How to Make Psykers Safer in 40k

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you ever feel like not trying at your job and you just put in the bare minimum cuz that's what this video is Inquisition and aspect Warriors had me thinking oh this shouldn't be too long I can get this done quick as it turns out no no I couldn't so here's an easy video that's just what it says on the tin psychers are pretty dangerous and I don't even mean they can do dangerous things sooner or later at least for human psychers there's pretty decent odds that they're going to end up possessed or corrupted or just explode into demons no I don't necessarily mean explode and leave behind a portal to the warp that can certainly happen but it's also possible they'll just explode into demons being a wizard probably isn't worth it for a human but that being said there are ways that can prevent this sort of thing or at least delay it some of them are used by the Imperium some of them are options that require either the help of other factions or just stealing from them and some of them I'm just making up and don't you worry because rest assured many of them are horrific crimes against humanity in fact I should tell you something right now this isn't necessarily a way to let psychers use their powers more safely even if many of them do result in that these are methods to make psychers less of a problem for both themselves and the world around them so if one day you get iseki into the 41st or 42nd or whatever it is Millennium and have The Misfortune to become a wizard this video will tell you just what needs to be done to make sure you aren't a problem for everyone around you but before we talk about psychers ladies and gentlemen I have an announcement the most important one I've ever had because this video was sponsored by Warhammer 40K tacticus we've got official legitimacy Lads so listen up Warhammer 4 40K tacticus is where you go to scratch that 40K H when you're on the go you can jump into quick and fast-paced turn-based tactical battles at the push of a button featuring 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mines you can never have enough Spore mines summon three Spore mines at once make a whole bunch of them get a free turn all you will know is Spore mines and I find the mental image of the battle Harden space marins of the Imperium drowning in Spore mins to be incredibly funny but while this is the perfect time to start playing don't worry too much the event will run again every 5 weeks with more new units to come with all sorts of missions and units available from both the base game and Machines of War there's no time like the present to check out Warhammer 40K tacticus with all the upgrades missions and more you can do this game can keep you entertained for a long time and it's available on iOS Android and Samsung devices download tacticus today to lead your forces to victory in the 41st Millennium now then how to keep your wizard powers from killing everyone around you we're going to start with methods that are outside of the Imperium this is entirely because it's still a bit early in the video and I don't want my suggestions that are Abominations to demonetize me for this we turn to the Eldar the Eldar as you probably know have a bit of a problem with slanesh entering the warp for more than a second at a time as warp spiders do is guaranteed death and even then some warp spiders just don't come back out when they teleport it's so bad that they just can't use their true psychic potential because using enough warp magic draws the attention of she who thirsts just about every Eldar has the potential to be an araman level psycher and if eldrad wasn't locked behind these same limits he could probably toss Magnus around like a ragal I'm not exaggerating that Eldred could freeze time on a planet to hold a conversation and calm down the warp itself so the Imperial fist could safely reach Tera that's what he can do with a caveat of Eldar having to take things easy if they don't want to be devoured so with these limits placed upon them the Eldar develop magical runes to help that's right dwarf fans you're being beaten at your own game by the space elves their power limiters that an alar can get more of if they have the skill to use them the more runes you have the more power you can safely access from the warp they glow brighter the more power you use and if you use too much they fizzle out not only is this a fantastic way to limit yourself given that it both limits your power as well as shows you with light if you're going too far you can also burn them out if needed an lar can overload their runes and go all out if needed briefly tapping into the the full psychic potential of their species I say briefly because when this is happening death is already guaranteed for them such a psychic Beacon they project will get them immediately devoured by slesh but if it's any consolation for them they've probably turned the entire continent they were on into a Barren Wasteland before she get them and for a human psycher you don't have that problem sure overloading your powers might get you generically damned instead of specifically damned by sles but it would still be marginally safer for you to do so than an Eldar and while I don't think it has a tabletop presence anymore the ghost Helm worn by far seers used to make them functionally immune to war perils I think it was that it let them roll the save for it which was not a difficult check to make so already the Eldar have a bevy of ways to ensure their souls are safe when they start chucking Fireballs at people there's also Spirit Stones of course to my knowledge these don't actually make the Elder more potent psychers or make using the warp any safer but if you die when you're attuned to one your soul goes into that thing instead of straight to slesh it's like a soul gem from the Elder Scrolls only on purpose and less horrific well it might not keep your psycher powers from blowing up in your face it would be a possible way to avoid your soul being devoured by all the things in your mind trying to drag you into hell and while we're here this one isn't something strictly speaking unique to the Eldar but given that they're both incredibly long-lived and elves they get better use out of this than anyone else meditation no tricks no fancy sacred techniques even if those can help just calm your mind and focus only on yourself and your own powers the elar get better usage out of this because you can be damn sure someone who can meditate for a thousand years straight is going to be the most sen bastard to ever exist but anyone can do it breathe in breathe out block out the voices in the back of your mind eternally screaming for you to sell your soul to chaos and cast some small spells just find a quiet room and take some deep breaths there are infinitely more reliable methods in this one such as the eldar's own ghost Helms and whatnot but this does help the issues with getting the Elder ways of doing things is that they aren't just going to want to give them to a random human psycher ghost Helms aren't given to every Elder on a battlefield just far seers and runic armor is a similar thing only their psycher unit proper are going to make any usage of it Guardians and aspect Warriors are only marching to war with more standard mesh armor or aspect armor the only thing you can expect to find on every Eldar is their Spirit Stone and taking that from them is no easy task you'll almost certainly have to kill them to get it and if you do that means their soul is going into it instead of yours at a future date there's not a lot of room in those things so if that happens all you'll functionally get for your trouble is a magic rock you can use as a desk ornament you can draw power from it if you want but we're trying to make things safe for you here doing that will very likely draw the attention of every warp Predator around and for all you know the Eldar Soul within the soul Stone might throw psychic hands with you as well and even if they had an abundance of all the things I've listed they probably wouldn't just give them to you the Elder aren't exactly the biggest fans of humanity or at least the Imperium which functionally is Humanity so they don't hand these things out like candy even learning some of their fancy meditation techniques would already be a sign of you being immensely favored for a human in their eyes getting runes ghost Helms or Spirit Stones is well and truly out of the question but but they are still possible ways to keep your soul safe and it's a big Galaxy out there wander around enough and you can probably find the corpse of a far Seer to loot or maybe buy some from some less than scrupulous sources assuming you had something they want and they don't just kidnap you for funsies the dark Elder would probably sell you these things speaking of the Dark Eldar there's another way to keep your psycher powers under control go hide in the webway now this one is a lot more iffy in terms of how effective it is but it's still valid enough the emperor certainly thought so because his master plan seemed to be shoving all of humanity into damn thing the Dark Eldar weren't sucked into slesh with the rest of their former Empire because they were hiding in the webway and additionally the webway has a variety of defenses to keep chaos out it vents itself back into real space and it also has Guardians within it to keep itself safe it also has the black library in it so in terms of keeping out any threats it's hard to do better than the elar custodes and the single remaining active God they have it also needs to be breached by demons if they want to actually do anything in there so they need to put in the work to get at you I imagine it works as a sort of shield around your soul sles does slowly drain the Dark Eldar it's true but it's like putting a cork in a leaky faucet some soul juice is still getting drained away but far slower than it would be otherwise or maybe being layered in bubble wrap is a better comparison for a normal human psycher I imagine it' be even more effective since no God has an inherent claim on human Souls like SES does to the Eldar of course to use the webway in this method you need to actually get into the webway which is easier said than done most of the gates that are consistently active are guarded either by the craft worlders and exodites who will kill you or the dark El elar who will make you wish they killed you inactive ones of course need to be turned on which probably requires an Eldar psycher and see the above points for why that's problematic they're probably even less likely to do this for you than give you a rune or a ghost Helm because letting you into the webway means you have the potential to just randomly show up on a craft world and they'd really rather you didn't do that it's also far from 100% safe I have no idea what the emperor planned to actually do about keeping the webway secure because this thing is falling apart more and more as time goes on even if the parts your inner safe it can be breached somewhere down the road and you're still in danger if not as immediately and there's a whole load of people with a vested interest in doing just that demons do it all the time but araman in particular really wants to get at the black Library the necrons can also rip their way into it to travel so that's another problem you'll have to deal with and of course the Harley quins they're likely not to look too fondly at some random schmuck pissing about in their back yard in terms of keeping you safe as a psyker i wager you're probably safer in the webway than real space in terms of just being safe as a person probably not worth it there's enough things in there or can get in there that' see you dead that would make it pretty unlikely you'd live long enough to master your powers it also vents excess energies back into the materium so if you're really unlucky you might find yourself blasted back into reality in some incredibly haunted location we're going to go through all the zenos methods of keeping people safe first while we're at it so on that topic how do the necrons have ways to keep psychers safe well it all lies with one miraculous substance the necrons are the main holders of Blackstone Blackstone is something that a whole load of nekron buildings are made out of chiefly among them for our purposes the nekron pylons those things are quite handy because the ones that were left on Cadia after abidon had the r destroyed were enough to start closing the eye of Terror on their own and they affect pretty much every form of psychic phenomena Saint Celestine herself started losing her powers midf fight with abdon when they were activated and saintly Miracles and powers that come from the emperor tend to be noticeably different from normal warp Powers one easy way to stay safe is just to turn one of those things on you're not only safe from your own literal inner demons but safe from the ones coming from the outside as well and the necrons can build more of them so it's not like with kadia going to hell in a hand basket it's impossible to find the things even without being used to construct additional pylons Blackstone can still function as a method of calming the warp as well as nullifying psychic powers so if you find enough of the stuff to make some jewelry out of you're good to go unless I'm mistaken it can also be used to amplify one's psychic powers so if things go really wrong you can supercharge your magic for a bit to get out of Dodge and while this has the same caveats as the Eldar methods did and probably requires you to get in good with the necrons that's honestly a far easier task than it is to make friends with the Eldar some nekron dynasties want to rule over human vassals so if you manage to find one of those you'll likely be set when it comes to keeping yourself safe from your overactive Soul given their dislike of the warp if they find out you're a psycher they may damn well make you wear some black stone they might also just shoot you but I think that's a gamble worth taking of course you'll be selling your freedom to zenos to do this but you didn't have freedom in 40K to begin with with no one in the Imperium has Freedom all you're really doing is switching which faction you're toiling away in a factory for and yeah you might also end up near one of the dynasties that still has the space Terminator thing going for it in which case you are very dead but hey again nothing spices up life like gambling for yours so it's worth a shot and now we're getting to the Imperial methods as well as the ones I came up with myself so now we're getting into the territory of horrific atrocities that'll only technically keep you when those around you safe from yourself one of the less horrible ones is just hanging around a blank blanks of sufficient strength such as Kane's good pal Jurgen are capable of blocking out psychic powers around them for that matter anything remotely psychic can be completely disrupted by their presence demons can barely touch them at least directly and even the tyranid hive mind can be disrupted now granted as a psycher you will likely suffer horrible discomfort at best and constant seizures at worst but hey your Soul's not getting chowed down on by demons that's something to be happy with another method is to become a sanction psycher these are as the name implies psychers officially allowed to Exist by the Imperium they're covered in holy symbols of the emperor to Ward away demons which incidentally is a good idea regardless and trained in how to use their powers relatively safely this is a less effective way of safeguarding your soul than the Eldar equivalence of runes and meditation the Eldar are just better at psychic stuff so their 99.9% effective methods are more like a 30 to 40% success rate here but it is better than being completely untrained when it comes to keeping yourself safe even if we assume it is entirely a placebo sort of ort of thing in 40K placebos work I don't mean like they do in real life where you take a sugar pill and you get over a cold faster it's all belief and belief in the setting is tangible so hey you're setting yourself up to have even less freedom than the average Imperial since you'll be constantly monitored and used as a weapon but you will at least be somewhat safer this way I know the founding fathers might be unhappy with me for saying it but Give me liberty or give me death is a lot harder of a principle to stand by when demons are actively hoping you get all the Liberty you want so they can use your body like a sock puppet and or Fleshlight this next method is arguably the most brutal of all of them sign yourself up for an inquisitorial black ship and go get eaten by the emperor it's a horrific process that is said to be one of if not the worst pain in all this setting your soul becomes a battery for the emperor and he is ever hungry for more depending on what happens during it you either become one with the emperor himself or your soul just Fades into nothingness those are the only downsides but as you can see they're not exactly small downsides so what are the upsides well on the way to terara the ship has a sister of Silence on it to keep the psychers aboard safe no mishaps are going to happen because they're both incredibly strong blanks and incredibly strong Warriors even in a worst case scenario where demons make it aboard the sister will ensure it very swiftly dies and as far as I understand the process while waiting to be plugged into The Golden Throne the psycher in question actually lives fairly comfortably they aren't tortured or anything they just kind of hang around and wait for the day they join Big E fed good food kept as comfortable as you can hope for on the mess of a planet terara is so your soul won't be eaten by demons and for at least a little while you're living good of course again you are getting your very essence sand blasted away as you slowly either Fade Into nothingness or join your God in eternal torment so if I were you I'd at least consider some other options first I also might be wrong about them living comfortably because I not only can't remember where I read that but I know for a fact it wasn't an official source so only throw those dice if you're really confident Andor desperate now I have some options I've come up with that are shall we say less resorts to actually go through with for the most part for example you can just decide to blow your head off your soul can't be damned by the Demon's clawing at your brain if you blow it out of your skull first I don't need to explain why this one should be a last resort because you know suicide but it's there it's an option for a slightly less horrible option just drug yourself into a coma for all time I don't even mean slesh Hedonism drugs just keep yourself in a permanent anesthetic coma zero brain activity levels I'm sure if a demon really tried they could mess with you in the coma but they'd have to go out of their way I imagine and at that point you're Dam regardless of what you do the easiest way of course and perhaps the only one I've come up with that isn't horrible is to not use your psycher powers using them is what puts you in the most danger so if you just don't do that you're only moderately more at risk of possession or demon explosion than a normal person is the voices probably won't go away but they'll stay as Whispers telling you to murder your boss and eat him instead of shouts to murder your boss and eat him much easier to ignore you could even indoctrinate yourself to think of nothing but the emperor and other holy things at all possible times sure this is horrific but but the word indoctrination is used so frequently in 40K that it just doesn't mean anything to me anymore seriously though quick side tangent imagine how horrifically that alone would be portrayed anywhere else it's standard operating procedure to have Space Marines indoctrinated as part of their training and in the Death Watch they go even further they'll strap you to a chair and force you to constantly watch footage and hear recordings of Space Marines being killed by zenos until the very idea of a tow is enough to send them into a blood rage if something like that was happening in Halo or almost any other setting that would be a key feature of whatever is being described the brainwashing of entire groups of people would on its own be enough to get all the protagonists outraged at the sheer awfulness of it and yet in 40K it's like a sentence whatever it's brought up barely worth the passing mention anyway I just thought that was neat back to the actual topic there are ways to genetically modify yourself to dim your very Soul which is something of an iffy ground for already existing psychers the leagues of oton did this very thing although they're an odd Bunch given that they're all clones the Clone skins they use tamper with their genetics to such an extent that their souls shine more dimly within the warp of course there's a few immediate hurdles you of course need to get this Tech from the Von but at least a couple of them would probably be willing to perform the procedure or whatever it is is done for a price not tell you how it works but do it for you the main issues I can imagine are more to do with the fact that as a psycher there's no telling how this will affect you to my knowledge this sort of thing hasn't been done with standard humans and for all I know it could require an entirely new life form for the process to work your cloned kids might be safe and secure but who who knows if it'll work on you and tampering with the souls of anyone let alone psychers is the sort of thing that leads to problems even just shutting down the warp as blanks do drives psychers mad undertaking an operation that darkens their soul might leave them permanently catatonic it's technically Mission success but you probably won't be celebrating maybe see if you can't grab some of the tools their Grim near psychers use the League's technology is closer to the Dark Age of humanity than anything the Imperium has so for all we know looting around their stuff will find you some miracle cure or Shield or whatever you want also another unrelated tangent but naming their psychers grimier is an atrocity implying that the proud dwarf Slayer God should be associated with Wizards even in name alone is elf nonsense of the highest degree and worthy of an entire chapter in the book might I also recommend turning yourself into a servator sure you're a total slave to the mechanicus lose your very personality and a very small part of yourself might be trapped inside you screaming in agony and Desperation for someone anyone to let you out or kill you and Grant you or release that will never come stuck inside your own mind for potentially decades or centuries watching as bits and pieces of you are chopped away and replaced with Machinery unable to cry for help as the devotees of the omnis turn you into a mockery of both man and machine but hey demons probably aren't an issue for you anymore progress and my final method is to just give up and submit yourself to corn and before anyone starts going on about how Korn hates psychers yes I'm aware but consider Azariah chyros he was a psycher and corn didn't instantly turn him to Ash when he was dedicating himself to him get yourself a brass collar to dampen your psychic power and go nuts are you safe not at all are you still a danger to everyone around you more so now than ever but when it comes to your psychic powers the danger you represent has been completely nullified and this is my list of ways to not get devoured by the chaos Gods if you were a psycher I'm sure there's more but those are the easiest ones I could think of I mean seriously it can't be that hard to get yourself killed in Warhammer if nothing else thank you as always to my wonderful channnel members you are the warp to my pyer Powers enabling all the crap I get up to here if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there psyker I barely know her God funniest joke on the planet right there does a word end in an earth sound Instant Comedy gold zero effort required can you believe people say that writing is difficult must be a lot harder when you aren't a complete and utter [ __ ] hack
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 46,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, Warhammer 40000, WH40k, PancreasNoWork, Psyker, Psykers
Id: P5sqg1-x3kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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