107 Fallout 4 Facts YOU Should Know! | The Leaderboard

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after seven years of silence bethesda shocked the gaming world with the arrival of the highly anticipated sequel fallout 4 with a slew of new features companions and a whole new nuke DUP city of Boston to explore there's a lot of ground to cover with Bethesda's latest radioactive masterpiece hi I'm Jacob with the leaderboard and today we're counting down 107 facts about fallout 4 so stock up on some rad X and Dawn that power armor cuz we've got a massive game to explore fallout 4 was developed by the Maryland based developer bethesda their name is also tied to fallouts fantasy counterpart the Elder Scrolls series development on fallout 4 began shortly after fallout 3 shipped in late 2008 but the project took a bit of a backseat while Bethesda finished up Skyrim development of the game lasted a whopping six years fallout force development was led by acclaimed game designer Todd Howard who is also responsible for directing the development of other Bethesda classics along with fallout 3 while following four is a direct successor to fallout 3 bethesda gathered all of the critiques and suggestions fans and critics had regarding Skyrim and applied much of that feedback to the development to fallout 4 the development team consisted of just over a hundred people which by today's standards is considered to be pretty small for a development team a majority of these individuals had been on the Bethesda team for the past decade the team didn't receive development kits for the PlayStation 4 or Xbox one until they were a few years into development to learn more about their new tools the team experimented by porting the entire Skyrim game to the then next gen systems fallout 4 runs on the creation engine an engine created in-house by Bethesda themselves and initially built for Skyrim it's a refined version of Bethesda's earlier engine game Rio one of the biggest influences that the developers referred back to while making the game was grand theft auto 5 they tried to emulate the amount of freedom and control GTA 5 allows its players in order to create a fearless boundless personal experience the game's visuals were inspired by a variety of sources from the paintings of Norman Rockwell to John Ford films the game was also heavily influenced by the doug liman film edge of tomorrow starring Tom Cruise the technology featured in this game was based on the designs that people in the 40s and 50s thought machines of the future would be like such as the designs found on Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress the team strove to create of a variety in tone in fallout 4 playing with a more diverse color palette and a variety of different motifs ranging from hopeful to horrifying Boston was chosen for the location of Fallout 4 because the developers thought it was the perfect mix of American history Americana and technological innovation the development team spent a weekend in Boston Massachusetts taking tons of photos and getting an overall sense of the city's vibe unfortunately for the development team the city was a bit too advanced for what they had envisioned as many of the city's skyscrapers are based on designs from a more recent time that diverges from the fallout canon many landmarks found throughout fallout forced Commonwealth are recreations of real-life landmarks found within the city of Boston including Trinity Church Boston Public Library and despite the name change the CIT ruins are indeed based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology aka MIT Bethesda's ml Pagliarulo grew up in Boston and hit a few nods towards his own life in the game claiming that the game features a destroyed version of his childhood home his high school a train station near his neighborhood and a sub shop that he loved the team refused to use satellite data when creating the topography of the Commonwealth according to lead level designer Joel Burgess that's sort of missing the point it's more about capturing the feeling of the place that's when it feels real whether you've been to Boston or not it still has that sense of a real place because it is but it's video game from a narrative perspective the team decided not to focus so much on the world that was before the nuclear war and instead focused on the civilization that is flourished and succeeded within the destroyed world giving the game a more optimistic vibe however the team decided to begin the game's story in the pre apocalyptic world so that the player would feel a sense of personal loss knowing and directly experiencing the world that came before the nuclear wasteland the game's story wasn't entirely written before the world map was developed it was instead written while locations on the map were being developed within the game this was done in order to give the player a narrative experience that grants them as much freedom as possible senior character designer Dennis Mahayana strove to make codsworth as likable as possible as he is one of the first and most prominent companions in the game Maggio has accomplished this by focusing on creating cute eyes for the robot which he based off the headlights of 1950 scooters because they have a fun friendly feel while the developer strove to allow players to assume the role the bad for once they also went through great lengths to ensure that people could be kind hearted Raiders that caused minimal harm early in the game's development the team considered adding a multiplayer of some kind but they quickly scrapped the idea before it went too far citing that it would have distracted from the game central focus which is single-player for fallout 4 the team aimed to create a more fluid first-person shooter experience in order to reduce the reliance on the VATS system that was required in Fallout 3 to make the gameplay feel more akin to a fully fledged first-person shooter Bethesda enlisted the aid of Ede software the guys and girls behind the legendary shooter franchise doom the team strove to capture the feel of destiny's gunplay in fallout 4 and used bungees shooter as a basis for Fallout 4 his mechanics not only because they found the gunplay fun but because like destiny fallout 4 was set to run at 30 frames per second the team decided on 30 frames per second early in development and stuck to it because they believed it allowed for a greater density they wanted the player to be able to interact with everything and have it all move dynamically the first asset modeled for fallout 4 was the T 60 power armor similar to how the t45 power armor was the first asset modeled for Fallout 3 the developers state that the power armor is an iconic image that represents the entirety of what fallout is to them the team aimed to make the power armor of fallout 4 feel less like a suit that you can just slip into like Fallout 3 and more of an empowering experience as if you were driving a tank one of the game's biggest new features building and defending settlements was heavily inspired by the numerous hours the developers had poured into their personal minecraft sessions the workshop meta game was nearly cut from the game entirely because the team feared that because it was so different it would only appeal to the modding community and turn the casual majority away as it turned out this meta game would cause the team a different problem play testers were so preoccupied with the workshop that it prevented them from finishing the game thus costing the developers feedback data Bethesda Softworks enlisted the help of over 100 quality assurance testers to search the game for bugs and other game breaking issues this team was just as big if not bigger than the development team itself the real question is exactly how many of them lost themselves in the workshop within the development team there was also a squad known as the wasteland task force a group of testers that were sent to a random corner of the map and thoroughly explored the map from there the task force would then tell the rest of the team if the portion of the map was fun boring to empty or to full the task force was responsible for saving many concepts that were on the verge of being scrapped like the addition of military vehicles that flesh out the history of the world before the bombs dropped the team spent three years on the loot system alone citing it as one of the most difficult things to implement instead of focusing so much on things like an item's rarity they decided to place items in places you would likely find them in real life for example you're more likely to find adhesive in a garage than you are at a diner at one point in the game's early development the team had planned for an enemy type called the mole rat queen this creature would be guarded by mole rats sentries if you attempted to attack it up close while the Queen herself was able to hurl acid at the player though one does appear in the far harbor DLC the base game was going to initially feature a different modeled harpoon gun that would have been featured in a cot mission titled 20 leagues under the sea fallout 4 marks the first time in the series that the playable protagonist is given full voice acting Todd Howard explained that having the voice made it easier to hit the emotional beats of an open-world narrative in which you progress through the story at your own pace it took the games developers years to record all of the dialogue featured in the game the total number of lines of dialogue coming in at 111 thousand which is more than Skyrim and fallout 3 combined the voice actors for the male and female protagonists were responsible for recording over 13,000 lines of dialogue each for their characters alone well over the amount of any other character in the game singer actress and former Wonder Woman Lynda Carter not only played Magnolia but she also created and performed four original songs that the character performs in conjunction with her nashville-based band based on themes provided to them by Todd Howard your canine companion dogmeat is based on the real-life German Shepherd of a lead level designer Joel Burgess Burgesses dog was recorded partaking in various actions around the studio for the animators to use as reference the game's musical score was devised by composer Anand Sewer who is no stranger to the Fallout series having created the music for both fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas according to Todd Howard because the game is so massive no one person aboard the team knows of every single thing that's in the game there are times when Todd is wandering around and finds something that made it past his radar and he wonders who put this in here during an Xbox media briefing Todd Howard said that fallout 4 is the most ambitious world that they've ever created big words coming from the head of the team that also developed Skyrim you cross paths with deacon quite a few times throughout the game before officially meeting him but you wouldn't typically notice the because he's undercover spying on you you could find him in Diamond City as a guard as a drifter during Hancock's rousing speech inside one of the pods at the memory den and as a caravan worker at Bunker Hill speaking of Diamond City if the in-game calendar reads December 25th head on over to the ballpark town the place will be covered in colorful lights and prominently feature a Christmas tree to celebrate the holiday that not even the apocalypse can kill early concept art for the game depicts mama Murphy in a hovering wheelchair engineered from a mr. handy robot the male players backstory states that he was a member of the 108 infantry battalion fallout 3 vets may remember that the 108 infantry battalion was the same company that the Satan's kidnapped soldiers from one of the hairstyles available for the female protagonist bears a striking resemblance to the hairstyle at Mass Effect's Jack sports in Mass Effect 3 coincidentally the female protagonist is played by Courtney Taylor who also plays Jack in Mass Effect while the harpoon gun did eventually make it into a DLC pack unused textures in the game's code show that giant squids were an aquatic concept originally planned for the game that didn't make it in at all near Lexington you can find a red motorcycle sitting off to the side upon closely inspecting this vehicle you can spot the name lone wanderer printed on its side this is the same name given to the protagonists of Fallout 3 an untextured Chinese assault rifle can be found within the game's code unfortunately this classic Fallout 3 weapon didn't make it into the final game deep within the files of the game is a cut jumpsuit for vault 101 the home of Fallout 3's protagonist the lone wanderer in the game diamond city is built within the remains of the real-life home of the Boston Red Sox Fenway Park a baseball stadium known for its iconic huge green walls Piper's newspaper public occurrences shares its name with one of the very first newspapers ever published in real life in what would eventually become the United States this Publick occurrences was also published in real life Boston mayor McDonough of Diamond City shares his name with beloved Boston Globe sports reporter will McDonough who was known for his coverage of the Boston Red Sox the stadium of which served as the foundation of the mayor's City if you look toward the press box in Diamond City you'll see that the last World Championship that the home team won was in 1918 this is a reference to a real-life curse that was believed to have prevented the Boston Red Sox from winning a World Series for 86 years until it was finally broken into the and for one of diamond city's most prominent traders Moe Cronin is one letter off from the name Joe Cronan a beloved shortstop for the Boston Red Sox who would become their general manager later in his life the robotic companion Curie is named after famous physicist and chemist Marie Sklodowska Curie who won two Nobel prizes and coined the term radioactivity the fallout3 turned fallout4 character Robert Joseph RJ McCready is named after Kurt Russell's character from the John Carpenter film the thing according to his concept art preston garvey looted his outfit from a Revolutionary War Museum John Hancock appears to be wearing the same outfit as the real John Hancock which is presently on display at the old Statehouse in real life Boston Massachusetts given that her home is the baseball crazy diamond city Piper's nickname for the player blue as well as referencing the player's vault suit is possibly a reference to the baseball term blue which refers to the umpire at some point in the game you may trigger an event involving a UFO crash near the Beantown brewery after you're done admiring the crashed vessel look for a trail of green blood it will lead you to a cave where you'll find a secret alien blaster pistol the Brotherhood of Steel offered quite a few perks that were cut from the final game like initiate which would have players take 10% less damage from since super mutants and feral ghouls Knight which would cause smaller fusion core explosions while paladin would allow the player to regenerate health while wearing armor at one point in the game's development there was to be a cannon capable of firing off news not many nukes but actual news within a Hut located on the Commonwealth you can find a flux sensor with a seemingly random series of numbers which aren't quite as random if you're a huge fan of Ridley Scott's 1979 film alien one eight oh nine two four six oh nine is the registration number of the film starship the Nostromo within the Boston wastelands as a bar named Prost which is german for Cheers a reference to the ad sitcom of the same name the skeletons laying throughout the bar represent the show's main cast with subtle hints around the corpses identifying who they each are specifically your pip-boy can function more like a Game Boy thanks to holotape games scattered throughout the wasteland some of these games are straight-up clones of real-life classics like Donkey Kong pitfall space invaders and Missile Command Oh Missile Command seems quite fitting for fallout don't you think to the northwest of Diamond City you'll see a boat atop a river if you board the boat you'll find a mutated shark like and laying at the edge of the boat next to a skeleton wearing a blue bandana and brandishing a machete this setup is a reference to quints death scene from the 1975 Steven Spielberg film jaws aboard the brotherhood of Steel's airship the prydwen you'll find a research station that houses a collection of plant life with one specimen in particular being the Nirnroot from the Elder Scrolls series this has led fans to believe that followed and the Elder Scrolls could possibly exist in the same universe at the Reed marina you'll find a Shack which hosts a small table possessing a lantern a Tesla science magazine and a happy birthday sweet roll the sweet roll is a reference to a food item obtained by the protagonist of fallout 3 early on in the game during their birthday party the town of Covenant contains yet another nod to fallout 3 in the form of a repurposed goat exam much like the one taken by the player at the start of the aforementioned game only this time it's used to prove whether or not you're a good person the man administering this repurposed goat test Swanson is dressed exactly like a member of vault 101 tunnel snakes game within the rotunda of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology you'll find the skeleton of a janitor laying before a chalkboard with strange symbols this is a reference to Matt Damon's gifted character Will Hunting from the 1997 film Good Will Hunting your trusty robot Butler codsworth is capable of referring to the player character by over 1,000 different names and yes some of these names are just very colorful insults mr. a spans the brotherhood of Steel's leader and fallout 4 elder Maxon previously appeared as a minor character in fallout 3 he can be found as a child in the Citadel going by Squire Maxon there's a mistake in the dialogue when the player meets the vault tech rep for the first time when he talked about codsworth he says trimming those damned hedges like nothing happened however if you take a look at the subtitles you'll see that the dam has been replaced by a big ol f-bomb diamond Cities resident robotic chef Takahashi is played by Shinji Mikami Mikami is responsible for the creation of the Resident Evil franchise and the evil within unused dialogue in the games files suggest that the player and paladin dance were able to challenge elder Maxon in combat if they successfully offed max and dance would regain his palette and status and the player would become the new elder fallout 4 was announced to the public via a mysterious countdown timer on Bethesda's website that appeared on June 2nd 2015 that would expire the very next day on June 3rd at 10 a.m. Eastern Time who pre-ordered the Windows version of follow up for received a piece of complimentary DLC for dota 2 which replaces the game's announcer with the voice of fallouts mr. handy the game had a limited edition called the pip-boy edition for one hundred and nineteen dollars players could receive the game and a life-sized pip-boy replica that you could not only wear around your wrist but also insert your smartphone into making fallout 4 second screen experience all the more immersive an imager user by the alias of Gator machete jr. sent Bethesda 2240 real bottle caps in the hope that they alone would secure him a copy of fallout 4 Bethesda's mat Grandstaff emailed gator machete jr. telling him that bethesda would gladly accept the caps as a legitimate sales transaction fallout 4 was released on November 9th of 2015 for PC Xbox one and PlayStation 4 on Metacritic it received an 84 on PC 87 on ps4 and 88 on Xbox one as of this video making it positively received across all platforms fallout 4 shipped 12 million copies on its first day however more digital copies of the game were sold than physical ones marking a significant shift in the games industry upon its release fall of 4 became the non valved produced steam title with the most concurrent players with over 470 thousand players on day one alone the previous record holder was Grand Theft Auto 5 the game made 750 million dollars in its first 24 hours alone beating out 2015's previous highest-grossing game called duty black ops 3 which made five hundred and fifty million dollars in its first 72 hours on store shelves around the game's release Target stores sold nuka-cola quantum as a promotional tie-in done in conjunction with Jones Soda exclusively at Target stores in the United States for a limited time the drinks were manufactured in very limited quantities with Target employees pre purchasing and stocking up on the bottles before they can be put on store shelves prompting the manufacturer to produce an additional wave of the products after 15 years of attempts with other games Bethesda was finally able to bring mod support to the console version of fallout 4 when mod support launched on the Xbox one it was stated that the games traffic was 50 times the initial fallout for PC mod launch Matt Hamlin also known by his YouTube alias up is not jump recreated the Rick and Morty episode look whose purging entirely within the Fallout 4 game engine Hamlin has also recreated other bits from classic shows within the engine like The Walking Dead Breaking Bad and Futurama fallout 4 was nominated for five awards at the 2016 dice Awards and won three of those categories chief among them being game of the year in 2016 Bethesda announced that fallout 4 would be getting a virtual reality mode sometime in 2017 that would be compatible with the likes of the HTC vive it will reportedly debut on the show floor at e3 2017 we'll know by the time this video is up at the time of its release Far Harbor hosted the largest landmass ever created for an add-on to a bethesda game the file size was a whopping two point seven gigabytes bigger than the automatron and wasteland workshop DLCs combined it was later beaten by the 3.36 gigabyte new co World DLC it was decided that Far Harbor would take place in Maine because they wanted to expand upon the New England feel that the team had established in the base game and make it feel more harsh and rugged to invoke a more feral vibe Far Harbor made an effort to further explore the wasteland since with the developers expanding upon the idea of what does it mean if I think I've replaced someone are they actually who they think they are or is everything they know a lie placed inside their heads in creating the narrative too far Harbor the developers strove to not only create different outcomes for the main conflict that encompasses the DLC but also the sub conflicts that take place within each of the different factions because many of the residents of Far Harbor are fishermen many of the weapons found within the DLC are rooted in devices used to hunt see life from harpoons to fish hooks if you venture far enough into far harbors irradiated lake you can find a door floating on the surface with one skeleton laying atop it and another hanging off the edge a grim reference to Jack and Rose from the James Cameron film Titanic much like the theme of the DLC suggests the developers built Nuka world with the intention of giving the player vacation from being the wasteland Savior and allowing them to have a bit of fun without worrying about things like morality evidently it was a highly requested experience by the fans which says a lot about all of us I think the armor of Nuka world Raider gangs was designed to reflect how brutal the Raiders were the more savage Raiders wear armor that is more rough with sharp edges while the more clean-cut and efficient ones wear more stylized armor one of the last things the team did when developing the game was changed the hiding places of the bobbleheads and magazines - joel burgess the original hiding spots were too obscure and the team needed to make them more obvious in Nuka worlds funhouse you'll find a spinning room with a series of doors one of these doors leads to a creepy room in which the opening scene of fallout 4 has been recreated with the player character and their spouse looking down into the crib of baby sean terrifying at the top of the base found in fizz top mountain you can find a tiny version of Han Solo from Star Wars frozen in carbonite not unlike the events of the Empire Strikes Back fallout 4 lacks limits with no level calf and the ability to play the game well after you finish the story the game only ends when you stop playing after all another settlement needs your help I'll mark it on your map and there you have it once again I'm Jacob and thanks for watching 107 facts about fallout 4 what's your favorite part of the game did we miss any Easter eggs comment below and let us know don't forget to click the Bell icon to become 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Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 1,525,788
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Keywords: Fallout, Fallout 4, Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4 facts, 107 Fallout 4 facts, fallout four facts, oxhorn, fo4, the elder scrolls, fallout 4 moments, fallout 4 secrets, gameplay, fallout 4 trivia, fallout guide, fallout development, lore, bethesda, video game facts, videogames, video games, the leaderboard, leaderboard, gaming, games, fallout 3, rpg, ps4, virtual reality, fallout 4 vr, trivia, vr, nuka-world, 107, dlc, skyrim
Id: gI5G7UH8h-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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