Fallout 1x1 Reaction: The End

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what is up homies welcome back another reaction series from Heroes reforge today we are starting the brand new series Fallout I'm very excited to jump into this show we'll talk about a little bit of our familiarity with the universal fall but of course if you want to see the uncut reactions for all the episodes for this entire season check them out on patreon link down below I'm sure this is going to be a really good time this we're in the Walton Goin season we just did Invincible season 2 now we're doing Fallout cannot wait to see more of him he's so awesome couple things first of all I think it's a bu that they released all of this all of this at the same time because now we feel super freaking pressured yep second of all have very limited limited knowledge of the Fallout Universe I'm not a gamer I don't play the games but I know so many of our friends love it so much so I'm super stoked to just see what this show has to offer I'm also a fan of Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy so you know like it's it's a it's a Nolan Series so it's got to be pretty good right hopefully I hope so I hope so uh Hector what's your experience with Fallout you look really confident in your knowledge right now you look like you're at the school I guess you could say I guess you could say I'm a gamer I guess you could say uh I've played all of these I played every Fallout going all the way back to the original Nintendo 1985 first game it's a post-apocalyptic World there are mushrooms you jump on them you go into pipes you go underground it's pretty involved yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz they sort of yeah they're in they're in the mix uh I I have played the game it stalled on me um 20 like 20 30 minutes into playing the game that's it that's all I know all I know is that there a big unexploded nuclear bomb in a town and then I got killed a couple times and then the game just stalled and it never played again on PS4 so that kind of that kind of ruined it for me oh man we're going into this real warm and fun AR what I'm just like okay see look I've heard nothing but good things there's been people talking about this online things are good so we'll see and as of today we're recording this obviously it's already been out for several days now but just today they announced that it is coming back for a second season so oh good for them everyone seems to really be loving the show which is great people say it's a really good adaptation of because it's not from what I know it's not an adaptation of any specific game it just takes place in the same universe as the games do so it's his own story apparently yeah all right here we go in three 2 one go hey goggin walty Googs I love this guy pretty skilled with the Rope there oo are they using cook lenses for this yes Adam they are oh god oh no this is not going to end well already no of course not we got to get this Rodeo on the road I can't thank you enough Mr Howard pleasure is ma'am I hope you're showing how to I just keep watching that background cuz me too too me too fat nuke is going toting yep haunting back when I was in the Marines if they ever drop a really big bomb I told us to hold up your thumb just like this and if the cloud is smaller than you this is true this is Fallout lore right if it's bigger than your thumb no chance they told us not to bother running that's an actual rule that's where rule of thumb from no I think well I've heard that rule of thumb was some other biblical thing of like you can't beat your wife with a stick that's longer than your thumb or some some horrible seriously like either way we should not probably use the phrase rule of thumb it's probably offensive in some way okay I don't know what to tell you actor I'm so glad you're here yeah that's what Ragnar or grognak or whatever it is oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh don't even bother don't put your thumb up kid is it your thumb or [Music] mine oh no God that kid's a good ass actor seriously I can't see it in the reflection I can't see it you you can see it it's right there it's so big see the cloud riding rising over the city yeah that's smoke Janie it's just a fire oh there okay I thought what I was being oh Lord yeah is it going to go mushroom cloud there it is MHM right in the middle like literally something that I dream have dreams about every like once every blue moon that I'm like please God never no there's if it actually happened I would probably want to be as close to the epicenter as possible I don't want to live anywhere near or around the kind of disease and radiation poisoning that happens after oh yeah did you guys see the show Chernobyl yes it's yeah oh so they already have the Fallout okay why are kids not oh no immediately imediately oh I'd be getting everybody I know in there that's a dope ass car whatever that thing is I like that good music man oh one oh my oh my God five how many oh that's it that's game over great cold open to that show man wow Jesus Lord yeah I'm glad they started there instead of 219 years 219 years what skills obviously mine are nothing compared to my dad's but I always relish a challenge K glin oh wait I think that's a fake outside that's got to be a fake outside it's like it's a fake outside in a bun right after 10 years of cousin stuff I'm definitely excited for the real thing oh god oh Lord oh Jesus oh is that outside no I think it's all just a projection oh yeah I think you're right they certainly are yeah that's definitely a set like there's crops to a certain point but then yeah see you're right that's tell Sonic magic of 3D Adam what lenses are those good question kind of projector is that my little sugar bomb there had to have been my sugar bomb instead of sugar plum there had to have been so many resources already underground were you scared when you married Mom oh I wonder if Mom is dead or if she like escaped she might be GateKeeper gatekeeper there's different vaults again it's like there had to have been so many resources across the us maybe the world as arranged we offer you seed and parts for Machinery in exchange we offer you a breeder so who am I marrying yeah it's kind of important I'm Lucy do you have a name saon Monty no he's a hunk yeah listen did all right she did all right good even even and welcome oh wait a minute oh no oh no not just as neighbors but by a shared duty to keep the candle of civilization lit they're about to get [ __ ] over these people are not they're like mutants or something yeah it's not good I don't think to Lucy mlan and to this marriage and to hope there's just this overall feeling of like something else is going to happen yeah right and also what like this music is not scary in any other situation but in this show all of this music is [ __ ] terrifying yeah well I think the whole purpose of the Fallout games is they take that 50s era Americana and they brush it up against all the [ __ ] up [ __ ] yeah yeah and it makes it creep but also because some of that 50s Americana is creepy on its own that actor is that the little kid on nacho Libra that goes maybe why don't can we ever have just like a Sal it might be that's who it reminds me exactly like it that's who it reminds me of up little kid who's crying man I hope this character makes he's going to sneak over to their vault yeah yeah yeah he's going to see dead bodies yeah ooh oh boy oh not been taken care of they're coming for their resources everything run kid go tell somebody seriously look at that that's a I don't think that's an actor scar that's that's like a that's like I got stabbed e okay oh my God Jesus God people these people are naive though and like too trusting and like yeah well if you have very little direct communication with a neighbor Vault and you're just going by telegram literally anything is possible yep but she has kind of been conditioned she's been raised to be like this is the way it is I'm going to have a husband and I'm going to take my dress off and we're going to have sex and propagate All American this is for America here we go there you go there's the dead b o d Ys oh they've been eating that guy was he the overse oh they're cannibals baby oh they're cannibals baby yeah oh God he's going to be eating more than her tonight you know what I'm saying yeah you have water oh no good for human meat oh God it has begun has it yep yeah I think so was it like was that like muffled gunshots I think so or like something there you go there you go oh he's got re okay so they are from the top he ractive too oh you God damn oh God and now he just sorry Lucy's got skills Raiders they're Raiders ah they're Raiders they're Oakland Raiders you guys we got to get them out of here all right yeah yeah it's no longer Oakland by the way she's had a ton of training Hey listen don't don't Mike Maguire my Samy Sosa metaphors all right I know what I'm talking about this was the best day my life this is how this is how you become a Las Vegas Raiders fan by the way you get stabbed by another Raiders fan damn oh oh nice job nice job she's got some moves okay yeah cuz she's got I like how the show taught us all her skills at the beginning of like the clubs that she's in I that was great [Music] just ruin that dress boom there you go oh nice nice in the face way to go sports oo and she knows this is um she got a little video game like first aid kit character opens it up and just does a thing I'm fixed God Kyle mlin dead oh no so they're just basically going Vault to Vault to Vault and just taking over so who knows how many vaults have already been compromised Jesus this a great pilot episode this could have been a plot of a Fallout movie this is great mhm come on Sarah come on oh [ __ ] she's strapped she's about to avenge everybody oh [ __ ] oh God oh God there she saw her brother get that jelly mold out of here don't you know what's going on P out of here oh no oh my god oh damn boom there you go is it like a like a super Tran what is is that I think it's like a trink yo you need to pick oh you need to pick up someone's gun girl yeah you really need to start shooting somebody here oh is it nitrate oh it's nitrate it's all going to light up yeah it's all going to burn oh no that's great oh is she's pregnant yeah yep there you go there you go sliced in half pop that pig real good kid you better run dude go get like a salad run go get like a salad oh nice okay in the eye all right all right it's her and her brother oh man oh man oh I knew he's coming back oh he's back I didn't think he was coming back in this episode there you go there yeah pops got him let's go poot tradies let's do it give him another one give him another one the pickles not in the pickles ground him ground this radar you imagine how much that stings oh on that open wound Lord oh no oh no there's more there's more you got to go [Music] I love this like very limited sound just music mostly please please stand by it's also great grab guns grab all the weapons so I'm going to offer you a choice them or her what what you need her that badly who I think I'm assuming they're counting on her I don't know yeah they're counting on her to be pregnant already I guess hey hey he come on now trust me please we have to no stop that other woman's already pregnant this is just the love of a father this isn't a logical obviously illogical [Music] Choice oh oh okay three darts is too much apparently you look like her mother oh no intriging intriging dude I think her mom's alive do you guys think her mom's alive oh yeah probably you should see it sometime and they've cast Christina RI as her mom well they showed them mom the flash bag run and hide uh uh yeah go why are you standing there go go go go go go go [Applause] yeah girl you better that's not going to be a small explosion get down Jesus okay Fallout will be right back never turn to [Music] Fallout come on hit him again this looks like the outside yeah I think this is outside flush is weak but still endures I know well wherever they are sucks one day as Squires you will help Knights find and identify pre-war Tech this is great it's such a cult can you identify this RoR oh a circuit the ability to defend yourself is but one part of your training Jesus you are more useful as a corpse this guy sucks I don't like this at all yeah do they have blimps in Fallout I think so I don't know what's the one I'm thinking of thinking of Bioshock Bioshock does have like airships oh sweet that's an Airship that ain't no blimp that's a blump that's a big ass blump that's a big ass blump I love sci-fi because it'll give you air airships when it's like the most impractical thing life yeah oh wow holy [ __ ] it's the t60 imagine getting to put on you not the T800 it's only t60 you got some time to upgrade the models come on I wonder why they're here those look goofy but I like them what I understand is that those are all practical suits as well they're not CG yeah they look like and I don't mean this is an insult they look like really good cosplay that's like cosplayers you know designed we're going to the wild yeah you are I feel like this is going to be not good for them this is I don't know if this should be caused for celebration I don't know if you want to go to The Wilds so far I don't want to have any part of wants to go wild that's why I said if there's ever a nuclear explosion I want to be dead center of it I just want to go yeah oh gross don't touch that ew what is this coino hey I get it clean that [ __ ] I'll get to you what the heck whoa what the hell what happened oh my god oh oh Lord who did Jes somebody put a razor in that person oh do they think he did it dude I always check my shoes for spiders now I'm going to be checking to for razors too for razors oh no oh God yo that is crazy okay let's just make happen belong no M okay I guess these are like the survivors okay yeah they are the survivors they took her dad and she's going to go up to the surface to try to find her dad the that's all just a few Staples and that's it all right it's video game logic video game yeah video game logic all right pregnant badass survived proposal for the assembly hell yeah she's in more badass now that she's missing an eye they don't want to find that if they did they wouldn't get to be in charge so go get your gear load up on mushrooms or whatever the powerups are strap up get out you going to need a couple red shells one blue shell there definitely a blue shell mhm mhm I'm glad that they put that because I heard about that mushroom rule from fans of the Fallout games that explain cuz you see that little dude that little logo right there everywhere whether you play these games or not and I remember I had a Fallout like uh player explain that to me of like you know why that little guy is holding his thumbs up it's not just a thumbs up it's like this is what it's suppos to mean I was like that's dark go make a salad or something now when we see that guy in this show that's all I think he's never going to live that down everything's a b this feels like it could be coming to the end of the pilot right but I like how there's another 30 minutes of this story yeah it isn't like the Vault out there it's big yeah it's the Earth it's the planet you know where to go check I'm not letting anyone else get hurt on my behalf okay oh this dummy oh good move go night night you're about to go night night wow okay okay night night Chad I I think the actor that plays Chad does does a really good job totally yeah he's doing J I don't like him but I feel bad for him yeah and I do the same to you if you try to follow me poor kid he might even be like her older brother but I just the casting of this actor you know like a smaller guy like this is a great character I love how like I don't know how much of this is practical how much of it CG which I think is a compliment to the artists but it like feels so like heavy and mechanical I love it mhm mhm and like worn and used it's all got heft yeah son of a [ __ ] stop Lucy are you mad young lady come back here right away nope shut up you for oh wow that didn't work no it did not oh my God ooh Lord oh no something bad happened there where does it do we see a location what does that say no I didn't see oh that might have been Santa Monica Pier that looked like the Santa Monica Pier sign wow their vault was under Santa Monica this whole time there's no ocean oh there is but it's just been reduced back oh it is yeah that is the Santa Monica here she's still in LA oh damn Los Angeles California Okie doie no big deal makes sense too because Humanity has like not been on the surface so water has risen all kinds of stuff has going on mhm we have given you a name food education a place in the world so oh I thought I thought that his name was food I was like are you to eat him confused already cannibals in this that's funny oh man dang milk bottles he he survived like Indiana Jones you're aware of their injury yes do you know who did it no did he do it your fellow aspirant say it was you uh-oh speak I didn't oh I wanted it to happen is that wrong yes yeah [ __ ] it is wrong horrifying please don't break my spine for your guidance and forgiving me a home I I had no place in the world so this is an interesting character yeah if I can help the Brotherhood make it better even if it means giving my own life I'll do it is this the villain of the show was I mistaken I thought it was the co-lead other hero maybe this might be and I'd be grateful to the Brotherhood for giving my life meaning I think this might be a a fin situation I agree we're it it it's a character who's going to reject the brainwashing and you will be Knight Titus new Squire yeah oh yeah that's what I thought kind of connected these two characters they're going to realize the world they came from was is not good it's not so bad at least here no one steals your rations they said I'll still have a place in the Brotherhood I heard you got my spot maybe he was looking for an out and that's the only thing he could think to do what is this 1954 get out of here yeah they asked me the same thing ad don't you saying that this Square here on the left they did it to themselves to get out of having to do the job he did it to them so he could basically take their position to get out of there yeah I think so it's a pretty risky move though though like yeah it is your most sacred duty to protect load me on your ship and get me the [ __ ] out of here I'll find my own way to protect your lord Knight Titus oh no he's about to get Brandon oh me don't like these oh no absolutely not oh god oh I cannot even imagine how much that would no no Titus it's a cult but also so is Vault 33 oh that's cool oh he was drawing so that's what he was drawing the oh oh really good effects yeah I'm really digging the design of that suit you're free but at what cost Adam at what cost right again feels like the first episode could have ended there too ah finally some Mexican representation all right all the Mexicans were oh oh oh that guy just got sniped oh leg I don't know about that I don't know Mexican going down that easy I'm going to need this show to step it up with the Mexican representation Don Pedro has our friend dug up once a year fascinating this is like three completely different worlds oh what the [ __ ] oh is this going to be Walt goggin's character I bet it is oh maybe a little friend feral goo can't buide the chicken if he go for we kill it this is such a fascinating world to go into totally cold yeah yeah I agree and I think this episode show is doing a really good job of like getting us in you know how it started with the cold open and then each story all the fans of this show are like yeah chicken duh I it's making me wish that like Jonathan Nolan and the other people who made this show made the Warcraft movie which just had so much like nonsensical lore that I couldn't like I had no entry point and this is doing a really good job of the entry point oh oh that's a zombie everybody has been talking about how Welton gogin he's kind of sexy as this uh 219 250y Old mutant oh oh Jesus he's missing a nose Okay All Them Bones be crackling just the weirdest circle jerk I've ever been invited to does that count I shoot him you shut the [ __ ] up Dead witch mold in California that's where you from ain't it originally I mean oh boy what the [ __ ] would you know about where I'm from oh he's repping La hard how about we put you right back in that hole so Don Pedro can have his fun with you for the next 30 Years I am like unclear on like why he was down in there we'll find out oh oh yo oh my God damn okay that's a shotgun blast is he going to eat this guy The Goo Okay the third character the goo awesome oh jeez oh Lord we take it as it [Music] comes damn okay all right I would be down to watch every Walt goggin's like show that he's in he's so good was that it oh okay nice by Jonathan Nolan that was great no idea I really like fun yeah that was a great intro to everything I I don't feel confused I don't really feel lost maybe just on why the ghoul was underground Maybe they'll they'll I mean we still need to know how he survives that that blast right cuz it was right there as it was happening and then the little boy I'm sure that's going to that's going to factor a lot into his decisions or whatever the reason why he's underground so yeah this is cool this is fun it's not like deep and dark and depressing like I thought it was going to be yeah there's a sense of humor to it that's kind of what I thought going into it because people had kind of talked about how like sad boy it is but so far it's not but I think definitely helps that they do have the humor to sort of keep the levity up oh here we go the season on Fall okay yep oh hello there you're going to get more now how about we turn on some lights Walton goggin you don't hire Walton goggin whoa ah he was he knows about the vaults you need to go home Vault dwellers are an endangered species Michael Emerson I'm not going back without my dad so he was the one who escaped escaped something you look at that a murderer in a cage I don't know what the people of Vault no salad for you anything but innocent I'm glad we're not just leaving the Vault behind H long since you first started wastelanding long st's Donuts or ry's Donuts whoa just give it a little time welcome what the fudge what the fudge the end of the world is a product hey hey mat Barry hey I guess everything's a conspiracy right unless the people do something interesting so we're going to have lots of Flash and stuff too are we going to go back and oh whoa what the [ __ ] you'll see yeah baby oh oh sorry Johnny PT mtin bear whoa was that Chris Parnell as a Chris Parnell oh wow holy SCH manoli a hey that's a obervatory yeah yeah I've been there we've been there there's always somebody behind the wheel wow looks awesome that looks awesome okay okay great all right let's watch them all right now let's do them all tonight kind of feeling where people were saying that it's impossible to adapt a video game into a project no because I and I and I feel like that Sonic definitely proved people wrong uh with that obviously there was flops back in the day and the the Assassin's Creed movies didn't do so well and all that but I feel like nowadays the technology is just now catching up to people's ideas of what a video game movie should be and also the streaming services love them or hate them which I hate them are also allowing a very unique opportunity to put money into projects like this with names that aren't you know Spielberg or these giant tent pole like people who they would need to push projects like this at this point the IP is bigger than the people who are attached to it and so you can put people who really love the project on a project like this and have it be a little bit more faithful to the video game whereas in the past the only real way to kind of like sell a movie is like to attach a big name to it like Steven Spielberg directs blah blah blah Jurassic Park 2 or whatever like whatever it was that was kind of the big motivator I think this is really cool I think we're in a really unique kind of place and now that I'm watching this um I played a lot of Bioshock and now I want to see a Bioshock film or or game like this cuz Bioshock is so dope so so dope that could be that's the alternate history one that's the one that's actually like 50 years ago 70 years ago this guy made a bunch of underground or like a city underwater I think though that if it weren't for Craig Mason is the showrunner who did The Last of Us coming off of Chernobyl with the success to HBO if it wasn't for him going well the next thing I want to do is the last of us because he just loved that game so much I don't think the last of us would have gotten made by anybody else or any other and the same in this case it's like fans of Fallout you guys are lucky that Jonathan Nolan likes the game because I'm because I know you're saying I'm saying that like this doesn't have a big name but it's like but but it is a Nolan and Nolan has carries that weight in Hollywood right to where I'm saying it's not like the same as like a giant like a Spielberger or like a super household name because I didn't like unless you're like really not even that deep into movies but like you you follow movies fairly fairly normally uh you would know a Nolan but for a lot of people they wouldn't know that this was right the the brother of of Christopher Nolan and the thing is is that like it's a a big risk for these big budget TV show adaptations of video games but it it's coming from a proven success rate from like people that have made other TV shows and movies and stuff so within this uh this cycle of success failure success failure that is Hollywood they see the success and they go okay well we'll okay we'll give you the money to do this Fallout show like like what is it about it that you're interested in and I like the approach for this show because it's not just doing the story of whatever one of the games is and like with that same protagonist because Fallout has that first person like you are the player and I think from my reading of the fandom outside of playing the game cuz I haven't played it it seems like people love Fallout because of the tone because of the World building because of the little details and stuff not necessarily like they're like oh man that one moment in Fallout 3 in the story was great I haven't heard that much whereas The Last of Us it's all about that I've never heard somebody say the last of us has like groundbreaking gameplay I've only heard people say oh that video game made me cry the story was so good right so like these are different approaches for a television season adaptation of a game and I'm really glad that Nolan and Company were like well we're not just going to do a onetoone we like the tone we're g to again it feels like they if they weren't already into the game they're having meetings with Bethesda and I can picture people at Bethesda being like okay so here's our lore this is what happens D D D D D and then Smart movie and TV people are going okay so what happened when the bombs dropped where were these people what was this okay who are these people what are they doing on the surface what are these Knights doing okay how that originate okay what is a ghoul what is a mutant okay and then they go well then here's what we think the story should be and I haven't played the games but this feels like it's an easy like oh this is probably the best story to come out of the Fallout franchise but comments correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure you're about to tell me like Fallout New Vegas or whatever has a more compelling story I don't know the world I haven't done the research but uh that but this feels really smart absolutely agreed agreed but of course let us know your thoughts if you've played all the games and you love the lore and and you know everything about the lore let us know how you felt about this Premiere episode and how you've been feeling about the season so far check out the uncut reactions on our patreon and we'll see you guys in the next episode bye bye [Music] la
Channel: Heroes Reforged
Views: 52,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes reforged, fallout episode 1 reaction, fallout tv show, fallout show, walton goggins, fallout reaction, fallout 4, fallout 1x1, fallout 1x1 reaction, kyle maclachlan, ella purnell, fallout episode 1, fallout tv show review, fallout review, fallout amazon
Id: TeJwktnMpMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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