Fallout RECAP: Season 1

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welcome to the man of Recaps this is Fallout season 1 Welcome to a retro future America where the Aesthetics are from the 1960s but there's some more advanced technology like personal Butler robots and much like the real Cold War era there's the looming threat of nuclear war and today's the big day the bombs drop it's an intense opening scene as they run from nuclear explosions but of course there's nowhere to run this is the big one the end of the world but our Story begins 200 years later with Lucy mlan proud resident of Tech Vault 33 yes a bunch of people bought spots in vaults to be prepared for the nuclear apocalypse and so life has continued as normal just you know underground and today's a big day it's Lucy's wedding but there's not a lot of eligible bachelors here that aren't her cousin so she's marrying a transfer from their connected Vault 32 and lucky for Lucy he's hot so it's a happy celebration and Lucy's father Hank the Vault overseer is optimistic that in another generation or two will recolonize the surface but soon Lucy realizes her new hubby has radiation levels off the charts yeah he's not from Vault 32 he's a Raider from the surface so her wedding night takes a nasty turn but she's able to fight this guy off and the reception has turned to an allout brawl of absolutely insane chaos Lucy's dad gets her to safety but the Raider leader moldaver takes him away but Lucy's determined to rescue her father and so she opens the Vault doors and Lucy sets off to the surface world the surface is mostly a desolate Wasteland but Lucy was raised with a positive attitude her catchphrase is oky doie but there's more civilization than Lucy realized soon she comes to the settlement of Philly it's got a rough post-apocalypse Vibe but it's not all bad a lot of things are whimsically funny elsewhere in the post-apocalypse we follow Maximus who's apparently recruit in an army for an organization called the Brotherhood of Steel their goal is to control all pre-war technology which includes some really cool stuff like the iconic Fallout power armor oh so sweet when he was a kid Maximus was saved by a Brotherhood Knight so that's his dream to become one of them now finally he's made a squire and sent off on his first mission to track down a fugitive scientist first they find a radioactive bear monster and his night Titus turns out to be a coward Maximus has to take care of it himself and this night Titus is a huge dick he tries to blame Maximus for this Mission failure and so instead of healing him Maximus decides to let him die he figures he can pilot the armor and complete the mission himself then be made a real Knight The Scientist he's hunting is from a place called The Enclave and you know this one's a good guy cuz he treats his dog like a real dog but he just stole a secret science Thing by injecting it into his neck and he and his doggo made a bold Escape Lucy asks around about her father but Vault dwellers are kind of a joke in fact there's a lot of resentment out there that they still have all their limbs and stuff but she does make one friend up here The Fugitive scientist who's currently being smuggled out of town but a mysterious Gunslinger is already here to collect the Bounty out on his head and this guy's absorbed so much radiation he's become what they call a ghoul yes it's very bad for the complexion but it stopped his aging process he's from the pre-apocalypse in fact he's the Cowboy from from the opening scene so it turns into a bigle shootout he's got just a normal-sized gun but it shoots bullets that are hugely explosive Lucy tries to deescalate the violence why can't we all just get along but she's saved by a knight in shining armor yes it's Maximus who blocks a bullet for a meat cute he and the ghoul have a fite power armor is very strong but it's not without its own weaknesses Lucy volunteers to escort the scientist because he's going to the Raider leader moldaver that has her father but the scientist was injured in the shootout he's not going to make it but that's okay you only need to deliver my head well oky doie so after just two days in the nuclear Wasteland Lucy's carrying around a severed head but there's a lot of dangers appear on the surface Lucy immediately loses the head to a radioactive Lake Monster the Gunslinger ghoul catches up to Lucy and uses her as lake monster bait but they fail to recover the head and during the fight he loses all his drugs so he's got to put the main quest on hold to do a side quest get more drugs as these two travel the Wasteland together Lucy tries to teach him the Golden Rule be kind to others but he teaches her the new Golden Rule don't he's like look kid to survive up here sometimes you got to drink dirty IR radiated water I mean sure yeah it'll still kill you but much slower than dying of thirst now this guy was legendary Cowboy Cooper Howard who was a big-time movie star and Coupe was a very nice guy with a wife and daughter he loved very much in fact his wife worked for vault tech so he became their celebrity spokesman and was the inspiration for their iconic Vault Boy logo but 200 years in the nuclear apocalypse will make a guy pretty jaded so he's going to sell Lucy for drugs here she meets one of the butler robots who as always is very polite but has been programmed to harvest her organs Lucy manages to beat this thing and now she forces the guys in charge to release all of their ghoul prisoners many ghouls are still normal people but if they don't get those drugs they turn into feral ghouls which are classic mindless zombies so Lucy's been through quite a bit she's now more prepared to survive in the Wasteland but to prove to her former captor that you can still be kind she gives him some of his life-saving meds meanwhile Maximus is pretending to be night Titus he claims Maximus died so the Brotherhood airdrops him a replacement Squire and this was Maximus his former bully so he enjoys hazing him a bit soon they track down the lake monster and do successfully recover the head after this bonding experience Maximus reveals hey it's me but this guy's too scared to lie to the Brotherhood and so it is a fight to the death he manages to remove the fusion core leaving Maximus stuck in the immobile suit luckily he's rescued by Lucy who's like hey the Brotherhood can keep the head I just need help getting my father back so these two decide to work together soon they come to Shady Sands capital of the new California Republic and Lucy realizes that the vaults are a joke they thought they were the Last Hope of civilization but civilization was rebuilding without them but unfortunately Shady Sands did not survive that's where Maximus was from someone destroyed it when he was a kid earlier Maximus was injured so now they look for medical supplies and stumbl their way in to the back door of another Vault it seems like a nice happy place but there's a bunch of mutants here and Lucy thinks that's suspicious she does some snooping and uncovers they were doing crazy experiments creating radioactive monsters but they're like wao that wasn't us that was the original vault Tech leadership this whole Vault was a science experiment Lucy figures this must be a unique situation because my vault is totally normal except maybe it's not though because back home her younger brother and cousin boyfriend have been investigating Vault 32 and realized that something weird happened here everyone was dead long before any Raiders came in and as Vault 33 elects its new Overseer Betty who was actually a transfer from Vault 31 her brother Norm does some more snooping and realizes they only elect overseers from Vault 31 but Lucy has broken this vault's rules and so she's sentenced to death death by banishment to the surface so essentially yeah they're letting her go Maximus however missed that part so he busts in there and causes a Ruckus which makes their departure a little bit awkward so Squire thadius has the head he finds a radio and calls A brotherhood pickup when Lucy and Maximus catch up to him he sets off one of the traps and oh arrow in the neck but he's weirdly okay earlier he needed to heal his foot and went to see a very sketchy doctor and the serum did heal his foot but apparently it turned him into a ghoul and the Brotherhood kills ghouls on site so thus runs off to start his new life and leaves Maximus with the head but the Brotherhood is coming right now so Maximus gives the head to Lucy you go trade it for your father and by now these two have fallen in love so they start to smooch in bye for now hope I'll see you later so Maximus takes a fake head back to Philly which now the Brotherhood have taken over they quickly realize it's the wrong head but this High cleric is like hey if you take us to the real one you can become a real Knight so Lucy takes the head to mold dav's base which turns out his not a Raider camp but it's a nice happy settlement with mostly civilians here's your head now give me my dad but moldava drops a truth bomb hon her about who her father really is it goes way back to coup's story when his wife started being kind of suspicious and somehow mold dver was alive back then and tried to warn Coupe that voltech is evil she gave him a mic to bug his wife's Pip Boy so he could listen in on their secret Shady meeting with some of the world's biggest corporations they made a plan to divvy up all the vaults and each company could run theirs in any crazy way they wanted now Lucy brother makes it into Vault 31 where the overseer is a brain on a Roomba it's the brain of vault tech executive Bud who wanted a vault where vault tech managers would always be in charge so they were cryo Frozen and defrosted one by one to be the new overseers and that's where their dad Hank mlan came from he was a vault tech employee before the apocalypse unfortunately for Norm he gets sealed in there so the only way to survive is to now freeze himself but there's a much worse truth about Lucy's dad her mom figured out the surface was habitable and took Lucy and her brother to live up here but her dad couldn't let that happen so he killed their mom and took Lucy back and apparently he got a nuke from somewhere and was the one who destroyed Shady Sands and it's not the first nuke that vault tech dropped because all these vaults are pointless if there's not nuclear war so it was vault tech and these other companies who dropped the bombs themselves so moldaver is finally going to start up the science thing but now the Brotherhood flies in to take it and instead of working together to build a better future humanity is still fighting itself because war war never changes Maximus catches up to Lucy who's too slow in explaining her father's the villain he's already escaped and knocks Maximus out even knowing all that he's done Lucy can't bring herself to kill her dad but luckily Coupe can he knows Hank from back in the day and he's the one person who might be able to tell him what happened to his family y we never got any indication of what happened to his wife and daughter but Hank's not talking he runs away and Coupe lets him go so he can follow him he invites Lucy to tag along and uncover this whole vault tech conspiracy a little while later Maximus wakes up and turns out the science thing was cold fusion that creates enough power for whole cities again and turns out mul is the good guy that was trying to give it freely to the people but she dies and it's the Brotherhood of Steel who Now controls it and is planning to hoard it for themselves and Maximus is going to be a knight but he now realizes maybe he's working for the bad guys so Lucy mlan sets off with Coupe to find her father and we see that her father is heading to one of the coolest settings from The Fallout games yes that's right it's New Vegas and that's where Fallout season 1 comes to an end if you like this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the 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Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 144,841
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Id: uz9O8cIeDQ0
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Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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