Family of 5 n Tiny House on Historic Homestead - embracing Slow Living

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[Music] hi i'm justin hi i'm rachel i'm hudson and welcome to our tiny home in beautiful parks arizona [Music] um after a few years uh living in uh multiple homes throughout the phoenix area uh we both kind of decided it was time for a change and we wanted to get out of that concrete jungle and and find a different path and we did the typical you know nine to five and got a house and started our family and we both just weren't quite happy with that lifestyle just because we weren't seeing each other very much and so we decided we to try something different and we sold our house in scottsdale and moved into our airstream and now we're here what pushed us to do that too is my mom passed away in 2017 and she'd only been retired you know for about 10 years and it just really put into perspective how short life was and um and so i just knew that time was fleeting and wanted to make sure to live it live life and be with my family because i didn't see them very much so and my heart was drawing me to be closer to them so we decided to sell 90 of our belongings and live simply and just have more experiences over stuff and be together that's what caused at least for me that was one of the big motivating factors i'm so happy we did we definitely had our hurdles and our bumps along the way but we found this property and justin was a little worried when when he wanted to show me this property because it was a little bit more rustic than my previous tastes as soon as we stepped on this land it felt like home and i just knew that our journey had drawn us here our home was built by uncharted tiny homes in phoenix arizona it is 34 feet long by 10 feet wide with two one-foot bump outs approximately 650 square feet it is situated on a historic 20-acre homestead let's go take a tour [Music] so we add these two uh modular 8x8 decks uh to expand our living space out here to enjoy the beautiful northern arizona weather and as you can see it kind of wraps around one of our two bump outs so this bump out is in our living room area and as we go inside you'll see we actually situated the couch over the wheels and created this nice large living space the second bump out is in our bedroom and is integrated into the room so you don't actually see the bump out it just created a nice 11 foot wide bedroom space let's go take a look inside [Music] welcome to our kitchen uh being a family of five we knew we'd be cooking a lot so we wanted to get a full-size fridge as well as a full-size gas stove or range it's also very crucial to have the large kitchen sink for all the dishes that we have to do and also we have a large pantry that we integrated under the stairs to store all the food for our three growing boys and over here we have our kitchen table or dining room table that actually was built on a husky movable work table and it can go up and down and we can also spin it to the side to create a more open kitchen area as well we were able to purchase the property from three brothers and they were in their 70s and they actually purchased it from dorothea thomas who the road that we live the road that we live on is named after her she migrated over from england and lived out here with her husband and they were ranchers and he worked on horses and their cabin that's uh that they lived in that's on our property is historic it was built in 1909 1911 there's kind of some disputes about that um but it's built out of railroad ties from the railroad that went through here on which it went through on thomas loop so there's a lot of history with that and it was that's also what drew us to the property the cabin uh is a place for our kids to go and just be kids um you know another challenge with living tiny is you know space and toys and kids and all their their gear and stuff um and i think that's another crucial thing um that drew us this property too is it we had another structure where the kids could go do that if we were forced to do it in here it might be a little bit you know might look a little different but we're really happy to have that space so the kids can just build and um destroy and you know do what kids do best and they love it and there and they spend hours and hours just building creating and it's it's fun to watch thanks to our sponsor brightland hey do you like olive oil no not popeye's girlfriend the other kind this kind you go on foods well then you'd be interested to know that not all olive oils are created equal in fact most store-bought olive oils are mixed with lower quality oils to cut cost and that's fake news brightland is a female founded olive oil brand consciously made on family-run farms in california their premium olive oils contain no additives no junk and are produced with organic methods elevate any meal with brightland by turning ho-hum into delicious this awake oil mmm smells herbaceous the olive oils taste so fresh and are great to cook or finish dishes with brightland has helped me turn home cooked 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a long way in a tiny house and here in the bathroom we have a full-size washer and dryer combo because with a family of five we have lots of laundry as well as a storage above it for our towels and knick-knacks and we have a full-size sink as well as a full-size shower which was crucial for all five of us living in one small space i worked in hotels and the last place i wanted to be on a vacation was a hotel so we're like okay i want to stay in a campground i want to be in a camper and and live that lifestyle so it kind of all started in the rv world and that you know being on youtube you eventually go down enough rabbit holes and start looking at tiny houses and it presented a more long-term living situation whereas you know rvs are great but they're not meant to be lived in with three growing boys at least for our family yeah it wasn't sustainable for us and we did we did the airstream for like a year and a half yeah on and off we had brock during that time so there was a little pause on that during that time and it was great but i think we both knew that if we're going to do this long term and live permanently we wanted a little bit larger a little bit more permanent a little more durable when you have three boys that don't always get along you need a durable space all right we're here in our bedroom and as you can see the one foot bump out really has a lot of space into this room it allowed us to put this desk area here with all of our clothes storage some upper cabinets as well this was going to be a desk but living with three children getting some free time is is quite rare so it's kind of just turned into a storage space and we have some clothes and laundry underneath the center section here and another feature in our bedroom uh that we integrated here is underneath our bed basically the frame of the bed is storage so we lift this this up it's on pistons and then we can store all of our games we love playing games with the kids so all their extra bedding um any like winter supplies that we need to tuck away in the summer or summer clothes we put away in the winter so just gives us another nice large storage area while we were kind of transitioning out of our life in the city we you know would brainstorm what can we do with the skills we have you know i have a hospitality background i've worked in restaurants hotels for about 20 years and you know rachel has a deep background in hospitality and finance and insurance and we always loved traveling around the country and we lived in a little 18-foot travel trailer for months on end and we're like we want to live that lifestyle we want to share with others and that kind of led us to the idea of creating a tiny house hotel where people could come out and try it out because like for us we didn't know if we want to make the full leap and i think there's a lot of people that are kind of there like they're not completely satisfied with their current situation they're kind of wondering you know what's what's on the other side so we kind of wanted to take our skills and be a catalyst for that and and allow people to experience tiny home living just in little micro doses micro scale and see if they enjoy it and now we run a three tiny home inn where people can come out and run a tiny ho house in the woods and we're near a lot of fun outdoor recreation and gives people a little taste of tiny living and we were very fortunate to meet with mike partana at uncharted tiny homes we met him many years ago and you know he was pretty he was kind of a small outfit back then and just the ability to to work with him personally and design and build every one of our rentals and you know having his knowledge of home building and uh design with a small space was incredibly crucial you know as we went through the process because we were fairly we were new you know we had rvs and kind of knew about small spaces but he really kind of hand held us through you know the beginning phases until we got comfortable and we waited until the end um to build our house because we wanted to see what we liked with you know the rentals that we built and see what we you know could do without or what we really wanted to have going through that process we're able to fine-tune exactly the space that we wanted to to have for ourselves and our family this home was right around 130 000. we took a lot of the funds that uh from our house being sold and all the things that we sold along the way were fortunate enough to be able to just pay for it outright and that was another one of our goals too was to become debt free and and live a life where we weren't relying on paychecks to pay mortgages and insanely expensive utility bills living in phoenix in the summer you know we're paying 400 sometimes close to 500 a month just for electricity to cool a two-story house down it was insane so getting out of debt and being debt-free was was definitely a priority for us and here we have our full-size staircase with railing we knew that living here full time we'd be using this a lot and we didn't want to go with the ladder we wanted something comfortable that we could go up and down and bring laundry up and the kids wouldn't have a hard time getting up and down as well so and let's go take a look upstairs and up here we have our kids game slash playroom as well as their clothes storage because there's not enough room in their individual rooms so we have their storage system here we just wanted to give them their own space where they had free range to play with their toys or play video games as well yeah we like to play rocket league and minecraft with the boys so yeah we spend some time up here as well we actually got our own individual gaming chairs to play with them as well so mine's a green one rachel's is the blue one yeah and the boys have the black and red one and over here is the catwalk which leads to the boys individual bedrooms and we put a lot of windows in here to bring a lot of natural light not only in the catwalk hallway area and a window in each of their individual bedrooms as well and this first room here is our son rowans our middle son rowan as you can see he loves minecraft but he has his own space with a shelf his own bedroom window as well and they each have their own modified doors sliding doors so they can close it and have their own private space and this next room is our youngest son brox and as you can see still is in a pack and play and last but not least we have our oldest son hudson's room it was really important to us to have individual spaces for our boys because we previously lived in our travel trailer and they would fight a lot because they didn't have their own spaces to put their special items so we wanted to make sure that they had their own individual room so that they could put their own individuality into them as well as their special prized possessions stored away we wanted to make sure to have a vent in each of their rooms to keep the air circulating because otherwise the heat or cold air gets trapped up here and they don't stay the right temperature for them it keeps them really nice and comfortable for me i would say the most rewarding besides being with my family and justin 24 7 which some people think that can be a bad thing which yes it can be tough but it's really made us closer like we are very close-knit family and i love that but i think another great thing on top of that would be that we can take moments to pause and reflect and just absorb the beauty that we live in and i have been able to slow myself down and help slow the children down so that we can stop and look at that cool rock or hear that bird singing or looking at the beautiful sunset or look at that cloud and talk about that and besides being closer together as a family has been one of my greatest things about being out here yeah i completely agree i think you know we had such busy lives like rachel mentioned earlier i don't think you realize until you can break away from that lifestyle like how beautiful the world is and how you know incredible life can be and you know you get these blinders on you just focus on the next task at hand and being able to pull back from that and reevaluate your life you know because life is about change it's about taking a step back realizing what's working what's not and in shifting you know whichever way you need to go and i think this lifestyle allows us to do that if somebody's out there watching this and they are interested in this lifestyle like give it a shot like it's you can always we always have the back of our mind like your job will always be there that your your old life will not go away it'll it'll always be back there and it's you could think of it as a little warm blanket if you need to um but but take that step like just give it a shot just give it a shot like you will be for us we're so much happier because we took that step and and went down that path less taken [Music] thank you for watching our video and for stopping by tiny house expedition i'm alexis and i'm christian don't forget to like comment and subscribe and for more tiny home tours and stories click the videos below and join us on instagram for bonus content including face-to-face conversations with us we hope to see you there all right thanks guys have a good one
Channel: Tiny House Expedition
Views: 273,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, family tiny house, tiny house family, 10 ft wide tiny house, living big in a tiny house, tiny home tours, tiny house giant journey, slow living, tiny home homstead, historic homestead, 3 bedroom tiny home, tiny homes, tiny home tour, tiny house walkthrough, small house tour, small space design house, historic cabin, tiny cabin, uncharted tiny homes, tiny house with bump outs, 34 ft tiny house
Id: wWLiAbgEitI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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