Family Guy Panel - San Diego Comic-Con 2012

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hello Comic Con welcome to the Family Guy panel I'm mark handsome and executive producer we're thrilled to be here to see you guys answer your questions and tell you a little bit about what we've got coming up this season as you saw a little bit of our premiere in the clips on September 30th the Griffins get into a one-upsmanship with the family of Lois's ex-boyfriend and they decide to do what any out of shape overweight and will do climb Mount Everest so let's bring out the Family Guy panel first I'd like to introduce my fellow showrunner and writer of such Family Guy classics as to live and die in Dixie Lois kills Stewie and last season's be careful what you fish for executive producer Steve Callahan [Applause] [Music] she's the voice of lois griffin Dannette a writer producer on Showtime's shameless she's hilarious she's pregnant and the photos look a little like quagmire Alex Borstein [Applause] he's the voice of Chris Griffin and creator of Robot Chicken which recently the most talented gingers since Lucille Ball he's the voice [Applause] he's the voice of Cleveland Bruce Consuela and her own and Jerry Sandusky Herbert please welcome Mike Henry [Applause] [Music] that'll be $20 we missed her on the panel the last couple years but she's been busy being a movie star now she's back and we can finally ask her if Jack Jackie Kelso will ever get back together Mila Kunis okay I'm here I go go get her go get her finally he's the creator of Family Guy American Dad in The Cleveland Show in the hit movie 10 but you probably know him best for his role as Agent Jack Kirby in the pilot episode of flash-forward Marlon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi all right before we get to the QA we can fill you in a little bit about what's coming up this season Steve do you want to mention some episodes yeah we've got a great season coming up mark mentioned our premiere we also have some of the fun episodes including an episode where quagmire accidentally buries a hooker we also have an episode where the Griffins buy a farm and Peter ends up becoming a meth dealer and we have a road fun episode coming this fall where the group has become a Nielsen family and Peter sort of steals a lot of meals and boxes and turns television into what he'd like it to be and basically it's of destroyed television single a new we also have our 200th episode coming up this season and in the clips in which Stewie and Brian accidentally reverse the direction of time and we see some of our iconic moments from the series uh in Reverse so our people line up for questions all right let's uh let's get him underway my question is for Seth MacFarlane he's gay I've never I've never seen anyone more relaxed on stage than you Marc Thank You those people in this room yes now are you a manatee a manatee but on manatee no night I'm in my late 20s I put on a few pounds but him I took it off feeling feeling pretty good pretty healthy you swear that's not just some awesome robot skin suit that you're wearing I borrowed this from Bruce Willis and surrogates all right next question hey guys I'm Katie which are you my question is being a show that is so gloriously offensive what kind of crap do you get from famous people and you parody did anyone of them get especially mad at the show you could have memorized that I respect our preparations journalists don't prepare as much these days so I appreciate them did has anyone ever gotten mad this is the question I think right about absolutely or Cadence's were so mesmerizing it wasn't quite paying attention from the yeah you know we've had a few people get angry I'm trying to think I'm talking detail that the lawsuit sir we never do it a couple times I can play a couple of the phone messages actually yeah we had Carol Burnett had her panties all up her ass about something once right wait a minute Sarah Jessica Parker's voicemail human there was an intense rage with him there was a sequence where quagmire was at a sex shop and he what was it the washer woman which was the iconic Carol Burnett character from her television show came in and mopped up some white stuff on the floor of the sex shop either Carol Burnett or her lawyers became very upset about that and filed some sort of funny business and I guess we want I don't know I didn't really follow up Carol Burnett was a comedian before most of you were born I married some improvisation skits coming pretty cool I guess what she took objection to is she's never used bother to clean it up and sticky you know it's sort of like cooking in a pan you've already used without clean builds up taste its flavor kids boiling a baseball how far into our 30s do we all have to get before the stops being cute I don't know every number 10 or 20 years all right we got another question hi my name is Brennan and I consider doing a crossover of Family Guy and American ad reps Chris where you easy clothes [Applause] even say save some of that for the porcupine on your head it would probably taste better if instead of a spoon you use the stick of butter if that character you dressed us may oh my let's get a backpack full of video that is his day delicious what's the purpose of eating a Mayo it's a it's a new Hollywood diet it actually what was your question because you read a lot Mayo because we're you heal over and die I think the question was just so he could eat the NATO action the questioner did you just want to if you just want to like performance art this Mayo here across across the shelter to one American diet and Family Guy and perhaps we've done that a oh my editing clocks I think the DVDs are still available we have done crossover before guess we should keep moving huh all right next question um hi my question is for Seth MacFarlane with the success of Ted does it push back your work on the Flintstones I mean the Flintstones is on hold for the moment anyway so those are those two are independent of each other but we don't know when the Flintstones is going to happen it could be in the next year it could be in the next five years and there's no there's no exact schedule wait but speaking of Ted I noticed that the Ted plush is available for sale it would seem so wait is it true that that is in fact a talking teddy bear yes it does talk and say many things from the film well now you know what to get me for Christmas yeah will it get high with you to get high in its presence can you convert it into a smoking apparatus of some kind it's 2012 I think you can do pretty much whatever you want there's a gentleman with a hat here - the next question [Applause] a Seth MacFarlane what's your formula [Applause] I think they need you back on the set of Annie Hall any home was a picture by a after me you're all ready for the summer haven't you there's subtler this minute it's gladly tri-cornered isn't it it's like in there in the Revolutionary era if people were a lot of people or apartments you know a 19 our founder treatments next guy needs a heaping spoonful of mayonnaise [Applause] all right next question unfortunately by witnesses birthdays for Seth not Scotty Scotty no um I think it's actually Scotty don't but that's all shackle just say if you want to quote come correct [Applause] all right I was wondering if maybe you and the Simpsons would possibly swap animations for episode like you use do your respective animations maybe for the intro and I don't know if you understand say again are mean that means I'm crazy style the style would you be literally swap off of the character design yeah like a different look up like the services and draw the payment I can just change is like where's sorry oh yeah and Knox what characters just the designs animation shoot on yeah that sounds that's not a problem thank you for the question text I have questioned I guess see anymore Consuela Yeah right Vance reservist you will see Consuela this season are you sure all right next question hi hey buddy so I have to ask what if what kind of fun male inspire that where does Robin Williams stories of you were ma'am what was it busier man no no no actually mail we got our that we did a paper mail segment where Peter everything Peter touches after he gets struck by lightning turns to Robin Williams he's asking about where that came from but I thought it was he asked about who wrote the actual letter yeah what was the letter what did the letter look like this here's a secret it wasn't really a letter we just came up with that the idea was lay back was for the viewer male episodes to inspire people to write in and then we would you know there could be some interaction with the fans but it just has never happened so if anybody wants to write in four you know on the viewer male episodes that would be nice please do it are I am now authors in the younger this is the first episode let's make a deal let's make a deal with the TV show before Carol Burnett hey tali where are you supposed to be a completion [Applause] my question was if you were gonna do any more movie spoof episodes just look so unwieldy you have to its two eyes in a mug anymore movie themed episode we made we made week you know we got lucky with with um with the folks at Lucasfilm because they have a very progressive attitude towards parody in fact they are probably the only company out there that has that progressive an attitude where they they get that the media landscape is just different and you know you can actually keep your brand alive by allowing people to kind of have some fun with it we you know a we thought about doing Star Trek or Indiana Jones or you know more the other movie series but it's it's it's you know we just have to it's all about getting a rights and you know not everyone is as enlightened as George Lucas [Applause] [Music] Oh I'm telling [Applause] [Music] you mean shower [Applause] we're doing one where I actually Chris gets mad at his parents and moves in with Herbert this year there's actually a really really great scene where they go to bed I'll just say in the same room and you know what I think it's okay as long as they love each other in the words of 40 Alan but the heart wants what the old creepy pervert wants thank you God when it comes to you number there we go walking wrong it's just straight [Music] [Applause] and no but not this it's too real teachers now mr. Herbert we are in fact going to do this exactly right this Alice that happen yeah please be aware that many members of your audience little late for that let's be honest if you're in this room chances are damage is already done you know what kids there's a movie with a teddy bear out adorable take the whole family and enjoy all right who's next I said you're Gigi's my question is that he was made so big in Hollywood any chances of making Banks character go to Hollywood maybe starring Ted since you might have the rights to that and also like deep in tank congratulations on being the first normal guy in the line [Applause] woman you can have the name I have a weak arm ha that's nothing exactly an aerodynamic shape you know stuff can bend oh wait there was sort of a question to Tessa right how many was it in our movies is May going to go to Hollywood and star in 10 it's too late Ted Orion came out I think I think the key point that you're missing here is viola is in a human being is the character in the show so right right what do we care for the safety to be gone thanks a bit there's a great movie called Roger Rabbit that has a lot of live action anime was another nun costume costume person with a question yes sir can I hit okay yes I'm actually here for my niece she's really shy this question was for Seth do you plan on producing more musical albums and if you could just sing a little bit I can't shake here today my voice is trash but [Applause] Lola is the face in the misty light careful steps that you hear down the hall or locating um there there are tentative plans to do another one of these things I don't know whether whether it will actually happen but we would we would like to do one more it's remains to be seen there's the talk of a Christmas album but who knows all right next question - this question is for a set the movie ten is that just stewarded roofied rupert grownup you know it's not I like your hungergames uniform right now they're not going all person I mean you're you're like a quasi Donatello yeah but you can take a I'm glad you can take a break from getting laid all day green I'm just wondering if you think Chris this is the evil monkey and icky blaster try to get them back in the closet you know kind of like people develop Stockholm Syndrome when they're in hostage crisis and begin to develop romantic emotional attachments for their captors I think that person the monkey probably did a fair bit of bonding and I I don't write for the show baby all I can answer that is everyone look at the sign language interpreter right now Oh bring up blow jobs that go on within a second oh wait guys I just noticed please be aware of any members of your audience how many kids here are under 18 and deaf honey for good giant VP flippity floppity saggy gong [Applause] let's get back in question sorry all right next question right this question is Deckard directed to Seth MacFarlane I want to know how you went about finding the voice actors or Family Guy only one Red Bull before the panel not six you know they came from different places Alex Borstein was on MADtv at the time [Applause] and her let's see your boss Adam small was running the show and his wife was the executive at Fox that was in charge of Family Guy and she recommended Alex Borstein and I I didn't really even consider anyone else because Alex was so magnificent and Seth Green was I was in it is an interesting story - I've told her a million times what I'll tell again because everybody loves it he came in to read for Chris and we had the sketches lined up and everyone would come in and look at the design for Chris and do like a surfer dude voice and because the long blonde hair and Seth came in and did you want to tell it an impression of Ted Levine from Silence of the Lambs whoa we're about a size seven a solution presented to the basket oranges the Moses been doing that for a week wooden buffalo veil and all kind of other employment opportunities like saying that he's the drive-thru guy at KFC where I just got really silly and then he dared me to do it at this audition and I did always accepted their system is the moral to that story all right next question we have time for one more Oh what if I ask him real fast all right let's get speed around like the last people now I know these are like Bart's suits and things but it looks like you just came from Burger King let's get all these questions a bus trip together didn't get that Burger King account user for the expansion of a conscience at hand or what's your question um I was wondering what the next road episode movie you've got an episode coming up Steve I've come on tell me our season finale is an episode called roads to Vegas I wish Stewie riots or teleport themselves to Las Vegas but unknowingly create a duplicate of each other and one set of Stewie and Brian has the best possible Las Vegas experience and the other has the worst possible Las Vegas experience with that but it's going to be our season finally it's going to be a great episode okay hey hey auntie Isis this is for the sets speed round in their way out of your hands of the voice-acting industry in might go it's a lot of work all right I've had enough voiceover artists make a lot of tapes doing a lot of voices send those to all the ancients practice rehearsal be as good as you can all the time yeah man go a challenge it's funny don't quit okay thank you thank you Chris thank you Joker thank you all thank you we're gonna see times I don't know all right well then we're wave to those people in the line thank you guys for you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: professorfarnsworth
Views: 1,508,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family Guy (TV Program), SDCC, San, Diego, Comic-Con, Family, Guy, Seth, McFarlane, Peter, Griffin, Green, Mila, Kunis, Mila Kunis (TV Actor), Animation, Comedy
Id: RZxuMaChc5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2012
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