FANTASTIC Puppy Feeder Waste Oil Burner

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so if you've been following the channel for a while you know that I have a stove in the shed I want to make a new white style burner for the stove and I'm going to make it out of this puppy feeder really easy I'm going to show you how I do it here we go now I put a score line all the way around near the top of this and I want to measure the diameter because we want 15 holes spaced equally all the way around okay so let's do that I can actually feel the line on it so we've got 106.05 106.05 we're going to multiply that by pi so multiplied by 3.114 and that equals whatever so 332.997 and we're going to divide that by the amount of holes we want so that's going to be divided by 15. all right so 22.1998 so a few years ago I was using this minion stove in the shed and uh router can kind of get rid of it um I painted it up and I'm using it now as a grinder stand and I put stuff in it now and again it looks good so I kept it so look here we go here's our puppy feeder I'm having trouble getting the drill bits to go into it so what I've done is I'm just using this as a prop for holding it and we're going to just literally puncture a hole in it so this is just a hardened steel screw and uh all I'm going to do is where I've marked off you know the position of the holes I'm just gonna literally drive a little hole into it so not hard to do just wherever I want it you just give it a smack so right we've punctured a few holes all the way around this step a bit could be any bit you want and we're just gonna go [Applause] so drilling 15 holes 10 mil in diameter looks very nice very professional half inch oil feed to the burner reassembling the gate valve with a slot and tighten it into my malleable iron fitting [Music] and that's just a half inch tank connector in a dog food tin tighten the nut and I'm filling it with used vegetable oil okay so this is just your standard puppy feeder I drilled 15 holes in it 10 mils in diameter you can see the back of it I've tried it anyway that's what it looked like before I drilled the holes in it okay these are easy to come by and it works really really well I'm going to show you that now so look goes into the stove so in here you can see this this is our half inch feed I've got oil in that dog food tin just Scrappy vegetable oil okay this is used vegetable oil it could be mild Royal if you wanted to be but um it works the same so anyway we're using veggie oil 15 holes 10 mil but 22 ml peritone Center okay just in case right so it goes in there that's it under the actual dripper right so we're going to drip all into that now I assembled a few other bits and pieces to concentrate the flame okay this is just an old drum right very thin walled and all that um this is just prototyping this is just to show you how easy it is to get this thing going okay so that goes under there and sits in the tin I'm just saying you can get this stuff going whatever you've got like knocking around in the shed so anyway a little bit of imagination saw blade okay that goes on top I'll show you all this in a second saw blade okay and then we've got a car brake disc roller you know and to space it out this is just I don't know what this is baby formula okay so we're just using that as a spacer so drop it on the middle and put this on like a top hat so that's what it all looks like you can see the puppy the silver of the puppy tray the saw blade the baby formula tin and a car brake disc and there's the half inch feed into the system okay so the follow-on from that to follow that up that's my drip feed system and then to have a look in okay you can see it's used oil so what about setting fire to it yeah no problem here we go right this is really quick and easy uh makes an absolute ton of heat it makes more heat than most people would need now this shed is one layer of sheet steel right so you can keep the wind off keep the rain off as for heat no so I have to make a lot of heat okay this is kerosene it could be diesel no problem and I'm just going to squirt in a bit the idea is this thing gets it going gets it red hot and then as we drop vegetable oil or whatever oil you're using into this it um it ignites it vaporizes on its way in and then Burns uh cold veggie oil or cold you know engine oil won't burn okay that's it our air goes in through here um we've got a center plate there it comes up into the bottom of the puppy feeder and then it comes out through the holes I drilled and that gives it air for combustion When I close this door the only air the stove is going to get is through the bottom okay right so how do I light it all right here we go this is just your standard blow torch so there's your standard blow torch right so now we have to close this and we'll add some oil okay I'll show you the oil so we just want a little stream of our now assisting redens the metal the oil coming in is going to get vaporized hear that okay so there we go we've got a way style burner working really well okay so there you go I've got a great way style burner oh there's just a few bits and pieces we had knocking around the place we had puppies the puppies are all gone now so we had puppy feeders that we didn't need look at this thing go it's amazing and maybe you can see into it on the other camera I don't know but it's making an absolute ton of heat right we're just dripping oil down from this into here we can control the air we can control the flow and it's brilliant absolutely I'm gonna have to move things away from here it's getting too hot so look if you liked the video please thumbs up subscribe down here that'd be fantastic and I'll see you all in the next video bye for now good luck [Music]
Channel: GerrysDiy
Views: 378,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waste oil, Free Heat, waste oil burner, used vegetable oil, waste oil heater, free heat from used oil, cost of living crisis, inflation, used oil heater, converted stove, winter heating, winter fuel, free winter fuel, stay warm, bad weather
Id: 9oTg7ToOXGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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