon bye       id recognize that face anywhere my new friend. Yes, this is like a modern dump. nice though isn't he! You can't adopt him he's a bit too big. Actually maybe I could say that I found this chap here but I can't take him home to put in the Thames Toy Orphanage. Yeah he'd take it over. It's a shame really. I just found this young chap here but unfortunately he's just  a little bit too big to fit in the tideline art   toy orphanage so i'm afraid you're gonna  have to stay here in your natural habitat  
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 39,684
Rating: 4.9517474 out of 5
Id: Pa1ni33mCKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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