Inside the Recording Booth - Family Guy

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ok everybody time for people who I forgot to pick up the paintball guns well we could use these I brought them from the office is it safe to be firing real guns at each other in the house alright alright nobody fire it Lois she's scared alright one two three go Peter that hey relax quagmire you're doing better than Peter Weller from the opening scene of Robocop well now that the mess is all cleaned up and we're back from the emergency room it's time for the last game of the night Trivial Pursuit man I hate Trivial Pursuit always makes me feel so stupid more stupid than that time you lock your keys out of the car damn it hey hey hey somebody Hey Hey sir sir sir you see those keys here sir Oh screw you all right Brian this one's for you what naturally occurring element has the highest melting point of all metals cadmium sorry tungsten hey Jonas my turn what do you got okay here we go what color is a fire truck aah oh god I always get these um okay ah all right fire truck fire truck fire truck fire truck fire truck what color rose red fire truck oh god I can picture on there all red and everything that's right Peter they are red well Lois what are you doing I switched Peters questions to the preschool edition each time have its moment good thing I just watched that National Geographic special on fire trucks a solitary killer the fire truck stalks its prey the firetruck can consume eight times its body weight the ambulances will have to wait their turn okay Bryant named the 16th century ecumenical body that marked a major turning point for Christianity in Europe I think that was the Council of Trent yeah you could not be more wrong the answer is Phyllis Diller either you're reading the pink my time okay Peter this is for the win say the word what oh wow okay um Michelle really separates your men from the boys say what yeah yeah yeah hello it's Lois this is not a race um okay I want to say Who ah fantastic 454 steak steak steak steak smaller than appease is it what that's right you win Peter you did it oh my god I won I won yeah you go in and get that show that fishy who's boss Loretta they have some of that three bean salad you're so fond of hey quagmire well will I have to do this again sometime hi there I'd like to welcome y'all to CPR I see a lot of smiles here in this room there's one oh there's another good I see that sewed up under your chair it's all right so does all right on my watch we also got Oreos here and fresh coffee everybody likes the snack now who wants to go first hmm no takers fine I'll go first Peter why don't you volunteer oh no I don't volunteer for anything since I helped those guys repaint the Sistine Chapel yeah listen I thought the stuff that was there was kind of lame so I put this up yeah I figured I'd write a giant to be a little hippie you know get back some of those boys you scared away and that's pretty much all there is to it yeah it's hard jagged and tastes like alcohol just like kissing fray Dunaway Oh easy now so it's official y'all are card-carrying lifesavers holy crap a card with my name on it I am now Peter Griffin certified CPR come on Lois I've got lives to save thanks be safe Oh nobody had me into coffee only couple Oreos gone I'm gonna take the rest home to the Cape meg you should ask him out I mean you're the only one of us who's ever had a real boyfriend I'm back I brought another picnic you're such a good listener you not like the other boys you're so good with animals I guess I could give it a try all right here goes hi Craig um I was wondering if maybe you'd want to uh I don't know go out sometime I must say I do feel a strange satisfaction watching the black ball topple all those self-righteous white pins can't blame them for being self-righteous the black balls in their neighborhood uninvited the black balls done nothing wrong the black balls in a sin it has nothing to feel ballast it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you play kick-ass rock and roll and do this with your tongue am i right Jean you got that right Pete right all right keeping your mouth roxtor what are we doing here trust me quagmire Cleveland will never think to look for you at mayor West's house hey hey Dylan good evening gentlemen listen man Wes my friend quagmire he is in trouble he needs a place to stay tonight say no more I'll protect you sir it is my job I only ask that you do not feed by Kent Bootsy as he's already eaten and might throw up it's all right to go to sleep my friend I'll stand guard okay don't worry I'll be here all night just don't try to make me smile I'm forbidden to smile oh no that episode of growing pains what Mike's friend boner ran for Student Council look boner this thing was a loner he I failed you
Channel: Epic Times
Views: 9,606,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family Guy, Brian, Griffin, Recording, Funny, seth, macfarlane, behind, scenes, quegmire, meg, joe
Id: f4OhDAoHTKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2012
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