Dexter: Full Series RECAP

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welcome to the man of recaps this is dexter the full original series recap seasons one through eight meet dexter morgan a nice normal guy who works as a forensic investigator for the miami pd but by night he has a dark secret he is a serial killer yes dexter has a monster inside him that needs to kill he eventually calls it his dark passenger but he only kills very bad people so it's kind of okay dexter's adoptive father harry was a cop and recognized this darkness inside him at a young age so he gave dexter his code to only kill really bad people and so every few weeks dexter finds a target and no tranquilizer needle being a forensics investigator he knows how to not get caught covers the whole room in plastic first though he always collects a little drop of blood those are his trophies he hides them inside his air conditioning unit then he chops up the bodies and throws them in the bay dexter has a sister deb who's also a cop she's real crass and funny and even though dexter claims he doesn't feel emotions he clearly cares about her yes he claims he doesn't feel emotions in all his social interactions he's simply faking them which ironically makes him kind of a really likable guy now he's got a couple friends on the force sergeant angel batista lieutenant maria laguerta and his fellow forensic tech masuka is super horny always making sex jokes but there's also sergeant james doakes ex-special forces keen instincts know something's wrong with dexter dexter's got a girlfriend too to fit in as a normal person her name's rita she's got two kids who dexter actually seems to really enjoy hanging with her ex-husband was abusive and she's basically shut down sexually that's just fine for dexter he's basically asexual he gets off on killing now dexter is a blood spatter expert he can tell exactly how a crime went down by the patterns of the blood but there's a new killer in town whose bodies have no blood yeah he drains them first and dexter's got a huge serial killer crush on this guy he suspects this guy's working out of a mobile refrigerated truck and when he finds an ice truck he follows it and oh they throw the head at him yeah season one he's after the ice truck killer turns out he has a serial killer crush on dexter two snuck into his apartment and left him a dismembered barbie doll present in fact he starts leaving body parts for dexter at important locations from his past yeah it's something very personal here and one day at a hotel room that is absolutely covered in blood it unlocks his memories to when he was a real young kid and watched his mother be chainsaw apart in front of him and yeah theoretically that's what broke him meanwhile there's a problem in rita's life when her husband paul gets out of jail he's on his best behavior now though like hey i'm sorry i'm a changed man i just really want to be with my kids he is still clearly a douche bag though and is a constant source of annoyance for dexter so one day oh knocks him out dexter frames him with a heroin relapse and he's off to jail for a long time and if you care about batista's love life he's going through a rough divorce now working with the surviving victim is a hot prosthetics doctor rudy cooper he and deb start dating he seems like a great guy actually befriends dexter but after a complicated series of events dexter figures out he is the ice truck killer but deb doesn't know this yet so he brings her on a boat where he proposes but then kidnaps her dexter traces him to a house dexter's childhood house turns out this guy is his brother yeah his real name's brian he was in that shipping container full of blood with dexter but as he was a little older he was a little too deranged and instead of getting adopted by a nice family he was sent to an institution for his life he wants dexter to reject terry's code by killing his adopted sister deb but turns out when push comes to shove dexter does care about his sister deb and oh saves her they have a final brother heart to heart it's tragic because this is the one person dexter could really be himself with but the family that raised him comes first and ho dexter kills his brother luckily dexter comes up with a good story as to why he's here so no one knows his dark secret except dokes who knows dexter's up to something in season two the new serial killer dexter's hunting is himself by pure dumb luck some divers found dexter's stash of bodies there's a bunch down there so they're calling him the bay harbor butcher with such a big body count they're calling in the feds it's master serial killer finder special agent frank lundy and it's not just the feds in town making killing difficult sergeant dokes knows dexter's up to something and is tailing him every night so dexter's got to pretend to take up boring hobbies like bowling but even with all that dexter can't help himself he's got to keep killing he just changes his dump spot to further out in the ocean where the gulf stream will carry the bodies away things have gotten more serious with rita though but there's a problem with her ex-husband paul in prison tragically paul dies in a prison fight so rita feels bad and looks for the shoe that would prove dexter did grab him she's also noticed how dexter is sometimes unreachable at night and comes to the only logical conclusion luckily not that he's a serial killer but he has a drug problem of his own so she makes dexter go to narcotics anonymous where he meets this hot english girl lila lyle is a crazy artist type likes to go around stealing things like oh i can make a sculpture out of this talking about addiction together he realizes that his need to kill is actually a lot like addiction and he's like oh maybe this will help she helps texas realize that maybe to get over his addiction he needs to track down the people that killed his mom and you know kill them but instead he calls his sponsor like hey lyla i think i'm going to use again and she talks him down he lets this guy go and falls asleep in the comfort of lila's arms nothing sexual happened but rita hears a voicemail she left him about how they spent the night together and dumps his ass so he goes over to lyles to talk about it and they talk about it naked these two get it on yes dexter has a full sexual awakening now he can't get enough the next day rita wants to make up she's like hey i'm sorry i didn't give you a chance to explain like nothing happened with you and lila right and he's like well not that night he tries the rust offense we were on a break but it doesn't work and they are dunzo for good his sister deb does not approve of this english floozy though and turns out she's right delilah is crazy he burns down her apartment to make dexter stay with her but when she breaks into rita's house to see if he was there he's like yo girl you crossed a line i'm dumping you and getting back with rita deb meanwhile is having trouble dating after her last boyfriend turned out to be a serial killer but turns out she has a real crush on special agent lundy and if you care about batista's love life now he starts dating lila even though dexter warned him she's crazy and only dating him to make dexter jealous meanwhile at work dexter's doing everything he can to sabotage the investigation of the bay harbor butcher they have all his victims in this refrigerated tent so he sneakily unplugs it so in the morning oh the evidence is all rotten but doakes is still a huge problem he is on dexter all the time he searches dexter's apartment and with a lot of luck finds his blood sample trophies so when dexter retracts down the guy who killed his mom to his cabin in the everglades was there following him like ha i finally caught you but dexter's able to get the upper hand on him and locks him in a cage meanwhile lundy has figured out that the bay harbor butcher is one of the miami pd dexter's brought in by a bunch of agents he thinks the jig is up in fact they have his bloodside samples but luckily because doke stole them they found them in his car and they think doakes is the killer so this is very convenient for dexterity but the fed's just found jokes his car they're searching the everglades dexter's gotta rush back down there to make sure they don't find him locked in the cage there's no way dexter's gonna make it in time but someone else was already on the way it's lila yeah earlier she stole dexter's gps and was tracking down his latest location she finds out dexter is the bay harbor butcher but she's like oh i don't care i still love him so she figures she'll help dexter out by turning on the gas and exploding the cabin so when the cops all arrive there's no evidence stokes was held prisoner here it seems like he was the butcher and decided to kill himself instead of being captured this is sad for legueta though who was very close with jokes and knows in her heart he was innocent but now lyla's a big loose end dexter meets with her and is like yo girl thanks for helping me like let's run away together i love you whoa but when she realizes he didn't pack any change of clothes just murder tools she's like oh okay so she kidnaps rita's kids then when dexter comes to save him sets the whole thing on fire and locks him in dexter gets the kids out of there and boom bursts through the wall he's okay lila skip to paris but dexter tracks her down it's like hey when you killed jokes that broke my code of who you're allowed to kill so i get to kill you now so season 3 begins with dexter having picked out his next target a girlfriend murdering drug dealer named freebo but as dexter sneaks in to kill him there's already someone else there trying to kill him awkward these two end up fighting and dexter ends up killing this random guy and this turns into a massive case because that guy was the younger brother of district attorney miguel prado so dexter finds freebo and sets things right but wait what's this miguel was here to kill freebo too dexter's like ah it was self-defense but miguel's like hey you don't have to explain to me you avenged my brother you're my new best friend as district attorney miguel has a long list of bad people that have escaped justice and dexter is all too happy to help deliver it to him so miguel and dexter start hanging out all the time dexter's excited to finally have a friend who knows his dark passenger but accepts him for it but in this season dexter also gets an imaginary friend his adopted father harry he shows up almost every episode like come on dexter this isn't a good idea but dex is like come on dad you're harsh in my vibe by the way dexter's sexual awakening last season has carried on to his relationship with rita but sex has a side effect and pretty soon rita's pregnant dexter's excited to be a father though and while this relationship started out as cover he's come to really love rita and the kids dexter is a full-blown family man now meanwhile at work dexter and the cops are hunting down another killer called the skinner deb has earned her detective shield and she's got a new partner detective joey quinn who is mostly a good cop just a little dirty and she's working with an informant a cool stoner musician named anton who naturally they start hooking up anton ends up captured by the skinner but deb figures out that at every murder site there were freshly trimmed trees is the skinner is the tree trimmer and deborah saves anton just in time and if you care about batista's love life he tries to pick up a prostitute but she was an undercover cop but they end up dating now one day miguel wants to come along with dexter and dexter lets him do the killing did we just become best friends now the person miguel hates the most is a defense attorney who keeps getting these bad guys off he wants to kill her but dexter's like well she's kind of just doing her job she doesn't fit the code but miguel doesn't listen he goes by himself and kills her oh dexter you've created a monster dexter and miguel tried to talk it out which does not go well making it awkward because he's the best man at dexter's bachelor party so in the end dexter gets miguel on his table i guess i wasn't meant to have friends and oh he kills him but before miguel died he sick the skinner on dexter so dexter finds himself on table of his own but pretty soon he turns the table on this guy and kills him with a signature chokehold per usual the cops are coming right then dexter's gonna be found out but he improvises and sneaks away and season three ends on dexter and rita's wedding day maybe he really can have it all so in season four dexter's the proud new papa of his baby son harrison but a new baby is a lot of work and dexter finds himself with drastically reduced personal time to pursue his own hobbies and things are busy at work as miami has yet another serial killer this time it's naked john lithgow who kills young women in the bathtub and coming back to miami to catch him it's master serial killer hunter special agent lundy when he calls this guy the trinity killer because he always kills in threes he starts with a girl in the bathtub then forces a woman to jump to her death then completes his cycle by bludgeoning a man turns out this cycle mirrors how his whole family died when he was a kid there's a hot reporter investigating and detective quinn kind of a ladies man they start dating and if you care about batista's love life he starts hooking up with his boss lieutenant maria laguerta in fact these two get married so good for them but their boring relationship starts taking up way too much screen time and with lundy in town deb's love life is thrown into turmoil she's happily dating anton but still has feelings for her ex lundy and oh she chooses him i try not to judge but come on girl he's old enough to be your father but meanwhile lundy is getting very close to catching trinity so he and deb are saying good night oh someone shoots them so much trauma for poor deb he dies right in front of her deb's gonna be okay but for hurting his sister dexter makes finding trinity his top priority but dexter's in for quite a surprise when he finds out trinity has a loving happy family dexter's really been struggling lately balancing family time with serial killing he's got to find out how this guy does it so he volunteers at the home building charity under the fake name kyle butler dexter befriends trinity who seems to have it all figured out and gets some man-to-man pointers on how to balance family life with personal time and for a while it seems to be going great but at thanksgiving dexter finds out this perfect family is a lie they live in fear of him cause he's abusive dexter's gonna kill him right then and there but the family interrupts and now dexter's cover is blown meanwhile deb realizes that it couldn't be trinity who shot her it was someone shorter someone about the height of quinn's hot reporter girlfriend who turns out is trinity's secret other daughter she loves her daddy and wants his approval but when she realizes she's never gonna get it her father hates her she kills herself oh quinn that's rough buddy so now trinity's killing kyle butler is looking for dexter but pretty soon he tracks him down and finds dexter's real identity so dexter sends rita and the baby away on a weekend trip to the keys i'll join you after work today the cops finally find trinity's house but he thinks he got away but he didn't get away from dexter who tracks him down and finally kills him he helped extra learn that he's not a monster he loves his family they're the most important thing in his life so he's excited to join him on the trip but turns out rita came back home because she forgot something and while dexter was out hunting for him trinity came here and killed rita no dexter's infant son harrison's mother murdered in front of him just like dexter oh it's tragic so in season 5 dexter is devastated by rita's death astra and cody were at disney world with their grandparents and dexter gives them maybe the worst i'm sorry your mom got murdered speech i've ever heard they go off to live with grandma and grandpa and are mostly never seen again baby harrison is staying with dexter though this season he hires an irish nanny who gets a lot of screen time but none of it's noteworthy dexter's way of grieving is to busy himself with murder he finds a lowlife who's been killing women and dumping them in barrels but dexter didn't check the attic where he has another woman prisoner right now hey it's julia stiles she's a witness to his murder so dexter can't just let her go and it's awkward for a while as he tries to explain hey i'm a good guy but yes i'm keeping you hostage eventually he's like okay i'm gonna trust you here i saved your life so keep me out of your story but turns out that guy wasn't working alone there were a whole group of them abusing her she's like hey you want to help me track him down and kill him and dexter is fully erect her name is lumen which of course is not a name dexter helps her kill one of these guys and long story short these two bond realizing someone's to them the barrel guys go to remove the evidence but oh a random car accident and now the barrel girl's case is all over the police radar now the truck belonged to jordan chase a big time motivational speaker his whole motto is take it which should be a dead giveaway he's rapist he has an airtight alibi though so the cops can't touch him which just means more for dexter and lumen first they get his head of security who is also in on it and it's nice for dexter to have someone there like yeah you're doing a good thing here in fact lumen wants to kill the next one herself so dexter shows her the ropes and she ow stabs him dexter's even erector lumens emotions are running wild too so these two get it on and dexter's in love rita who speaking of love if you care about batista and luguerta's marriage you know never mind you don't deb has been partnered with quinn for a while now and one day these two get it on but quinn is looking into the kyle butler that trinity's family described to the worst police sketch artist in the country but if you combine all three sketches it does kind of look like dexter so quinn hires a disgraced former cop to look into dexter off the books and this guy discovers dexter's definitely up to something but as things get more serious with deb quinn doesn't want to be secretly investigating her brother but this guy doesn't want to stop he hopes crack in this case will land him his job back one day he gets to jump on dexter and is going to turn him in but he underestimates how much of killer dexter is just then quinn was coming to meet him and finds the van locked but some of his blood drips on quinn's shoe so when they eventually find the body and the blood on quinn's shoe he doesn't have an explanation but deborah likes this guy so dexter fudges the blood work to clear his name and quinn's like hey thanks man you know what i don't care what your secret is we're cool now jordan chase is a high profile target dexter has to sign up for morning workout classes with him to get close to him soon he discovers that jordan wears a vial of blood around his neck so dexter tests it and it leads them to a woman who was their first victim yeah they were all best friends back at summer camp but somehow jordan noticed the imperceptible amount of blood missing and turns out this woman is weirdly in love with him so he uses her to lure lumen into a trap and take her down to the summer camp dexter botches the rescue mission but while jordan's monologuing he oh snaps him in the foot and gets him in his signature choke hold so now they have the final guy the ring leader at their mercy and lumen oh gets her revenge now deb is a pretty good detective and has figured out that one of the escaped barrel girls is hunting down these guys with a male friend and she finds the summer camp just in time to discover dexter and lumen behind a conveniently opaque tarp but deb decides these guys deserved it i'm gonna let you go that was a close one dexter and so lumen's quest for vengeance is over she and dexter can live happily ever after but in the morning she gives him the sorry i'm dumping you look she's like hey man the revenge murder spree was fun but i gotta go back to my normal life and so it's sad for dexter he thought he finally found someone who could love him despite his dark passenger but that was too good to be true dexter's destined to be alone so in season six dexter is in single dad mode and when he considers sending harrison to a catholic preschool this season becomes all about religion dexter befriends ex-convicts turned body shop owner brother sam played by most deaf who's a religious leader for the community he's like hey man you may have a dark passenger but god's light's still inside you but when he gets killed dexter does not turn the other cheek and the villains this season are religious too crazy old professor geller is the mentor to travis played by colin hanks they are the doomsday killers hoping to bring about armageddon by killing people in these book of revelations tableaus with dexter's serial killer radar he quickly discovers travis but when he gets him he realizes that this kid has just been brainwashed it's professor geller he wants so he convinces this kid to reject his old mentor and help dexter find him and kill him meanwhile if you care about batista and legueta's marriage actually they split up they decide they're better as just friends but deb and quinn have gotten more serious in fact one day he proposes but it's like bro we never even discussed marriage you can't just spring this on a girl and so these two break up quinn does not handle the breakup well he goes on a season-long bender and is basically way out of line meanwhile legueta is promoted and captain matthew's pick for the new lieutenant of homicide is deb yeah she's really young but soon proves herself to be a great lieutenant she just needs to learn not to curse on live tv to handle all this new stress in her life deb starts seeing a therapist who needs her license revoked because she says hey the root of all your problems is you're secretly in love with your adopted brother dexter no come on we are not doing this plotline another way you can tell there are no female writers left on this show is the way masuka's new intern acts she's into serial killer stuff but she puts the ice truck killer's hand up on ebay to make some extra cash so mizuka's gotta fire her his next interns this nerd named lewis who's a real computer whiz he hits it off with jaime who is batista's younger sister and also dexter's new full-time nanny now he's a video game designer and wants dexter's input on his new game where you play a serial killer but dexter shuts him down hard like hey who would want to be a serial killer but turns out lewis has some secrets of his own he's the one who bought the ice truck killer hand and he mails it to dexter as part of his revenge plot more on that next season so now dexter and travis are hunting down professor geller but dexter finds that geller's been dead for a while yes it's been just travis all along it's a psycho situation so travis makes dexter the victim in his latest tableau the lake of fire but dexter is fine then travis kidnaps young harrison on the day of the eclipse one final sacrifice to bring about armageddon but dexter shows up hey let him go i'm the one you want and tranquilizes himself so he's not a threat but dexter was faking he knocks travis out and brings him to the church to kill him meanwhile though the cops were also hot on travis's tail and it's kind of weird he disappeared without a trace so deb goes down to the church just in time to see dexter ritualistically kill him oh dexter deb finally gotcha so season seven starts right there deb's like dexter what the f dexter's like uh would you believe self-defense and deb's like yeah it's weird you wrapped him in plastic first but i guess so deb get some gas to cover up dexter's involvement they burn the church down and rule it to suicide but deb's too good a detective for this and she starts to remember how she was wrapped in plastic on dexter's table back in season one so she searches his apartment finds all his killer stuff and realizes her brother dexter is the bay harbor butcher so the siblings have a long talk dexter fills her in on everything his traumatic past his dark passenger harry's code her first reaction's like hey killing's an addiction for you i'll be your sponsor and we'll get you clean dexter's like yo we already tried this in season two he tries to explain to her that he's making the world a better place by killing bad people that escape justice but deb's not hearing it until there's a guy who likes to dress up as a minotaur and kill girls in his homemade labyrinth he gets off in a technicality so dexter handles it his way and deb has to admit yeah that guy deserved it so the siblings are back to a new normal meanwhile one night the new detective mike anderson stops a guy who's got a dead body in his trunk and oh he gets shot the investigation leads to a ukrainian mob owned strip club and they film at least one scene there every episode so they have an excuse to show some boobs but dexter solves the case first and kills this guy himself but this gets the attention of the big boss isaac circo because that guy was his boyfriend by the way lewis is continuing his vendetta against dexter for no good reason and i guess he's going to try to sink his boat and he's in the wrong place at the wrong time circo kills him so circo and dexter play cat and mouse all season eventually though he starts getting reckless and the koshka brotherhood decides it's time to take him out so circle's like hey dexter help me take them out and we'll call it even but in the end this other guy gets him so an extra buries him at sea with his love speaking of love if you care about quinn's love life he starts dating one of the strippers when her boss threatens her quinn straight up shoots this guy then has to stage it like he shot first but then the girl skips town and leaves him to go start a new life that's rough buddy the other main plot of season seven involves dexter's love life when he meets hannah mckay yeah that's yvonne strahovsky back in her youth she went on a bonnie and clyde crime spree with her boyfriend and he killed some people though she never did but they just now found some of the bodies he buried and it's obvious to dexter she did kill some of them and since then there's been mysterious deaths all around her seems like she's poisoning people so dexter's planning to kill her instead he kind of flirts with her and accidentally asks her on a date it's a cute date at santa's enchanted forest but it takes a weird twist when he plastic wraps her naked to the table but she's like jokes on you i'm into this and instead of killing her they get it on she's totally unfazed that dexter's a killer because she's one too but she doesn't have any dark passenger need to kill she just poisons people that get in her way and so dexter's finally found someone who knows his secret and accepts him for it he falls in love but deb does not approve she has it out for hannah trying to arrest her but soon after it dips in a mysterious car crash when she fell asleep behind the wheel she's like yo dex hannah poisoned me and when dexter finds the proof he's like hey girl i love you but you crossed a line my sister's off limits he exposes her and she goes to jail although she immediately fake poisons herself and escapes so she'll be back meanwhile another plot this season laguerta is on to dexter back in the church he lost his blood slide she never believed doakes was the butcher and now she knows the real one's still out there so when the last of the guys who killed dexter's mom is getting out of jail dexter's excited to finally kill him but it was a trap laguerta got onto dexter and he barely makes it out in time but eventually she gets some hard evidence and the moments here dexter's finally brought in as the bay arbor butcher but the evidence doesn't hold up in fact dexter planted it and made it look like laguerta planted it to discredit her but she still doesn't let up and eventually finds the video of deb getting gas right next to the church right before it burned down so dexter can't see any other way out of this he's going to have to kill laguerta his father harry is like dexter you can't kill leguerta she's not even close to fitting the code but dexter's like screw you ghost dad don't forget rule number one was don't get caught so dexter lures leguerte into a trap but deb comes to stop him come on dexter this is going too far aguerta wakes up like deb do the right thing and deb is faced with an impossible choice and deb decides to shoot laguerta oh she protected her brother by killing an innocent woman and a co-worker and friend and so that brings us to season a to the final season legueta's death was successfully covered up but deb is not handling it well she quit the police force and is on a bender dating a jewel thief dexter tracks her down like cases are you okay but she's like yeah i'm fine i'm undercover right now as a bounty hunter plus i kind of never want to see you again cause you ruined my life fair and so for now life gets back to normal there's another new serial killer in miami this one called the brain surgeon because he cuts out part of the brain to help with this one they bring in dr evelyn vogel who is a psychopath specialist in fact she knows all about dexter has his childhood drawings she's like yeah dexter i created you turns out harry didn't come up with the code by himself he went to dr vogel for help with young dex and it was her idea to give dexter the code funnel his psychopathy into something good and now she needs dexter's help because the brain surgeon is one of her former patients that's after her she wants dexter to go kill him first meanwhile deb is continuing to spiral so dexter sets her up with dr vogel who tries to convince her she's not a bad person dexter tries to work things out between them but she thinks the best thing to do is to run the car off the road and kill them both deb feels bad though and changes her mind so their relationship is still rocky but dr vogel's like hey this is progress eventually the brain surgeon reveals himself and dexter takes him out then while dumping the body they have a tender moment on the boat and deb kind of accepts herself and her brother so once again the siblings are back to a new new normal it's soon shaken up though when they both pass out yeah hannah's back in town she doesn't kill them though this was just a friendly poisoning she and dexter have a ketchup turns out she married a yacht billionaire but he's super possessive of her so when dexter comes to save her she's already killed him it's like hey we probably shouldn't get back together but they can't help themselves they get it on in fact dexter comes to a big decision he's ready to leave his life in miami behind and run away with hannah to argentina and at this point deb is sick of fighting it she's like you know maybe it's for the best so dexter with the cover story says farewell to the life he built all the friends he pretended to make as part of his cover have now become real he does care about these people where do they all end up well batista's where he always belonged as lieutenant homicide and he gives deb her shield back she's back on the force if you care about quinn's love life he starts dating batista's sister jamie but they eventually break up and he and deb get back together and masuka meets a new hot young co-ed but turns out she's his daughter from back when he was a sperm donor and so he finally gets some character growth as he learns how to interact with women without hitting on him but there's a final twist when the brain surgeon strikes again yeah the other guy was a decoy the real brain surgeon is dr vogel's son he was a psychopath who killed his brother and dr vogel couldn't help him so she shipped him off to an institution and he harbors a lot of resentment for his mom and he's jealous of dexter so he kills her in front of him long story short dexter tracks him down but as he's going to kill him he's like you know what i don't even really want to i've grown past my need to kill i just want to go be with my girlfriend and son so he calls dab like hey you can arrest this guy and it's like hey bro i'm so proud of you but meanwhile the us marshals are looking for hannah and they suspect she's hiding out with deb so this guy follows deb and is the first inside and unwittingly unties a serial killer so when deb gets in he's got the gun and now shoots dab luckily deb's gonna be fine she's like go on bro get out of here so it looks like a happy ending but as they're leaving town dexter's like hey i can't go till i've killed that guy and made sure deb safe so dexter says goodbye to his son harrison sends him and hannah on ahead i'll be right behind you on the next bus back at the hospital the brain surgeon comes for deb but the cops were here waiting for him so everything's gonna be okay but wait there's another twist deb had random complications from surgery sorry she's brain dead what is this roller coaster dexter wants revenge but he can't kill this guy while he's in police custody so he's like hey i'm gonna kill you with this pen yeah he goes this guy into attacking him first so he's able to oh claim it was self-defense but killing him didn't bring deb back so dexter comes to a resolution he goes back to the hospital as a hurricane comes in i'm sorry deb this is my fault but i'm not gonna leave you like this and he pulls the plug on his sister he takes her down to his boat to give her the burial at sea i guess symbolic because he feels like it's his fault so she's one of his victims meanwhile hannah gets caught on the bus she offers this guy a drink but he's like yo i know you're a poisoner how dumb do you think i am so she takes a play from dexter's book and just stabs him with the needle she's like hey dex we're boarding the plane for argentina and he's like cool see you soon but wait dexter what are you doing he throws his phone overboard yes he's decided that he ruins the lives of everyone he loves and they're better off without him so to protect them from himself dexter drives his boat into the hurricane they find the wreckage so the world thinks dexter's dead and hannah's stuck raising his kid harrison in argentina but there's a final scene in a lumber yard somewhere cold yeah dexter survived and is living a life of solitude as a lumberjack yes it's a famously disappointing ending instead of living happily ever after with his girlfriend and son he's here by himself because deb's death made him feel bad but here we are and that's how dexter comes to an end except now dexter's coming back in a new limited series what adventures will he get up to will we get to more satisfying ending find out in dexter new blood if you like this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the best recaps of tv and movies and if you loved this recap check out the join button and support the channel as a member
Channel: Man Of Recaps
Views: 317,780
Rating: 4.9265008 out of 5
Id: xZ2dZWu2euc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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