Tiny House Packed With Clever Design Ideas

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designing and building a tiny house as an opportunity to create a space that will work to perfectly meet your needs and that's exactly what happened with this next young family who have modified and changed their tiny house to help it adapt to growing family life [Music] hey Casey how's it going good nice to meet you nice to meet you g'day Jeremy how's it going mate first of all can you tell me what it was that inspired you to build a tiny house on wheels it was kind of a transition I guess and we're just wanting to stay out of debt and be free to travel and go do dancing yeah the freedom I guess mostly and I just love tiny houses I've been looking at them watching videos on them since I mean I was in college know this before the whole tiny house movement happened even really so you know so it sounds like you certainly had a lot of time there to work on the design at this home we did before we were married we spent a year going back and forth on different designs and went through a lot of paper and yeah yes and after we got married and then we had planned on having at least one child in the home so we had to change the design again and now we do have a child that lives here with us know it works out and this was a DIY build wasn't it yes yes I did most of it Casey helped a little bit yeah near the end she was pregnant so everything's toxic so you can't really be in it but I stole a little paint and do some other things tell him what I wanted yeah and you actually have a background in carpentry I do I grew up doing remodel and carpentry cabinet building and tile and so I'm back rounding a little bit of everything and let's talk about the parking spot this is a beautiful place you've got here thank you yeah so my dad and I bought this land about five years ago and I've got five acres he's got five acres and together we just share it he hasn't done anything with this part and this is our part most of it was already cleared too because they tried to drill for oil here and they didn't find anything so they just made us a nice clearing so yeah it's beautiful and speaking about your outdoor area you've really capitalized on outdoor living by building this wonderful day come to the house yes yeah we love it we've got the sandbox over there and for Jaspan that's our son's name we've got the fire pick we've had some nice little gatherings with friends and family you know I especially like how you've designed the fire pit in there that's really great we love camping and so we wanted to be kind of like a camping experience but with the convenience of the house and a refrigerator and deck and what size is the tiny house it's 26 feet long 28 including the tongue which we built the bathroom out onto a little bit and then eight and a half feet wide and 13 and a half feet tall and talked to me about some of the materials that you've used here on the exterior we use cedar on all the trim the door is knotty alder it's we ordered that custom the siding is it's a product called smart siding it's a it's a fiber board but it's primed and treated where it's supposed to stand up to weather really well which is really important here in Oklahoma because of our humidity and wood rots very quickly yeah and then the metal roof we both like metal and it's durable holds up to hail storms the house looks really beautiful from the outside I really love the way that you've extended it with this wonderful outdoor space and I cannot wait to see what you've done inside can we check it out let's go all right this is beautiful you've used a lot of really lovely timber and yeah haven't you yeah these shelves and some of the stair parts I got at a lumberyard there oak trailer timbers and then the beams I found from behind my brother's barn and I use those in the loft area and then up and then yeah the trimmer on the windows so all old fence there's an old fence panel that we pull apart and repurposed and talked to me about the split-level design that you've done here because this whole kitchen area is lightly raised from the rest of the home isn't it yes yeah we raised in the kitchen because we wanted a multi-use counter space right here we wanted it to be kind of a bar and also a counter along with and we brought Cline we have a lot of outdoor gear so we also put storage underneath all of this so we pull it out it's kind of like a train almost you pull it out you can unlatch it and get the next one and it goes all the way this whole length oh wow all the way back to this moment right it really is Nate that you've built in so much storage so that you can still have all the stuff that your hubby's name yeah yeah and so told me about the design of your kitchen we just wanted to make sure we had enough counter space so it was really important love to cook dishwasher wasn't important everyone thinks that the dishwasher down there it's our fridge rater we went with that sighs and for our family of three we've always had more than enough storage for it and we also have a chest deep freezer back in the corner here to use up that space that lifts up oh great and so we're able to have lots of stuff also our spices are stored in there lots of storage down in here we use everything even the toe-kick drawers so we've used to every space and then you've done something quite special over here to create a dining space haven't you yes we wanted to have a table that isn't always there so we can have a little extra space to do things space for the kid to play and we also wanted a seat that would just disappear and so that's where this bench came in we weren't able to hide the whole thing this will pull out and then the table folds down into [Laughter] that's our eating space fantastic and you created a little bit of extra storage behind that as well exactly I mean store a lot of our climbing books and movies and everything and they've got a great sized couch over here in the lounge as well yeah we wanted the possibility of extra sleeping space as well and so the couch actually folds out into a somewhere between a queen and a twin size bed but yeah we built the whole thing ourselves and there's storage under the couch we initially wanted to have a fireplace in here after doing some research in it it just was gonna be too hot for us here in Oklahoma so we just decided to go with more storage especially having a kid in here we needed bookshelves and this is actually his closet here so keep his clothes there and some of our shoes and then we added this TV when I was on bed right and again in here I really like how you've used some of these beautiful salvaged Timbers to really warm up the space like this piece is really lovely yeah I dug through a pile of Timbers at the lumberyard and that was one of the pieces that really stuck out to me so I pulled it out and decided to make something out of it when you get a really nice bit of timber it's amazing just how much character it can add to a home isn't it yeah yeah and as a carpenter I'm always looking for wood I've always loved taking an actual tree and cutting it into useable wood and that's always been a real it's really fun free and then what do we have back here back here is our bathroom right we've got a sliding barn door here the kind of house allow us to have some privacy that we made I really like geometry and symmetry so we made that that isn't that beautiful gold asign thank you and then also again and just these hexagon tiles that tie in with the wood floor I saw that in a picture a few years back and I just absolutely loved it and Jeremy said he could make it happen and through here is our bathroom again this is really nice it's very interesting the way that you've split up the design between the shower space and the bathroom isn't it yeah the inspiration actually kind of came from our honeymoon almost we stayed in a place that had this shower that was behind the sink in the toilet area and so we also knew that we had the tongue of the trailer to work with and we wanted a big shower and he's tall so he wants to fit under the showerhead so we made the ceiling actually taller over there we really wanted a walk-in shower too without a door which creating a wall here with the shower that goes in really helped with that and then in here everything else that he made lots of storage I say you've got a washer/dryer there as well yep oh yeah yeah we love that thing we love that it'll do both it does take a long time yeah and we got our dirty clothes hamper so that saves us some space and then yeah and Jeremy made this again with the reclaimed more of the same way under stairs beautiful lovely design and then above us I'm guessing we've got your sleeping yeah come on this is really cool it's super interesting how you have created this kind of split loft design here when we originally started building we knew that we would probably have a kid in this house and so we wanted to create a little space for us and a space for him and our closet storage area yeah so we initially moved in here none of this extra stuff was in here it was just a closet for us and then over the past year and a half as Jostens growing things have evolved up here we had to install a safety net for him and a locking gate so it slides shut and we can lock it from downstairs so you can bro him up here and play and then we also installed his crib as well and that was kind of a fun one his crib will actually slide all the way out so I can reach him and get him to me from in bed and then there's also storage underneath there and in terms of the design of the tiny house what's working and what's not in terms of having the baby in here okay so I'm a nurse I get up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work and in the morning I can't make a cup of coffee I can't make a smoothie I can't do a lot of things I pretty much have to tiptoe around the house I feel like I'm a ninja we're almost holding my breath the entire time to not wake him up so that's kind of one of the downsides but on the other side of that he is a very good sleeper he can sleep through a lot of things it's just that morning time this any little noise and he's like over awake so yeah as far as having him here it was actually really easy and it worked really well up until he started walking and then it was chaos he's into everything he's climbing the stairs which is potentially dangerous for him to do and so we're constantly having to have our hands and our eyes out for anything he might be getting into and getting in trouble we do like that we put the net here we can lock him up here and he's pretty much out of harm's way and us being so close it's been so nice especially as a new mom always check is he breathing yep okay I see him I'll wear him so that's good so you've been living in the tiny house for about two years now is it living up to your initial expectations of tiny house life yeah I think everything except for the being able to host people it hasn't been kind of a problem because we can host maybe one or two people max inside the house and our initial idea was to be able to host people outside which with our weather here lately it hasn't worked out very well that's probably been our biggest challenge overall but other than that I've loved it it's been a really great challenge and forcing us to get rid of stuff and what was the budget of constructing this tiny house including appliances it was thirty five thousand that's fantastic it was very affordable yeah absolutely and what do you think the future will hold for you both now well we're about to actually move into a normal sized house I think we both still want to live minimally and we don't want to amass a bunch of stuff we want to keep it simple and eventually this house is sort of a transition point as well we'd like to build out here on our property and build a house for ourselves what I think is really wonderful is that even after you've had this period of time this is still an investment for you this is still a real asset and something that you can have as a guest home in the future or rent out it just gives you a few more options in life doesn't it yes yes it's allowed us to live rent-free for a few years now and yeah we have no regrets in this I've always seen life as an adventure and every decision you make is just there's really no good or bad decisions it's all about how you handle those decisions and what path you take and so it's really been an adventure and something that I don't regret and would I mean I didn't do it again find the chance so it's just been the freedom and it just reminds you to take life slowly I think one of the big things has taught me is I've always been very minimalist and so it's taught me that there is there is a need for more space I think when we built the house I thought everyone should move into a tiny house and I would say that's changed now I don't know that it's for everyone it may even not be for us at this point but I still do believe that minimalism could be for everyone this really is such a beautiful home you've done such a great job with the design and the construction and I wish you both the absolute best for the future thank you so much for sharing a space with me thank you thanks for coming this really is such a beautiful home and while Jeremy and Casey and their growing family may have now outgrown this tiny house I think it really goes to show that for a period of time it can be such a beautiful experience and wherever they go from here in the future there's no doubt in my mind that this will always have been a treasured place and time in their lives [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 2,223,517
Rating: 4.941618 out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny home, living big in a tiny house, small house, small spaces, small space design, tiny house living, tiny house tour, tiny house tours, tiny house usa, small home tour, cottage, diy tiny house, tiny house 2019, tiny house family, tiny house life, tiny house oklahoma, alternative living, tiny house movement, tiny house design, space saving storage, storage ideas, home design, architecture
Id: DFIv6rSM9ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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