Who is the Mysterious Stranger? A Fan Theory Based on the Evidence - Fallout Lore

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who is the mysterious stranger the mysterious stranger has appeared in fallout one two three new Vegas four and shelter he almost seems like a throwaway character we find very little more about the man he's never really explained it sort of seems to be understood that he's just there he's some phantom guy who shows up out of nowhere to help you in battle and then disappears we're not supposed to ask questions we're not supposed to know his true history he's just the mysterious stranger but we do find a few hints that paint us a broader history of the mysterious stranger which we will go over now in followed one into the mysterious stranger looked very different from the mysterious stranger we know and love today in this clip from fallout 2 the mysterious stranger is up there at the top of the screen like in fallout three four and new Vegas he assists in combat but he looks completely different here he is again he's highlighted in green in this shot he looks like he's wearing road leathers we don't see the trench coat or fedora that were used to but like the mysterious stranger we know after the battle is done he exits stage left if you play as a woman the mysterious stranger is a woman if you play as a man the stranger is a man but in Fallout 3 the stranger is completely different now the stranger in New Vegas and follow three are almost identical that's because Fallout New Vegas was built on top of Fallout 3 it shares the same framework and many of the same assets one of those assets that shares is the mysterious stranger but there are some differences here's the mysterious stranger from Fallout 3 and as you can see gone are the road leathers from Fallout 1 and 2 and a stranger is exclusively male he now sports the trenchcoat fedora and revolver setting the framework for all mysterious strangers to come the Fallout New Vegas version is very similar the main differences are in the gun the gun wielded by the New Vegas version of the mysterious stranger is engraved with elaborate swirls and patterns but just like the mysterious stranger from fallout 1 and to the new Vegas and the fallout 3 version will appear seemingly from nowhere to aid you in combat each time he does we hear his signature guitar riff in fallout shelter the mysterious stranger is back although he functions in a different way since the game takes place almost exclusively in a vault the exception of some side quests we find the mysterious stranger in the vault we hear the signature guitar riff and then we have to find the stranger before he disappears [Applause] if we do we get some loot to help with our vault in fella for the stranger is back and we get a little bit more information our favorite since detective Nick Valentine is currently investigating the mysterious stranger if you go into his office and look under Elias bed we find a case file on the mysterious stranger in the note Nick says that sightings of the mysterious stranger have been popping up sporadically across the United States for years based on reports Nick thinks that the man is an amoral lunatic this is because the stranger can help anyone in combat someone with great karma who makes good choices or a player with bad karma who makes bad choices worst case scenario he's a prolific serial killer Nick ties in the mysterious stranger from Fallout 4 with the previous Fallout games he says that the mysterious stranger has been sighted from the NCR the new California Republic all the way to the East Coast and that sightings of the mysterious stranger stretch back decades his description human male interesting that he'll knits the possibility of a human female from Fallout 1 and 2 he does admit that the outfits varied but that recent sightings describe a large overcoat and Fedora here he's referencing the road leathers from fallout 1 and 2 then he conjectures is two stranger one man multiple men a ghoul with minimal scarring he brings up the ghoul possibility because this might explain the long passages of time between sightings there is a great deal of time between the events of Fallout 1 and fallout 4 Nick tries to explain the strangers ability to vanish without a trace by suggesting that he might have access to some sort of advanced cloaking tech a Chinese stealth suit for example or maybe even a stealth boy and at the end he lists all sighting locations Commonwealth confirmed fallout 4 capital wasteland confirmed follow three NCR old rumors shady sands really old rumors follow one and two shady sands fallout fans will recall as the capital of the NCR the new California Republic the mysterious stranger is driving Nick Valentine mad he's been on the case for years and he's not any closer to solving it if Nick Valentine is in your party when the mysterious stranger shows up Nick freaks out [Music] we're just here you saw him right what the stranger slip right through our fingers you stopped tail vanished note that the familiar guitar riff has changed from New Vegas and 3 to fallout 4 the follower for version has also changed appearance like the three in Vegas one he wears a fedora and trench coat but now the stranger wears a deber mustache his weapon of choice is less extravagant than the one in New Vegas it's a simple 44 Magnum here I used console commands to summon the mysterious stranger to my location so I can show him off to you and fallout 4 if you try to attack the mysterious stranger nothing happens it's almost like he's not even there his inventory is rather boring he's got a snub-nosed 44 Magnum a fedora and a couple packs of cigarettes looks like our stranger is a smoker of this stranger and fallout 3 and new Vegas is a little bit different he's got a unique hat and outfit called the mysterious stranger had an outfit and the unique strangers 44 Magnum gun this gun is programmed to be a one-hit kill like and fallout 4 I use the console to some of the stranger to this location but unlike for if you attack him in both free and and new Vegas he'll kill you and your entire party in one hit so we've established - the man is but we haven't really solved any questions yet our greatest clue as to this man's true history is the existence of a man named the lonesome drifter in Fallout New Vegas we find the lonesome drifter sitting at a campsite next to a sunset sasparilla billboard just north of a poseidon energy gas station we can talk with the man to learn his history howdy little lady he has a nice guitar with him you can ask him about it oh this whole thing why thanks friend this here guitars just about the only thing my daddy left me how long have you been playing just about my whole life ever since my daddy left my on me and went off to roam the wastes your daddy left you huh how long ago did he lives long time ago now I never even knew him my always said he was a mysterious fellow always traveling on in secret so your father is a mysterious fellow okay tell me a little bit more about yourself lonesome drifter well I was born in a little town out Montana way me and MA didn't have much ever since my paw up and left and your father just left you and your mother alone daddy did never didn't know why my always said he was a real mysterious fella even when he was with her like he was a stranger sometimes host your father was a mysterious fellow like he was a stranger almost like a mysterious stranger well maybe your father had a reason for leavin maybe he did maybe he didn't but that don't change the fact that it wasn't right you know if he hadn't left you wouldn't be the man you are today I suppose there's that but a man ought to know his own call and a woman ought to have to work herself to an early grave to provide for her family was your childhood difficult without your father around it sure wasn't easy ma worked her fingers to the bone to make sure we had enough to survive and I worked the coal mines from when I was 15 after ma died I guess I wanted to find the paw and get some answers from it then out here looking ever since but he ain't an easy man to find what'll you say to your father when you find them can't say as I really know maybe I'll just ask him why maybe I'll punch him right in the mouth well the more I talk about it the more the whole damn thing sounds like a dumb idea now if your courier is a male and if you have the Ladykiller perk you can find out from the lonesome drifter how old he is no sir I'm 28 why this is important because this number helps us establish when the lonesome drifter was born but more importantly if you have the quest from the tops casino that sends you out into the Mojave wasteland looking for novelty acts you can tell the lonesome drifter about the potential job and send him to the tops as a performer hmm maybe it's time to give these tired old bones arrest all right show me what you got you can then pass a barter check to ask for compensation I suppose it's only right you get a little something for your troubles here my daddy left me this gun and guess I don't need it no more he gives you his father's old revolver which is called the mysterious Magnum he then walks north towards the Vegas Strip and if you go to the tops casino at 10 o'clock p.m. we find him performing some of his solo hit Oh [Music] [Music] now already we have a lot of evidence that this man is the son of none other than the mysterious stranger his mother describes his father as being a mysterious man who's kind of like a stranger we hear a distinctive guitar riff every time the mysterious stranger arrives and this lonesome drifter is skilled with which instrument the guitar music may run in the family but the best piece of evidence we have that the lonesome drifter is none other than the mysterious stranger son is when you draw the mysterious Magnum he gave you we hear this sound and when you holster the same gun we hear this sound this is unmistakably the exact same riff we hear when the mysterious stranger appears and disappears from nowhere now when I use the console to summon the mysterious stranger to my location I froze the scene toggled the free cam and examined both weapons side by side the 44 Magnum that the mysterious stranger has and the mysterious Magnum that the lonesome drifter gave us the one he got from his father as you can see they are identical so I think all of the evidence points to this man the lonesome drifter being the son of the mysterious stranger now we learn from the lonesome drifter that he is 28 years old no sir I'm 28 why now we know that the events of Fallout New Vegas begin in 2281 if the drifter is 28 years old and you meet him in 2281 that must mean that he was born in 2253 now the mysterious stranger we find in fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas look identical but follow to Vegas only takes place four years after the events of Hall of three follow three takes place in 2270 seven it doesn't bother me then that the mysterious stranger from 3 and new Vegas looked insane because not enough time has passed however he still looks relatively young he almost looks like a 28 year old himself this must mean that if he's a normal human being he must have had the lonesome drifter at a very young age what do you think how old do you think the mysterious stranger looks in this shot if his son is 28 years old and he had his son at say 18 years old then in this shot the mysterious stranger is 46 years old that doesn't ring true to me he doesn't look 46 years old you know who does though the mysterious stranger from fallout 4 he looks like an older fellow in his early to mid 40s maybe even 46 years old but then again that may just be the mustache maybe hiding behind that fluffy mustache is the rounded face of a younger man in his late 20s early 30s however fallout 4 takes place ten years after the events of fallout 3 in 2287 five years after the events of Fallout New Vegas does this man from fallout 4 look like a 56 year old man only five years elapsed between the events of New Vegas and fallout 4 does this look like five years worth of aging between the two men to add further difficulty to this we still have to explain fallout 1 and fallout 2 fallout 1 takes place in 21 61 126 years before the events of fallout 4 now naturally humans don't live to be a hundred and 26 years old how can we explain this well the oldest human in fallout 4 and the man in all of fallout lore to have lived the most years consecutively fully conscious not asleep is Lorenzo Cabot he is over 400 years old however he's only that old because he found some sort of ancient possibly alien artifact that affected his biology it did something to his blood using his blood his family members were also able to artificially extend their own lives I covered the topic in greater detail in my video on the Cabot family which if you're interested you can watch here so one explanation for the mysterious stranger being as old as he is is if he like Renzo Cabot found some sort of ancient possibly alien technology here on earth now Lorenzo Cabot went mad due to long-term exposure to the ancient artifact that he found one might say that the mysterious stranger is indeed mad he pops out of nowhere he kills things seemingly at random and he abruptly left his family everyone else that old and lore are only that old because they were frozen we find Paulson and tashera cago aboard the mothership Zeta they are hundreds of years old but only because they were abducted and frozen in time the sole survivor of course but only because he or she was frozen in the cryo pod and then Robert house but he has been kept in much the same way as John Caleb Brad Burton both are extremely old but neither are able to really function move around certainly not shoot anybody the other option is when the Nick Valentine brought forth maybe the mysterious stranger is a ghoul maybe a ghoul with minimal scarring but is that even possible in Fallout New Vegas we do find ghouls in various stages of gula fication for example in camp searchlight we find a man inside a home who's in the process of becoming a ghoul but at that time we really don't know if he's in mortal yet could the mysterious stranger be a man who's on his way to becoming a ghoul but the side effects of glueless occation haven't caught up with him yet possibly but we have absolutely no evidence of this no scarring no gula fication he doesn't give anybody rads when he shows up in combat so my bad is that he's not a ghoul what other options are there well maybe he is a sense maybe he's working for the Institute secretly and his ability to vanish is simply the Institute relay this would handily explain his agelessness because we know that since do not edge however they probably don't father children either since do not age they do not gain weight and if you can't age or gain weight it's probably likely that you can't procreate with a human female to create a child additionally the Institute didn't even get the DNA they needed to make sense until 20 to 27 that is when Conrad Kellogg entered vault 111 that gives the Institute plenty of time to create gen 3 in time for fall of three New Vegas and four but not in time for fall at one and two the only remaining option is that there's more than one mysterious stranger this would explain why the mysterious stranger in Fallout 1 and 2 can be either a man or a woman this would explain what a mysterious stranger in Fallout 1 and 2 were completely different clothes from the mysterious stranger in the later games but what this doesn't explain is how the mysterious stranger and Fallout New Vegas looks so young if he's supposed to be a 46 year old man which he must be if he was 18 years old when he fathered the lonesome drifter admittedly I suppose he could have fathered him had a younger age but still there's a limit here here he is again he just doesn't look 46 years old so that is all the evidence I think that the two best explanations we have so far are that a the mysterious stranger is actually many people over time and be the mysterious stranger has some sort of artificial life extending properties after exposure to some sort of alien artifact like Lorenzo Cabot so which one is it well in my opinion I think the answer is both in Fallout 1 and to the mysterious stranger was a completely different person this person was granted supernatural powers due to exposure to some sort of ancient alien artifact for some unexplained reasons that mysterious stranger died or was abducted but was never heard from again then in the year 22 53 a man in Montana fathered a child by his wife he was a good man he was a loving husband he was an attentive father but then one day at work while he was digging in the mines remember we learned that the lonesome grifter dug in a coal mine ma worked her fingers to the bone to make sure we had enough to survive and I worked the coal mines from when I was 15 probably because those were the only jobs available in Montana and possibly because his family already had connections there because his father used to work as a coal miner so one day this there was digging in a coal mine when all of a sudden he found an ancient alien artifact as soon as he touches the artifact it permanently changes his personality he drops what he's doing he abandons his family and he leaves to wander the world much in the same way that Lorenzo Cabot wanders the Commonwealth if he released him from the Parsons state insane asylums this ancient alien artifact has given this coal miner now known as the mysterious stranger some superhuman properties the first thing that he doesn't age this would explain why he still looks like a young man 28 years after he father's his son and it gives him impressive combat abilities he can teleport from one location to the next seemingly jumping out of the shadows at random and his attacks are always one-hit kills the major difference between the mysterious stranger and Lorenzo Cabot would be the Lorenzo Cabot meanly used telekinesis and sonic ability during combat but the mysterious stranger channels everything he is all of the powers he has through his 44 magnum this would explain why the 44 Magnum that the mysterious stranger has in solid new Vegas is a one-hit kill while the other one that he left at home that his sermon eventually took and that his son eventually gives to you it's just a really nice 44 Magnum it has some unique quirks but it's not a one-hit kill it also explains why the mysterious stranger still has the ability to kill enemies with one hit and fallout 4 despite the fact he has apparently lost his distinctive weapon from Fallout New Vegas it would also explain why Nick Valentine thinks that he's a lunatic a sociopath in Fallout 4 we see Lorenzo Cabot kill an entire group of ghouls just because he was curious about them he wanted to see what made them tick the mysterious stranger is equally unscrupulous he kills for apparently no reason he doesn't kill just good people he doesn't kill just bad people he'll kill anyone because the alien artifact has driven him mad like Lorenzo Cabot 10 years after the events of fallout 3 in 2287 the mysterious strain has grown a rather stunning mustache but otherwise he is none the worse for wear he still appears to be a younger man and he has all the same impressive combat abilities there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is my best guess based on the evidence that we have available today as to the true nature of the mysterious stranger in Fallout lower but that is just one man's opinion I have laid out all of the evidence before you do you have a different opinion have you come to different conclusions let me know in the comment section below I read all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos I produce a new videos 6 days a week so if you don't want to miss my fallout 4 Fallout New Vegas and even fallout 3 content be sure to subscribe and click that Bell notification button I've got a 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 5,083,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, the mysterious stranger, the lonesome wanderer
Id: KRfds0Ef7jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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