Fans React to The Last of Us Series Premiere: “When You’re Lost In The Darkness”

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

I had this thought earlier - I want to see the original REACT kids (who are all adults now) watch this premiere. And hell, even the whole season.

The teens REACT playthrough of TLOU, and Two Best Friends Play, were my introductions to the story before I ever bought it (it was the first game I got w/ my PS4).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rbarton812 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2023 🗫︎ replies
and that's your biggest worry yes any kind of virus but most probably something similar to influenza 1968 meaning all the whole world becomes sickle at once oh this guy's awesome best to do from The Mummy last time I saw this food he was being a pain in the ass in Agents of Shield I presume the prospect of a viral pandemic keeps you up at night as well no did someone see a pandemic oh my God this is too real the fungus that infects insects gets inside an ant for example I've heard about this Dr Sean Heist you're in distress fungal infection of this kind is real but not in humans not yet true fungi cannot survive if it's hosts internal temperature is over 94 degrees but what if that were to change what if for instance the world were to get slightly warmer oh my God what if indeed so if that happens it's GG fan we're [ __ ] basically we lose oh my God okay well damn dude that makes me think something like that could happen I will be back that's a cool way to enter that I like that yeah [Music] oh my it's the song from the game okay okay excited guys it's filling the void perfectly the wall The Walking Dead has just ended it's time for a new zombie apocalypse show it's a very cool intro and I'm ready 2003 it's Sarah oh it is Sarah oh no hey my man Pedro Pascal let's go he's already perfect it's Joel he was gonna make you birthday pancakes is there enough for Uncle Tommy hello Waterman Uncle Tommy hey okay Ghost Rider still alive yo [ __ ] oh he loves you he's depending on me I'm getting Rick and Shane Vibes over here you can work a double literally today I know I'd be done by nine by nine right he's not going to be done by nine oh the watch Connie was asking that for you we got a lot of extra here yeah y'all want some biscuits I'm on Atkins it's up because it's 2003. we gotta run but Sarah will be by later she'll stay as long as you want tell you all about Atkins solid I love their Dynamic man it's so nice to see more of Joe and Sarah's relationship before it all falls apart oh gosh why are you twitching like that the illness spreading this was not in the game right now it's a spring I'll do it right now oh she got his watch fixed for his birthday special watch you never takes [Music] you want to tell us what's going on what do you know hey is everything okay like on the news like what hon well you know I saw some people driving for their lives on the road well that's true every day isn't it people out there need to get right with Jesus you don't think Jesus is going to say before this plague I'm just waiting for everything to just go so badly oh oh we got movement something's happening in the Roger Stone turn around oh the old lady has the virus Sarah you need to get out there go turn around run around you know what my dad's gonna be Batgirl soon I should go you all need to check on Grandma 's oh look at the dog a dog is like something's up with her ass I'm a dog I know these things wow fixed it for you did you what I don't hear anything this is where the game started so nervous even though I know what happened it's me uh I'm okay but I'm in jail don't split up it's not Tommy's fault there's a goddamn apocalypse starting over so long as well for three hours how long does it take to get someone out of jail I'm gonna let her know [ __ ] like damn indoors welcome to the start of the Apocalypse oh mercy You Beautiful Boy what have you seen don't go outside [ __ ] Grandma gonna get you come on Mercy please can't you tell you don't want to go in there no she's like ain't no way screw this I'm out well you did all you could do to help Mercy that's a smart dog Mrs Adler come on I know oh Sarah what are you doing go oh you're done Mrs Adler the chair is empty they made a good point to focus on her immobility savers don't think I can buddy there's something on your right I can hear it oh oh my gosh oh she's eating the other lady I know you [ __ ] lying [Music] ew what is that it's like fungal strands run [ __ ] Roger Stone is coming for you oh here we go oh yeah she's a runoff he's a track star I'm gone look at the truck right now Jesus Christ someone shoot that old lady I'm not above punching an old woman in the face what are we doing Joe don't put the weapon down oh come on get in this part is like the game like I remember this part it's gonna be 70 times but I'm like it's just like the game they better go buy the burning Barn the burning board that's so scary oh my God already they're bringing in those hard tough decisions what would you do [ __ ] them kids [ __ ] everybody had the same [ __ ] idea what do you think oh lord it's already chaos it's like that already started five o'clock hang on oh my God don't tell me they bout to crash oh that point about to crash that's like a commercial flight too [Applause] I want to say just like the game again but I feel like I'm getting annoying of course just like a game here it is that was so good it smells like a quiet place oh this is making me like get dizzy oh God the airplane the airplane oh my God damn wait did that hit her oh did you hear the clicker noise gotta get off the street whoa jeez getting out of there in time damn get her out of here Joe go oh you're separating you gotta run you gotta run can you run keep your eyes on me okay okay you don't look anywhere else I'm getting upset already [Music] they're not even looking at you never lingered oh my gosh oh Joe why were you lingering it's running after you dude oh this guy's sprinting I don't like the fast ones I don't like things that run thank God for Tommy don't move no I remember this oh God my daughter's hurt her ankle stop right there this pogus me every time I know what happens but if kills me dude we're not sick I got two civilians by the river one of them injured oh no okay I'm sorry yes sir I didn't like that yes sir they're not gonna put her down there's no way Tommy better come in and shoot this military guy we are not sick no who shot that [ __ ] I'm sorry you can't you can't turn Tommy thank you there's Uncle Tommy oh he is shot oh he is shot yeah Gray's just crazed where's the daughter oh my gosh I knew it you're okay move your hand baby move your hand it's like in the stomach oh that's bad oh my God this is rough you're gonna be okay all right all right come on come on I know baby no no I know I know I know I know I know wow that was crazy I didn't expect to cry this early on still a hits even when you know that it's coming the scene was coming I didn't realize it was gonna be 50 times more emotional this isn't even the worst of the story 20 years [Music] who the [ __ ] is this are you like a zombie or are you just like a child is there much of The Walking Dead that little girl at the beginning episode where Rick's at the petrol station yeah that's Austin oh [ __ ] 2023 oh [ __ ] can you imagine the pandemic had gone a different way this could have been our future there's a walled up City it's probably been walking for miles anyway you could be the brother of that girl from [ __ ] The Walking Dead look at the flowers uh-oh that red light doesn't look good cleaning red is infected and green is uninfected then we'll get you some new clothes some toys oh God it's just a little needle are they putting his ass down because we know fedra they're they're pretty violent it's brutal you aged well sir is that the little kid what the [ __ ] did they just straight up euthanize them oh this is such a sick cruel world 20 years and that reality will change you oh I'm doing that too High violating the PNC 342.3 what are they doing now damn they're gonna hang these people oh my god let's just keep those Good Times Rolling your short five what is that oh smokes little tiny tamale I need the bag back it's drug dealing it's just surviving it's funny because like her his daughter was joking about selling drugs they're lost in the darkness look for the light is that the name of the episode what do you want me to say Tess well I loved her so much what do you want I want you to forget this ever happened done just a truck battery so are we good oh my God so many jump scares oh Lord that guy disintegrated [ __ ] oh are they like Freedom Fighters or something I would not be able to live under these conditions Ellie lady Mormont wait she was a young Mormon from that dude oh apparently the north does not remember attitude I love the SAS count slowly and clearly from one to ten one two three slowly did they think she was infected state your name slowly Veronica Veronica eight [ __ ] you she's amazing I love her already is there any chances coming in at night you're sleeping you miss it if Tommy responded we'd know I'm sure he's okay oh he's worried about Tommy show me where the tower is Joe it's in Wyoming oh all this Open Country yet there are worse things than infected out there I hear everything on this there are Raiders there are slavers but he says slavers and cannibals dude that's how real it is they're a couple huh what's going on I got jumped by a couple guys these aren't new the guys who jumped me away with Robert well guys there's a couple teenagers you don't have to worry about them I think I blew up he's so damn battery nothing's lost so you march out of here all Clint Eastwood is gonna get wind of it and Skip I need the battery test so so let's go hunt that [ __ ] down die my love test they cast her very well too yeah she looks really familiar like the team in place of Southeastern ew Marlene we're taking that random girl locked in that room West from our guy in the radio tower in Salem is this real I believe it is oh that changed your mind real quick I wonder why she's so important oh is she immune man all the car thing so far has been great I think that's actually Marlene from the game that's so cool they got the same actress where are you gonna go back to Federal military school you that anxious to be a soldier you think I chose that place they put me there when I was a baby it's for Orphans they didn't put you there I did what oh oh my [ __ ] mom or something no my name is Marlene I'm the leader of the fireflies in the Boston cuese promised the mom as you look after Ellie and then put in freaking military school why would a terrorists dumping with fedra because it's where you'd be safest and you were safe there until you decided to sneak out and terrorist was Riley a terrorist Riley because you have a greater purpose than any of us could have ever imagined what does that mean what's up with this kid everybody see some [ __ ] clickers God I can't wait to see the Clickers it's so gross you think he came down after he was infected no oh God it looks so real what the [ __ ] someone put a piano influence gunpowder that's new yes what Robert oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] did oh they just all got killed oh for the battery so this is different that's where Ellie is oh my god oh Jesus Joel Marlene oh they know each other so this is who Robert screwed us over with the che guevar of Boston [Laughter] [Applause] what do you need a car battery for don't not at her this is a good start to the relationship who is she do you she's cargo we don't smuggle people you're the cause of it you turn my own brother against me oh Lord so Tommy works with the fireflies we're gonna move Ellie out of the Zone tonight so now I'm thinking you're gonna do it let me take her I didn't do it Kim you don't have a [ __ ] ear on your [ __ ] head could you please oh God damn get it right Kim we'll get it to your crew at the state house but before we hand her over they give us everything that we want if not we kill her there and then oh whoa deal really not fast or all that matters my team will not jeopardize that it has begun and can you stop giving Pedro Pascal rolls where he has to watch a kid I think it's going to be in the remake of Avengers and babysitting next watch so who's Bill and Frank I'm so excited to know more about Bill and Frank the radio is a smuggling code right 60s song they don't have anything new 70s they've got new stuff what's Sadie's damn she's smart smarter than me tough one I didn't get that [ __ ] so what's the deal with you anyway you some kind of bigwig's daughter or something something like that oh the radio came on when you're sleeping what was the song Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go yeah sure gotcha 80s means trouble damn you're a code breaker and I like it kid the beginning of their relationship it's time to go get a house oh there you go is that the one you sold drugs to oh it's gonna be him the druggie you gotta be [ __ ] me oh that's his boy Willie out okay let's talk this out turn around oh Ellie I feel like I have a theory about her but is there's gonna come up red he's gonna find out she's infected and he's gonna freak oh she got the knife out of your [ __ ] mind oh [ __ ] whoa Ellie down the [ __ ] way whoa whoa oh oh he gonna go Rick rhymes on you oh Joe yeah Ellie I don't even want to turn away for a second this is not Joe in his best form she's like well man yeah am I right this is three weeks old nobody lost more than a day oh my God okay so now that's why the other lady was like this is bigger than one person or whatever like they're probably trying to find a cure from her there you go guys we gotta move Joe go Joel come on come on run dude run foreign they're getting a lot done in one episode you know what I mean oh it's gonna be 80s the meshiphone's an 80s song oh yeah there's trouble oh wow holy crap that's such a great shot it's so much like the game y'all in for a treat dude that was excellent this was so good I had high expectations that episode literally exceeded all of them Pedro Pascal's doing phenomenal in this and Bella Ramsey is slaying it I really liked it but I do think I like the beginning a lot more than the second half and they were kind of running around and stuff I feel like it could have been condensed just slightly it almost looked like they doing the whole game maybe this is a limited series [Music] you're a Lieberman where the hell they find that shirt
Channel: J2O
Views: 464,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, johnny o'dell, the last of us, last of us, hbo, hbo max, bella ramsey, pedro pascal, zombies, last of us season 2, last of us season 1, last of us react, last of us season 1 episode 1, tlou, tlou2, akasan, mary cherry, j2o last of us
Id: SKRdYoB1wkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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