Voice Of The Heart | Full Drama Movie | Part 1 | Lindsay Wagner

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[Music] talent pilot to take off i know where she's going [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] doctor you have to find out what's happening to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's a bit hot outside isn't it your lady [ __ ] thankfully now oh you've been shopping for the party tonight i thought it was about time i came out of morning yes my lady would you like a nice cup of tea oh and that journalist miss morgan is here for the interview i'll give you a minute and then i'll show her in miss morgan your ladyship how nice of you to take time out of your active day to see me not at all do sit down my mind you always did have marvelous taste francesca oh forgive me your ladyship or do you prefer mrs harrison avery surely we've known each other long enough for it not to matter so um shall we begin look at you how do you do it you haven't changed a bit when did we last meet it was 10 years ago wasn't it at the academy awards the year katherine won yes i suppose it was why don't i tell you about my charity concert well the magazine doesn't allow personal plugs but uh i'll imagine your charity just has to be tucked away in the kind of personal details that interest my readers such as where how does it feel being the most famous historical biographer in england and america i wouldn't claim that i was how charmingly modest do you prefer living in america to england i love them both of course england is my home i came here for my husband's work what was it like being married to one of the world's most famous diplomats will you ever marry again this is not the interview we agreed on well i have to get the personal tidbits or it won't mean anything no this is a mistake i think we should stop you're not interested in this interview what is it you want well as a matter of fact i do have something to tell you catherine tempest is coming back to new york she wants to see you i think you should leave you used to be so close she only wants to be friends again with everyone it's too late for that now i shan't see her i never thought i'd see the day when lady francesca lost her cool what part of you got to get on your high horse it was you who hurt her you and nick you can afford to be a little forgiving you upper-class [ __ ] [Music] talking like a fish oh she hasn't upset your leadership [Music] sorry about the teeth i think i'll go and change [Music] there is one thing catherine tempest is coming back to new york she wants to see you [Music] take a hand frankie you can do the bow up at the back this is new isn't it just finished it yesterday why did you have to leave it so late to tell me someone was coming no there's no panic she won't be here for two hours not until after the theater what she gone to she's not atmosphere so she's in it she's an actress you've taken up with an actress now come off it frankly i really there was some research i wanted to finish my book gordon the cartoon has been dead for a hundred years he can wait i don't think you take my writing seriously well go on make yourself useful light of fire oh what's her name anyone i would have heard of catherine catherine tempest she's just opened in helen of troy at the same james's i'm the one that got such good reviews wonderful reviews she really is very special frankie i know you'll love her you're serious about her i think i could be go on light a fire well i'd be careful how you introduce her to father you know how stuffy he can be she's not expecting to eat is she in fact uh yes i uh i asked her for supper oh kim how could you only egg well it'll just have to be omelettes well listen i'll meet her make her omelets and then i'll go to bed i'm sure you'd prefer that well the thing is she's bringing someone else well just about the most famous actor in the world victor amazing okay who it is there isn't enough food i'm sorry frankie it was katherine's ideas for inviting victoria she's supposed to do some work i might tell you what i'm yes please please please they love you out there you know thank you i mean wherever did you learn to manipulate an audience like from the great master himself terence no no no no well thank you i just wondered how long i was gonna have to stand there with that dumb grin on my face till the audience finished applauding my yeah yes catherine the world's gonna come to you you know and offer you everything you ever dreamed of oh but remember something i was told many years ago one day the gods expect you to pay now can you join us for supper tonight nope normal got a date every night this week you'll bring me back the day of the stage door johnny i'll be right there and don't be [ __ ] terry come on he's sweet i like him he's also charles kim cunningham the fourteenth fight count ingleton and one day to be the 12th earl of langley titles don't always mean money love it's not his money i'm after it anyway well don't get your hopes up kitten the aristocracy may allow skeletons in their own family closets but an american actress my dear oh no hi me thank you what we mean hello you must be francesca catherine hi it's awfully nice of you to invite me on such a late notice glad you could come would you like some white wine yes i'd love it oh i really adore old houses i just oh my and to cook dinner so late is you know the problem with being an actress is that my social life begins when everyone else is going to bed i'm afraid must be exciting though it is thank you exciting to feel an audience respond i'd be lying if i said it wasn't but um i don't talk about the theater kim tells me that you're a writer well i'm trying were you writing a book yes hemingway said you're not a writer until you have readers so i can't make that claim until i'm published oh you will be francesca i feel it you will be well what do you think about it seems like a very nice girl she said why didn't i tell her i had such a beautiful sister and you should get back to you can't just leave her sitting there god i adore you give me gosh francesca's gonna be back any minute now what would happen if we got caught on the couch necking the first night it's entirely your fault am i going to do with you nothing at the moment you could get me some more wine though i hope this lasts until your chap gets here if he ever does why don't we try some of this one oh i'm not that hungry just yet but that looks delicious thank you could that be our missing guest well i'm sure it must be i know you're going to like him oh i haven't seen any of his films i'm going to feel so well you shouldn't worry about that because you know he he's probably going to be happy not to have to talk about it since i invited kimmy maybe i should answer the door [Music] where the hell have you been well there's a charming welcome am i allowed in of course you're allowed in a peace offering give that to your hostess she's been waiting for you for hours that's right honey rub it in look i'm really sorry i was waiting for a call from the coast huh i'm sorry too hi come on let's go i'm kim cunningham delighted you could come oh my i'm sorry for being late no please don't give it another thought and this is francesca nice to meet you mr mason [Music] well you know i hardly ever drink for it except when i'm in england but here it just seems right when you've been here for six years like i had to be really mixed up where in america did you come from chicago now we haven't settled anything about the theater why don't you bring your father and his fiance to saturday night that's a smashing idea isn't it frankly i'll get it i'll make all the arrangements get the tickets great okay victor will be available i can't make it to the theater i'm afraid but i would love to take you all to dinner just to repay you for your hospitality you don't have to do that there's an awful lot of us oh it would be my pleasure francesca that's a remarkable portrait of you it's my great great great great grandmother it's by gainsborough put you in your place cowboy well she is absolutely stunning so uh you're going to make a film here no yes i am he's not only starring in it but he will be producing it as well it's my first time out as a producer so it's gonna be quite a challenge can you tell us what it is so just a big secret well part of the challenge is that i'm gonna do a remake of a great classic probably the greatest love story ever written watering heights and you're going to play heathcliff yeah well that's the plan i guess i'm hoping that there's a whole new generation out there that doesn't remember olivia in the role and who's going to have the part of catherine earnshaw well you know the role hasn't been cast yet and uh there's a whole bunch of actresses you've heard of who want the role but um i'm hoping it's gonna be this young lady sitting right next to us well i might as well tell you now i've set a test living color the whole enchilada so now it's up to you thank you very much oh my oh you're not going to regret this you'll be marvelous in it she's perfect isn't she kim indeed she is congratulations done no no no no not yet gotta take the test first it's amazing you know come on this calls for a celebration victor's champagne should be chilled by now let's go upstairs and crack it open victor get that filthy weed out of your mouth and drink in a lung full of nature don't tell me you've gone over to the puritans you want my grandmother to discern me i asked about you at the hotel they said you'd gone out jogging i couldn't believe that once you get in last night after six weeks pooped up in a room in paris i was going stir crazy i had to get out well it's about time you got here hey did you want it fast or do you want it good good where is it back at the hotel it's only a first draft a little too long what else is new well i was slaving away over a hot typewriter what were you up to partying every night aren't bill i've been cutting the fad out of the budget speaking of which when is mike lazarus coming in i'll go ahead ruin my day i'm with you old buddy i just wish you could have found somebody else to back the picture that guy smells trouble yeah well i don't know where lazarus gets his money but he sure as hell wasn't born with nope comes out of nowhere starts pouring money into pictures and he only backs one hit after another maybe the mob they got a nose for winners huh hey don't even make a joke like that victor if he is the mafia i don't want to know about him i forgot to mention we're supposed to have a drink with someone catherine tempest what forget it oh come on i told her you were coming you don't make a liar out of me do you my first date back in town and you put me right behind the april i can't figure out why you dislike her so much she's an actress isn't she a poisoned breed you were dumb enough to marry one look how you're paying for it now yeah through the nose well then considering how you feel about her you'll be delighted to know i set up a test for oh no yeah next week well i guess i don't object to her so much as an actress or as a woman what does that mean just something about her something cold she's too good to be true victor take a look nick there isn't an eye in the house that isn't staring at her she's got it personally i'd say the lady walking behind her is a hell of a lot more class hello nick well how nice to see you i've missed you that's because i'm a moving target took a long time to talk her into coming to drinks with us but she's here this is nicholas latimer lady francesca cunningham how do you do i've read all your books well [ __ ] should we go in what's the point of my having so much if i can't share it with you if we're going to be married i might as well put some money into the estate now no no that wouldn't be right no i'll just have to uh sell off some breathing stuff pay for this farm machinery that way when we're married david all your problems will be solved when i marry you doris it won't be for your money but in spite of it good morning guys i think we've heard this record ad nauseam i'm afraid was never going to say anything about last night i thought terence ogden was wonderful he's always been a favorite of mine near i was brilliant production i'd recommend it to anyway and isn't that victor mason something he's even more handsome off screen than on katherine what did you think of catherine may she's a she's a lovely young woman and a brilliant aunt she really is charming kim you seem to care a great deal about her i'm very fond of her yes i very much want to involve like her too well what do you know about her um her background very little i'm afraid all i can tell you is that she's american she comes from chicago and uh she's absolutely wonderful and she's all alone she told us her parents were dead because she doesn't have a family look at him if you're serious about her what we ought to inquire about her suitability to carry the langley title is that it well i was thinking about her as well i mean i guess you realize what you're going to be taking on marrying you give up being an actress you know i'm a country farmer's wife well are you sure she'd fit in yes i think she fit in i think she'd be happy anywhere with me must be off well she comes from chicago i still have some connections there there wouldn't be any objection to my making a couple of calls no no that would be any objection i'll see what i can find out discreetly without mentioning why oh i'm sorry excuse me you're katherine tempest aren't you yes oh you're still morgan you're the american journalist you work for that magazine of course you're very very striking um i'd ask you to join me oh i wouldn't dream of intruding we could talk for a minute that is so kind you may not know this but i write for a whole group of u.s magazines a kind of roving correspondent covering the beautiful people and show business as well miss tempest catherine could i ask you i thought you were divine in your play but as i was watching i thought she ought to be in pictures could i ask you is there any film coming out um i don't know and one never does no today the reason i ask is because i saw you the other night having dinner with victor mason i know he's planning a film or is the relationship purely personal um you won't have to worry about me no i don't work for any of the scandals you have absolutely nothing to worry about because there's nothing to hide and there's certainly nothing going on between between me and victor hmm there's victor they're after his wife is doing for divorce enough no say she is a [ __ ] of all time anyway she's giving all the juicy details of his interference to the present they're cooking up on it it's disgusting that's why i told you anyway they would pay any amount of money for a piece on his activities in merry old england you might want him i will thank you and you might tell him it was little old me that tipped him off so if he has any exclusive any tidbits he wants to put my way a girl needs all the friends she can get well that's the truth isn't it i am so sorry i'm late i was alive but i didn't see the time it's all right we've just been having the most uh fascinating conversation um uh this is estelle morgan a dear friend journalist of mine and this is lady francesca cunningham very francesca wow how do you do well i guess i'll leave you two to enjoy your tea very nice to have talked with you i hope i didn't interrupt thank you for coming and rescuing me if i'm listening oh sorry i forgot my bag you can help me with it of course i'll help if i can what is it it's the screen test i need a scene written for me why don't you ask nick latimer oh he doesn't want me to get this part he doesn't even like me oh come on why do you say that you were at the table i don't know why but it's a fact so that brings me back to you the screenplay's already written isn't it yes but it's only a first draft and they pull these pages out for me to do the test with i know which scene i can do best so that's not it why don't you do a scene from the player it's not right it's not right if i'm going to convince them that i'm katherine earnshaw then that's what i should play and you know the book so well you're perfect for it francesca please please all right thank you francesca i've never really had a woman friend before and i really hope that we could be friends forever me too [Music] give me [Music] okay [Music] please don't don't give me don't touch me what's wrong kevin what's wrong it's just it's late look don't keep on saying you're tired i don't understand you catherine you you blow hot and cold somehow whenever we get close to actually making love you stop us why please kendall it's a game you play when we're with other people you're adoring flirtatious then when we're alone you freeze up like this [Music] my being chased with you is it's as difficult for me as it is for you i just i i really wanted to wait until i could be right don't you think i wanted to be perfect for us too as it should be he wants to wait until we're married is that it that's right i love you i want you to marry me no i want to i do i love you i do love you too [Music] wow [Music] [Music] ugh uh [Music] thank you just one i'm sorry okay that's it bye sorry hello hi hi norma i don't know what to do i just don't know what is it it's terry he's in trouble well what kind of trouble norman come on terry's my friend if he needs help then i'll do something well for a start he's been drinking he shouldn't do it missy can't stop once he starts going on is that it can't talk him out of it i'll talk to him come on open the door please norman opened the door i knocked the door i want to see him you better brace yourself love he's been stabbed he called a doctor no a doctor would have to report it to the police there'd be an investigation publicity it's not as bad as it looks i managed to stop the bleeding you stupid son i told you not to let anybody in who did this hello bed fine piccolo could be worse look good night sleep you'll be back tomorrow good as new tonight i'm not missing about four minutes not bloody lightly sensible you're not gonna make it through the first act come on get me ready get me up you're a little stinker i'll get my own costume i'll blow your dress myself get me up get yourself up babe what are you gonna do when this happens on stage tonight how are you gonna feel it's not gonna be anyone to pick you up then either wait what anyway you wouldn't just leave me you know i'm right how could you live with yourself if that happened [Music] [Music] i'm all right leave me i'm alright being late would seem to be a privilege of the rich and powerful oh i wish you weren't doing business with my lazarus well the deal's not settled you have a contract yes inside it you want save a game change so there's too much in my favor you know it's just a pity your first time out as a producer you have to have him breathing down your neck but [Music] hello mike what's he doing here what's he doing here he's part of my company so when did you get in let's skip the small talk we have business to settle that's all right we've got all day my time is limited how do you intend to cut the production costs well i'm working on several areas terry tell me who heard you the rotten little swine he had no reason to be such a swine what do you do fight over a woman something like that not very perceptive of you what makes you think i go through all this woman [Music] i'm sorry is it that young man that drives you [Music] a little secret a little [Music] mark pierce's director is fine cameraman bossy edwards i'll check him out now about the lead who's down on your list to play kathy i don't have a list i've decided on catherine tempest who american actress she's been here a couple of years she's starred in some hit plays won awards forget it i want a name oh you should go to the theater and see cathy i'm not interested well i thought you might need convincing so to understand how to arrange the test subject is closed i will not go with an unknown now without the script i think i better take a walk no sit still mickey yeah nick why don't you take a walk you have something to say you can say it to his face okay the script if you can call it that is too heightened it's not commercial enough i don't agree with you you show me where you have problems with the writer i want a new writer hey now wait a minute nicholas is a rewrite now let's hear your notes pay him off i want someone else who isn't so poetic this is my project i'm not replacing him you want in i call the shots my money is bankrolling this picture my decisions go we also have a deal the deal you never signed it you've contract your money my picture i'd said it was nice doing business with you mr lazarus but it wasn't my script i can still see his face when you tore up that contract had you planned to do that all along well i was hoping we could work something out but i had a hunch he was going to push us to the wall the wall i don't mind is having my feet in concrete at the bottom of the river that worries me what do we do now we look for money somewhere else hillard steed is uh running monarch studios now my instinct tells me to give him a call i agree i've always had a lot of time thrown heli yeah and he's absolutely straightforward let's change the subject okay okay i've got a subject for you francesca cunningham gotcha i know that look come on victor she's not like your other women nick you're off base i don't agree want to bet that she's as interested in you as you are and her yeah well i don't intend to find out if you're right she's from a whole different world hello yes he's here just a minute connecticut calling you see you see even from 3 000 miles away she knows if i'm just talking about another woman hello arlene victor hello darling how's the weather over there you didn't call for a weather report what's on your mind well it's about your lawyer darling he's becoming impossible to deal with my lawyer's a pussycat compared to that barracuda you hired well i think the two of them are trying to stretch this divorce out forever just to make profit off both of us off who look if you want to believe it's lawyers and not you who's stretching this thing out fine so what do you want well i thought that maybe you'd be coming back to new york pretty soon and we could get together i'm sure that we could settle our differences between ourselves come to a more equitable deal on a one-to-one basis we tried that before it won't work and i'm about to start a picture as you know so i won't be back no you won't will you who you sleeping with victor what lucky little actress is screwing her way into the lead you let the lawyers handle it will you you call them don't call me again there's another reason i won't get involved with francesca just imagine what her and her attorneys will make out of that come on let's get out of here i need some air [Music] [Music] you are right identified don't worry he'll be great what does victor say hasn't said a word really hi how are you god let this be over i don't know what i would have done without you these past few weeks don't worry it'll be fine you know the scene you wrote was so good if i fail it certainly won't be your fault you're not going to fail how's the book coming francesca limping along don't give up you just stick at it good luck catherine are we waiting for someone god otherwise known as hillard steed the boss of mother pictures good afternoon everybody victor i'm sorry victor the traffic out of london was lousy as you morning it's no problem i'm just going to hear it nick how are you today good to see you thank you so what have we got vic see any good well you tell me after you've seen this test okay let's roll it screen test katherine tempest take one action nelly are you alone linton offers me devotion and position in a world to which i should belong how could i ever marry heathcliff it would be degrading now he's been brought so low and better than the beasts unstable and my whole soul cries out [Music] and not because he's handsome nelly but because he's more myself than i am whatever our souls are made in mind [Music] religions is as different as the moon beams from lightning is as from fire time will change and i'm well aware as winter changes the trees oh god you are so good catherine this is going to make you a star i was the first one to see it through the camera the atmosphere you gave it with your lighting isn't that fabulous excellent [Music] i'm very pleased to meet you thank you dog you know how good she was all along didn't you i'll tell you it wasn't easy for me to keep quiet well you sure did a good job on it i've seen the test over and over again and she just gets better so hilly is it unanimous is miss tempest going to play kathy earnshaw i guess so if we can agree on a deal [Music] we just have to look over every inch of yorkshire until we find exactly that well you know what francesca grew up in that neighborhood she knows it like the back of her hand you should have her be your location scout no i couldn't i'm sure oh and langley langley hall is so beautiful i've seen photographs of it is it right francesca i mean for the picture it's perfect will you show me yorkshire as a favor to me yes of course i will well what does our illustrious writer think you are kathy i can't imagine why i hadn't realized it before you thought i was good no brilliant and you did damn well that scene too i better watch myself or i'll be out of a job all right now of all the actors around who would we want to play edgar linton well there's only one who's dead right terence ogden i knew you'd say that we might as well forget him everyone knows he won't touch a movie his agent won't even discuss it consider it done what he owes me well that would complete our package it sure would now that one sailed with surprises drake against the spanish armada and fathered 14 children in a high time timeline fancy going right in cap it's a wonderful morning how about this one ah now that's the black sheep of the family member of the hellfire club and all that he used to cross it himself in the library downstairs and uh sneak away through a secret door in the bookshelf really is it still there i'll show you it's just down here this is where you were born a was very brain from where i grew up where was that cincinnati ohio in a house it was a heat smaller than this but filled with the smell of my mother's cooking wonderful italian cooking a lot of warmth and laughter was yours a big family my i'm huge you know my folks were italian so you never learned me then no no i never knew what that meant there was always a lot of love for my family well our childhoods weren't so very different then well i can just see you an angelic little tomboy running around in this big castle playing hide and seek and riding on a spotted pony and flying through the air in that big swing out there almost been adorable okay we've got the pictures oh yeah you got everything you need yes there's nothing left here now no i guess not well it's kind of a hard place to leave don't you think [Music] so so uh just remind me exactly where position is supposed to go this is satisfied mars yeah more than that uh langley hall is perfect that was the earl it's a very nice chat and there's tickled people want to film the concert you know if it wasn't for the earl's daughter we never would have found any of these other locations by the way jerry did you see lady francesca when you were back up there she'd already come back to london apparently she's got the flu she little or something anyway now mark if we can agree on this lady francesca how well is she you have not touched a thing your ladyship that's not gonna get you better i am better your father said to make sure that you eat you need to keep your strength up who on earth can that be that's the lot thank you oh hello i'm a friend of lady francesca who is it val flowers for you milady i just wanted to find out how she is i heard you were ill all these flowers just to say i'm sorry i must have exhausted you on a scouting trip oh no i just got caught in the rain oh well now you look awful shouldn't you be in bed i am just going to have a bath i'm fine really she is not she's not looking after herself she's not eating not eating well if that's the case we'll have to see about that i'll be back this evening goodbye bye [Music] thank you i think you're a wonderful actress [Music] victor hi hello [Music] where's phil come on i sent her off to the theater too many cooks you know something i can do you think i'm gonna let an english girl interfere with one of my creations it takes a pazan to make a real italian meal your dining room is too cold so i set up for dinner in here touch your home come on tonight i am chef waiter and chief bottle washer hello mama [Music] m so if arlene doesn't love you and you don't love her why is the divorce taking so long because she's just plain difficult she doesn't want me but she doesn't want me to have my freedom either so she takes out her anger and frustration the only way she knows how money oh that's so sad i've tried to be fair with her but uh you know i'm only telling you this for a reason you want to be honest with me well that's part of it but to explain that uh well that you know i wanted to be with you and see you more often but if arlene found out that i was even remotely interested in another woman while she'd make good use of that information i see and i've been warned that there's a scandal sheet that's trying to get something on me and uh i just wouldn't want you involved in that yeah my father would yeah i can imagine so you know that's why i've tried so hard to stay away and i tried not to make it apparent tonight well i like being with you i like being with you too thanks for this evening anyway the meal was delicious [Music] i don't get a chance to show off my skills very often you're looking better already when you actually start shooting oh um april or may depends on the weather i have to start thinking about planning a quick vacation vacation no i always take a little break to loosen up before i go to work where are you going clusters maybe i don't know wherever the good skiing is i'm going to the south of france with doris for a month she's taking a villa there it's a great idea be better for you than skiing there are great hotels on the riviera [Music] and doris could be our chaperone [Music] i'm afraid your father wouldn't take too godly there's just too many obstacles [Music] well it's uh i good night good night [Music] [Applause] so [Music] can't wait to show it to you i'm sure you're gonna love it oh doris is beautiful as soon as i saw it i knew this was in place [Music] well i've made up my mind this place is on the market the price they're asking is astronomical but i couldn't bear to part with it i bought it doris you're too much whatever you do don't tell your father you see i bought it for him so that we can live here when he retires but he's not planning to retire he doesn't know he's going to kim can run the estate you know he's only really happy when he's puttering around the farm being in charge could be the making of him maybe catherine would like it though why should that matter after their marriage may not want to bury herself in the country year after year i wouldn't care to bet on them getting married why they seem so happy together they look happy but watching them i get the funniest feeling she's playing a part something about it just doesn't seem quite real [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh what are you doing here victor darling is that a proper greeting after i've flown thousands of miles i'm asking you what you are doing here well i came to see you my darling someone had to make the effort get to the point arlene well if you insist on being so abrupt you keep saying that you want this divorce to be over as soon as possible very well you can have it yeah and what's the catch there's no catch you simply agreed to me having the house in connecticut and the apartment in new york and you can have the house in malibu oh yes and i get 50 of your income for the next 10 years before tax champagne darling you're too greedy arlene people end up floating face down in the river trying to make deals like that i saw that film and my lawyer seems to think that it's very fair of course we could make it even more fair yeah how's that well i could come down a little i could stay here for a while and all you'd have to do is spend a day or two being nice to me you're out of luck arlene [Music] i'm leaving for clusters this afternoon i'm out of here as soon as i pack so you might as well take your bags over there and go on home huh [Music] don't forget to remind gaston about the water yes stars oh what a boar having to go to paris how long will you be gone for they'll need me for about four days it's crazy i told them you're making a wedding dress not building the queen mirror oh well i'll be able to get some work done i'll be back thursday and don't work too hard yes get out meet some young people yes doris call jean-pierre he's dying to take you out [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] what are you doing here [Music] hi just decided to come just decided why not everything i want is here and doris is in paris so i'm all alone well since nobody knows i'm here [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we do today [Music] what else we do today hmm [Music] jessica [Music] you're everything i'd ever want in the world there's only one thing more i'd need more champagne finished sorry what day is it today i don't know thursday it's doris doris it's doris doris oh doris it's doris doris star is coming i've got to get him out sorry she's boris is here she's here from paris what doris is [Music] doris is here dressed [Music] [Music] don't you think it will be cooler inside okay let's have it on the terrace [Music] louise would you bring us some drinks being on your own seems to agree with you that can't be right oh it's good to be back [Music] i adore paris but i couldn't help envying you back here [Music] oh i'm dying for that drink louie look what a hawk oh really you don't get many of those around here [Music] god i wish it was monday morning again i'll be back in two weeks when you stop filming yeah but it won't be the same i gotta think about work 24 hours a day 23 and a half you mean more to me than i could ever tell you i gotta go bye [Music] 161 take two amb cameras [Music] he's cliff i don't know the wind blew your head the wrong way and you were late on that turn again got a problem with that okay let's eat and i suppose we'll have to shoot it again after lunch marcus get that telephone in my trailer yet lunch everyone don't worry about it am i supposed to control the wind we'll get a perfect afterlife is there anything i'm doing on this picture at all that pleases you listen why don't you go back to your trailer lie down i think you need to rest i do the hair isn't right the costume's not right i don't have enough makeup on i have too much makeup on you make me do take after take and you never tell me what and then you have the nerve to give me a little you give me a break who's directing this picture i don't know who is directing this hey guys does anybody know i was directing this picture have you ever seen anyone directing this hey sweetheart you want to direct this picture fine i'll go back to sunny southern california nick i gotta talk to you captain are you okay not now kim please stop taking those pictures who do you have to sleep with to get off this picture it'll be okay i'll talk to her you're in big tv not only do you need another director you need another leading lady and when you get that phone in my trailer i want to call it this camera please [Music] no big deal these things happen i'm proud of you you're doing a wonderful job do you think so do you mean that victor i mean do you really mean that i'm trying so hard i just i want this to be so good come on let's go get some coffee [Music] please i don't see why what i'm sorry you have to stay at that pub but not here i mean it's difficult enough seeing you as it is i know i know you want to be with me and i want to be with you too it's just that we have to stay together all of us in the same place it works better that way how much longer you're going to be shooting your film for victor oh a few more days here and then we go to london for the interiors and if it all goes well we should be finished by the end of june huh i hope that means you'll be here for july then why well dad and doris have finally settled on a date for their wedding so there's going to be a big party in the south of france to celebrate congratulations which are invited of course thank you both of you guys thank you very much i was hoping catherine could spend part of the summer with us at the villa i don't know that that's possible we're actually we're all going back to new york for the post-production i guess we have to be going it's getting awfully late victor you know we still haven't rehearsed that dreaded scene the director keeps writing and rewriting it yeah i suppose we should give back well you know it's gonna be another long hard day tomorrow we should have been in bed an hour ago thank you again to us and you sir because it's been a wonderful evening good night the more i see of catherine the more i don't trust her well maybe we're worrying i'm duly after she's going back to america soon she'll be back if i'm right about here by the way none of my friends in chicago has ever heard of a templar's family maybe it's a stage name sounds like one i think it's time we had some professional help that girl is hiding something and i won't know what it is i'm sorry this part of langley park isn't open to the public oh we didn't know that yeah thank your pardon ma'am we just came in here to have a bit of a picnic there's a cafe in the courtyard you could have something there oh we can't afford anything like that but we've even brought our own sandwiches still i suppose you better shove off anyway it doesn't matter just this once but don't let the bailiff catch you i've missed you i missed you too now that the picture's right we got all the time in the world together i hate all this hole in the wall stuff happens oh yes it does matter i want the whole world to know how much i love you [Music] i can get an apartment for us in new york near the park you'll be able to work there and we'll be together um what a lovely dream oh it can come true it can't take much longer for my divorce to come through and i can't live another day without you every minute that i'm not with you and say yes come to new york my father would have a heart attack or he just might just might accept it i don't think so not after kim and catherine cathy are you telling me those two are serious don't you know oh kim's gonna marry katherine as soon as possible really the matter i don't know why does everything have to be so complicated [Music] all you have to do is put your arms around me nothing else [Music] him stop it oh she's a terrific lady i keep remembering what it was like when just the two of us were here this is driving me crazy having to be polite francesca's being a very good sport about it whenever you're with her you have like a total stranger you think it's any easier on me we're either surrounded with family or we're dodging photographers i'd gladly give arlene the whole shebang to be free of her but i'm not too sure the whole shebang is what she wants come on pandora these two okay all time who was it katherine calling from london i'm to apologize to kim for her being delayed something about publicity interviews she'll be here in time for the party moore's pity i think i'm beginning to recognize your style my dear i know why you asked pandora down here even if nobody else does she and kim have been enjoying each other hey david in fact everyone's having a wonderful time why do i have the feeling it's all going to change i hear elaine's got a new american boyfriend if i can find her up there i'll introduce you i'm surprised you don't know her well i know she's a collector but the art world's just not my thing there she is then i want you to meet my friends victor mason hello hello now i'm waiting to listen to my friend michael [Music] how do you do francesco hi my friends nick latimer victor mason well well well is it a small world you do get around mike might say the same for you i look pretty good like you don't have ever care in the world angel obviously i haven't read the newspapers we're on vacation we don't like to get depressed let me be the first to depress you i've just bought my pictures [Music] there were several major deals that went south so i took over the company i retired hillary florida i hope you realize what you're doing he looks steed is a damn good studio boss don't worry victor i won't pull weathering heights i admit i was tempted but after seeing some of the dailies i'd say you had a winner it would be financially irresponsible to meet the dumper money maker besides i'm not a vengeful person i wouldn't want to ruin your careers enjoy yourselves lane's part is a legend don't believe what i just heard i'd be willing to bet that son of a [ __ ] knows a lot more than he's telling us [Music] fancy a scott yeah make it a double hi [Music] when am i going to see you alone i'll assume chester i'll fix it i promise i'm going crazy too i'm so glad you made in time for the party doris has invited enough people to repopulate monaco why doesn't that surprise me darling is something wrong i mean you are glad to be here aren't you yes of course i am i just uh guess i've been working so hard i've forgotten how to have fun but i'm here now and we're gonna have a great time and i'm gonna make up for it oh i'm always doing that to you yeah well wait do him i think i should say hello tonight who's this is a chance for us to be in there no but you said i had to win doris over and i don't want to get off on our own foot david what do you think should we look from here [Music] it's lovely to be here thank you for inviting me did you have a good flight oh can i get your drink oh no thank you yes it was uneventful well the villa is is even more beautiful than francesca was able to describe we like it well i better go check the caterers well doris if you don't mind i'd i'd i'd like to have you stay for a minute there's something i'd like to say i i i wanted to clear the air if i could um kim told me that you weren't sure of me because you didn't know anything about me oh he didn't have to tell me that um i was aware of it it's my own fault really i just don't i don't like talking about myself that much i suppose it's because there just isn't really anything interesting to say catherine you don't have to go on with this issue oh but i want to i um i want you to be comfortable with me i understand that you asked about my family in chicago [Music] i was curious i made a few calls it's no wonder you didn't find anything out you see my uh i took the name tempest when i became an actress and my real name is o'rourke i told you there's nothing very exciting my father was irish a doctor but unfortunately he died when i was very young they say he was a fine man but i don't remember him very much my mother well raised me and when i was about 9 or 10 she remarried shortly thereafter she died my stepfather didn't particularly want to be saddled with a child so they they sent me to a foster home and uh and then another one and another one but when i was 17 i won a scholarship to the royal academy in london i did very well there i got my first job and you know the rest [Music] and why didn't you tell me this before [Music] actresses always want to be mysterious you know i had absolutely nothing i could boast about except that whatever i've made of myself i've done on my own and that's it you left out the bit about how hard it must have been for you i'm sure if your mother and father were alive today they'd be very proud [Music] you ready yeah just about it's party time now victor do you think i'm gonna meet the girl of my dreams sure but with you she'll still only last the weekend good make yourself at home call me one well i wish i was looking forward to this shindig well you'll see francesca yeah but with 2 000 other people we'll be lucky if we get two minutes together why you got it bad she's the one i've been waiting for i knew it the minute i saw it was the same for her god knows he knows i fought it so what's the problem so it's obvious isn't it me getting a sweet kid like that involved in all my problems were from totally different worlds she has her obligations and duties and then we'd be living a lie maybe for years she doesn't need that come on let's get out of here i've got it don't you two look handsome [Music] are we going to a party [Music] aren't you going to say hello arlene did you have a nice flight arlene would you like to sit down arlene yes thank you i think i will would you like a drink darlene yes please scotch straight up nick why don't you run out of here i'll catch up with you yes nicky why don't you run on ahead what the hell are you doing here well i heard there was a big bash tonight royalty and all that jazz you know how i like to mingle with the jet set oh don't bother i'll pour my own you didn't answer my question why are you here we're still legally married you're still my husband and as the proceedings have not yet begun i thought i'd drop in and pay you a visit you tried this same trick in london why don't you just let the lawyers handle everything the lawyers are so dull and boring all mortgages and loans i thought i'd handle the spicy bits myself no wonder you're so successful victor you never take a bad picture this won't wash arlene catherine's starring in my movie that's all and what's this one starring in your bed [Music] lady francesca cunningham [Music] you're coming up in class come on play something [Music] i must say they are an extremely handsome couple they are [Music] you know i was very touched by what catherine told us today hmm it took a lot of courage it was very touching it was also perhaps very clever what do you mean well after that you couldn't possibly object to her without losing kim you really think she's as devious as that i think she's a very curious young woman oh yes [Music] you do us proud my darling um i'd like to make toast before the rest of our guests arrive i just wanted to say how happy i am that doris has finally agreed to become my wife and also how how happy i am that you're all here to share our joy to the 11th earl of langley and his future counters thank you oh frankie thank you oh i'm just i'm so sorry oh it was an accident frankie oh no come inside we'll see if we can fix it no i'm sorry franky [Music] well that's got the worst of it out don't worry we'll iron the dampness out doris i think it's ruined i'm so sorry i've got an idea louise you know my shawl the mexican thing with the fringe will you go and fetch it everything's gonna be fine oh shoot your friend catherine is she always that clumsy oh come on doris didn't do it on purpose oh come on victor i used to be an actress i remember those intimate little lunches in the trailer discussing script problems although i don't ever remember you giving me a diamond bracelet you have a short selective memory arlene i supply you with money you buy boxes of jewelry you may be able to talk your way out of catherine storm or whatever she calls yourself but what about the aristocratic bimbo her ladyship at 11 o'clock pick up at back gate tacky victor really drive towards london 12 30 stop for a pub lunch 605 arrive at the cunningham town house 6 20 enter the third stop it will you all right what do you want i'm not selling dirty pictures i'm not in the business of blackmail what do you call it arlene why are you doing this you hurt me and what will it take to cure you you don't understand i don't want money i don't want a divorce anymore i want you victor what's that supposed to mean i've missed you so much and what about the pool boy and the yoga instructor and your lifeguard you miss them while you're away they didn't mean anything i only did that because i knew you were turning away from me uh-uh it started long before that when you were still my wife that's the whole point i still am i want to be your wife victor it's too late for that we're not getting back together not ever well maybe not but i like being mrs victor mason i plan to go on being mrs victor mason [Music] and if i don't the inquirer is standing by to hear my side of the story the poor injured wife so you do as i want victor or when i'm through with you your two [ __ ] won't be able to go out in public [Music] so you look gorgeous now cheer up why aren't you dancing i'm okay doris nick [Music] where have you been where is he he got held up he's said to say i'm sorry i've been calling his hotel they keep telling me his line's busy oh that must be the call he's been waiting for it's an important studio call i guess it's taking longer than you thought come on let's dance [Music] darling you must stop worrying about frankie's dress you didn't mean to spoil it of course i didn't mean to spoil it i'm sick and tired of apologizing to everyone hang on catherine i i stumbled i went forward she was right in front of me what could i it could have happened to anyone you know that i'm just not feeling well i've been working too hard that's all but i'll tell you one thing when this film comes out and i'm a star and i'll give you my due respect [Music] carrie sorry now i have to go to the hotel and change hello kim nice to see you hello you two thought i'd never make it oh guess who was on the plane who's that arlene mason oh victor's wife what's she doing here no looking absolutely knockout though i must say i think all victor is going to find it hard to resist kim jong-un that's awesome [Music] all right now where were you this morning i looked everywhere for you you were supposed to fly with me i had a few bit of shopping few things to do translation rupert showed up rupert's real terry when are you going to come to your senses talking of senses what are you up to this tempest is it my imagination or are you just a little bit tipsy come on tell uncle terry everything no nothing that's nothing i'm not [Music] the least you could do is call her so what would be the point of that you owe her an explanation she knows arlene arrived in town what more could i say to her that my wife showed up showed up just in time to ruin the most important evening of the year for her you know i told you before the best thing i can do for cheska is to get out of her life the sooner she forgets me the better i didn't think you were a coward okay maybe i deserve that and maybe i'm even more of a coward for not walking out on our lean last night that's different you know damn well if she crushed the party she would have humiliated you in front of everyone you had to protect francesca that i understand please victor go and see her i cannot do it i have to get arlene out of here you understand maybe when we're in london i can reason with her but not here it doesn't work hello hi can i join you of course i've decided not to stay on here you're leaving when today probably but i haven't told kim yet though so don't please i'll talk to him in a little while what's the matter you two had a fight no catherine what's the matter frank you have to tell somebody i guess [Music] you're my best friend [Music] i'm pregnant don't worry kim's dying to marry you it's not kim's baby what look don't condemn me i didn't mean to hurt him this way i i i i i didn't i didn't it just happened how lo you don't know what it's like working on a film you know all the fears and then the pressures i mean you wait for years for a chance like this and then and then and then there's so much to lose you just long for somebody to hold you and and tell you it's going to be all right and then and then you get thrown together day after day what are you going to do i i don't know sort it all out what about the father he doesn't know but you're going to tell him aren't you no but it's his responsibility too oh he has enough problems of his own and arlene would just make his life hell if she found out arlene victor frankie promised me he won't say anything to him he mustn't know about this baby i mean i don't think it meant anything to him it was just something that happened oh please frankie promise me you won't ever say anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 224,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: ThBx-NfTH5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 29sec (6089 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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