The Victim | English Full Movie | Crime Drama Mystery

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[Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're home [Applause] [Music] girl come on [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] call are you hungry yeah hungry I know I know yes there there you go [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is ridiculous thanks [Laughter] George hello oh Kate how are you wondering about you how are things Susie things Kate are in a shambles it's finished K oh when did you decide that last night okay you know how hard I've tried how much I wanted to make it work but there's nothing left nothing and ban agrees no but when something's dead the only decent thing to do is bury it I um called my attorney earlier today and made an appointment for tomorrow I'm going to start proceedings immediately my you are in a rush I wait well yeah I suppose if you're that sure I am I was uh half expecting a call from you big sister's intuition well I hardly needed a crystal ball did I hey look Susie why don't you come up here we can talk or not whatever you want oh Kitty I'd love to but it's too complicated there's the cat the dog the bird a million things can't Ben take care of the animals for a few days Ben's gone he left the morning for LA on business and I want to be out when he gets back what about the house it's his and he can have everything in it I want nothing from him and he'll get no more from me clean finished as if there never was a marriage that's what I'm going to tell the lawyer hey look Susie why don't I drive down there and keep you company no I'm all right really it's been raining here and they're predicting a big storm I don't want you driving down in that when did the little weather ever stop me look it's not even 3:00 and it's lonely around here with Philip away I can be down there in plenty of time for us to have a drink and a nice cozy dinner together no I don't think so I'll probably have myself a good cry tonight no no no I'll be fine in the morning I'll call you tomorrow okay okay love you you will call if you change your mind yes I will and Katie thanks for being there bye-bye have you finished [Music] eating what are you do doing [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] operator Hello Operator I've been trying to reach area code 40855 55428 and I keep getting a busy signal has there been any trouble with the telephone lines down there because of the storm we haven't been notified of any oh well fine then could you check the line for conversation please is this an emergency call uh yes this is an emergency I'll have it checked for you I'm sorry the phone's off the hook off the hook there's no conversation on the line oh yes well thank you operator George I've decided to drive down and spend the night with Susan could you get the car out for me yes ma'am right away thanks I'll just Pok them things in the [Music] suitcase oh yeah throw those in the front seat have a nice trip Mrs Right hold down the fort George I'll do my [Music] best [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes ma'am what can I do for you up please yes ma'am [Applause] ah [Music] blast any South Miss uh yes how far about 20 5 miles road's closed Beyond Wilton Corners we've had some rock slides oh well I wasn't going quite that far just the say Miss we're recommending the folks stay off Route One unless it's urgent we're going to have to close down all of it as soon as it's dark well uh I I'll make a phone call maybe I'll stay at the large for the night that' be best thank you come again miss the way wght resident oh hi George it's me as Susan called no ma'am is there something wrong well uh I'm at Highland point I called her again but there was no answer I thought maybe she changed her mind about coming up to the city perhaps she's on her way Mrs RR well I doubt that she'd come without calling look uh I'm going to go on down to Susan's if if she does arrive have her call me will you of course Mrs way okay bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sil hey suy let me in it's a little damp out here [Applause] [Music] SU [Applause] [Applause] Zoo oh hi Callie you hungry oh you couldn't possibly be you've already been fed Susan hey it's me sue suszie sue you down here [Music] ouch [Music] Susan where have you been the past hour I've been calling [Music] and Susan who is it who's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there oh Mrs Hawks what are you doing here where is Mrs Chapel what's that oh hold on a minute what' you say I asked you where Mrs Chapel is I don't keep tabs on your sister she's always gallam somewhere she's not home no what time did she leave SE to me she was gone from the house when I got here that's all I know what time was that my regular time 3:00 but I I talked to her on the phone just a few minutes before 3 well I can't help that I was here at my regular hour just like always but that's not possible you would have seen her leaving on the way from your house wouldn't you are you calling me a liar Mrs way R well no of course not Mrs Hawks I I was only trying to be logical there's no way from here to the highway except past your house and it must take at least 5 minutes to walk the road from your house to here I know what time I got here I can't say what time you spoke to your sister so I don't know if I should have seen her going to the highway or not do it Mrs Hawks I tried to call here twice between 3 and 4 and the phone was off the hook then someone put it back on and when I called again there was no answer and you insist you were here all that time Mrs way some people have work to do I am trying to do mine now I don't know nothing about no phone I came in here at 3:00 and I went straight upstairs today is my upstairs day and you probably didn't hear the phone ringing because your hearing aid was turned off well it wouldn't be nobody calling me here what about girl have you seen her have you seen the dog Mrs Hawks there's no need to shout no I didn't not hide in her hair she probably with it when she [Music] left oo it's freezing in here no [Applause] wonder hello hello is Susan there no she isn't who's calling please this is Edith Jordan oh Edith Hi how are you this is Katherine Wayne wght Catherine Wayne oh Catherine hi when did you get down here oh an hour or so ago oh well will Susan be back soon I imagine she will she wasn't here when I arrived and since she didn't know I was coming I really can't be sure she might have gone somewhere for dinner well I doubt that unless she's on her way here have you spoken to Susan since last night yes late this afternoon then you know what she's decided uh-huh yes we had quite a long chat this morning too I told her to come over and have dinner and sleep over she said she'd let me know uh then I I don't understand apparently she's been gone for a couple of hours Mrs Hawks has been here since and Mrs Hawks what's she doing there Susan pink slip that old bab ax she finally fired her she told me so last night they had words more than usual I gather are you sure Susan gave her two weeks pay and a boat in the rear if it' been me she could go whistle for her two weeks well then what's she doing here well I always did think that that old witch was a little bit attached you know how possessive she is about van in that house she obviously won't take go for an answer until she's thrown out Bly but I wouldn't advise you to try it I'm sure her bite is poisonous well if she does come to your house will you uh have a call me of course I'll have her phone you right away and if she comes home let me know will you I'm kind of worried about her the state of mind she's in yes I I will Edith bye-bye is Stone [Applause] Cold Mrs Hawks the furnace isn't working furnace ain't my business do you know how to turn it on no don't you have a furn at your house not one of them new fangled oil burner things if your coold sit by the fire [Music] what were you doing down there getting the furnace started Mrs Hawks don't you have any idea where Mrs Chapel might have been all this time she could have gone to see her lawyer I suppose about the divorce how would you know about the divorce it was just decided last night it's been coming for a long time anybody with eyes could see that do you realize that Mr Chapel is likely to lose this house if she goes through with a divorce now that's hardly your Affair oh ain't it this house has been my Affair for the past 10 years every day from breakfast till the dinner dishes was washed and put away this house and Mr Chapel mine until she came along that's enough Mrs Hawks now you needn't bother about dinner and if you're finished with your other work you can go I'm sure that Mrs Chapel will be home soon and we'll fix something for ourselves number one I ain't finished with my other work number two this is Wednesday on Wednesday Mr Chapel always has my New England boiled dinner Mr Chapel won't be home for dinner he's in Los Ang Angeles as so nobody told me you can take my word for it and neither Mrs Chapel nor I like boiled food in this house I take my orders from Mr Chapel uh Mrs Hawks you leave me no choice I happened to know that Mrs Chapel fired you so if you'd be kind enough to leave I've been working for Mr Chapel for a long time he hired me he's the only one who can fire me did you hear what I said I want you to go now Zoo suie [Music] Sue where is she who Mrs Chapel her car's in the garage didn't she come in this way Susan Susan Susan Zoo you here Sue [Music] Susan Susan Susie are you out here [Music] Mrs Hawks Mrs [Music] Hawks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] slan and Simpson good afternoon is uh Mr chavel secretary there I don't know her name well Joyce is gone for the day oh well perhaps you could tell me where does Mr Chapel stay when he goes to Los Angeles for the company well he always stayed at the White Hall the White Hall thank you but ma'am yes Mr Chapel hasn't been with L and Simpson for some time what are you sure oh yes he left the firm over a month ago I see uh thank you thank you very much funny Susan never mentioned [Music] that oh well Callie all right if you're still hungry Mrs Haws Mrs Hogs is that [Music] [Music] you how that get [Music] open that I don't need good [Applause] night oh girl where you been miss what have you been been with Susan huh what do you want down there come on come on let's go in by the fire come [Applause] on come on just lie down by the fire and get [Applause] [Applause] dry white hole white [Music] hole do you have a Mr Benjamin Chapel registered there just a moment please no we don't well do you have a reservation for him and he hasn't canceled his reservation no well then I'd like to leave a message for him please would you have him call home as soon as he arrives yes that's right thank you come on girl [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n hello Catherine Edith has Susan come home yet no she hasn't Jee that is strange well her her car's in the garage I I thought she'd come home when I saw it but I guess a friend picked her up and the car's been here all the time could be but Catherine I think you should call the police and report her is missing the police really you really think I should well uh maybe maybe I will good Catherine I hate to think of you there all alone I was going to suggest that Harry pick you up so you could join us for dinner but I just heard on the radio that route one is closed by Rock slides between there and here well that that's very thoughtful of you Edith but I'm okay I'm probably being foolish I've been jumping at sounds and I'm imagining all sorts of things I i' hate to be alone in that house on a night like this especially with all your worry about Susan oh I I'd really be spooked well I I I definitely think you should call the police hello hello Edith hello [Applause] this who is it who's there pretty sure [Music] ma'am Mr W yes is there something going on oh no ma'am uh Mrs Edith Jordan called Headquarters and ask us to look in on you make sure you're all right oh yes I'm fine come in please thank your phone still out of order yes I'm afraid so I just tried it again well we've reported it but there are so many lines down from the storm I'm afraid it'll be quite a while before the phone company gets around to you Mrs Jordan wanted you to know that she's calling around trying to locate your sister and tell her you're here oh thank you I I've been quite concerned now emergency vehicles can get through on Route One to the north so if you'd like us to take you by Mrs Jordan's home she thought you might want to spend the night with her well that's very kind of you but uh Mrs Chapel might be coming in any time now and I I'd rather be here well you could leave her a note no no I'll stay here but would it be possible if Mrs Chapel is stranded somewhere for you to uh let me know yes ma'am we'll keep in touch with Mrs Jordan if she hears anything we'll get back to you thank you now is there anything else we can do for you oh yes uh part of a tree broke through the window upstairs and it's too heavy for me to move the room's getting soaked I think we can fix that but uh we'll need something to block it off with oh I think we can find something in the basement must be something down here you can use wa a minute I think this will work how big is that window man think that'll cover it oh yes that should be fine yeah take that so we'll need something a hole this in place I'll take a couple of these two bucks [Applause] [Music] I think that'll hold it man thank you very much it's all right girl there's a highway patrol car stationed at the slide about about 2 mil North on Route One so if you change your mind or you need any help yes all right and thank you again oh girl Heaven's [Applause] Sake [Music] [Music] for [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh who's there who's there [Music] [Music] is someone there who is [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing here where are you going I'm leaving the lights are out get out of the rain you're getting soaked listen I saw the police going out past my house and I was wondering well is something wrong here what did they want no they they just brought me a message from Mrs Jordan what happened to your life I don't know the storm I suppose oh that ain't likely we're on the same line and my lights is okay maybe it's a fuse I better take a look I'll light the candles there's a flag FL here somewhere here it is and here's the fuses I I thought it might be a fuse but I don't know where the fuse box is what's in the basement you better come with me why well my eyes ain't so good sometimes it's hard to know which ones is [Music] blown [Music] Mrs way you got to understand about Mr Chapel he's pretty much in debt and a divorce right now it could finish him Mrs Hawks I really don't care to discuss Mr Chapel's problem with you he'd lose this house everything I understand how you feel about Mr Chapel but this is between Mr chapel and Mrs Chapel you think he married her for a money don't you oh Mrs Hawks please what's what's this the H handles it's on off you all the time why I knew there was someone in this house you never went home did you what are you talking about you turned off the lights to frighten me why do you really hate my sister that much you're talking crazy down here in the basement making noises to frighten me you're trying to drive me out of this house now what would I go skullking around here for I don't know but I heard you I heard you did you tell that to the police yes I did you're lying they didn't do any searching I was outside watching you told them they didn't believe you it was you all the time get out of this house get out get out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Susan Susan oh B Catherine well hello I certainly didn't expect to see you here but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised should I under the circumstances obviously Susan told you Susan isn't here she's not well where is she I don't know Ben I'm worried I've been here for hours I I've even been outside looking for her or maybe she drove up to see you her car's in the garage well that's odd well probably a friend came to pick her up she may have felt the need to talk I suppose you know about us yes she told me on the phone that's why I decided to come down but when I got here she wasn't here she told me you were going to Los Angeles on business well I was on my way after our blow up last night I thought it would be a good idea if we both had some time to cool off but on my way to the airport I started to have second thoughts I was halfway up the steps of the plane when I just turned around and came back down again I sat in the airport and I thought over all the things that we had said to each other and the more I thought about it the worse well anyway that plane took off without me and then the next one and finally I decided that I would come on back and try my damnedest to find some way to patch things up certainly more important than any business trip I'll find her the phone's out of [Applause] order what it's dead all [Applause] right well I'm going to go up and change out of these wet things maybe the phone will be fixed by then Ben did you know that Susan fired Mrs Hawks yes it was pretty rough on the old girl I mean after being here all these years but I don't blame Susan Mrs Hawks looked on her as a usurp since we got married well she was here today cleaning and cooking as usual she was not only that she's been trying to frighten me into leaving now Katherine I find that hard to believe but it's true she's had me climbing the walls I I think she resents me even more than she does Susan you really think well the fact is I'm not too sure that Mrs Hawks is quite all there Ben you don't suppose Mrs Hawks could have done something to Susan do you what well I suppose it is possible no I mean what am I saying the idea is ridiculous Catherine nobody has done anything to Susan you you're so jumpy it's beginning to affect [Applause] me [Applause] B how did you get here what what do you mean the highway it's closed oh yeah of course well I had to take the back road the one that cuts in just north of Wilton corners it's mostly a dirt road well mud now and uh it's washed out a couple of miles from me I had to walk from there well that's why I'm such a mess Catherine relax We're worrying about nothing Susan spending the night with a friend I'm sure of it you'll see what what about the people you were supposed to meet in Los Angeles your business appointment won't they be wondering where you are I called my office from the airport and told my secretary to phone down and cancel your secretary at Sloan and Simpson well of course what else what's with you Kate uh nothing I I I I I just [Applause] wondered you really are Shook Up [Music] [Applause] well I feel a lot better have you tried the phone again no still nothing Ben does Susan know about your job know what I called Sloan and Simpson earlier today to find out where I could reach you in Los Angeles I see and what you found out is that I'd been sacked no Susan doesn't know oh I see that's what all those questions were all about were you really going to Los Angeles yes to see my contacts ex customers and all that I've been beating the bushes these last month trying to locate a new situation hopefully before I had to tell Susan I'd blown the old one I guess you've been under a lot of pressure lately pressure you mean money yes is uh is that part of the trouble between you and Susan not Direct directly would you like a drink Catherine no thank you well I think I'm going to have another one still haven't gotten a chill out of my [Applause] bones what do you mean not directly oh it bugs me I mean not being able to give Susan the things I'd like to I've got my share of male ego and it bothers me whenever she uses her own money to buy clothing and things no reason why she shouldn't I suppose not but uh it triggered more than one argument for which I take full responsibility but you know I've always wanted to make a go of it on what I earn I would have thought that the extra 15,000 that Susan Drew from her trust fund last month would have eased things for you a bit so she told you about that no my attorney did I see well some of my creditors were getting a bit nasty speaking of lawyers did you know that Susan's planning to see her lawyer tomorrow about the divorce well I suppose I'm not all that surprised a divorce now would put you in a bind wouldn't it I guess I haven't thought that much about it because it's not going to happen the truth is our difficulties are just a bunch of mole Hills piled one on top of another until they look like an insurmountable Mountain we'll work it out you'll see those mole Hills money and other women look Catherine I know that Susan was just a little suspicious about some of my business trips but I gave up those one night stands long before we were [Applause] married Ben I found Susan's keys and her wallet upstairs I can't imagine why she would have gone out without them well she has another set of keys and why would she need her wallet if she's having dinner at her friend's house yes I I suppose but I I can't get it out of my head that maybe this afternoon she went outside for something and and uh in the storm had an accident she could be lying out there somewhere your imaginations were overtime okay it'll make you feel better I'll go out and look thanks Ben looks like the rain's let up [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you doing what's got into you Catherine where do you think you're going suddenly I just couldn't sit there any longer Ben I'm frightened of what something terrible has happened to Susan I know know it I'm sure of it Ben if I could just get to the police and tell them Catherine you're not making any sense I mean we're stuck here until morning there's no place to go no they they're police at the roadblock if we could just tell them Catherine you're letting your imagination run wild come on we go inside sit down quietly and I'll give you a nice stiff drink [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on sit down here we go down my hatch one more all of it this time I'll be all right in a minute in a minute if you drink that all down come on Ben I'm sorry it's just that it's been such a nerve-wracking day I'm all right now you sure yes but I'm exhausted of course if you don't mind I think I'll uh go up and lie down I feel as if I could sleep for a week good idea oh I I can make it well you get some sleep I'll wake you when Susan gets home Catherine the phone company's probably repairing the lines right now I'm sure we'll have service any minute now yes uh I'm sure [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] s Susan what is it you want to go out all [Music] right C no C no let her go Mr J like all the [Music] police [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a
Channel: GEM: Film Library
Views: 31,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, CrimeMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, The Victim, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Herschel Daugherty, Elizabeth Montgomery, Eileen Heckart, Sue Ane Langdon
Id: 09xw1HA3OSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 14sec (4394 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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