Fallout 4 Is Better Than You’ve Been Told

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Fallout 4 is uh way better than everyone is telling you it is hi it's Brad of uh kind of Brad at this live service sucks Mojang S I do a lot of sucking wait but recently when I'm not I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 and I just got to say it right away Fallout 4 is way better than you think I went to this game expecting well kind of the worst it feels like this game was the start of the downward spiral that is bethesda's reputation but really in playing it yeah I I don't get any of the hate this game has at all this game is kind of a masterpiece Boston as setting unlike any other Fallout game is just so alive because you know there's a stuff to do in the world while I've enjoyed other games in the series I mean New Vegas I love you I think it's pretty fair to say that these games are aging a little uh poorly and with Fallout 4 there's just so much to love the art style alone goes a long way in really making this game feel Timeless I mean aside from the lip movements it looks like this game came out this year the weapon customization system alone let alone the settlements creates this feeling that you're actually Scavenging this Wasteland for things you need which is just kind of not in the other games where the [ __ ] is everyone adding the fact that Fallout 4 easily has the best environmental storytelling shooting and well uh guys I'm going to be honest the characters in the story are surprisingly nuanced and I think anyone who says they aren't um probably watch too many 4H hour long video essays either you execute dance or I will Knight the choice is yours think I sh right there a man that I love I love him like he's my brother Fallout 4 is just wow but somehow over the past n 9 years since this game came out Jesus Christ I'm getting old Fallout 4 has been slammed in the mud there are people who genuinely hate this game and don't view it as an RPG or a Fallout game and uh I don't get it I I really I struggle to get it so today instead of pointing out how things suck like I usually do which I really really hate we're going to do the opposite and actually stick up for the little guy stick up for the big guy here and let me just tell you why Fallout 4 is way better than you think all right let's start with the big one is Fallout an RPG yes seriously though some people claim this game isn't an RPG because your character isn't a blank slate now at the surface I can understand the complaint I mean a voice protagonist is uh cworth definitely a choice and to say some of the dialogue options in the base game aren't a little vague is uh being generous but sometimes when I watch a video or look at any of the online discourse about Fallout 4 it genuinely feels like I played a different game guys Fallout 4 is a great RPG I don't know where people got this idea that to have a good RPG your character needs to be as much of a blank slate as possible but uh that was one never the case with any RPG let alone a Bethesda one and two it definitely wasn't the case with Fallout in Fallout one The Vault dweller hails from vault 13 so uh pretty Limited in that background in Fallout 2 you're the grand shout of the Vault dweller in the tribe he founded so uh pretty Limited in that one too in Fallout 3 you're the lone Wanderer who hails from Vault 101 and uh has some pretty serious daddy issues so uh okay maybe these are a little bit limited and even the corer in New Vegas which is easily the most Blank Slate of all the games cuz I mean obsidian rocks has a pretty good amount of established backstory is they were always employed by the Mojave Express and it's heavily implied in multiple parts of the game that uh well you helped create and destroy a community at the divide in Fallout 4 the Soul Survivor is actually a pretty great background it's basically what would a father do if everything was taken from him and he was offici out of water in the Wasteland he could become a [ __ ] MC he could agree that since are an Abomination and yearn for his military days joining the Brotherhood of Steel maybe his loyalties lie with his child and he sees the Institute as the last Bastion of Hope for progress and sees the fact that they're the only people with toilet papers and showers and sides with them yeah I regret nothing and for some reason a lot of people have issues with Nate being an army vet because that women's my backstory but again every Fallout game does this in two every male from the pre-war world was conscripted for service they had a draft it actually makes a lot of sense that a character from the old world would have the experiences that Nate has but that's what we're hung up on really why aren't we upset about Fallout 3's opening where playing anything older than a teenager would be kind of weird because uh you know your dad huh I guess that didn't stop Shawn the issue here is that in every Fallout title and every Bethesda game alike your character has an unavoidable background so the trick like intended is to ignore it Guys these are sandbox RPGs that background is just set up for the tutorial and if you want to ignore it ignore it the game literally gives you tools to do that and yeah it doesn't make much sense that you're Dilly dallying if your son is in danger father help me but guess what you is the player create the agency as a wise man once said rule number one of the Wasteland is you always get sidetracked by some [ __ ] if every RPG ever made their story actually as urgent as it would be for the characters we wouldn't have some of the best RPGs ever made there's no reason the dragon born would be worried about the Thieves Guild or buying property in Maro because aldwin is going to eat the world why would geralt be injecting gwent into his veins in every bar bathroom if he was in such a rush to go save his daughter save Princess Zelda nah real estate ter town this is an RPG Trope and I don't think it's fair to hold this game to it when every game does this and Fallout 4 gives you an insane amount of Freedom right off the bat I mean look at creators like fudge Muppet who have so many unique character builds and ideas for your inspiration you could be a Mad Max Raider a synth an enclave Soldier Samurai Druid mechanic post-apocalyptic Cowboy which is the only right choice in any RPG ever I will fight you on this Fallout 4 lets you do it all if you keep your mind open to it because Bethesda knows that the key to any good RPG is giving the players choices and having the world react to those choices in a satisfying way and Fallout 4 does both fantastic what makes you think you can judge me you've taken a life what you did it doesn't compare you killed an innocent person again some gripes I absolutely agree with is the voice protagonist in the dialogue tree sometimes the voice actors really kill it and I'm either laughing my ass off what are you I'm a woman baby can't you tell or I'm horrified of who I've become you know in a 100 years when I finally die I only hope I go to hell so I can kill you all over again you piece of [ __ ] but more than not the voice actor's tone is just not what I thought it would be when I hit the button and night what is this the Dark Ages and in the fact that you only get four response options and they're usually uh pretty vague which was probably to save time and money recording the various voice lines that they did that even have a voice actor in the first place but for that we're just going to ignore right now because oh my God why would they do that um I get it between this clunk and hearing his voice this could pull you out of whatever serious or Goofy character you might be playing as in the moment but guys this is a pathes game you see one thing I've noticed with the people who [ __ ] on Fallout for is that usually they praise New Vegas and Skyrim as the Pinnacles of RPGs even today in 2024 well what kind of Fallout fan are you but guys the games that they're playing are usually way more chocolate than they are vanilla any clip of Skyrim or New Vegas you see today is probably modded to [ __ ] and that's completely okay honestly it's some of the magic of Bethesda games because here at Bethesda we let you finish our games when they're good but all of those complaints they make a Fallout 4 and it's voice protagonist and limited dialogue options well uh two mods fix those like immediately it just makes it a classic Fallout dialogue experience like that complaint out the window now compare that to New Vegas where if you try to even play it on vanilla today uh might stay launched for about an hour and and well it still looks in plays like uh this and I know this is up to interpretation but I would rather my immersion be broken by a random Nate quip than this sound it's not their fault these older two are just dated games but if we're capable of being objective here Fallout 4 has just simply aged better than any other Fallout game so far and I'd argue any Bethesda game so far because guys this game is 9 years old what I really can't do anything but praise the slightly Cary but still realistic vibe that this game has I've always thought that going for style over realism just makes your game last a lot longer visually I mean uh go look at the Uncharted games and Fallout 4 isn't the first game that's done this I mean just look at Black Ops 2 Dishonored Borderlands The Walking Dead Infamous it goes on and on it's just kind of a Vibe especially compared to the older games which uh are kind of closer to the wax museum of Horrors it takes one look at the title screen of this game to see that a command style unlike anything Bethesda has done before and after it because Starfield looks like [ __ ] the mix of old and new architecture in Boston exploring far Harbor the Apple Store Vibes of The Institute the glowing sea which uh just kind of feels like that one episode of SpongeBob where they go to the ghetto the pin's entire entrance is just IE candy even 10 years after release and it's just so [ __ ] good and the mechanics just follows suit the shooting is surprisingly tight the change to make vat slowmo instead of just pausing the game lets you keep that OG turn-based play out relevant while uh you know not making it completely broken new bats add so much tension to fights that would otherwise just be staring at a still screen and honestly at such a level of cool sometimes it's unreal and in the fact that there are so many quality of life changes uh this game wins it just for having sprinting and no weapon durability alone why were either of those a thing Fallout 4 has some really good AI for a Bethesda game and gunfights not only feel good but threatening and really tense which just for an aside I don't really get the ghoul complaint there's a lot of people who say that the ghouls don't look scary anymore and yeah sure in a St picture they look a lot more hydrated and not uh but have you seen them move they're little freaks I have never played a game that has made me double tap zombie bodies before but I do in Fallout 4 the game does a great job and not only making enemies scary but also memorable whether it's the swan the my loocks the deathclaws they all have such a dangerous presence and no one Praises this game for it I'm so brave I know Bethesda has always been known for their quirks but I feel like with three and New Vegas since you know they're on the same game engine there's just a level of Jank that gets worse and worse over time like in a vacuum oh yeah it makes sense that the two earlier games would look and feel like the compared to the newest release but one this is what other firstperson open World Games look like the same years that these two came out and two Fallout 4 still looks and plays like this it doesn't matter if you're downtown in a settlement just exploring the Wast did someone say something please tell me said something where's where's where's as I said before the crafting and settlement system just hits in a way that I can only describe as o piece of candy oo piece of candy oo piece of candy it takes bethesda's signature hey guys you can pick up and collect everything you want look it sandwiches and you know makes it do more than just lag your game suddenly every item on the ground or Shelf has a crafting component that could potentially upgrade your gun armor power armor drugs you name it from leather to Steel to Wood to glue I think this game genuinely made me an addict to screws because I got more dopamine when I picked up my H 100th fan in a building than that time I finally got up to Kellog I feel nothing I'm the trash man this game just took something that Bethesda did more as a tech demo than anything else and made it part of the immersion of course you could scavenge for supplies in the new world just the same as you leave everybody behind you naked for loot the mechanic is part of the immersion adding the fact that power armor and robots are a part of that crafting system and uh I feel like a goddamn genius with power armor in the previous series it was really just a strong clothing option number three where in Fallout 4 you feel like you're goddamn Iron Man and for the people who haven't played Fallout 4 since launch and don't know about robot customization uh you could do this to codsworth let alone the hundreds of other robots you can make to all Patrol your did someone say settlements I've ignored the system for years but please give it a try with settlements you not only get a visual reward for your hoarding tendencies which uh asmond if you're watching this I know you have there's just something about slowing down the game working on a project and watching your basic expand that just captures A vibe that isn't in any other Fallout game you can truly make your mark on the Wasteland constructing trade routes building towns exploiting workers Defending Your territory and you know living in the Wasteland they add a surprising level of depth to any playthrough and it's completely optional obviously the I've marked a settlement on your map has become a bit of a meme because uh Preston shut the [ __ ] up but the fact that Fallout 4 gives you a world where you can't walk a city block without finding something new to do Scavenging and Reporting back to base is incredibly rewarding I can't count the amount of times that I've heard shots going off in the distance only to find myself 4 hours later on top of a skyscraper rescuing a friendly Super Mutant or whatever stupid [ __ ] this game throws at you and again all of this being said while the game is 9 years old but with that it is a wrinkly old face I mean uh the PC support for this game is basically nonexistent I don't know why settings aren't on the main menu that's idiotic for a game that released in 2015 so let's also not pretend like Grandpa over here isn't struggling sometimes but by and large this game holds up the best out of all three but what about me get back in your hole I'm sorry you had to see that but I think it's time we address the elephant in the room of Fallout 4 by far one of the largest complaints about this game is towards its story people really don't like this game story story and that's fine man like like what you want but don't be stupid about it that's my job have you ever fired A Min barrels like what just happened the three biggest complaints are it's one too linear en forced two nothing cool happens in three it's all over the place which would be good complaints if they weren't wrong stupid and one I don't know how you could say this game's story is too linear or forced outside of the setup well Force story offers you complete agency with the factions in the game that all offer distinct paths and ideologies to align with and you're able to influence them into conflict sometimes with each other and contribute to each faction providing a different perspective on the world that you find yourself in presenting moral dilemas ensure your choices have real consequences shipping the world around you and its inhabitants and if that sounded really boring and cliche it's because I asked chat GPT to describe every RPG ever in simple terms and just put Fallout forward at the beginning of the sentence if you put any of these games under a microscope it looks like this it's a template you're not smart for choosing to not enjoy something number two as for the complaint that nothing cool happens I beg those people to play the game again because Fallout 4 is filled with memorable moments oh my God dance holding off waves of enemies only to get fried and you know totally not for shadow that he's a sin to blowing up the pridwin emerging From the Vault the Flight of the Constitution Liberty prime or even surprisingly simple but cool moments like Raiders recognizing Valentine know it was you from the start I never have jumped you like that I owe you as for the claim its story is all over the place uh I have word identity and I'm sorry in advance there's not going to be a lot of he Haas at this point I'm going to scratch my nerd itch Fallout 4's entire theme from emerging into the Wasteland to find Shawn every single companion Mission and the entire struggle with s is about identity you seek your son a baby and you assume yourself as a savior a caretaker in identity you only have questioned time and time again as you hear about Shawn growing up the decisions you make to get to him and what that does to you only to be confronted with him as a fully grown adult and you're left with what the Commonwealth it's self is paralyzed with fear of others since and yeah you fight them but you also find innocent ones they weren't designed for a nefarious job but for in ultimately good goal and even if you dislike them you're stuck knowing what they could be but then again is a new set of memories saving anyone or just repurposing their bodies you meet Nick Valentine who turns out to be a synth but he's good but he doesn't recall his history with DEA a synth who modified himself to the point of almost artificial identity manipulating even his own view of himself then you have Kellog who a ruthless mg you think is the big bad guy of the entire game but he's really just a man so worn down by the Wasteland he's become indifferent to its cruelty even being absorbed into Nick on some level hey Valentine hope you got what you were looking for inside my head the Brotherhood is essentially a cult of personality behind Maxin in fact their identity is so wrapped up in their organization that dance when he finds out he's a synth is open to the idea that the Brotherhood knows him better than he knows himself he would rather die because he's simply a synth machines were never meant to make their own decisions maxon's ordered you to execute me and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand in your way the railroad works almost entirely on destroying identities to be safe I mean one of their top operators is changing his looks dramatically just to even stay in operation they change who synths are so they could lead normal lives but is that even saving them is there a new identity more meaningful than the past one or are they two separate people now to begin with Fallout for in its entirety is the challenge of identity it doesn't just ask who are you it asks does it matter if someone was standing right in front of you with the same memories same body are they the same person is a different body with the same Memories the same person are since part of the human identity what defines the Commonwealth and does anyone have any right to it and its future even if they squander it Fallout 4 story is anywhere but all over the place I think it's important to recognize how magical these three games are they took a top- down strategy game that was somewhat popular in the 9s and turned it into a household name in one game in an open World sandbox where you could do anything and be anyone within the world of Fallout and then you know what they did they gave the keys to someone else and said here have fun with it and do what you want and what do you know we have New Vegas which is one of the best games ever made and then after that they drop Fallout 4 which yes simplifies some RPG mechanics and gives it a slightly more linear story but guys they made it more approachable for a broader audience and continued to make Fallout popular they didn't even make the game that much more simple with again the settlements the crafting with vets all of the Ambiance they made Fallout better in so many ways and yet people rag on this game people rag on Bethesda and look I get it Starfield sucks Fallout 76' launch was pretty dooky and well I I can't speak much to the gameplay right now I've heard it's really good I haven't played it yet so that's going to be probably the next video but regardless these are entertainment products and you know what they're pretty damn good entertainment products they're on sale right now for $10 or less for all of them I don't really think you're getting robbed here if you like one more than the other that's completely fine but don't dare say that one of them is bad Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 are all masterpieces so what do you doing here watching a video go have some fun in the Wasteland there's nothing to do Paladin dances
Channel: KindofBradAtThis
Views: 151,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindofbradatthis, brdngrg, brad
Id: UwmTcRky964
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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