Family of Shadows: Betrayal Beyond Badge | English Full Movie | Action Crime Drama

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[Music] they shot him I told you he did it oh no yeah I'll be there in a half hour why do they always call at 2 a.m. because most homicides happen after midnight bring it up with you wait for the corner you guys get finished downstairs go down and dust the basement okay Windows Doors everything don't miss a thing hear me hi pop detective Myers Ben we're upstairs would want to do a thing like this there's nobody that hates my no m a homicide anyone making threats against your parents no that's Philip Chandler I thought he had more hair he does it's over there oh they were both shot once in the head this place has got an elaborate security system but the alarm call never went out so the killer was probably known to the family who found the Buddies Chandler's daughter Caroline CH she was at a girlfriend's house she found the bodies when she got home I'll talk to her Dylan get some recruits out in the morning the canvas the backyard it's got to be 12 Bakers here private Lake tennis courts a golf wall just past that guest house this looks like a mob hit to me never heard of Chandler being involved with Goomba stuff thought he was just a money belt for City Hall Benny is going to be more drama than usual because of who Chandler is I'm going to have to wake the mayor there's a brother he lives in White Fish Bay the daughter said she called him but there was no answer we better get over [Music] there [Music] [Music] people really need to live in houses this big 90s it's okay to want a 40m pad with a tennis court yeah great [Music] I'm going to go around back all right hey be careful my daddy likes [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] dispatch this is Detective f catch me in the parallel units immediately copy all available units respond attention parallel units request 1093 corner of Lake Drive in 12 in pursuit of black Porche heading south in 12 Sierra Bravo Fox 301 suspect could be armed in dangerous compl suspect could be armed in dangerous please right put your hands while I can see them now don't move evening officers anything wrong he's Chan some from a previous marriage he's 26 years old he has a law degree and business degree from Harvard here he also owns the bank his father founded he's got a real good alenbi says he was at a fundraiser at the Wisconsin hotel until about 1:00 a.m. 4 people saw him from there really doesn't have much motive to kill his father he's already Filthy Rich so whatever he inherits only makes him filthier I know I know Ian but what the hell were you thinking good morning Mr Chand been informed of his rights yes but we'd like to have a notary present detec the Myers as a notary so if your client has a statement we're prepared to take it we're sorry about your parents now if you could tell us why you ran from the police I wasn't running from the police my siren didn't get me away could have been a trick I thought you might be the one who killed my father who was that I don't know you don't know who it is but you think he might want to kill you where were you going I have a plan Billy Mitchell I was going to fly to New York and then maybe leave the country you telling us the truth detective Mr Warden your client hears that his father and his stepmother have been brutally murdered he has no idea who might have done it yet he decides to flee Milwaukee that's before the funeral how did you know your father was murdered we tried to call but no one answered my sister Caroline she left a message on my machine she was hysterical we found 400 Grand in a suitcase in your car what happened Max that on your credit card detective fine Mr Chandler just lost both his parents and now he tells you he's afraid for his own life for God's sakes you're treating him here like like a suspect exactly so file a charge or we're leaving bet your granddaughter's new Barbie chanler knows who killed his father I'm going to have Larry milikin sweep that bank good you him to make a list of everyone Chandler was involved with politically I will is Eddie coming to dinner on Friday I been talk to him about a week he's working the late shift any chance to have new babysit afterwards melan I haven't seen a movie in about eight months oh who do you like better Kevin Cosner or um Emma Thompson me [Music] too [Music] I give this signal you wait a three count and then Rush In we count to three yeah count to three well how does he want us to count 1,000 1,000 2,000 3 or 1 1,000 2 D genius I'll take care of the math okay ready to go on three stand by [Music] ready it's good it's good police drop your weapons ready 1 2 3 go go go go go go go come [Music] on we need you we need where are you where are you go down come on Eddie just get in [Music] there back back get out of you be okay be okay hey Daddy how is he well he's going to have a bad headache and a very lovely scar if that bullet had hit half an inch over Benny there were two cops killed Philip Carr is in critical condition Eddie think think it was his fault why ask him all right how's he going hey little brother you say you take a couple asps and we get out of here huh are they done with you yet can you go what do you think I couldn't open the door I checked the door was unlocked all I had to do was open it and go in by the time Phil shoved me aside it was already too late as long as you're okay Phils and I seeu and Jeff and Adam are in the morg I'm not okay Dad I'm just I'm not okay Eddie hey little sister can't believe this I phoned every Mery room in town looking for you then I get here I can't find a meter within three blocks I'm ready to go postal hi Daddy you look absolutely exacted so what happened anyway fine f e i n has he been admitted inspector fine hi I'm France Molen I'm a reporter for wgp TV news we know who you are Miss Molen excuse us please come on anything new on the Chandler murders then can I ask you about your son patrolman Eddie fine word is he panicked and the bus went bad look if you don't talk to me I'm going to do the story anyway Miss Mullen you can do whatever you like guys you want to give me some room please inspector how do you think your son's actions are going to affect your nomination as the next chief of police what are you talking about I have information that the mayor is going to nominate you as the next chief I would like your first on camera interview not interested come on you're not interested in answering my questions or I'm being chief of police either did you get that got anything Caroline this is detective Ben Fine hi Miss Jammer thanks for coming down we'll try to keep this short we'd like to hear anything you could tell us about your father that you think might help any personal problems he may have had that you were aware of anything you know about his business dealings I really don't know what to say my father made all the money I only help spend it you're an art historian Rich girl's career I found most of the paintings in my father's collection and all the pieces down at the bank your father sold the bank to your brother do you know why um it had something to do with estate tax or inheritance taxes I think Dad was tired of banking he remained on the board but involved himself mostly in politics he worked with the mayor during the last election did he and your brother ever quarrel all the time what about his business associates his friends everything are you close with your brother he's my half brother he's a jerk I don't like him very much no anything else I loved my mother and my father excuse me excuse me Larry I know it's not going to be easy but I need you to get in that bank Chandler's bank has assets of almost $900 million it's going to take six or seven of my guys at least a month to even scratch the surface man you got to tell me what we're looking for Mor any reason why Evan Chandler would want to kill his folks maybe Chandler senior C his some with his hand in the TA you know bezel phony real estate deals anything like that laundering money all right could be you know it's been the game of choice around here mil today is Miami 10 years ago Dr money we've got a lousy baseball team but we're top of the division wire transfers we've been investigating 11 local banks in the last couple years not this one we were for about a week and it was moved off the list what put it back on who told you to take it off your father he called me himself he said they were doing a homicide investigation and didn't want things to overlap hey I was just as happy I got twoo few guys as it is so we did what we were asked thank you didn't think you'd be here less distractions here than at home I've been making funeral arrangements I've been trying to keep the reporters away is there anything you can do to help well I could shoot them but I think the newspapers would just send more Mr Chandler um this is detective migan it's Mr Chandler how you doing that's detective Barry Fox Hazel Peele Park and redner we'll try to stay out of your way detective my father sold me this bank over 2 years ago what are your men doing here detective stuff you've been watching too much TV so Hey gamper where's the big guy my bigy S Mommy wants to know if she want sugar in your tee yes I do sweetheart yes he does Mommy wow you're doing the dishes yep well that's foreplay now if you want some serious action you'll go out and change Josh's diaper for me oh I already think oh you do have a way whatever happened to Eddie I'm going to call his apartment don't bother he's not there where is he oh I can't say where is he where is he hey I just you know didn't feel like doing the family thing tonight so I gave him the name of this bar that I used to go to what oh come on the worst thing that'll happen is he'll wake up next to someone he won't want to bring the Friday night dinner how did you survive all those establishment types at the police academy I put out okay what's the matter what did I say that's you zie come on come on I got you room okay come on Maya Slow Down slow down here you go thanks Pop I talked to Larry milin the other day he told me that 2 years ago you pulled him off investigating challeng Bank something to do with a money laundering operation what was that all about I don't know I don't remember what's the matter we're going to have a baby hey don't look at me a big brother who's the father Ben that's a normal question a friend you having a baby with a friend what is that like Snow White having a baby with Sneezy you remember Matthew that parole officer I used to date I've been seeing him again seeing him shut up already he doesn't know about this and uh I'm not sure we're going to get married but I'm going to have the baby if it's a boy can we call it Alvin bride it's an old family name well not our family but still you know an old family name how come everybody's going to the bathroom [Music] together yeah Sean two [Music] more what happened to your head aliens took me aboard their spaceship inserted something into my brain and it really really hurts smart ass you think so do you like hey what's going on here it's okay you said jerk he no know I thought you said I was a smart ass hey hey hey hey hey hey hey going to get my beer hey what the hell is St fight anymore huh [Music] right hey hey [Music] hey get your hands off they go to jail now smart ass let we go [Music] I bet dad's ready to kill me huh you're doing a much better job than he ever could what are you doing [Applause] [Music] Eddie the number 60 first AV 6 first AV yeah we're just securing the scene I hate it when the main suspect is killed where's the sister now she's at a girlfriend's house in Shorewood you better put a cover on her she's the only one still standing that makes her suspect she inherits doesn't she got it hey listen what I asked you about yesterday about stopping the investigation on ch's Bank not now Benny oh what the hell is it what are you hiding from me you worried I killed you no I'm not look why can't you tell me what's going on Benny I'll tell you when I'm ready [Music] everybody shut up new cops for briefing through those doors let's [Music] go turn right follow the hole in the head of the person in front of you up the stairs come on let's go hey Jackie hey they told me you were going to wear the uniform hey what is it some sort of Gen X craze not Gen X Andy it's Gen Y as in why not uh hey my brother in yet yeah well he's a little busy right now Jack come on guys let's go in L of an investigation you'll be suspended for 2 days with pay you can't go around getting drunk and beating people up fine not in uniform or out as to what happened at the warehouse as far as we're concerned your actions won't be questioned you'll be deemed to have acted commendably did you say I'll be deemed or damned you don't have to suspend me I'm resigning the force Eddie you don't have to quit we know what kind of a police officer you are Eddie see hey what are you doing here St time my whole class over from the academy me so uh what happened with the hearing what do you think I'm a cop son of a cop brother of a cop they did what cops do with their own what's that slap on the wrist two days suspension with pay so they backed me on the incident with Phil so everything's okay then oh yeah everything's just great just great send him in Paul Mr Mayor thanks for coming sit down would you like a drink Paul uh no thank you it's good to see you Paul how are you Chief Inspector the mayor's giving a press conference this afternoon he's going to be asked about the Chandler murders what should he say that we're investigating Philip Chandler was the director of the mayor's campaign those reporters are going to be asking a lot of personal questions well if they're personal the mayor will know how to answer them oh he's right he's right I'll just say it's early in the investigation Paul hasn't even had an opportunity to question me yet about my relationship with Chandler that is on your agenda isn't it Paul yes it is your honor let's go on to other business Paul a couple of weeks ago Jim told me and this is confidential that he wants to retire I want to announce it next week and I want present you as the next chief of police subject to the approval of city council what do you say we'll say something it's not like you never thought of it before oh I've thought of it thank you sir I'm honored I suppose we should drink to them to the next chief of police [Music] all the money you owe me for all the lunches I paid [Music] for you still owe me I'm sorry Phil [Music] [Music] okay Kate Judge Johnson will call you right after [Music] lunch Matthew Huff linger please is he in Kate fine [Music] I was just wondering if we could get together yeah I'd like to see you okay okay I'll see you then still haven't told him yet know no what are you doing here you're definitely going to have the baby right I'm definitely going to have the baby Benny now if that's what you came here to talk about I really don't want to talk about it right now I'm glad thanks so what's up I'm a little worried about pop still has to give me an answer on the Chandler Bank thing thinking he might be in a little bit of trouble what do you know about C they're IRS agents mostly a bunch of CPAs that the government brings in when they want to nail somebody big you know somebody that they can't get except through tax reasons like John Gotti they got an office here in Milwaukee do you know any of them I defended against somebody a year ago yes there was one guy yeah yes did you talk to M about an obstetrician um we used the guy I can't remember his name Dr tayback yes tayback he's very good I'm seeing him on Monday good listen Kate if there's anything you want me to do like take you to the doctor or Lamas cuz I'm you know I'm a good coach I did that with Mel so I'm really good so you know anything like that you just let me know here we go Sam Layman it's kind of Silicon Valley cute you know pencils in his pocket glasses but very nice tell him you're my brother I think he kind of liked me great anny thanks uncle benny Kate wanted me to say say hello say hi back I well look I need to know if you're investigating Milwaukee City Bank and what you might know about Philip Chandler that could help me find this killer I'm sorry but our investigations are confidential thought we were on the same side here no you're a homicide cop at the city of Milwaukee we are the criminal investigation division of the IRS look I've got a multiple murder case on my hands here and I think it might center around that bank can you help me I don't who killed Philip Chandler what are you doing in Milwaukee we're accountants and who are you after oh let me guess special investigations tells me about a billion doll money laundering operation and my guess is that you guys are chasing the guy who runs the laundry man would you like a coffee you haven't brought him down yet takes you guys about 10 years to build a case well things are faster now with computers Cuts our time in half I told you I don't know who killed Philip Chandler yeah but you know who ordered him killed but you're not going to tell me anything because my little multiple murder might screw up your investigation if that happens you get fired and the next thing I know you're auditing my tax returns is there anything you can tell me I can't tell you but I promise you this if there's anything else I can't tell you I'll let you know so tell me now what do you know about the Chandler mes why would I know anything 2 years ago you had me sign an order stopping the investigation into to Milwaukee City Bank why I told you then the FBI asked me I couldn't be the one to sign the order it wasn't the FBI you used me remember we young cops was alltime detectives here another word honest dependable I tried to be like that for my whole tour I almost made it drug money so much but that you didn't even count it you you waited I just did a little things for them like the time I had you stop that bank investigation what did Chandler have to do with this I don't know I don't really dealing with him you know who killed him no who's your contact help me or I'll see you in jail his name is uh gpar call him tell him I'm going to be the next chief of police and you think I should meet him call [Music] [Music] him just so there's no surprises I'm carrying a gun wedge man's got a gun by God so do you hello Jim you want another Drake how long you been a policeman 37 years ouch that's a long time Why'd You Come here to ah Jim thought I should meet you I can do the work Jim is this a job interview I didn't think it was a date do you know what I do yeah I'd like to cash in why you need money what four you got no wife your kids are grown why do you want in don't make a lot of sense I want to live a little all these years as a cop I never owned a a watch like yours when I retire I want a taste taste yes of course why not well uh call me when when uh you become Chief right j w ash let's go you think this a set up or what it's not a setup it's dark hey he [Music] he I'll get an I did the right [Music] thing I sorry Paul [Music] I'm live inside mayor William Jerome Edward's office anxiously awaiting an official statement regarding last night's brutal murder of retiring chief of police Jim grow good morning WG particular insector Paul Fine rumored to have been the mayor's top pick for new Chief was actually involved in last night's Gangland style slang sources tell us that inspector fine is today surrounded by a firestorm of allegations linking him to an international moneya laundering scheme so if I'm the one with the Hees come you're the one with the bandage stitches out this morning we do seem to live on the edge ear this morning inspector fine had no comment on the allegations more on the murder Milwaukee's banking Scandal and the police connection after this so I guess you got a couple hundred million stashed away somewhere huh pop we ever going to let the family in on it I heard you quit the force yes so be won the force is no longer with me you talked to the police commissioner didn't you asked him to give me special treatment I didn't have to they're cops they know what it's like to do your best and still have it in bad in bad is that what you calling listen I got to go I just uh I just stopped by to see how you were I'm fine how are you oh you know me chip off the old block all fine and any fine all the fines are just fine if you need somewhere to be fine try here Detective f make sure this gets filed to you think I did something wrong using what I learned about your father all I did was go through public records there's nothing in my father's record that said he had anything to do with money laundering who fed you that garbage I can't tell you that what do you want from me news anything firsthand revealing exclusive make your name yeah make my name news you got in I'll tell you what I'll ask questions and you can answer any that you like in the police chief shooting last night did it have anything to do with the Chandler murders do you know the whereabouts of Caroline Chandler is she a suspect in the murders you haven't given me a whole lot no but I'm sure you'll turn it in the hard Fact one more question you don't have to answer how about dinner sometime I'm married I know detective you won't help me but I'll still help you check out the name Vincent Coello so are you sure home pregnancy kids don't lie the dot was definitely blue and I saw a doctor I guess we got some tough decisions to make well there's no decision whether I'm going to have the baby you're going to be a father Matthew you have obligations to the baby none to me why would you say that you know I love [Music] you how do I know that I only tell you on a regular basis you want to get married you asking uh yes heard that ah I know what I mean when I go ah maybe I'm not sure how about we think about this is that what you mean when you say ah [Music] no excuse me Inspector Inspector lungren would like never wor with you I'm very sorry for your loss Mrs J you wanted to talk to me just wanted to see how you are we're behind you all the way the mayor wants you to know that now what can you tell us about the other night can I talk to Tom alone am I Under Suspicion the DA's ordered you off the chander case while we look into the allegations that have been brought against you I've been put in charge of investigating Jim's death well Jim did screw up he only found out just before he died if he was dirty there's got to be others in the department too maybe you or maybe you you've known me for 20 years do you think I'm dirty I need to investigate on my own this damn drug business all this foreign trash coming in here from South America or the Far East or wherever the hell they coming from I remember when we used to talk about the far East we met Rhode Island it's not only foreigners making the money Benz off the Chandler case too yeah no go ahead I'll hang on where's Daddy it's not in yet I'm looking for him too just got pulled off the case uh yeah Vincent Coello I don't know uh c o e l l o just check the name if you're going to see Vincent Coello I want to come you look good hey thanks well it's my genetic predisposition I am my DNA you know who coo is sure well who is he you don't know no if I knew I wouldn't be asking you he owns The Havana Norte it's that cigar club in the landow building on an Avenue it's very cool what do you want with Coello does have something to do daddy maybe um listen Benny I came here to tell you that there's going to be a grand jury hearing into the chief's death you and Dad are going to be called did he ever tell you why he stopped a bank investigation Chief asked him to now that Jim's dad is going to be hard to prove dad's clean K I want you to talk to someone for me who Sam please you know I like you I always did but I got to tell you if if you don't help me here things just might get ugly I could go to my boss the director of the public defender office close personal friend of mine and ask him to go to the district attorney close personal friend of his and then he would slap you and your little Bank of fed accountants here so full of subpoenas that by the weekend you would be under more glare than a California Surfer so whose questions do you want to answer Larry Kings New York Times or mine whatever I tell you no no conditions I wouldn't go to the DA why you suspect him of something we suspect a lot of people Kate who killed CH we don't know and we don't know why either his murder might not even have anything to do with our investigation then who's your main target I've got four more bodies so far my father is being implicated I'm not going to wait until your indictments are ready do you understand me the guy we're after is called the master fixer now in 4 years this guy has set up a laundry by wire scheme bigger than anything we've ever seen I'll run out of Milwaukee who is he I can't say sam okay blink your eyes if his name is anything other than vinent coell we're live outside the third precinct where inspector Paul Fine is currently in a closed door investig no I know closed door Internal Affairs who's taking over the commissioner's Place sir do you found out anything more about the killing give us any comment I can't let you in on this one Paul I'm sorry what's going [Music] on Caroline is everything all right I know who killed my family and I think he's after me you better come with me any vacancies inspector for as long as you want how's Phil he's doing a little better so you and Ben are both off the Chandler case huh yeah we're all in disgrace the end of a dynasty so what happens when they find out you're still pursuing it I may have to follow the s order something you want beer sure I know what happens when you drink alone [Music] you all right are you sure yeah pop look out you okay yeah who the hell was that talk to me do you know who just tried to kill us I think a man named Vincent Coello he was the one who murdered my parents why didn't you tell us this before when we interrogated you I only found out afterwards my brother told me the night he was killed did he tell you why Coello killed your parents Evan was letting Coello use the bank to launder money my father found out and wanted to expose Coello and then Coello found out the mayor's involved in this Evan got a call from him while I was there and I heard them talking about Coello go upstairs with Edie I'll take care of them come on I'll show you these [Music] swing my room oh my my old room did he collect stamps as well actually I was into tropical fish but uh I'm still a lousy basketball player thank you for saving my life anytime well that's about everything inspector uh we can leave a squad car outside until morning if you want probably a good idea thanks for coming out guys night night sir good night Edie stay here until I get back I'm going downtown with Benny those guys downstairs they'll stay outside but I don't want them to know that she's here okay so are you a policeman like your father not like my father my brother is too family business huh pretty much can I get you anything something to drink knowing my father your choices are probably instant coffee scotch or beer or I could just mix all three together in a glass what happened to your head someone shot at me Red Badge of Courage so you're not getting married no but that's fine fine fine like hell I can hear that little hint that fly Speck of regret in your voice you want to marry Matthew don't you I don't know well here's a simple question do you love him just give me a straight answer okay not the Kabuki performance he proposed to you right yeah but I don't think he meant it well very few of them mean it why do you think that he didn't mean it I just know don't you you've already backed away from this guy twice because you felt that he was getting too serious look Kate it's hard enough being a mother with a man around to help but being a single [Music] mother I got to go I know maybe I should call [Music] him we'll finish in the morning yep working late Mr there you do our City Pride now what are you doing downtown at this hour the Bucks game just let out I had a question did Vincent Coello Finance your campaign with launder Drug Money Al bright I'll catch up to you in your office and perhaps fine Jor would like a cup of coffee it's okay be careful Paul I'd worry about your reputation now not mine I don't care whether you took laundered money or not your honor you just may want to be sure you're not in that if for something worse like conspiracy and murder do you think you know maybe Vincent coella will help me if you don't want to I'll see you in the next boat to Hell turn the lights out when you leave alright well I don't like my chances of making Chief there I'll start the tea nice job were you a Girl Scout no my parents sent me to Wilderness Camp I learned how to do a bunch of stuff I don't get the chance to do like what like build a fire dress a wound row a boat talk to a nice guy so what's it like like grown up rich you've seen television in the movies tea bags I don't know um try there what's it like being a cop you know there's an expression cops have going through doors if they say about a guy he goes through doors it means you can count on him he's a standup guy and well there was this door and I couldn't or wouldn't go through it and my partner almost died because of it so now I'm not a cop anymore but you're still a standup guy or in my case more of a lie down guy meaning meaning you jumped on me to protect me that makes you a pretty nice guy reflexes maybe you weren't supposed to go through that door maybe your life was supposed to change change how I don't [Music] know hey you all right yeah I'm sorry [Music] hey it's all right that's Vincent Coello he came to the states with his mother from Peru when he was six he worked for years for the Colombians in New York and then four years ago he came to Milwaukee and opened his private cigar club Who belongs to this club the CEO of every major industry in Milwaukee attorneys sports stars Bankers even the mayor's got a humid are there it's that easy to buy Banks political power and police protection what the hell are we doing working so hard fine I wish you and your family would leave this to us we can't do that can I help you I don't think so well this is a private club are you here to meet a member no well I'm afraid you have to leave just tell Mr Corell inspector Paul Fine of the Milwaukee Police Department would like to have dinner and a singar tell Mr coo I need to speak to him one of the perks of the job inspector I'm thrilled to have you here I'm Vincent Coello hello I can get you a table upstairs on the balcony if the smoke bothers you downstairs is fine found her table five hope you enjoy your meal I have those can I bring you something to drink a bottle of your best champagne yeah send it right over champagne you could give a girl ideas what kind of ideas no listen to me I sound like one of those old movies on TV old is my favorite kind of movie that go for your men as well well depends on the guy you I like with or without the champagne he Jo for a moment box of Mony Chrystal number four if you prefer a civo or a pus please just let me know thank you inspector you're all dressed up you're here with a beautiful woman you why do I get the feeling you're still here on business isn't everyone here on business Mr Coello have a cigar with a judge buy a drink for a banker kiss a drug runner's ass for campaign money was that Chandler a member of your Club yes but um he died see I always told you were relieved of any Duty on the Chan of murder investigation I'm still head a special investigations and what special investigation are you investigating here it's a classified special [Music] investigation enjoy your dinner champagne's on the house I think you made him angry so okay hey Paul how you doing we seem to be surrounded do you think the mayor is involved with Coello probably I just don't know how deeply you did want to be chap didn't you I would have liked it you deserve it I've already got more than I deserve inspector I'd like a word I'll meet you in your office in 20 minutes just when I thought you were going to get lucky Evan Chandler knew who killed his parents he told me seems he told everyone but me what do you mean who did he tell you killed his parents well I've got this slight dilemma it's PR client information I'm not supposed to tell but your client is dead well it's still an obligation if it came out that I divulged the confidence given to me by a client my license could be put in Jeopardy I could be sued but there is somebody I could tell when a client dies the privilege reverts to the estate the only one to whom I could legally divulge what my client told me is Caroline Chandler but you haven't told her Evan Chandler told you his sister killed their parents the sister says Vincent Coello killed them well that might be true inspector did you know that Caroline Chandler dated Vincent Kell [Music] good morning morning want some breakfast got eggs Bagels OJ oh she cooks too Pop's a lucky guy or were you just here overnight keeping an eye on Caroline Chandler exactly morning morning sleep well not much how you doing how many of us truly know the answer to that question it wasn't looking for the Zen master response I hear you took yourself off the duty roster indefinitely indefinitely definitely you know I had something happen to me like what happened to you listen Ben you you don't have to make up stories to make me feel better I just want to tell you what happened that's all it's about 22 years old been a cop for about a year there's this big fire in a sweat shop up on North Avenue I remember when that happened I was about 11: you were hurt you messed up your ankles or something yeah you remember Eric your partner well he saw the smoke first he rushed up there it's fire everywhere sowing machines clothes all over the place 36 women were in that building a lot of them had passed out already we got most of them out but uh fire and the smoke was so bad we couldn't even see the front door anymore I had myself plastered against this window I kept sticking my head out trying to get some air in my lungs I felt like my face was going to melt off you know I could couldn't breathe just I couldn't get in the air so I crawled up on this window sill we're about three stories is up you jumped yeah yeah I jumped nine women died in that fire you know fear is something you're try not to give into but sometimes it just sometimes it just overtakes us all of us hey Pop good morning morning morning pop you want some eggs sure she up yet she is up and she's starving hi sit down please miss Chandler the other night you said that Vincent Coello killed your parents that's right why did you tell us you dated him how'd you meet him through my brother you weren't very close with your brother but you let him fix you up Evan took me to his cigar club one night I met coella there we went out for a month or so he gave me a Bulgari diamond bracelet my father found out that I was seen him and he went ballistic he told me to break it off I did Vincent got very angry he took the bracelet and flushed it down the toilet I guess I should have told you this before why didn't you it's a little painful to admit that I slept with a man who murdered my parents I'd like to go home now please Eddie will take you won't you Edie yeah [Music] thanks for taking me home sure so no more miss a nice guy I didn't say that do you hate me I didn't say that [Music] either well well I hate that well it's never good news it's right up there without call you or let's just be friends well I like you you know [Music] yeah there you are I've been looking for you take a look at this I just pulled it from a fing cabinet at the bank hey Pop who would have thought now we just have to figure out a way to prove [Music] it are we rolling all right we're live outside the third precin exteral what are you doing for dinner uh nothing oh you look terrific W thank you so do you you know really MH that's the first chance I've had to wear this new suit oh what did you uh tell your wife it's not a problem good [Music] you going to L this place we going I am yeah who's best in [Music] town what are we doing here I don't believe this what are we doing here and take me home what I want you to beet my family you're out of your mind I hope you like Kasha who's Kasha Daddy hey come here you oh you to oh you're getting so happy hi hone hi I'm Melanie I'm Ben's wife he told me that you tried to pick him up I think it's very flattering hi hey you're that reporter who said all that vaporware about my dad well don't worry there won't be any non-verbal conversation here non-verbal conversation in case you're unfamiliar with the term is a beating usually by police I'm Kate can I take your jacket uh yeah sure oh oh sorry okay we're going to light the candles now come come on more casha M no I'm full yeah mhm thanks now can you tell me what I'm doing here please we want to give you an exclusive a scoop a scoop okay who do you think I am Jimmy Olen look people who plant news aren't always planting the truth do you care Ben of course she cares but I'm curious if somebody tells you something how do you know if it's true anyway oh well she's got to have two sources isn't that right okay so what is this scoop you want to give me answer this question first you gave us a tip you steered us toward Vincent Coello why I thought it my responsibility knowing what I did what did you know I can't tell you everything that my source what source I can't tell you that how about we tell you Fran we think we know who killed the Chandlers we think it's your source and we're going to go arrest him we'd like you to come along why excuse us everyone please ladies and gentlemen we have warrants to check the humidors let me see what you [Music] got what the hell are you doing here looking for Contraband oh Cuban cigars I am shocked what are you going to do arrest the mayor you're going to make a lot of very important people angry don't you ever shut up what's going on F your honor we found these in your locker sir the cment it's a little embarrassing I understand sir um out of respect we wouldn't think of arresting you but we'd appreciate it you from downtown on your own Recon I like hell I would her how are you Miss m is given us her word that she won't go to Air Service all the facts are inless of course you don't want to cooperate do you have a statement at this time your H uh no comment would you come with me please excuse me hi I'm busted again fine is this some kind of joke you know how many lawsuits we're going to get out of this how many Ben none if any of these guys want to make us think who's the public going to laugh at the police a bunch of fat Rod eyes sitting around smoking $50 cigars smuggled in Cuba Mr Quello want step in my office fine you are out of your mind could you come with me please please this is your funeral I don't have anything to say to my lawyer gets here hey Paul how you doing man that's a Natty type in my office all right and you say you didn't know there were legal cigars in your Club get need to think you're serious about this oh we're very serious first it's illegal cigars then it's cavar and bodka smuggled it from Russia next thing you know somebody's selling cryptonite to school kids you know what I'm talking about Det to fine you're compromising our investigation what the hell are you doing I can't tell you Sam but I promise you this if there's anything else I can't tell you I'll be sure to let you know are you anxious for an early retirement oh Mr Warden what are you doing harassing my clients like this well we went in on a legal search warrant and we found Contraband by the way we search you humodor you're fine it's a matter can't afford the Cubans Vincent just answer the basic question no more I'm having a good time William get me the hell out of here right away sir I just have a few more questions anesta Willie inspector I'm sure you have your reasons but what the hell is going on do you represent this man Mr wooden yeah yes excuse me a second councelor this won't take long how long is Vincent coella your client too yes and the mayor and a lot more besides by the look of it you plan on arresting all of them step right in here there you go well isn't this fun inspector could I speak to you alone you already spoke to me alone the night you implicated Vincent in the Chandler murders hey what are you trying to do here you said I did what I never said that Miss Mullen you told me the same thing Warden what's going on here why would I say Coello killed the chantlers maybe you thought he'd use you to defend him I'm sure he pays well I don't need to manipulate the police and the Press just to get more business well that's what we thought but you might do it to take the heat off yourself this isn't funny anymore fine why would he kill the Chandlers Warden is executive of the bank if the chanders are all dead he gains complete control $900 million is a pretty good reason take them out your folks are free to to leave [Music] [Music] yeah we have the units MTH you're with me let's go [Music] get out get get out of the car let's move where is he going where is he [Applause] going let's see if we can head him down Bridge Road maybe we can stop them there all available units proceed to Bridge Road good good you got him you got him we'll nail him on the other side of the river get back up in position at the other end setting up get in position [Music] [Applause] R we're there we're there we're there go get him don't move spr sprad get out of the car with your hands up I said get out of the car [Applause] [Music] I said get out of the [Music] car [Applause] down you guys okay yeah we're all right yeah okay you got it there you go that's a heavy one a Kate a Kate we're eating in the sua wow I hung all the vegetables and I made the paper ches well good for you your girls did a fine job here let me hang those he called his press conference quite suddenly so there's a lot of speculation hey well take a look at this good morning I've always felt this uh job of Mayor is a public trust and should not be turned into a career yeah right that's why I've decided after talking things over with my wife that I will not run for reelection when this term is up all right Big L huh and it won't be long before our friends at C indicted Ernesto gaspara and Vincent Coello too with any luck yeah what took you guys so long you know what the line is like at Marvin's Deli on a Sunday morning yeah plus all those old cockers take like an hour to order you should show more respect oh listen to you just you wait until your kid comes home covered in tattoos with multiple body parts pierced yeah and what if it's a girl I'm assuming it's a girl uh where were you going with my coffee thought you were asleep your boyfriend coming nope he um he took a job up north in Eagle River it's okay Daddy we're going to have a baby and I can't wait yeah whose Mercedes is that out front that would be for me Mercedes wow oh hi I'm Kate hi I'm Caroline hi come on I'm hungry first we need to say the sukut prayer and rejoice in our blessings is this like Thanksgiving it's our Harvest Festival uh-huh let me let me let me let you can both have a turn I'll tell you when okay why don't we let an say the prayer oh well yeah you want to okay okay blessed art thou O Lord Our God ruler of the universe who has kept us in life and kept us in health and brought us to celebrate the season amen amen amen amen amen am okay girls are you ready shake the Lula okay and we shake it to the front shake to the [Music] back are I'm so sorry
Channel: Eternal Picture Show
Views: 109,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, ActionMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Family of Cops III: Under Suspicion, Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller, Sheldon Larry, Charles Bronson, Sebastian Spence, Barbara Williams
Id: z3B5DaCFm8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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