Family's Fantastic Farmhouse-Style Tiny Home

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designing a tiny house that will perfectly meet the needs of a family of four is no light task yet that is exactly what this next couple have done building a beautiful farmhouse style tiny home that is packed with great design ideas [Music] today in the how's it going hey Joe nice to meet you this is such a beautiful looking home you know and before we talk about the house can we just talk about I know we can't take all the credit for it yeah it's a beautiful place and that was one of the big keys of Brina the tiny house here was the location yeah you've got two young girls yeah and this is literally a playground here isn't it you know what they are perfectly setup for everything that they could ever want or need and I think that's what made the transition from living in a normal sized house to living small so easy and so seamless for the girls and for us actually yeah and that's the key even other outdoors most of the time and that was one of the big goals of it it's working out very well and we're just so so happy to be here you've even got a stock tank swimming pool with floating Swan that's all away and ridiculous it is honestly we were talking about it and I'm like that's one of the things that if we build a big enough deck we 100% wanted to do you know the Pinterest stock tank pool with this one this is like a six-foot one but we wanted even large no I mean a bigger Swan you might that might come having such an incredible outdoor space like this must just make tiny house living so much easier honestly like this deck it's vital Vegas different and we are always outside and we probably will be and you know spring summer of yeah only time we might not be able to utilize it is winter right if it's snowy but it has just made the world of difference yeah that's when you just need to check a heater in the pool that's actually the next plan that's we've actually already looked into doing that turning into a stock tank hot tub yeah and what is the story with this land here because the setup is just ridiculously perfect you've got sheep running around in the background and a fantastic space here so Joel and I recently sold a home that we had designed and built ourselves and we purchased property which we had dreamed of purchasing six kurz we were able to clear it and we were in the process of building another house but we weren't able to put the tiny house on our piece of land because our land isn't like it's never been built on yeah we know much to still do on the property to make it livable like it would have been a little bit of a headache trying to prep the spot for the tiny house and have electricity and everything that we need so that's kind of where we went just five minutes up the road is where my parents live and this is where we have parked the tiny house they have five acres of their own clearly they are already completely set up with trampolines sand boxes for the kids so really in the end I think it turned out beautifully for our family and it's your childhood home is very good and this is where I grew up and honestly it holds so many memories of the kids being outside and that's part of the reason why we moved to a tiny house was to be outside have more family time and now we're close to family which is the best really closer yeah so I think our situation is maybe a little bit different than your typical tiny house maybe family or individuals is that we were looking at this for a certain period of time so Joel and I are so fortunate enough to be able to build another house and we were looking to see what would be the best fit for that kind of in-between time as soon as we saw the tiny house we thought you know what this is a great opportunity to just show our girls what it's like to live small live simply and not focus so much on the big houses you know a lot of stuff a lot of clutter and and maybe just focusing down and what's truly important and that that ultimately boils down to family for myself as an airline pilot as a career it was very important for me especially that when I'm away I know that Emma and the girls are safe and have that feeling of safety and security here in Italy that was what really was really great about us being up at the tiny house and her parents property so what was it that inspired the build at the tiny house I remember seeing the first tiny house on HGTV and I remember thinking like I would love to get the chance to design a space that not only had the constraints of small living but something that would still feel like a even though it is so you know much smaller than the conventional home so when I first saw that I remember kind of slowly putting the idea into Joel's head and this was even before we had children so it was kind of like should we do it as a young couple or should we try to you know work our way up in the property ladder but once we found out that we were gonna go for it I was like 100% we're doing a farm right but in the country it's gonna be a farm house yeah I feel like a farm house to us especially in Canada like almost symbolizes like the cozy home that you know the homestead where you grow your own garden and that's why we tried to incorporate kind of mature window boxes and good little gardens to try and make it feel like it was an established farmhouse hmm you've definitely nailed that really quintessentially beautiful farmhouse look in this can you talk to me about the construction and some of the materials that we used the house is constructed of 2x4 and then it's cedar clad and the exterior as well standard house windows and so it's very insulated as well the tin roof and spray foam insulation so I mean you could heat this thing with a candle essentially it's so so well insulated we barely ever use the heating and what size is the tiny house it's so it's 30 feet long eight and a half wide thirteen and a half high we wanted to actually do it a bit longer but it's a bit of a tricky driveway to get it up here so the builders they recommended 30 feet to be the longest and actually we're frankly quite glad I am so glad we didn't go bigger because I feel like when you're going for a tiny house you still try to downsize your living and make living more simple I think one but for us and if she was it's such a such a new thing to us they want my soul go as big as we can right cause big it's less of a transition but you know what two feet or what now you know this is this is perfect you know and every week that we live in it the house feels bigger yeah yeah and I still lose things and then my Soto's even though we've gone it's a time and I lose things always yeah and maybe that'll never change yeah that's the home just looks so wonderful from the outside and I cannot wait to see what you've done on the inside come on in take a thank you oh this is just beautiful thank you so much okay you know why it feels so cozy and so nice I decide honestly love how it turned out I feel like we had a vision of what we wanted it to look like and I feel like it even just exceeded now it's felt like home since the day we completely try to be homey so we love it through and through you have just nailed that farmhouse vibe right down to freshly baked totally you know like I just like I said before the whole farmhouse vibe just automatically feels cozy and cometa so we were trying to implement like the hutch you always see an old hutch in the farmhouses and you know having things like the galvanized playing and you know the dishes and everything yeah I think the farmhouse is that place where you come home for a nice home-cooked meal and somewhere where it's not extravagant but it's homey and beautiful in its own right and that's kind of what I think em was a really good job of of capturing on here she certainly has and you're immediately greeted by this wonderful definitely carries through that very homey feel yeah that was one of the things so there's a list that what Joel and I drew up for the things that we wanted to have in a tiny house as a family of four so one of them was a big enough kitchen so that the girls could actually come and come up and feel like they had to get out of my space when I'm in the kitchen and then another one was having a decent-sized table that we could pull out so that we still have family meals because I don't want us to you know live small and not forget why we did this enough yeah exactly yeah which is really the quality time having time with family and not having so much stuff and things to do but focusing on our girls and then a kitchen that looks like it is just begging to be cooked complete with the bread box right right and you can tell we are parents of young children so we have two different medical coffeemaker Lenti of happy thank you [Music] ideally we are gonna extend this countertop out so that we can put barstools for the girls but right now as it is yes we have the biggest fridge that we could fit in a tiny house but honestly that was I think another one on the list is we needed to have we're a family of four we have a lot of groceries the girls eat infinite amount of snack so we needed to have a bigger fridge for that bigger fridge and a full-size range for the cooking and a big sink because we end up with a lot of dishes of course as well right building a tiny house for a family is a totally different ballgame you have to consider so many different aspects you know the children washing their hands and you know spilling over whereas when you are just designing it for maybe a single person or a couple you don't have to consider as many variables like we could have done other much smaller fridge Oh completely you know things like that and but you know this dis gives us leave them with the communes of a bigger home a bigger kitchen actually feels very big to us honestly as a family for there's like endless dishes and laundry and you know I have to I have to keep on top of those things I think so having the double sinks perfect no no in this part of the house as well the sense of space is quite grand and I think that's because you've got this wonderful vaulted ceiling in here just adding slowly yeah and that was something that we had to decide as you'll see later on we've got the girls have each got their own sleeping space about their own lofts and initially we thought well we were weakened ously we need our own loft as well and we initially had planned it but it'll often here but as we started to look into it more in a 3d diagrams of it it just really felt that closing it quite a bit we're gonna feel yeah I made it feel quite a bit smaller but now as you walk in as you can see I mean you're quite a tall guy and it still feels it's a good amount of space so without including a sleeping loft for both of you where do you sleep that's that is the number one question we get asked by family and friends so initially we were gonna have a bedroom upstairs but we decided to do the pull-out couch which is totally romantic but and it's incredibly comfortable actually yes completely gotten used to it and it's a good size and we love it I am so surprised by how romantic how cozy it is and how private it feels even though we have the girls lofts just right up that stairs I mean life with toddlers is never very private anyway they wanna yeah wherever you are but to us no it feels like our space when the girls are in bed they're in bed early enough and we've got our own space down here and we love it and another great advantage of doing it that way is you have this phenomenal sized family couch now definitely so this was another one on the list that we absolutely wanted to have as a family we wanted a big enough couch to have a good size bed for us but we also wanted the couch to function as you know a big couch for all of our families found before they all fit on here and exactly so we read books on here you know the girls do their little doodling and Joel and I are right here with them so it just feels like a good almost like a conventional living space you'd have in a normal house and talked to me about the storage in here yeah so there was a lot of options for us when having the house built and what kind of storage options we wanted there was a few that were for us quite obvious the staircase is the perfect scenario I mean it's wakes in space otherwise but we weren't quite sure how the living situations would really work until we were fully into it so we thought a lot of that we've been adding on later on for example these cupboards here and there actors are this is my side the clothing storage and we've each got our own size yeah Emma signs over here we've got things for the kids over here we've got toys and games everything for them it all works up perfectly and they just love it we've also got these cupboards shelves in here we've got baskets for their paints and their play-doh and everything and they can just go up and grab a basket put it on the table and away they go and it works obviously perfectly and then I notice you've got a hook here sticking out of the ceiling what's that doing there we do so this is one of the girls favorite things about this space right here is we actually have a swing that hooks up for the girls the seat is wide enough for both of them to sit on and read books and they actually can get quite a height in this way that was one of the things that I remember seeing in a tiny house year years ago not the exact sowing that we have but I remember seeing how fun it looked for the kids and just to something a little fun for them and then through there is the bathroom so right over here we have the pocket door and obviously it provides a lot of privacy for us it just slides in really easily and then it looks like you've managed to fit in a great sized bathroom yeah so we were able to design a space that was perfect for not only us as a couple but also for our girls so the big washer dryer is totally essential for a family of four we're constantly doing laundry and the other thing was a full-size tub is was totally necessary we do the the kids have a bath every night almost and for us it was just the two of us we may not have needed it but I figured it was pretty essential for the kids of a full-size tub and it fits in here perfectly it doesn't even feel to ground or anything yeah I think another good thing about this washroom is the amount of storage space so we have like a good size sink and vanity where we can store all the toothbrushes we have all this organization on the side where Joel is and obviously good hanging for towels in and I say you've got the composting toilet here yeah we're kind of partially off-grid and partially on grid but we are not on any septic field or anything so we've got the composting toilet because it just makes things so convenient with where we are we didn't have to design a septic field or anything which is very costly of course and much more of a permanent thing and this has worked out very well for us we'd never even even heard of it before we designed the tiny house I had that built and we love it it's been great fantastic and then upstairs we've got the kids bedrooms we do which is actually my favorite part of the house let's go let's check it out so obviously one of my favorite spaces is the lofts but this little Reading area I just absolutely love how the kids can just run up there grab a book and then either go up into their loft or come back down to the couch area yeah there may be a little about their total bookworms that's that's one thing we didn't really sacrifice in a tiny house is we wanted to keep all of their books so we had to kind of fit some in the stairs some in this little storage and then correct is there you did make me sacrifice my books what I love about what you've done here as well as it creates this really special little zone where you know that you're about to enter the child space exactly yeah so we were trying to figure out do we get hanging storage that was one of the things that we're kind of lacking or do we make it that as soon as you go up the staircase you're kind of entering the kids oh yeah yeah and can we take a look at the rooms up this of course you can come on up thank you this is absolutely so this is one of the coziest spaces I think in the whole house and we actually even though the ceilings are lower it is a place that we spend a lot of time in so the girls and I and Joel we we always take turns reading books up here and we wanted Isla to have a really big mattress and a big bed so that we could actually all fit up here together that's so nice lots of storage building up here as well yeah there's tons of storage we actually have four wicker baskets so two of them are for toy storage and then two of them are for the clothes so the only kind of hanging storage that we have is the little hook that you see when you're going up the stairs and then the rest is just folding so the girls don't need a lot of clothes they just need the staple outfits that they wear you know throughout the week so they have them in two baskets right there and then we have IVs room over the other side we do can we take a look at that well of course this is just so sweet I can't believe they eventually managed to fit a crib up in here we have so one of the big things was our little list is still in a crib and she's probably gonna be in a crib for another year as we absolutely had to fit a crib in the space eventually I think we're gonna convert it into a swinging door because right now we're kind of lifting her up and kind of swooping her into the space but for right now she thinks it's Birk hosing she loves it great and that's cool that you have managed to put some doors and up here as well yeah so this was something that was a kind of a central element of the nursery that we wanted is because our little one is still waking up at night and we didn't want that sound to travel over to our older daughter who pretty much sleeps pretty soundly so we did a bifold door on here which is just super easy it eyelashes and unlatches and the sound travel is at a minimum fantastic and this is a nursing chair that I'm sitting on right now isn't it and you know why you fit perfectly in that chair consider moving in here no problem no problem at all we'll just shift this one over there you can hear perfectly great so you've been living in the tiny house now for six weeks how are you adapting to family life living tiny I think it's been surprisingly quick actually we thought it would take quite a bit longer but it was the first night in the kids room this is home and they thought it was just the coolest thing ever and they still love it our oldest selves all the time how much she loves our tiny house and she corrects me if I call it a small a small house or mini house no no no no and to her she's she just takes so much pride in her loft in her area and which is so happy because I feel like we've made a really good choice for a family absolutely so I think this home signifies a slower pace of life ever since we had the girls it was like okay you got a go go go you know we did a renovation on a house and then we built a house and then we bought this acreage and it just seems like we were a family that we love doing things but not necessarily the best when you have young children you need to be present and you to take the time to focus on just the memories I think in the simplicity of it it's so much more simple yeah we have all these little notes like love grows best in tiny houses and the front mat is that too and it may seem a little cheesy you and you're talking about it or or not authentic but it truly is is I find like when we were in such a big home everybody kind of just went to their own spaces and you kind of were calling to see where the girls were and and whatnot but just being able to communicate and everybody's still having their own spaces but being together as a family so this has brought us together simplified life so I think that it will it won't just end it will always be a part of our lives and what was your budget for building this tiny house so in the end all in it costs 119 thousand dollars Canadian dollars after tax but that included things like the nature's head toilet the gray water filtration all appliances delivery setup and business and taxes so before that it was one hundred and six thousand four times well I really can say why you've both just absolutely fallen in love with this one it is such a beautiful space that you've created for your family thank you so much for sharing it with so much for coming thanks for coming grace the design of this tiny house really is so lovely Jolin immerse it out to create a wonderful farmhouse style tiny house for their family and that is exactly what they've done even better than that though they've created a space that really brings their family together which teaches them lessons about what's really important in life and there is no greater gift that you can give your children than that [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 4,980,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, tiny home, small house, small home, small spaces, small space design, small space living, architecture, design, home design, interior design, tiny house family, tiny house living, living big, white orchard interiors, tiny house canada, tiny house tour, tiny house 2019, alternative living, farmhouse, farmhouse style, farmhouse tiny home, cottage, cabin
Id: wO9gF4S1_I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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