Canning apples - The easy way for filling your pantry

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[Music] hey y'all this is lynn with small town southern wife and today we're going to be making some canned apples that we got and i thought i'd bring y'all along to show you how we're going to can them we don't want these apples to go to waste because they cost so much right now apples are very expensive so i'm going to can these so we can have them in the months to come and have fresh canned apples to make like apple pies fried apple pies or apples over ice cream or all kinds of stuff you can do with the canned apples and so we're gonna can them so they don't just go to waste and uh i'll show y'all how i'm gonna do it okay y'all i got you where you can see them now here's the apples where we've washed them all got them in this great big dish pan and they're all good and clean and we're fixing to use this little utensil right here that travis got and uh corn with it then we're gonna peel them and cut them we're gonna slice them and right here i've got my three gallons of water and i'm gonna i've got one cup of lemon juice and i'm gonna add that one cup of lemon juice to my three gallons of water and then i'm gonna put me some ice in it i've already got the ice cube now so i can get this water good and cold and crispy i'll have to set y'all down so i can get it hold on one second okay now i got it where i can get a hold of this ice [Applause] and that'll get my keep my apples crispy while we're cutting them up and they won't turn brown adding that lemon juice to that water look at all that that lemon juice mixed in that water good and i've got my jars set out and got them ready to go i've got my three gallons of water over here already measured out and what i'm gonna add to that is two cups of sugar per gallon with one teaspoon of cinnamon to my three gallons of water and that is to season your apples once you get them canned they'll already be seasoned so all you have to do is just open them up and make an apple pie with them but right now we're gonna get to cutting some of these apples up and i'll bring y'all back and show you as soon as i get a couple done she [Music] i'm halfway there got that many peeled there's my evidence [Music] okay y'all we finished peeling the apples and cored them and i didn't think i was ever going to get finished that was a bigger job than i expected and here they are right here's where i peeled them and lord i gotta hurry up and get these up devon have a heart attack if she walked in she's from the city she don't think we're supposed to throw stuff in the floor but it was just as easy to do it that way and there's the apples how pretty they look and they're not turning brown because we remember we put the lemon juice in that bucket of water to keep them from turning brown and right here we're fixing to add our sugar and cinnamon to our water to make our mixture to pour in our apples when we can but there's my mess i gotta get up i'll bring y'all back in just a minute while i'm cleaning this mess up travis just come through and told me to save him those cores out of those apples he might make some apple brandy with those so i guess i'll be saving those for him but so far i did clean up the peelings [Music] okay y'all we're fixing to pour our sugar and our cinnamon in our three gallons of water and i was going to show y'all how we're doing it right here the water's just now getting warm pretty it's like a medium heat you don't want it too hot because you got to put it in you're going to be putting it in your cool jars with your apples and right here we have our two cups of sugar per gallon so we got six cups of sugar right here and three tablespoons of cinnamon i said it wrong the first time it's one tablespoon of cinnamon per gallon and we're going to add all this mixture in our water and get it pretty warm enough oh it's just got to be warm enough so the it'll melt the sugar and the cinnamon will dissolve on its own with the heat too just takes it a little bit but let's let that heat up and we're getting it almost ready to put in our jars with our apples okay y'all it's dissolved real good now it's already warm real warm i'm gonna give it a taste test to see how it tastes oh yeah that's good that's gonna be like a fresh apple pie on sunday morning from your granny okay y'all we got the jars over here and we got the apples ready and i'm gonna start packing the jars and putting my apples in it getting it ready to get them filled up i'm going to use this measuring cup right here and get them in there but that lemon juice has kept them from turning brown so bad i'll fill up a couple more and then i'll bring y'all back after i get the jars filled up we start adding a cert to but you want to sort of pack them in there because they're going to you're going to lose a little bit of when they start cooking down when you can them they'll shrink just a little bit so to make sure you get enough in there pack it just a tiny bit see but let me get these filled up then i'll bring you back and show them in a minute okay everybody i got 18 jars quart jars of apples out of those apples that we just peeled and here's my my brine i'm going to mix and put in it sir it's more like a i was more like syrup flavored syrup and we're getting closer to the end ready to can them but i just wanted to bring y'all back and show y'all this picture how pretty they are so [Music] just go up to that one inch headspace from the top with your liquid a little bit more i'll bring y'all back when we get them all filled up [Music] and y'all don't forget to wipe your rims real good so you'll get a good seal [Music] and now we're going to put our legs and our rims on just finger tight use your magnet lifter to get your lead out of the boiling water to keep it good and sanitized i'll bring you back when we get ready to put them in the canner all right here they are we've got all the leads and rims on them we got them ready to go in the canter and the way we're going to do it because we don't want to overcook them we're going to put them in the canner and we're going to let them come to pressure and as soon as it hits the pressure and it starts thumping i'm going to cut them off and then let them sit in there till it cools down and the seal comes back down where you can open it and then that's all we're going to do we're not going to cook them too long because we don't want to overcook them but here's a good picture of them how pretty they turned down so let's get them in the counter and we'll bring you back when i get them out [Music] oh okay y'all the one on that far end the red thing just popped up that means the pressure will start thumping in just a minute maybe a few minutes but it'll just get there and let it just sit there oh there goes the one on the end the little red thing just popped up it beat the one in the middle oh there goes the one in the middle it just popped up so now when those start thumping i'll cut them off [Music] and here goes the one on the end one time all right let's get them cut off and let them sit there okay everybody here's our apples after we got them out of the canner they're still hot travis just helped me get them out because they're very hot they're done and they're sealing and i believe this is going to be enough apples to last us for a year we can have a fried apple pies sometimes on the weekend but there you go canned apples and thank you all for watching please like share and subscribe to grow our channel
Channel: Small Town Southern Wife
Views: 17,413
Rating: 4.9119496 out of 5
Keywords: canning apple, apple, apple (food), water bath canning, apple harvest, canning for years to come, delicious aplles, family food, preseving our food, apple pies, apple jam, crisp apple all year, pink ladies apples, 1870 canning, 1870 homesteading, mason jars, this farms wife, the farmers wife, a good life on the farm, feeding apples to our family, 1870's way of life, home canning, pressure canning, lindas pantry, canning 101
Id: -j9KycLTeMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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