Can you play Fallout 4 without leaving Diamond City?

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today we're back to the mind-numbing grind of what's becoming a worrying trend for my mental health by region locking ourselves in a video game this time we'll be tackling fallout 4 while we'll be staying in the always underwhelming great green jewel of the commonwealth diamond city i'll be showing you today how to become an entrepreneurial mastermind explore any activities the town has to offer and how to extract as much fun as possible from what is an entirely miserable experience all this will be done on survival difficulty and of course as is tradition on this channel by now without leaving the robotic albeit safe inner sanctum of downtown boston so that we can finally answer the question that's been on everyone's mind can you play fallout 4 without leaving diamond city like a standard fallout 4 playthrough you're going to want to watch the cool opening cinematic so you can pinpoint the exact moment that ron perlman was fired from being the narrator of these games war never changes oh there it is at this point the intro should be eliciting a decent level of nostalgia as you recall memories of fallout 4's genius marketing campaigns while einan zura absolutely lights a piano on [ __ ] fire with his electric rendition of the fallout theme [Music] god i can't wait for starfield if an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and hope is hitting you then you're on the right track you're likely experiencing flashbacks of when the most dangerous man in e3 history walked out on stage in a cafe racer jacket oozing nearly as much stage presence as the late freddie mercury for a god damned video game say what you will about this man but he's good at his job and if you don't start nerding all over yourself even just a little bit whenever he makes an appearance on a presentation stage i don't think we can be friends this guy could get me excited to buy a hangover now look i'm not a doctor although i'm hopeful i can obtain my phd in video game jackassery soon but all the dopamine that's running through your system currently should be leaving soon because good morning vault-tec calling you get to go through fallout 4's intro sequence and no we're not using an alternate start mod i can see you typing your comments now because it's my channel and i can make whatever rules i want and i can do whatever the [ __ ] [Music] so you want to make a good impression on the population of diamond city well i'm here for you as someone who graduated college with a business degree i think i know a thing or two about toxic masculinity when creating your character it's important to take your insecurities and shove them into a specific body part like your chin jawline and upper torso that way you can present as a hyper masculine oh my [ __ ] i accidentally made hulk hogan after developing your titan of testosterone you'll get your first lesson in business which is to never replace a tried and true system with whatever the [ __ ] fallout 4's dialogue system is you can't begin to know how happy i am to finally speak with you maybe i don't want to talk to you you do go away won't take but a moment come back some other time come on i said no and i'm saying yes all right luck at 10 charisma 10 then do whatever you want with the rest of the stats but make sure to keep intelligence at one remember business major i'm the only one that can watch the president talk right now i serve this goddamn country after the president informs everyone you're all about to be vaporized take a quick run through your town to find the conveniently located futuristic underground fallout shelter that you conveniently had no clue existed until 30 seconds ago where you'll find you're conveniently the only people left in town on the list to get in so you can conveniently get into the vault avoiding the explosion that's conveniently located 30 feet from your house suddenly clipboard guy isn't so important now is he prick nora gets turned into target practice so there's no time for a motion you've got money to make in a city to take over so speed through the vault do the world reveal and console command over to diamond city where your adventure finally begins no there's something about these videos that i love and i've never really explained it before usually we have some rough outline of what the plan or our objectives might be when region locking ourselves to a town but to be completely transparent with you guys we typically go in blind in the first stream over at feel free to join us for the next one is use to kind of get a feel for the lay of the land find out what we're working with and if there even exists a viable endgame or entertaining goal we can make up along the way this guy pisses me off it was a prank new fallout 4 hack if you shoot the mayor as soon as you enter the city you have to listen to him talk much less we don't go in the normal way we go in the cool way we take the elevator into town here it is this is our new home let's hear about the permit you can do whatever you like with the interior okay so we need to get 2 000 caps so we can get that house once we get that house we pretty much have an unlimited xp farm let's rob the mayor [Music] sweet [Music] can i go into kellogg's house already can i find shawn immediately find sean is your neighbor really human back off kid [Music] let me catch you up if you aren't familiar spoilers for fallout 4 if you do care about that so the man who kindly barrel stuffed our wife and stall our annoying son is kellog the man who's housekey we stole from the mayor's office immediately upon entering town this is actually nice for us because we're on survival difficulty which means we not only need to sleep to keep our stats normalized but to save our game in general usually in these challenges when i want to get risky and steal something or blow something up i can just quick save and all is good here i've got to be a bit more smart and careful with my wanton assholery i'm just hanging out by the drugs [Music] oh okay that did not work don't touch the paint only if you throw in some more money nine maybe 125 caps is it really stealing if it's from a trash can [Music] job's a hundred caps i like you 125. all right caillou i'll help you out clean the water supply [Music] good job here's your pay [Music] a small bit of petty thievery and you're already halfway to owning property in the capital city of the commonwealth some speech checks to get you some of the very limited xp available in town and a nice suit to make it so you can be a much more convincing salesman no lifting all right i ma'am believe me when i say i am an honest man i am not a thief in any way add a wig if you can find one it's a nice touch excuse me fine sir i would like to invest in your business establishment not only is the xp limited in diamond city but to be honest pretty much everything is limited this isn't skyrim where you can grind skills exploit crafting and in-game calculations to your benefit without leaving town maybe even find a dungeon or two fallout 4 is a painfully limited experience one region locked and dare i say it significantly less fun than skyrim honestly outright boring however you might be surprised at just how much money you can make by robbing people want to rob the dugout bar just throw everything into a corner where no one can see you stealing oh and before you leave don't forget to play the perfectly preserved pie mini game if you have 10 luck you get a whopping two percent chance of obtaining the most valuable item in the entire game although i'm gonna feel bad if i walk away from it and i miss it you know the one time it works and it kind of feels oh we got it if you're still short on caps you can visit the warehouse in town there's some goodies in there if you break in steal and sell all that eventually you'll be able to nickel and dime your way out of squatting at a stranger's house and start owning some real property it's a bit of a fixer-upper but put in some elbow grease and it'll be perfect for visitors if you've played fallout 4 i think it's obvious why you need to own this house by now the only way to increase your power level and ego as a budding businessman is to everyone knows that a good business is built on the foundation of carpentry spamming specifically wooden shelves i was being a bit coy earlier when i mentioned putting your intelligence level at one but if you do have the idiot savant perk it's more likely to activate the lower your intelligence letting you triple xp anytime you earn experience so if you want a few more perks get to spamming those shelves of course no good strategy lasts forever in this world so if you want to keep doing this the market in town can sell you bulk steel and bulk wood for more shelf spamming which you'll obviously need to steal and sell more crap in order to do but am i really gonna make this entire video about stealing small ticket items around town i mean that was the majority of this challenge but we need something a bit bigger to hang our cap on right to be an effective entrepreneur you're gonna need to invent something every big shot ceo needs a break from raising capital often times disconnecting from the grind will lead to inspiration so kick back with the people of diamond city and take part in some of the activities the town has to offer like interviewing for the local paper you're looking for someone aren't you who is it god i hate how the you railroad me into talking about sean i'm not looking for anyone oh my god it actually just rejects that choice it says no [ __ ] you actually you are looking for sean i'm gonna try and avoid it why do you care oh my god i really can't get i lost family okay are you kidding me i hate that i'm so mad if you're feeling spiritual head over to the local chapel diamond city treating you all right not looking to make friends pastor you might want to rethink that attitude like i'd waste my time with that if you're feeling scientific swing through the science center x-rays beta rays gamma rays which one are we most worried about beta rays if your body absorbs too much beta radiation you morph into a youtuber take a minute to meet polly the butcher in town you don't want to talk to her you want to break into her home because you can read through her private terminal containing several poems about how she feels bad for selling dead animals climb up to her roof as well and she's got a meat locker there's nothing to take from here but you can engage in one of diamond city's favorite pastimes the only fun activity you can do is just play i guess meat forehead go ahead try jabs with a child if you're up for it since there's not much else to do in this damn city oh wow you're tall thanks caillou you're bald don't worry about the money either it'll come naturally as you'll be instinctually robbing every single person you meet and place you break into along the way just be careful not to steal from the wrong person uh-oh last mistake eventually without even thinking about it your million dollar invention will come to you in a dream or if you're me it'll be given to you by your twitch chat they do the hard lifting for me sometimes some turrets and oh my god angelo angelo you genius i wasn't lying when i said we come up with our challenge goals on the fly and you're still watching this video so that means that you want to become a proven entrepreneur without leaving diamond city well fine here's how you're gonna do it i have no clue why this is even an option to build but at the home plate in diamond city you can build a turret that is either off or on no in between it's just a switch our mission is to build as many of these as possible and turn our home into a death machine because everyone in the apocalypse needs a home defense system so let's build something special and make our pitch to investors there's a few things you'll need to do before going all in on building these things first off you're gonna need a crap ton of capital to build a bunch of these bad boys so maximizing your profit margins is huge since we're on survival difficulty that means no more drinking the water that you find as an entrepreneur you need to be dedicated enough to the grind to only drink out of the dirty lake water in the middle of town empty bottles that you find can be filled and then turned into purified water which will get you even more cash and don't worry about the ecosystem of worms forming in your stomach from all the dirty water you're drinking you may not be funding a corporate health care plan but the doctor on the street will fix any diseases you catch for cheap your sites should now be set on fallout's version of the cloud district you'll know you're in the right spot when you encounter lee from the walking dead game you belong down in the lower section of the city i miss you lee stroll into the bar and you'll come across the only interesting npc interaction in the entire city [Music] jesus oh he sent his forehead into the bar yeah get out of here boo what a [ __ ] loser am i right eustis you know i love when i go to a bar and why am i the one everyone is staring at he's the one who just rocked a guy's jaw before we move on make sure to finesse this old lady another one of the poor and stupid of diamond city come begging for table scraps i do need some help i knew it i have a few caps to spare here [ __ ] what did you say all right go find the nerd who just got half his skull liquefied offer to help him out and make sure that you have the perk that allows you to plant live bombs on people and if you play it right the entire bar should be yours to loot and the bartender's house is yours to take whatever you want now there's three other rich pricks that live up in the stands you'll need to get their keys to break into their houses as well they also all have a pretty good amount of caps on them i'd be remiss to not tell you that right around here we thought we found a hack to totally circumvent the hole you can only save your game by sleeping mechanic in fallout 4. if you go to the main menu fallout gives you an exit save file and i thought all was fine and dandy i was pickpocketing everyone easily not getting caught robbing their houses and then i decided to mess with a few of the one million cats that are in this house to which the karma gods responded really harshly there's no way they love you all equally they probably can't even tell you apart i'm sorry look away [Music] oh i pressed the wrong button i did not mean to no no what no so yeah maybe don't try to use exit saves in survival mode because this deleted a lot of my progress and i had to do this whole section over again after drinking gallons of toxic water starving yourself to cut back on costs pickpocketing everyone in town breaking into every property available and putting every ounce of your net worth into a state-of-the-art home defense prototype built by hand ladies and gentlemen of the board allow me to introduce you to the elden ring automated home defense system [Music] okay it's not fully automated you gotta flip this switch here and [Music] alright alright so it's a bit underwhelming but at least we can get some of the townspeople upset and have them chase us in here is what i wish i could truthfully tell you because for some stupid reason fallout gives you the ability to build a weaponized trap for a home that it's impossible to even use in practically well i'll be damned if we aren't going to test this bad boy out piper [Music] it works preliminary trials were a success so let's see how it handles a real enemy ow hey hey defend me turrets [Music] it works the home defense system works we did it all right it might have been a little bit underwhelming but we had to take this challenge somewhere so what do you guys think of my new product are you gonna invest it is everything but a legitimate product and for those reasons i'm out
Channel: Joov
Views: 1,360,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4 without leaving diamond city, fallout without leaving, region locked challenge, joov region locked, joov cant leave, fallout challenge, fallout 4 challenge, can you play fallout 4, fallout 4 funny challenge, can you beat fallout 4 without leaving diamond city, fallout 4 challenge 2022, fallout challenge 2022, fallout 2022, gaming, commentary, comedy, can you beat fallout 4, can you beat, joov, fallout 4 gameplay, fallout gameplay
Id: A8i41kzfR5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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