Let's...SEAL the deal! 💎 ~ Tears of the Kingdom

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wow foreign [Music] how's it going everyone welcome back to some more tears of the Kingdom um we just finished the third dungeon which was the amazing lightning Temple which stands right behind reader now which is really oh you have a quest hi um that wasn't there before um but yeah the Thunder tumble is awesome just to hold build up with the gibdos uh scenery of everything stuff with the heroines uh the mirror Shield which we still have this guy and yeah today I just want to do more around the deserts uh now helping the restored Gerudo town and uh just kind of you know whatever lies Beyond so welcome everyone hopefully you're having a great Friday now oh yeah okay read you guys the second point however the Lookout Landing well glory is there okay has been around here recently okay after I became a stage and returned to town discovered an interesting ancient reference seek Out The Swordsman upon the sand and look where he points there's treasure waiting under a girl okay because I knew the Swordsmen like the statues used to point to like where like the shrines were I believe in breath of the wild like to get through the sandstorms for another's treasure hmm swordsman upon the sand Treasure of the grudo desert it could be like anything maybe Thunder home if that's in the game but you know I'll take that I love these mirrors so much we still kept this guy for a while oh no let's board it up wait we can probably get into the main entrance I would assume but it is all restored oh well I really like when it was all ghastly but I mean this is technically better yeah no more fear boost your confidence uh work on perfecting your signature recipe cookbook from the oh cooking class it'll be fun yep we have it's the aerial shop but not with what you fuse to make these arrows instead of the elemental arrows oh now they can talk to us no more hiding what about you [Music] I love how there's the Groot Awards now the brutal slang oh my flowers go boom yellow go crack Boosh onomatopoeias we love them it's fresh from the highlands Maybe hey savak oh yeah there's two spotlights a cheaper one with lost benefits wait is there the armor oh no it's close wait is that an inside oh no it just relocated fully now okay that's why you bought the viceats which I don't know how to get in this game now because I assume all the gurudo talk to you different if you're bye I'm fighting over not gonna miss the sand shroud hmm [Music] reader was young should go to the Best Buy among us all yeah cool oh okay the walls aren't fully fixed I just like jumping on them usually I didn't I think I fully explored down here it's it's so cool that it is here also all the love letters it's copy and pasted this is really cool though I just love all those tunnels now oh we can get all ah we're careful enough that's cool so goodbye the Wild Berry Patch though you'll be missed bye yeah I just want to explore around uh the town again and I'll see the new area because what we came with that now wasn't funny that they sent all these bottles down but they're just going to the korok see you at long lasting The Voice faded to meet the quarks probably still confused just constantly getting these okay can you fall to a source that's kind of like Loosely down here it's about all though so I wasn't there does this lead to something he needs one of the buildings oh wait a second oh there was a hole in the floor okay but now it's fixed right yep okay that's where the hole was in the floor begins at the secret shop okay so they fixed along with everything else in the town makes sense now oh okay this is the town hall what happens if we oh arrows I don't know what type of fish you're trying to catch without I think I can climb the Rope sadly [Music] okay let's go into the town or the town Guru shelter yep busy right now this guy's looking it's the person who's setting the Watermelons down the river in uh breath of the Wild you know we're setting bottles on the river being a mystery polluter or wherever they are good and they still didn't let this guy out poor dude even after the crisis couldn't have given him a break you know I can't talk to jail you got to break the rules yeah I I Join one of the the Romantic classes in the morning and just keep like interrupting it and that's like a thorn in prison stupid foe let's give a little top oh there we go uh everyone got him above ground he doesn't get to see his daughter which is the only reason he tried visiting but got snagged dude from inside the cell if you show a lot enough they may not hear you uh oh wait I know this is good for now the ball someone is using it as a backrest before so I couldn't grab it I thought that's the goal anyways oh I kind of it's kind of sad that it's quiet I really like this earlier it was like all full of everything you know nice to get to be on the surface but still oh they still do their classes down here okay I wonder what happened to the upstairs class area then here we go let's be useful yep do I get a water mall again I keep getting watermelons for delivering these another orb yeah sure I'll see I'm totally side note uh we did just get our first uh stats video a couple hours ago um it is on the fusing system in this game um basically it is yeah it covers like fusing durability so whenever you attach materials to a weapon um or just about most things actually besides other weapons it adds like 25 raw durability to the weapon so it's like a second door ability meter where it adds and activates whenever something's fused to it the first majority weapons can get up to 25 extra durability when you fuse it with something um that and then uh some weapons aren't as high so like brutal weapons uh it's only like extra five durability because attaching material greatly enhances the power but doesn't add much durability so there's things like that but it is basically works like a second durability meter that only activates once the Link's views to it so go check out the video it'll be just in our this Channel's video section so maybe after the stream we'll start linking it down below but just like small stats videos because I can't do a whole lot until you know I beat the game obviously but anything that's helpful because now knowing that makes just so much more peace of mind just like playing like okay um I know how the fusing Works uh so even like you know if we fuse a rock to a royal Claymore we're still getting an extra just 25 hits out of it adding to whatever the base their ability is so yeah yeah well after the stream I'll link it down below so if you're watching the VOD it should be there oh yeah Count Me In we can help can't we very special lesson we have a vote here with us yeah this is how you talk to um this person was timid and we couldn't figure that out right away pritana hmm okay maybe a drink from the canteen they can't talk to a dude without alcohol how sad I'm sorry it's never referred to as alcohol but we'll just say soda you know uh but it seems like the bartender couldn't make that drink because of the whole crisis going on so yeah just for a recap uh we just finished the crisis in girdle town or like the gruder area so most of the people want them from The Fallout Shelter which is here and then uh yeah just a couple's loose things down here oh don't fall in the pet so that means if I go here the bartender is no longer there but the bar is right there so maybe I can write it to something [Music] let's see that's a nice time so the bar should be pretty open you did a good job restoring this place it's mostly back to where it was hello about to save the town we defended against lots of gibdos and that was so much fun the calm after this storm before more desert storms able to return to your canteen first drink is on the house everyone can enjoy this special version of my signature drink Noble Pursuits ah it's probably a non-alcoholic version there you go wow a popular fruit juice in Gerudo town it's tropical flavor will chew right up that's awesome oh it's a spirit that I heard a new VI was going to be coming to town who's the new VI though I'm I'm not a VI no new yeah they keep referencing a new VI coming to town supposed to be Zelda I don't know yeah boosts your energy only the first one's free let's see how do we make it oh okay so palm fruit uh watermelon bold fruit so just a lot of desert fruits and then rock salt like the Seltzer on the rim yeah it's a fruit juice now because uh I see why they did that too because in a breath of the wild it was an alcoholic drink but they had to kind of get around it but because I was in the game uh they had to put that in like the like the games like ESRB like rating thing like that you see on the box art because whenever our game has alcohol you have to like state that it does so they purposely change after this game so they didn't have to do that with tears which makes sense I believe it's the only or maybe one of the only Zelda games with alcohol mentioned even though it's not explicitly alcohol I don't know the classes they couldn't fix the shot they just moved Underground before the blood moon we are gonna take that class we could beat out the blood moon right go the door just permanently open well this is more pressing clearly oh there we go man hi we have the drink yeah we couldn't do this before because crisis Tina [Music] yeah here we go just help them out so just fruit you know make them feel happy inside maybe the jester is what counts do you go to canteens a lot you have wonderful drinks there that isn't all you know you can relax and meet people [Music] see it just opens up the door for a conversation yeah communicate your needs to one another do it on an unspoken level there we go just naturally open up the conversation so is he named the drink himself it was the offer big first stop students are willing to engage okay who's next the first one got scared because they didn't want to look at her face so we put on a Lionel mask and then that masked through fear so um Delton show us what you know no reason made it for practice I've been abandoned by Love by luck by happiness this one's gonna be a hard one to break setting yourself up for disaster to be unhappy steer clear or you'll catch my misfortune not one of these people the easiest people to start a conversation with clearly Your Own Worst Enemy sometimes I know many Dalton's it's okay I told you already that every time you saw you push your own happiness away can you say that oh oh you have to find your confidence we have to help him with something else don't we I'm gonna paint from her last relationship he mentioned a certain accessory oh the Garland the oh that's what that's for the accessory it's the uh it's the ring garland from kakariko right oh I have blood moon because it's suddenly about like happiness happiness and love it kind of reads nice feelings about it so I was wondering what that was for thank you interrupting cutscene so we have to get it all the way over there let's see any vote overcoming the stand shroud I said again foreign Spirits go here okay so we need three more I know where one is it's in the bizarre oh my God this is very neat for ocean not light dragon but still I need one more Light Dragon part for upgrading our Champions tunic try to do that we have a whole wheat field Nintendo too okay for the class yeah we need to literally get a ring garland from just a very far distance also High oh it's important to Dahlia free to use anything in town but I shouldn't touch that uh probably need to wait till daytime in the meantime let's try to get that one over yeah we have a lot to check out here like we're just kind of getting reacclimated but cool oh that that's our yes and she looks so cool in this game you're closer okay bills are gone but still interesting deserty stuff a lot of it too goblins um what have you even used now we just had these torches from the dungeon that I'm like you know don't really need to use that um the horror blend Hammer thing um I will craft something with a spear because yeah we're getting a goblin apart from this so I'll use one for the fight too there we go Gerudo thank you steers are so nice can't help it's really badly damaged this girl weapons are so weak sadly they last a single fight okay I don't have to do so not a good pull of your materials oh read you we saw this earlier but there we go I was like okay more lightning symbols it's probably an ability an ability it was [Music] okay one of those they're very plentiful I like using long-range sniper bows to do more damage too what's this over here the whole time I didn't see that yeah I was at that base I didn't see this base actually poof this is so cool I love what they did at the desert too bye look yeah it was just for you for now you're also at least make it worth it like wait for him to stop for a second yeah purple arm that's pretty good damage just 20 for one-handed although barely last but still the fact that it is something that's cool oh get that before you do now do you want to help long stack you're a bat Destroyer yeah this could just help prod the bats around I might just put a I mean anything refused to it will increase the durability by like 25 so okay wow one of these I didn't see this one at first we're close finally badly damaged [Music] Zone I charge it's the same thing thank you it's one-fifth of uh really good material pull from one of those gumball machines because if you put five in the minute because you like 50 parts or something I didn't exactly count but it was a lot see interesting structures the other had a clock oh I wouldn't have fallen that in the sand you probably up yeah I'm going to the top aren't we nope as soon as we find a pattern we lose it okay there we go walked right into that one it likes being difficult okay it's there nope there we are going to the top just very slowly because it's gonna be there yep predicted sometimes [Music] yeah these flowers are basically my brain whenever exploring any new area in the game just like oh this cave okay wave through here that cave let's go back to where we were uh just weaving in 10 different directions it's fun though heads in the middle nicely wait a second where's the problem right there what's your full flowering Underside there right a little closer just for the fun of it hi what did I make you what was that reaction it was very abnormal not what normal goblins do always having to find a new nope not when you guys finish them off did it go down the path weapons up [Music] we know what both would fry them so we'll check that next thing yeah maybe your boss is very interesting radio I stole the habit of calling her that and now that she's in this game I'm just like oh I really have to change that okay what's a like normality weapon we have so many dumb weapons because we just we just had extras so it's like I don't know do whatever I guess oh ladder's busted oh nothing we can do that's all we do that it's gonna bust this one up because it's lower now it's the only reason I'm mistreated Boomerang like that pretty common in the desert um level that one shot's a barrel but that doesn't too or crate rather because all the crates are designed to get one shot with any two-handed weapon yes we're screwed still get hit by the point he's stuck you're Boomerang already had that one just had to try mildly oh you get bouncied off some damage [Music] notice that all of our things are weak in that regard so we're gonna make a master weapon and call it a day what better thing to fuse to it than uh yeah I just have so many so it's like we might as well give him the bones break easily uh this just always seems like our best choice like go [Music] sh wait a mystery to girdle weapon man there's nothing else they just breaks super fast oh we got it so I picked this up we're gonna Place probably the bat well the back would be our new Hammer weapon we don't really need a torch honestly um okay so we have this we have a shock tail one we can always make a new fire one although we do have that one so maybe an ice yeah let's make an ice tail one because I feel like having a boomerang of each Elemental is nice let's go here we go one of those um that's kind of whatever they're low durability powerful powerful all very powerful might as well start using up some of that stuff just because we have it that's a very strong weapon though sand seal hammer for just random breaking because it's fun uh we still forget to stealthstrike weapon water put up fires that one just made a froze weapon because I was like why not I would say interesting variety as long as I was fought for three boomerangs a nice water rod I still want to be able to just find a way to dock that uh Seabreeze Boomerang somewhere because I think you know when we eventually do Tarrytown probably get a house with mounts that's just my assumption here so I've had this assumption for a long time so I hope it stays true I guess we'll see [Music] I got a little fruit's dashing how awesome let's use up the seal Hammer finally yep should be our go-to Hammer thing just to seal s I'm gonna check out the area oh one of the construction guys of course you're over here we'll say I want to check out like the Arbors grounds Oasis area this is actually pretty easy Roy can we just oh it's got one of those small bottoms I hate that never mind about the easy part I guess we fuse this rock with with the rupee on it I just want to see how this works if that's all it takes I'll be amazed I don't like that one we're gonna let it fall needs a bit more seems like it stays permanently the way it is so if it's just really I keep looking I'm like I have more Pride than that you know stick it in perfectly take that off we got that we're just going to draw to base with us maybe the crates here because if that never moves because there's so much weight then nothing should move yeah and we just doubled its weight it can only move based on what's in there [Music] that's that's BS he's not standing no I don't want a crooked sign here are you kidding me I have a little more Pride a dash all the way over there why you can find how we do this one actually you're gonna equal four sides just to kind of move around and what if we I don't know no longer a waiting manner you know I added more top weight so offset it with just one of these somewhere it didn't move around while you've just fused it then it should be waited just okay rather instead of that we should go with uh that should be lighter foreign that's what we want to do that is not what we want to do please just now right there if this thing moves easily then you just can't move anymore you just can't [Music] yeah that's fine because yeah it's on a very crooked base it didn't tilt forward completely so it's more acceptable foreign [Music] we have to have nearly half of those done around the world now please Journal Lookout post log book oh by surgery does it has been calm has ever seen it for quite some time no raids monster attacks Bandits should be happy about that report events that are all in the ordinary though can't leave my post can't be bored local post is going to be shut down turns the holes in the case because you're building a lighthouse to keep the bizarre and how to communicate better okay yeah it's a further look out post but bigger which is good because the other or little storms just a nice Beacon last day at the lookout poster meanwhile to do his little building here just like it's not much you know time for value but a supervised new training area built at the Southern Oasis they were talking about that something about mobility and combat direct way to help keep the desert safe okay so we have two things we have Southern weight Southern waste this has something for training and Mobility um and then the statues lead somewhere apparently look it is a quark at least it leaves right to there okay oh oh okay that one's just a jump not a Glide [Music] that works sand Birds we have a Malta origin a lot of companions filled now let's go if these fruits can build a Knoll Pursuit now oh shot guy take that get sealed or maybe no we shouldn't shock him uh then it wasn't the same one of you fire I think he's broken you know bro yay performing is just so much fun what do I hear oh crap you saw us um we got a we got distraction now better oh my God he let up bombs we missed okay get struck by that wherever you won't miss me okay they actually missed now there we go what still works did the belly for bonus damage good after they moved there you go just a tad bit it's also weak to lightning so maybe we should wait is that a good picture or no decent got the eye peeking at me decent is we're gonna get it oh that works reju let's go Channel this lightning [Music] how old does this work it does a little damage nothing compared to that though we can prime come on guys just keep frying him keep it up keep it up keep it up yes oh that's good a whole team efforts good job oh we got the molduka parts now any of those the jaw that's a new one just don't get my uh shadow in the picture 32 okay some maneuverability in the sand and that is a lot of guts the guts usually sell pretty high [Music] there we go I should try all the fins at some point fins and wings look at our first molduga Parts yep foreign [Music] what are we sacrificing nothing I don't think [Music] I don't think I wonder if the king's still in this game maybe not compendium though yeah molduga jaw and then monsters we got I wonder where he fits into this oh okay right after the high noxes I'll get a better one at some point but that's good so now we have all the high next is but black and then we have another Talus variant that I don't know about because we got normal we got luminous rare igneel Frost yeah I don't know what else there could be something else for a tallest son doesn't seem like there's a spot for a Muldoon King which is okay basically the same thing I know exactly what you are you guys get back serious measures here we look we look at me okay I guess he wants to face that way he honestly why not go and as soon as you stop it'll be game over keep doing circles be mad yep bye bye Caitlin and Barry back under because of me hide forever oh the Temple's so cool bleached and sun directly you fire very well now I think a breath of the wild they always tilted to the up a little bit loose are nice and even sneaking it probably won't work oh well I saw my friends but not me so apparently you do that I'll get some fruit plucking done first no thank you actually oh the Hedgehog can be deadly though time incorrectly don't do it again the third God it's like a massive sword simtar kinda Pikmin version okay we got all the fruits now nice look it wasn't moving very fast made it easy oh yeah that's the Oasis that's arbiter's grounds and there's a shrine I just love surfing through the desert always a great time we'll get a seal too Southern Oasis training area surgery oh that's the person who was uh Manning the lookout who wrote The Diary or the vowel fought alongside our soldiers the training ground uh stamina willpower and smarts oh storyline for the desert race excited only group of warriors were allowed to undergo training since you've already proven yourself in battle make an exception okay no rules such as race I'm gonna run you ragged is it a seal race or is it using the Zona stuff must pass through seven arches before reaching the goal use whatever advantages you can think of oh we can use your own creations three and a half minutes okay so it seems like a lot of these cloths are minigame based because we got the gore on one from doing uh the Minecart mini game oh we can do that the wickets Arch into Rocky Hill gets harder to see oh so just a cross country sort of thing running or we're gonna do more than running but this will hope for at least the beginning hovercraft going nice yeah our own personal zoomobile [Music] it'd be pretty fast too I get shot but this is fun you can put a rocket on it first really got a head start oh quicksand which we can glide on I kind of need to as well I love this cross country style race enough there I couldn't move our mechanism to get there I don't know because I don't know if there's more quicksand after this or just build new one yeah three and a half minutes holding gliding if you can build all their stuff there's a sinkhole there interesting I can't use my abilities it doesn't mean the music literally glitch straight to it no Grand touch it was not bad dude in two minutes also something unexpected which oh oh my God a single City here what's a cool way to check it out early I wonder where the sinkholes lead he may not not all be bad I saw his divots from afar I'm like why is there divots everywhere two minutes well done Soldier okay that was fun and we start with the rocket we might have passed two minutes I don't know if that's gonna be for an extra thing though oh 202. 202 they're better than Captain Tiki Rudolph ever we're putting this on right away graduated from a mere trainee Soldier thank you so I guess if you just top your record you get more money or something I don't know I mean we could try one more oh yeah bird glider stuff too you know let's do it really fast and be two minutes at least maybe get another prize out of it can do an aerial one I think the only rules that there's no limits not even a rule whatever goes goes I'm just gonna do that let's get a steering wheel let's get a cart and let's get two rockets which we need more of those I get that from you don't get anything special we'll probably still get good rupees so because with this way we don't have to climb S I don't think it matters I just as long as it's not in an odd way we should be able to do just fine yes yes okay oh yes well it's a start hmm we're guys don't last forever it seems slow because we're flying but I think this is still might be the same speed but the goals if we make it over there then we save time so at least past two minutes I don't know how to really make this one faster honestly my vehicles can just get crazy fast in general see it's gonna start expiring in a moment so we'll have to build something else three two one flank could not there we go links are always inevitable pop to the side you can do that auto build uh a little sand speeder glad we have these they're very nice there we go I don't know if a minute 30 is going to be a reasonable record to break but minute 45 sure don't go in any of the pits off like that we can do this next 15 seconds either way we still top to records so there's got to be some insane way to do this we just keep building rocket ships more through the other because catapult War because you got to go through the checkpoints hmm pretty good yeah something to celebrate party lizard an odd objective or reward Okay so I think it's just random prizes that's something I just want to pay 10 Rupees for good so not always worth redoing I see Football let's do the shrines we have a war point then I'm gonna switch my glider out of the Oasis still here any Oddities in the trees there was a couple of tricky Clorox seeds uh I remember when breath of the Wild's lure Lynn there's a really odd one where there was like an apple in between like three Palm fruits if you take the Apple out you get the korok [Music] okay I like these fruits yummy that's a good thing that molduga's got from here would not have been very fun for the race gave it an edge at least huh okay this glider than anything really yeah I like the options sort of sand puzzles drifting Flame we need that or foreign Flame oh oh wait a second no not that but I think I understand it it's not throwing but it's the fact of having something aerial is it not [Music] gotcha foreign there we go drifting Flame drift right where you need to go please there we go that's the first one that's the second one we are evil no we almost got it perfectly he's generously lit we did it quite well actually just so close make it work you know like yeah there we go surprised we almost got that all in one go too it's pretty good I always gotta find the chest in here going I wonder what that would be very hidden I assume it's never in there um maybe it's if we yep if we lower the platform just as I thought [Music] we have a crop you yeah we do that was our chest good [Music] it's like I had to do something with the elevator itself that was cool though I had flame and Thrift I assume that's the way you go about it bow shots will be hard with a little screen Inferno it's just some way and it works so a way is a good way [Music] nice okay all right give those weeks out Elemental attacks I guess water counts too because I know it's right off the bats give those were weak to fire ice or electricity I guess we just do that Shrine first because it's close then we'll get the glider nice and your friend is Instagram get him guys all right read you do some badass stuff nope maybe next time I like how she puts the swords away though though twirl you guys want to listen all three already there we go it was just a matter of who let's see how I like the Juju jellies because uh yeah they're tackling better than the fruits in most cases because they have a bigger AOE so I mean like if you don't want to self-harm yourself fruits are the good option because it distributes the effects without possibly hurting you but the shoe shoe is much better for a large pack but you can also get hurt in it easier so really depends because two shoots lasts are a lot bigger now the whole gang watch me let's get ready for the stalk shark that was close too still no uh tails I'm having a lot of fun exploring the Oasis though which is such a cool area Oasis desert and south of oasis yeah just gonna board vomit uh Carlos Claymore for a hammer weapon maybe it's 30 thick stick has more durability though I don't actually know I don't know the exact durability values of everything by memory I just know fusing things usually adds 25 so is it dust oh dust storm there time bomb look doable so many of these eyeballs and again it's let me tracking to a certain point drop the bombs Arbiters oh interesting yeah it's a whole sand Pusher now oh my parts thank you very generous what the character's bugging out here I can't even get close can I oh I don't want to either yeah so it's hard to take seals through some of this so that's why I wasn't as Keen to bring one right now at least maybe in the beginner desert area well it's pretty well the refs are dude that's cool so let's try to make it across I see did they manage I don't know is that the time bombs that we got earlier it is it's a long time bomb you're out of time now you're a sack trying it's in the depths Arbiters grown sunk to the depths it had to love because there's always something like interesting or that would be like you know things in the ground because like in the hot springs in Hebrew uh like blow it in the depths there's like volcanic activity actually which isn't very common outside of like the Death Mountain area but that's because the hot spring would have volcanic activity down below so when you go to the depths there there it is but in this game it seems like Arbiters grounds is sunk and you just see the top of it like those columns so the depths most actually have Arbiters garlands in it or at least something because I even read about it for one though you got journals down below hmm it's a fair point I have to see what's down there I know there has to be something because it was mentioned once and then yeah it was a whole dungeon Twilight Princess and uh yeah it seems like it's just like the very top of that now like the little pillars so let's assume that it's sunk interesting also just a blessing just thank you um okay yeah so we can do the statue quest after this but first i'm gonna change out that paraglider that could be done there and yeah go back to the town uh figure out what needs to be done if we need to take a sand seal or one of the new sleds because those are cool I like the sleds personally they're a huge favorites hey I hope everyone's doing well it's fun to get into more post under itself is cool I like seeing what all I can do with ultimate town we still have to go back to Reno's at some point I left there pretty fast but we did like pretty much everything I know about Goron all right guys salutation saturations who do you do rainy days remind you of the most romantic dates you ever went on standing in the soaking rain cut down on one needs to propose uh reorgan paraglider we've got to try it out so where are you Goron Gerudo that's fancy very colorful let's do it we'll get more gorilla armor soon too I need money though nice I take a throw more pattern older School kind of Gerudo like I like the vibrancy like all the darker tones aesthetic more so done yeah we just need like another just a couple hundred more rupees I believe so yes oh we got that picture okay we planted one got two out of it look planty it's rain ing hello there uh what can we grow [Music] yeah find something else [Music] yeah so if you do the hearty stuff you really won't get a lot of return Tomatoes we have a lot of um whatever's like proportionally the least tons of berries we just started getting those but already 30 so you're pretty good I think we just need more wheat honestly because you get nine per Harvest give up one so eight more when we come back but it's nice because you have to buy that or tediously caught in the region which isn't Fun shower time little ones I like to talk to plants see you know the secrets to make them grow always talk to your plants I'm pretty sure that is like kind of a thing not really though because like how you release like carbon dioxide or something the plants need it ultimately doesn't do too much but it has like somewhat of an explanation why talking to plants is a thing so kind of silly [Music] I'm still wondering what we're missing opinion wise just a few loose things I have these pictures I could turn these two things to kakariko really quick let's do more album space you could do that then we'll go back and whatever it waits money too could be nice but the last time I talked to the grudo who buys the ores in Goron City they just wanted 10 diamonds which you don't have yet when we do that's going to be an easy like 5500 slash a tumble lead rolling around you might find an item inside I don't know if we found one yet beats me okay it's worth hello oh we do have two more tablets you have 10 more to find here's a picture we can get these offer plates see toolin disappearing in the background Spark historical accounts um I'm not never gonna try to read this the King was late come this evening so you made the queen share Tales of her land of shrines and all the green yellows and then it gets even more something about diverse Monsters uh we're gonna wait for his recap because I it gets more and more jibery only the royal couple made these shrines shrines of light okay it's only how they made the shrines the lights oh the subject here is that the actions King Robert and queen Sonia undertook not long after hyrule's founding they made the shrines right they were worried for their people so they set out to eradicate the monsters from troubling them created structures called shrines of light to seal the monsters away oh I thought they're like trials for the potential hero because they didn't know link back then I don't know okay so original the original purpose was to seal monsters away more about lights and time too yup rival has light Powers Sonia has time powers ah yeah it's only get money nine more here's a picture interesting shrines were prisons for enemies shrines of light keeping away dark monsters oh original text of late have you heard it told a strange something walks around the castle and dark of night she and Princess Zelda seem twins too but on the lights yeah there we go but she's asked about this walks Princess Zelda of that's being nothing remembered something about the vision of Zelda I don't know ancient ghost story Arlene is perfect but I know ghost story when I see one first-hand accounts or ghostly or corpse-like woman who appeared each night oh okay the evil Zelda evil Zelda Apparent at night hmm yep what is with us I have no idea why would there be an evil Zelda why is she causing chaos there we go solve eight more to find gotcha yep we'll hang them all up so we found a third of them nicely you're gonna have to kind of skim the Jewish segment because I'm like I could kind of half-ass trying to figure out what it is but it's like wartsworth is expert and I am the consumer [Music] we have all these in case you want to get in different colors that's why you keep buying them which is a nice consideration especially for things like the Hylian pants because you can really customize them I have a base pair have one that's tied in a different color a little scaffolding [Music] it's not gonna be blocked off right now right probably have to do all the regional phenomena because we can't even go over there we get stopped the fake Zelda said we couldn't do it oh yeah the ring garlands we do need to transport them don't we [Music] before you go and add an extra bit of love to it yeah we need to transport this all the way to grudo don't we do we literally have to make a cross-country trip from there to there [Music] yeah cause the one person we have to cheer him up I don't think we can stash this in our pockets Hmm this is an interesting uh crisis I guess [Music] we could build like a plane mechanism but well I've seen that one of those planes um because planes expire of course things like those hovercrafts not those the pre-built ones that I don't have a quick blueprint of we might hold off on this because this is gonna be fun but I want to get like a proper plane working the most efficient vehicle possible that's gonna be pretty fun though honestly okay um quickly go on City let's see what we can sell what we can do because if we can sell those gems to buy more armor that'll be nice for buying an upgrade armor of course because it's like you know why wouldn't we it's a lot of water clink clunk I think there you are on the first quarter we met or to sell you oh yeah we don't have 10 diamonds it's those always gonna be diamonds that's what I figured I went back once so I need to make sure it wasn't a fluke Amber's getting easier to come by so sell our prices lower than ever why do you buy them at a high price I guess thank you that's what I should be saying but how many are we off we need four more diamonds okay they're worth it to something else and we can make a bunch of money so they want any of this besides sapphires again we're gonna have a lot of sapphires which makes me think yeah a lot of gems are more region specific so you just have a higher chance of mining maybe Sapphire and lenero because it'll check out um worse than the desert for a while so we got a ton of topaz I guess we'll just go back and keep it up so first here let's move the uh the orb from here to grudo town and there's probably some I don't know where the rest could be it seems like they're all like in like the brutal Town type area so I think I'm gonna find them either in the bizarre of the town I'm not sure if that ring Garland one equates to one so the ball's gone oh no what happened oh yeah a lot of Courage quite unlike those members of the Caravan Squad that's what I need to find helping us with our guard duties until Captain rip fired them everything's restored we don't need to rely on Outsiders so where'd they go or rather where'd the ball go there it is oh it fell with the scruffy appeared one of them already got lost we clearly want good savers it's a friend pontos of course you ran away in the face of danger I think they have an ulterior motive to helping the Gerudo it's not because it's their battle tendency oh those disappeared I got a blur barely see a thing about this running out to the West entrance hmm the place that stands out it's okay as well to find this person that's probably how we get the ball yep he's like please he's hugging it just I want it so love to give it to you over the owner is currently missing seems like there's a few situations like that okay well let's see Treasure of the gruto desert mysterious eighth missing owner or this one I can do I was helping anyone because it may lead to getting those those balls which we only have a couple left okay supposed to decorate a weapon so I think I can do that now if I do that and I'll give doughing that was closing oh um can a regular supplies from town again [Music] stylishly decorate a weapon make it Sparkle and radiate with the burning passion does this count now oh this is a monster part isn't it yeah it's a monster part what are they supposed to put in until it Sparkles with a burning passion it must be a star I don't have anything else like that I don't even have a star so it's like it's not a Zone I charge star is Sparkle you know burning passion I it could just be a ruby torch Ruby I don't know I'm just hope I don't waste the Ruby on this but yeah that could be it I forgot rubies do that now oh yeah give me a moment to study this weapon okay I didn't I didn't actually think of that so for an electric key swing oh material I would recommend for decorating weapons it's a long throw on it and a shock I'm gonna waste the Ruby just for a well that was an odd Quest I was really stumped earlier on that too I thought I needed a star but I just didn't think of that I'm sure it's another weapon I don't need it oh well thank you something I could actually use the geoglyph clear view of the whole thing okay that's one Ganon kneeling [Music] it's okay we're all prepared we got cold resistant pants and the top which looks nice with us if it's well enough I would say but now we gotta look through someone through the desert and I believe that's not that one okay so looking for a Care on person uh wait in a conspicuous location near a tall structure when lost in the desert so the sinkhole is also in the area um so more likely within this structure of the desert I probably should be looking maybe campfire what if you're just down the well you gotta be in here don't you yep that wasn't that hard I'm Gonna Give It Away earlier all the weapons around you didn't mess up person a lizard his name is pontos remember for Caravan Squad still can't find next sets [Music] I mean what about the exits hmm I'm sure most people found this beforehand oh wait the rocks are back no hey The Rock's back usually they don't respond maybe just for the quest oh sorry whoever that was it's now destroyed it looks like I'll just stand next to each other just baby taba and Rachel Tipo Tulin I have a lot of names to remember I think just those rocks came back for the quest yes way and there's crabs I did all this huh can't climb the ladder okay and a reward we'll get that orb so there's one there one in grudo town and one somewhere else I just don't know yet I want to see what the reward is for doing all the heroin stuff ah yeah I own that complete if anyone survive falling to his sinkhole maybe the other ones are more fatal oh as a reward [Music] has a weird pattern it's probably rare I'm a merchant I got an IO for things like this my guy hopefully you stop acting weird to the grudo [Laughter] you're all laughing like this if you haven't come to save sit on it roll around Jump Around exercise ball you know hmm so I joined the Caravan Squad just to get something out of it get into this town goodbye carrot around Squad oh you ran away still want to fight a hole to Haydn jump into a sinkhole too I will do that more yes on the good side we messed up our one job yeah they really try to get close to the garage is by helping them and of course cowering at the first sign in danger Travelers thought we were a banter criminals capture nearly skewered by the guards he got thrown in jail our spirit is truly indomitable 's traumatic memories I'm feeling a bit more dominable than it was earlier the whole thing was like trying to help and it did not work but at least they have each other now so it did come out of it also I really want one of those sand sleds but there isn't an easy way to get sand seals now I'm staring into the pond because he misses see oh that's okay we talked to them before they're just cool seeing him stare like that because the baby ocean it is hot it's okay I want one of those sand seal carts that is a priority because the ball should be there now we could try going to the heroine statues because there could be one there you know I just don't know exactly I have a beam meter you're worshiping it this is not gonna work at least I called it Oh I thought he had him I was like what are you doing soaring spear no damage spear take that oh not you sorry storing spear it was the only fate acceptable armor sharks oh no what if I use that spiking I didn't use it yet it doesn't do more damage because the type Harry power maybe a bad I didn't even touched it on beat down good [Music] because that's a Dodge to get away from the tongue [Music] love the crack kills I still want more tails are not very common sadly I mean I get why but they're not even work it needs to be further a bit but still a bunch of dumb weapons now like what does my inventory become I guess she's gotta start using one up um getting that tattletail was a mistake I'm just like uh you know I never want to use it because it's so cool now you know I guess we'll just use this or wait should we use a yeah really milk out one hit at least most of his health might make some more desperate strength stuff I think that's the goal yeah let's try to replace the inventory but just being in the desert we got a bunch of stuff that was like not so good no way this useless Ruby torch good I like this song what are you I'm just a Shockey I'm single oh what no that was my one opportunity before they all just do that crap yep a lot of bullying [Music] a what that much damage to it was kind of insane all right you made me desperate for some strength finest one way or the other I can't escape the loop though oh I'm glad that just missed in general that's for strength so maybe it was meant to be that way hello no flooring needed just Brute Force because I'm trying to flirt I need to turn off some of these champ uh Sages I don't know parts one parts oh yeah that's not a very good Shield embarrassing and girl weapons are kind of decent if you don't know how to flurry but if you can fly well then Royal stuff just always takes the cake coming and now I say we cook up after me just a basic truffle you know the goal is to not get hit [Music] I am interested chilly night to release something [Music] I'll rent one we'll go with the sleigh these are so cool dashing through the sand say I'll use this for the ball but first I really want to check out the uh um you know the heroines himself I assume there would be one there maybe because you know about two we need to know about three though hey oh yeah this got fully overtaken East Gerudo ruins with a sinkhole a music huh this is really awesome oh okay got a lot of opportunities there hey sorry seal you have to charge me no not like that fight my heart soon he's gonna get sinkholed what he juked me out sorry playing with all these guys is not helpful at all sometimes is that reach is crazy ow [Music] there was a fairy and everything just really showing me out here um we'll eat our egg pudding goodbye oh here we'll turn off these guys about to shoot him in the head and shock all of us again please make this work thank you they're not rock seals I'm good I trust me oh come on to get Mighty close half the time far too close [Music] this way okay a little star fragments kilton Colton interesting I like the music here too God a little time uh can we do a Ascend I'm hoping so yeah that was give us plenty of time let's have a couple select few that are just Hell mode [Music] and now we get tooling back this tooling helps out outside you reduce with just whatever we need lightning you know both good for mining foreign I guess we just go in don't we something in here It All Leads to this okay what is this gonna be ha ha the heroin came it's Garuda ruins cave I love sand stuff a lot I guess another fan weapon again I don't have easy boards or anything so sorry quack fronts you will do their job I know we just I don't have no use for a fire Rod I'm sorry oh from we do need it let's go in there shock rats everywhere any Spears okay even that just gets the job done does that circulate around yes I don't know the one time I wish I had a long throw Hammer though we're just having to adapt with what we got oh another statue it sunk oh okay so everything was sinking gradually I messed up the platforms before I guess anything will do the trick but that just makes a little easier maybe build our own little sand machine yeah everything literally sunk so there's probably something under Arbiters groans too what would that be in the depths or just like was it supposed to go on the quicksand that I don't know just go uh just something it doesn't matter it's still strong Diamond yes like two more then nice but also yeah that Shield wasn't too good because they're like no visible damage so I think the spike starts like a fixed value like like 10 or 20 per hit just whatever it's gonna keep using the Bogle things because they're just so expendable you find them all the time especially in the depths like yeah dude you can you go over there bomb thank you hello I'm very happy no bubbles please [Music] I wonder what could be here though statue point to loots oh it's pointing to something isn't it banana gem point right there ah yeah we just did a full 360 around so it's like the underside sewer of these ruins kinda just fall for a reason or but I would assume so I don't know actually I got the bubble frog yeah do these leads to somewhere special fight I want to say no but it feels like yes you're a bombing it and it was a no can we just send into it [Music] I think it's just there because it fell but usually they always point to something but that one didn't have a sword in its hand that could just be it maybe um missing something though I don't know let's do a chess sensor maybe foreign because that could be a decent way of finding out it's the best lead we got no okay I think it was just for that just wraps around that was just throwing its final location oh the Keystone committed here okay so interesting what happened to it I guess we leave them here reverse through the sand and just hope our seal is still here because it might be it's just so cool checking these out the runes are sinking being repopulated sand seal game is stepped up but I don't I don't think their comeback service is very good because I think it just fled this was like behind there I don't remember we have to get another seal I don't know oh that counted nice I tried and the faint chance that it does work Two Shots this thing's too good hmm I don't know I don't think the seal did come back so I think we have to find another ride okay so most of the orbs must be in all these little structures so the bazaar or the town itself and luckily the town they'll say more than likely it's got to be the tone let's do the ones that we know about at least it's not a watermelon hello you get the cap oh keep running throw tantrum catch him done yes it is n't exactly what you are I've been fooled enough oh he almost fooled me it's okay well we gotta do this again I'll rent one sand slay seal yes it's just fun and fitting so why not yeah it's a speedy they dash for a long time too hi what are those the clock tent we did hey it's like the first thing you do when going to the desert just like help the Croc go to the bazaar takes you right in that was rocking I guess so it's sandstone hi seals turn please thank you again so we do have to go that way I was right I love sand seals sailing around first of all it's a really unique amount type in this game like this horses are awesome no vehicles but it's always a seals for the desert they do the job quite well hey yeah thanks okay I just need the orb thank you yeah it's awkward any direction we go it's we make it work oh when I was picking it up God I'm right on the seal yep you can tow anything to it so awesome you do have to get it across the rift there was some blue in there which is cool to check out I wonder if you can still find like gibdos in like dark places like that I would assume so they're not just gonna go extinct pull up right to the front Gates limo of seals here come on through thank you that orbit is the next Target I assume just somewhere in the town cooking recipe in the wall interesting yup also maybe it's faster just there we go give me my watermelon brought you another yep [Music] though do other uses no problem and you are the pointy one in case we're missing paw symbol and ring and we know where one of those are good sign what did they say seven heroines protect the grudo Secrets will be expressed on six monuments eight channels and guides power of the seven house within the spirits Powers returned to them it's routed eighth will be known the eighth directs the powers of the seven heart skill fortitude wisdom flights mobility and compassion so it's really a culmination of you know other seven spirits the king God [Music] might be nothing for it to meet with Patricia Patricia not Regio maybe Patricia will help with locations chest sensor is it down here or I don't know up above at least it tells you that now convenience nearby up above what it's on the wall I didn't check all the walls yet well since we left it on it's like thank you yeah I didn't check these two things yeah what's gotta be [Music] underneath side yeah arrows and up aha Knight's bow I don't think I got you did I I didn't okay I definitely seen one somewhere but I don't remember snapping it foreign for the collection that's a little more centered um 26. oh another one of the same we know where it is you're always saying plus tens now because the scale just works differently so the modifiers just gradually rank up it's not just like random anymore which I kind of like calls random because you can get some extremely good stuff thank you [Music] through the corner what was that oh Chris on the other side should have known you can see a few years for it so but in case your son's being dummy sometimes it does that what second one in the town used to be one hiding right where the shrine was right at the top yes the sun silhouettes it's so cool I just love how it's directly behind the thorn room now all right we got two more orbs so the assumptions that they're all here now besides the one we got in the bizarre and guard stats sparkly Saba look at this it is a great orb it's the O orb you're just cute I want this orbit I'm gonna fight for it takes a special though to see what a special oh special orb this is you you gotta play with it challenge me for it what sort of game Dallas game no context uh-oh what sort of sand seal plushie look at these shelters your plate is it hide and seek oh yeah more plushie games we did the one like pick up plushie game on the water yeah yeah hide the plushie I love the plushie games oh there's water it starts uh will there be water is it down sorry I instantly thought that okay where is there water down here there's water around here so no okay at least he knows yeah it's obviously wouldn't be out freak out what there's gotta be water that doesn't tell me too much not in the jail I don't think he went there um is there water in here there wasn't okay crap that could be a spot though it's got to be this hiding spots for a reason it's the one I didn't find out about um I'm gonna find the plushie I can't lose that assault no this is exciting it's a good hiding spot I'll play some more okay can't be in that area um where was there water technically here I don't know ah I can't pick up the Rock here aha there was water here okay fighting spot one I assume they're gonna keep putting other places I didn't remember that was a fountain we're gonna put another one in that kitchen pantry oh unless you do it again there's a boy I have fun hanging out with and he's a very special though indeed yay special and cool okay I bet they're gonna have more hiding spots next time I'm challenging you now okay we're winning hide and seek a gun yes hide and find the plushie [Music] here you'll never think to look by the bed I'm not very good at this focused I know exactly what I want come on what if we do all our hiding spots a roar picked out for you I skim that um what could it be hold fruits and yeah again play with I mean challenge this is a great challenge yeah maybe it is different every time so we just got that one okay we're trying to hide it here don't you tell me they're just gonna alternate between a few set ones there's gotta be one in that like Little Pantry Speed Run percent okay so just there's a few sets hiding locations is it always this is how we max out okay it is okay well silly I assume one will be in that pole Pantry thing so it's different every time well maybe also think it's funny that uh these are the three ingredients to make uh Noble Pursuit bold fruits Hydra melon Palm fruits and salt of course the first R to throw and then just popped up my weapon I was like okay bro maybe it's because I was jumping I don't know yep if you jump we'll throw you just pull it sorry I want a mission to get all the balls wow is there a second last one I gotta see what happens when we get them all I hope it's not tied to the the whole dating thing because that'll be hard to do both do other uses okay okay almost all perfect were they all the directions of no they weren't um we can talk to the seal which should be above let's just get um perspective on this there oh gypto parts and gods that's it all interesting I guess leftovers gotcha [Music] Patricia is something of an oracle please offer some fruit in exchange she'll share a reading with you for Splash fruit you'll almost certainly get a strange number filled reading how does this working okay Apple first do you like Apple Maybe a talking seal oh Splash fruit prophecy seal shell guide you to places worthy of your time uh because you really want that don't you yeah happy rolls I would assume so hmm [Music] coordinates seal court numbers negative 3 800 negative 29.69 oh you can actually use the coordinates that's where the ball is isn't it oh my God was that Max videos ready oh my God oh silica number 3800 uh 29 okay 38 negative 20 not breath of the wild I'm sorry basically 3800 and then I have an SD card to fix this problem but still um 29.69 oh so it wasn't a town 29.69 you see how well this lines up 58 okay 38 29.69 it's three numbers humans can only reasonably remember seven numbers at a time uh 29.69 58. 39 69 . oh I get why it's so hard because the town is not centered to the cornness I'm keep going in the directions of the town I'm like why is it like not 29.69 no we have to go True North there we go open up this ball 38 29 69 59 58. you know uh yeah I know what I'm doing sand isn't it it is sand aha that makes a bit more sense now I didn't really pick up on that because it just Blended in well you know expect the sand there not well tic-tac-toe jumpy games wow X lost what is that that's type of soup tomato soup oops yep you go like that and we'll let you roll right in place or this is the last one all right well before I put it I'm gonna use the restroom sorry I don't want to hold back from that again because I need to refill my water and use the restroom so we'll be back in just a moment we have yep last one because they drunk like the entire thing last stream uh not an entire one again now so yeah we'll be back welcome to one tuning in um just give us a moment that works awesome and then uh we'll have Zoid once again watch the Stream so it does it well and we'll put peppy on them too can't quite see him though Pepe's here in spirit there we go so be right back uh give me like three minutes gotta refill my water restroom and then we'll do that foreign foreign foreign thank you oh hi oh good hello yeah I can't see what this does I'm just uh interested I was gonna relate because now I'll have the real heroines are sunken it doesn't seem to be anything big there all these things were just around the town itself so horror plays and we shall see wait I really like this area just still like all these types of sand travel but you know still a lot of open things where seal or hovercraft travels fun but a lot of very close camps and whatnot too moldugas and everything so yeah welcome everyone let us continue with this the last ball yeah it's no watermelon but we get them anyways every single one you got a watermelon turn the orbs of the statues certainly oh on the correct ones flashing I'm not messing around doing what you need hang on a minute we got that was the last storm yeah oh there's the something floor is moving yep the little secret I was hoping it would be that hmm hopefully you didn't have a shovel could have dug this up earlier I just forgot my manners let's go inside it's fine it's exciting we're going first mysterious eight oh our hearts are full of gratitude and praise for the one who saw us and all that we could be we've been trying an appropriate gift in the sanctuary at North Korea ruins the outsized orb near the eighth statue shall be the key that opens the way hmm so is there another statue there then I didn't check out the north ruins fully see the giant orb is the key there's some large ruins located in North Dakota town bring through this place oh oh wait was that the area we were in we were first going to read you oh we did see that didn't we it opens the way beneath there is more to that mysterious eighth with no one has learned before will finally come to the light yeah cause the eighth was in like the highlands area so I don't know it's of like the giant statues now because seems to be about these smaller ones there's actually more connected lore we can carry it got into archeology to look at things not carry them we are the muscle you can do that okay this is exciting um oh wait this is Valley Asylum statues or I think it might be referring to that too oh underground Sanctuary beneath no but that is a route we can take to get there okay [Music] so never mind I thought that was the place we were in because I thought there was a statue there but maybe not sure where that giant light smear thingy about the square one ah seven heroines who protect the Gerudo secret expression The Monuments an eighth channels and guides the power of these seven yes those four so it's all like the culminating God for this yeah an orbs kind of like their power it's returned okay um our hearts are full with gratitude and praise for the one who saw in us all that we could be yes it's the seven heroines talking to the one it seems destroying an appropriate gift in the sanctuary or rather maybe it's talking to the person who United all the orbs like us yeah I think that's more likely so like they wanted some secret to be found that's just what they left behind for hopefully someone worthy to reunite it I guess just kind of looking at you know lore and reason behind things like this oh so we cannot take it through that oh that would have been such a good plan oh well we just run to seal I guess there's no 50 rupees is kind of steep so I'm like uh I guess so okay we'll make it work s my seal is going to be gone sadly it always is or we can just roll it screw it it's not that far let's play a little bowling with this guy I don't think that one sucks like all these grudo Mysteries it's so cool because the other cave is nearby so it's a hole oh that's a that's a hole oh maybe we should stay on track though that is a hole I lied [Music] oh what the it is that it's an alternate entrance exit [Music] trying to think what's the best plan of action foreign maybe just see where it leads far like we can fit the ball down there though not very easily ptos nice okay I have attitude Yep they're still gonna be in the caves look up so just the whole side area that could have been skipped okay nice let's see I don't see okay so the same Cave System but you can only get through there through here so it hasn't like alternate entrance okay this is so cool it's like yeah the lock apart portion of the Tomb what does that go down too I don't know let's get the ball back I really like that the expanded on this area install the lightning strikes from Rego stains enough oh yeah you can't do that anymore you can drop him okay crap I forgot about enhance this health yeah that just straight up that needs please thank you is definitely got a lot more explosive and they're jellies too which we can't harness that lovely I like their horns I haven't seen a black one in a while still what the it didn't let me pop my paraglider what uh excuse you that just ruined everything like no joke I could not pop my fairy letter so odd that's okay you're a quick finish mildly yeah it's a lot slower without the flurry but two for you the damage difference is insane [Music] please till then you got this bud what you mess it splashed splashing I guess we can go with more of those huh I'm not opposed it's still kind of fun to use you know could do more damaging stuff on it these because they're everywhere literally or we could make a rock one you're with horrible in parts yeah we have a feel Hammer boomerang you never know maybe find a Talus it could be good something I love the new Desert Music too thank you know just like whether this world's in either some tears of the Kingdom or breath of the wild I just love this version of Hyrule so much you can never get sick over exploring around us no definitely not because there's just like all new too but your nostalgis played with a lot too Bolson like seeing a lot of familiar things just slightly different or even just totally change sometimes like when you go to the towns again it's cool oh I missed a gun please attack thank you my pride is ruined oh it's the boomerang I forgot what I play another Bowl time noise interesting Boomerang is that Neo thank you Dylan actually I prefer that outcome here we are ball Where'd I leave you there you are in you go oh it's oh so leads to the rest of it from here mystery will no longer be a mystery in a couple years when this finishes uh please that's the record holder the most painful bulky okay what have we got a tablet looks different from what we saw earlier from the other end we'll saw the end of this nothing we can foreign get all the orbs for the aethers see really cut that head in that's where we need to go okay so we saw from the other side who's teasing it these are so cool though well Delta fruit Orcs too interesting a lot of things break them open sorry oh isn't safe oh it's not safe I really thought that was gonna be safe we made it out not really it is sand ruins of course it's gonna be falling platforms I'm just having such a blast in the desert between these last two streams like I just love the whole underground you know Sandstone Egyptian stuff Gerudo trip rating oh pick a path that path seems okay this one does not ah I thought you could fool huh oh pizza's head what was that for splashing yep anything does it go satisfying foreign close it off behind kind of I have no idea what that sequence of events was yeah it was something though I'm just getting happy around the gems thank you let's go shock yourself what else can we use on these guys not bright bloom just muddle bottom balloon of I don't know does that sound Elemental does not [Music] all right he's still gonna go out first and there's no one else oh wait roll away get him eventually okay I doubt I mean that's actually gonna be special bye just confused and redead I believe a Rita is just the gibda without like the bandages but in this case yeah it's like they're scanning in their skeleton foreign the nature down here am I stepping on the rocks oh what lizard oh Hardy I missed that too it's okay we're getting some to be careful of all the Hardy's in here these structures are so cool though deserty ruins I said isn't it Maybe oh statue of the eighth arrow in room only all represent oh they all represent the different elements like wisdom and whatnot I what were they flight Mobility long ago a monstrosity the Sans attacked grudo town it's war cry ring out over the dunes like a raging demon New York we7 heroines of the Gerudo the most stalwarts chosen by searched forth to engage us get this monstrosity toss us about it's like the tumbling weeds we fear that the Prague would be extinguished and then a hero appeared from the far oh the eighth who had traits of all of them Marshall the seven heroines Consulting us to combine our strengths strength upon strength of we7 routed to monstrosity we named our benefactor The Guiding Light of the Gerudo oh do we are not spot the highest praise for him he was refused entry into grudelt so the eighth heroine's a guy it was grew to law that oh that all those like him were barred how hollow our gratitude and praise must have rung in the hero's ears let me see monstrosity attack real town okay thus was the link between his people and the grudel served though we never bequeath it to him the gift into which our feelings are bound is enshrined at the sanctuary so you couldn't properly you give them the respect they deserve because he wasn't accepted obviously but he is important which is why the eighth is always somewhere else it's a seven somewhere and then the eighth always hidden away because it's just something that the heroines wanted to keep except for everyone else well everyone looked up to the heroines the heroines looked up to the eighth oh that's cool I like that sword and shield the Claymore Ruby five six seven yeah and what could this be the armor of them gold rupee that's really interesting you can get all the stuff here because that's where you kind of retired I guess not that I need it all but it's cool that it's here okay that's awesome yeah I couldn't even see that from before let's Rotana know what your findings I really like that and so it has to do with the whole Gerudo Outsider thing the one man who helped so it really wouldn't be a heroine it just depicted as just you know a stoic statue because that's that's all it matters you're just seven figures seven different energies I guess but it's always depicted the same so I wonder where that fits into the lore of like the sage and everything so obviously the stage was a single thing the stage must not have been one of those hmm that's really cool so as an outsider I assume because if it was a man and I mean because if you're the brutal man you're still allowed inside the town I assume the thing is there wasn't any girdle men since Ganondorf because he kind of broke the cycle since he never truly died he just keeps coming back so that's really can't be another grudo man interesting certainly something let's oh yeah over here sanctuary what happened to the big orb unlocked learn anything about the mysterious eighth eh if it's a foe that's so cool was it a version of link it could have been because Zelda extends far into the Legends you know of well the past adventurers too never guessed this say that what we learned here will append what we know of Guru history is an understatement gotta write these fannings as soon as I can hang on what name should I credit just me blink what's been nice having the same name as Zelda's favorite song we still don't know they're still caught up in their own branch of research star the archaeological well the real world was the knowledge here and that was cool interesting so now we know it was a guy so I kinda you know again there's a whole like um it's filtered barrier so everyone looks up to the heroines but the heroines always have faith in mind but that's why the eighth is separate that explains a lot now because they're even in breath of the wild the seven heroine statues were separate and then the eighth was very far you know they each had a different elements I forgot what they were again when that comes up again we'll think back to it that was very cool okay the next thing's next uh we could check out the clothing shop uh tomato soup tomato salt and milk let's try that soon tomato and milk there's a good ingredients 200 salt now fruity tomato still fruity that's funny there we go tomato still that's cool more recipes oh gotcha the Tomato mushrooms too so maybe there's a tomato meat still but that's dude didn't even require the milk did it because usually like soups and you know the soups have salt and milk usually as a base we did salt or just tomato and meat meat stew worth a shot something basic of course but it's a meat score what if I put it with uh salt and whatnot salt and milk can't be just a meat score nope still fruity no buy more recipes that's all the flat crates everywhere all right I cannot be red oh we kind of ruined that didn't we oh Chef books cooking for Success when this incredible success in your cooking Adventures strength and duration and we're cooked Foods effects will increase you can use more than one the light of the red moon can have positive effect in your cooking yep blood moon cooking those are too sleepy for that monster extract boost stuff raise power of duration but sometimes it goes negative won't it Ari TAMU is not a man who relies solely on luck many in the world who gladly pay for the dishes Chef crates it will definitely sell more because the labor cost and food alerted from a dear friend who's a great chef but he was a friend to be sure just not when I can remember the name of [Music] cooking class as high was teaching a cooking class here get really far in life and love you have a solid rap so many students not take our other class Mo and you ah hmm unless we solve all the the problems in the volume class and help them all out maybe that she'll be back but you still got the one but we got to deliver a ring Garland very far which we could do nothing's stopping us really but it did break the crate which is not helping you stand in the pot kind of yeah oh no can't break it now perfect no I know we can get it if we just put it next there we go I got this yes that worked it is number one yeah unique effects Greenies have cold properties I'm sure it's not anything that special um experiment yeah you can't solve their effects if you do two of different ones extraordinary elixirs Critter and monster part okay it's very basic ones okay acorns are nuts or anything with food for hearts are we TAMU I'm afraid of quick Critters yeah they're cooker not a potion Brewer only appear for an individual with a pure soul some kind of cooking might be possible to use the power of fairy I think it criticals if you add a ferry to something by itself it's a tonic not too sure though I think you'll see the fairy though so sad okay you served your purpose thank you not gonna send yeah I feel like one of the things we got to do is move the ring Garland all the way across the world it's only for like a main quest thing but I know it leads to something it's like a hidden Quest and this one was we did so many side quests but they're all so much fun here like all the reasons to just zoom around Dunes maybe here ah over there and the other one is seek Out The Swordsman upon the sand and look where she points who am I looking for usually a lot of those like on this Northern Northwest side of the desert oh no it's okay this there you are sure huh it was able to go we're going zooming with this old Rolex of brutal Warriors huh oh the unstopping that's enough bullet time no I need to activate you don't I pick the Rock I think this is the last spot where we're loudest or whatever was the loudest no I think if we're just running fast enough yep they just really don't catch you anymore go for it we have nothing to use to it I forgot to it just restored um I'm on my mom decisions [Music] there we go I think machine gun fire [Music] you do that you're ready to bomb you come on charge me some sort of silly shots we got on this guy [Music] there we go come on yes machine gun again all right I don't think that's gonna work again okay these are awesome beasts though this keeps facing his belly right too man this is too easy bye-bye or spinny spear pull the constant chain I'm not really a chain more so a revolver Two Shots this time yeah I love this weapon not bad um and we need a duster for the desert hopefully they didn't last like two seconds let's see what the other one is first at least it is one of those I just barely used but I feel like we'll make another Power weapon soon we have our boomerangs uh we have a hammer type I'm not even sure anymore uh I guess since that's damaged technically real stuff so was always better because like that's for strength is good or you could just get a flurry I know it's long throw but it's literally still good it's like uh there you are but we're gonna use up our this first thing again we have the options so we use the options Elemental boomerangs I like what we got so who's the next show where there you are bubble tilling runs with the wings out I think more of the stages we also they can all get upgraded too in wow okay I might react with other avatars it's just at first I'm like the islands look so cool from here back up quickly whenever he had shot something it makes a symbol noise like okay more amazing scenery Birds I like the little sand sparrows they get sunk easily well they're just chirping along I definitely lost where the statue was I'm gonna be honest okay here's the tougher guys huh Boomerang no problem oh yep if you're a bow guy you definitely gained the boomerang go smack out and there you go keep going away you get him bro that's fine he's taking a closer wait that's not right there it is both or just one ah thank you you're doing good and always got to go for the both bye oh by the loot too [Music] not my cover here bye so he drops his weapon too uh I need to drop this he's going for it we know exactly where it's going to be nicely charger weapons it's like you know where you're looking back to and that's not gonna work but what can be done I see the shrine but I do want to get that Treasure of that they were talking about maybe it has something to do with uh um the daybreaker and whatnot because I didn't see how we're gonna get those weapons yet that sword fell out possibly so cool now [Music] we don't need all these he breaks super fast there's a swordsman I love how this still works sand seal who's that never heard of them good morning it's kind of getting close to the yoga area I always want to check out what was different about that you're gonna watch me they got the whole Squad watching yeah tail please what I gotta do something about these camps that's a little different I'm gonna go about the way we have been we could build a little something fun leads right into it yay did they notice me possible yep so we back out you guys you'll be needed in a moment that was not the moment [Music] plenty of trial a little something [Music] you lose your weapon you're still following me okay good sorry we have to let something else do the work now automatically hits for Monsters has a little tail and everything okay so what if we just put some uh do I need another Contour head for this I don't know should be worth a shot the mouth in an eye I'm constantly freezing them but that could be a good plan and we can keep hitting them out okay cards my killer Roomba is gonna be at it don't worry no huge harm or anything it just could be a little silly oh boy yep oh he's trying to hit him back yeah that's not doing too much it's gonna keep going the same one ow why are you not attacking the one that's attacking me it's back it keeps getting push because of the arrows [Music] it's trying right now it's backing up it's gonna constantly blast another Frost [Music] let's bumping into him yeah you're shattering him out funky let's do something well that's cruel wait a second we can't get too far please freeze him too ah come on okay that's a very single tracked brain which I feel that also my death counter is not working just all my overlays stopped working like the other day I feel like remake them all my death is at 54 is going to 55. yeah I was like my camera wasn't on my uh literally anything I don't know why but 55 deaths I'd like re remove the source and re-add it I can update broken or something oh sorry fruits let's hope it still it did not keep that did it [Music] um just rebuild them but this time something a bit different we have Frost and beam not bad you don't want any part of this guys I'm gonna be honest beams should go right in the Target I get that is very much still the wrong way I know this is dangerous but I live for danger I'm gonna maneuvering that's all I'm not there we go you put that wrong it's okay that's it I can Juke all these archers pretty decently there we go let's get used to it it's not that bad I'm just trying to build and he's trying to distract me you know so that time actually almost messed up now you go okay finish him off he's going to slowly move to his Target you don't want any part of this the beans working for him oh there you go peel him out yeah wait that's a deadly combo the room of death uh oh don't let the ice get close you can't let that happen you're gonna be oh there you go what the hell that just isn't fair oh he's beating him into him yep [Laughter] yeah that's all it takes goodbye that's the best combination right here first you know he's not gonna follow me during it but that's Roomba we're instantly adding that to our favorites yep after we remove a stupid one like that that one doesn't work um Roomba save yeah I was just too good okay I love that vibe there no issue I guess this whole thing's past the camp wasn't it come on it's no longer a monster camp used to be in the dust bowl and there was a like a lizzle base here it was really cool but it's cool bear too more statues there we've got tons of Crocs stuff just everywhere aha make it on yeah almost didn't what a four momentum what it was accounted for done well what's a hole oh looks like the walls just scratched out the sand fall or just uh very bizarre rock wall at least the end of the Dust Bowl that's I don't know powering the mushroom s I might have always been there just there's always this Dust Bowl so I never saw it that's likely the case they want to do lightning Overkill but we could have couldn't we have I think just everything led to that uh with us I guess okay that was overkilled go oh that was underkill that was just not good oh go damn it yes not damn it wait it didn't look really does anything to him interesting yeah it doesn't make that critical thing the boomerangs aren't good against like legs apparently don't need that sorry I've been using the same radiant Shield since the beginning of this area [Music] um with us I don't know I'm gonna use this for the first time probably feels like that at least okay bye bye oh Wes Gerudo underground runs Yep they're still pointing inward oh we got all these old girl structures are so cool oh it speeds it up by quite a better I love exploring When Everything feels all the time there's just so much Rock though so just expect me to break that any other way oh no I'm just happy we have kinobo aha yep we still better than any bomb and easier to get to I guess I'll alternate you know you know it was free but still here maybe just follow the directions because if I do like that yeah only lasts so long yeah that just takes a while and all durability if we keep making new ones but you're in right nope you were there we go thank you I love you you know about yeah if it's just oh just cave Den oh enemies fixed I gotta check it all out though ha it's an area at last go okay weapon please yes radiant Shield another one okay we'll swap you out with uh yeah we don't need all those we just have that one extra for whenever there's some tech that we could probably put on that but I just love my grudo I look nice just plain as I love all the wood things like extra durable which is wood compared to like metal stuff which yeah the rust doesn't help I still got to know the durability stats for everything I don't know all the base there are bullies my heart so but obviously the restored stuff has more so we're building damage you know I was just having a hard time sorry oh wow okay gotcha through there this reason why I got all these bombs for things like this coming up nobleman it's a bit further in there on the right way I assume oh yeah meeting us in okay so it wasn't just looking up back here it was a forward area that was cool and of course I love her what's us the Divine Helm oh of course he led us to that deeply bonded deep in the bottom of the Gerudo when worn by a Hylian okay that was a very fitting reward because all the statues led to it have you left that was a cool place it's it's that ancient now huh we're still the bubble frog though and I heard him over here yep all these abandoned runes you know we have for that we have change Target we have sensors for everything there's a break every wall I believe it was here though what maybe up high yeah might be [Music] haha you secret of the secret manage them okay we need the sapphires as well because probably have to redo our Diamond trade we're gonna need another 10 sapphires what are we at for gems I want to know I could probably pass them all again Samira eight diamonds hmm if you have 10 we make 5 500 rupees but I just need to find how to get 10 more for two more it's me I just like exploding everything Roger breaking every Rock in this place because most rocks don't like respawn unless there's like a quest to it oh yeah chess I could do with the evil put a chest in here it might allude back to that one that didn't open but let's see oh I did open that never mind okay I think we're good that was a cool structure underneath the bone I don't see sand runes are perfect all these the heroin stuff the uh pyramid now oh that was such an odd location okay seal it's like those guys okay we can also see what we need for our armors I'm thinking about that now too if we get a war point we can check that out like that one or the car platforms are still there now first thing I need to upgrade is always a good idea oh thank you you weren't close anyways sorry give me a hand you do they're gonna watch me oh that oh that time you were prepared not a common sight so small credits there we go you know you guys just finish them off or sure I will it's too up here let's see what we need to upgrade the champions because we put it on it's just uh I think it enhances Rego like I can't fully tell the yep Region's right there I think it's only the damage so I haven't quite figured that out yet I don't know if the ability gets better or what yeah you're cool with the helmet though swords away we're both wearing it I'm just wearing the Divine Beast version oh it's a construct base oh they're protecting the shrine that's how you get to the Yi area okay cool I like this I like the canyon a lot too they really change that which was nice to see just getting these two first foreign car maybe just maybe this will work of course it's gonna be a trust nearby oh God this is kind of working I don't know if the requirements aren't for it to work it just kind of does if you need it to yeah I still need to find out a three oh Don't Shoot Me Now she did flurry bullets you know oh he was waiting for that one an opportunist [Music] it was a sand chapter oh that's a truck here have fun sinking oh wait he floats they don't stink but that would sink Maybe move around thank you Shield oh no what thank you okay that was indeed a chain of events oh that's my good Shield okay your Noble's got my back [Music] oh there we go I'm too Lin of course [Music] I can never find a captain construct 3. I swear they're just not in the game oh I can't be there not anymore at least oh man well that'll be death number 56 okay ah Battle tip oh it didn't even say the loop oh yeah because I never opened the chest he's surprising there we go uh bye-bye it's only charge now it's not a gun [Music] Frost emitter what oh yep I understand your One-Shot capabilities man I really don't want to deal with that there we go girl screw looking really nice now because you're no longer a boomerang guy we're up bow guy I know the difference [Music] okay you should not have done that Quick Charge that's why we got this Soldier fours anything for this is vice tell us to fix this bye-bye and then okay get rid of the chilies is this bowl better than what we currently have not really but it's not damaged sorry night's bow s like a Nat on me I'm just like oh there was one more and this runs crooked I don't know if the crookedness persists but I guess we'll see Bridging the sentence okay I think after this Shrine Maybe I'm probably gonna take a little break and I may stream a little later because I feel like I do want to eat dinner we'll see you though I know tomorrow I won't be able to stream during the day um I'll be busy during the day but I do want to do a night stream maybe more depths or something I don't know it's been really nice though I just don't have as much playing endurance today it's a swing around okay however that worked I love our sand stuff though oh we need to build over it oh I'll back it up like that I have no idea sometimes there we go just like that simply done get folded oh not easily shouldn't have fired at me would have given you a bit of Mercy that's a lie the cannon oh I think I did something important for the whole all these sand shrines are just big and open it's a whole sea oh we need to get over here what's the only thing that spawned it oh that's cool I really like that it's okay let me draw first that's all you needed okay well fill my sand speeders you're seeing the other stuff in the Dutch it's gonna be so cool though I can't wait for like the yigon whatnot well that was actually pretty good unintentionally I like the shrine oh nice looking there's good potions I don't think I made myself a level 3 yet please thank you goes up the ramp not safely but this one's guarded oh but we need that I really like this shrine I like how it just kind of stays in there because it's not very deep anyway it works uh maybe maybe not we're a little too late no all the Chompies are at the end keep going I know it's awkward so it could be awkward and still work out I did not say easily though oh we need to bring that okay touching that one get the Mark II ship oh yeah mini open world over here got everything in the table what if I slide it'll be heavy for sure maybe that's all I need yeah I think the wage is gonna be a problem we need another fan that's like a prevent it from being mashed okay I will take the fan off there we go hello Mark one there we go this is acceptable hello come back here in a moment is that enough I hope so yep this should be plenty looks like I was rampling up to it but there's a ladder so let's pick your poison I guess that should do a bit better kind of lopsided but the power's there we go yep need two fan power and then eventually it will work given due time third would have been nice but also taking more time let's go be a quicker ride back because we don't need this whole thing better be ready for me constructs it's going to be hell to pay for making me wait this long they're probably responsible for the Sans oh can we turn in time get away from tiller yeah so we just have to not get shots that's the other problem here I believe in the luck gods just look down if you don't get shot this game just look down oh there was also a send isn't there ah yeah I forgot about ascend yep you know that is the easy solution okay but oh well I brought this over so I'm doing it this way oh I would have extended anyways okay go no no oh come on wait stupid okay you got this you got this yep skills good skills yes we did it our way oh you were not supposed to do that no that was just me not assessing the situation okay we did it in our own special way drop it on it's right catch up to you no problem just give me a moment though oh we gotta build the ramp to get the ball up I see first we have some other treasure in our Sandy Adventure go okay let me turn around really quickly oh that's not how he turned around no I don't I don't mean mashed potatoes no [Music] go no no no no no no uh I'm now mashed potatoes not good we're back here well thank you for the other Chef this is really fun even though I'm doing like half of it not quite right oh yeah I'm really just screwing up everything and away we go sled boards it's at least very fun quite the ball Oh I thought it was a little matchy thing I'm like no thank you for making this one pretty simple [Music] here we go and then mine though wait [Music] to stay in the full two seconds there we go that was an awesome Shrine and we got all the loot I love ones that are bigger like that mini world and I was had the fancy getting into so [Music] all right so more orbs I think that brings up stop to one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven nice probably get to 15 then say a whole bunch to do more because I don't like having just like one or two hearts in the next row it's like one of those pet peeves and old Zelda games but now I can control control that so all right final construct final a couple constructs okay well that was fun sorry I just don't have as much playing endurance today I yeah just check out the runes itself was cool and there's still a lot more in the desert to do been the town uh stuff with the yiga the definitely the depths below two will be really cool but uh yeah I know I'm just kind of tired I think I want food um so I will have to call early today um if I go live later I'm not too sure I might I'll see all I'm feeling after dinner but for sure I will be going live tomorrow night um yeah I need that stuff it's kind of fair game right now so I'm just kind of enjoying at that um wherever the Sands take us really but yeah thanks for watching um you check the live playlist like an hour to see what we're doing um because I don't really know myself honestly I'm just going to kind of feel out feel today and then definitely later tomorrow like 6 p.m Eastern maybe we'll go live so maybe more depth then for sure if we do do it tonight um but yeah thank you for watching I'm sorry I don't know where my energy went uh just like having fun but it's like yeah um let's see got my stats video out this morning so if you do want to check that out it's like a four minute watch it's just on fusing durability and how that kind of uh makes sense to the game how objects add durability to your weapons when you fuse them and how it varies per weapon so just a little short stats of the Kingdom video but our first one and we'll make like little ones as we go um just stuff that can be understood without knowing the entire game so we'll make even bigger ones once we beat it so so yeah thanks for watching that video is in uh the uh just our Channels video tab but it'll be in the description after the stream so thank you and uh yeah I'll see you guys pretty soon then uh check the playlist then goodbye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Croton
Views: 106,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Botw, Playthrough, Funny, Tips, Tricks, PointCrow, Smallant, Breath of the Wild, Breath of the Wild Sequel, Relics of the Past, Randomizer, Multiplayer, Speedrunners, hunters, Hide and seek, Tears of the Kingdom, Totk, Speedrun, Speed Run, All enemies before the blood moon, Killing every enemy, Killing all enemies, Before the blood moon, Breath of the Wild challenge, Ganondorf, Green magic, Blind, Stream, New Zelda, Zonai, Beginning, start, Fuse, Ultrahand, Tears, Tears of the Kingdom Challenge
Id: _F6jTsioyQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 23sec (13763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.