Canning Cornbread rebel canning

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welcome to my channel I hope you enjoy the video content today and if you do please remember to give me a big thumbs up and if this is your first time here I hope that you'll subscribe and stick around for a little while today I am going to show you how I can bread today I'm gonna be canning cornbread and let me give this disclaimer I am a rebel canner I believe in my kitchen my rules not everything I do is FDA approved and I do not believe that untested necessarily means unsafe I am not telling you to do it this way I am only sharing with you how I do it in my kitchen and in many cases how my granny did it in hers there are a lot of rebel Kanner's out there and there are a lot of us who do this I encourage you to please do the research and find what works for you in your kitchen there are lots of excellent resources the National Center for home food preservation is a great resource there are lots of videos on YouTube tons of yet groups on Facebook now the mix of boxes that we're all familiar with the little jiffy mix boxes and the little packets of just add water or excellent for canning I am going to be canning Martha White's cotton country cornbread today now I'm told these will last on the shelf up to two years I have never had them last that long I don't can enough to last me that long at a time this is probably gonna last me about two months and that's about the limit of what I typically can I don't have a lot of space so for breads I usually only can a couple of months worth at a time but again I'm told that they can last up to two years now the insides of my jars are dry and I do not spray them the jars have all been sanitized and once these go in the oven I will put my lids in simmering water to sanitize them as well a few minutes before these are due to come out I'll take the lids out of the water and lay them on a paper towel so that they're dry when I get ready to put them on these do not get put into a water bath or a pressure canner we are going to put the seals directly on to them as soon as they come out of the oven alright so let's get started so I'm going to mix the cornbread mix up according to the package directions which is one package of mixed and 3/4 cup of water [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I have prepared the mix according to the instructions and I've let it sit for it's five minutes that is recommended so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to fill my jars my oven is preheated and I prefer to do this on a cookie sheet so that I don't worry about the jars tipping or being wobbly you only want to fill them about a third of the way this is going to rise so you only want to fill about a third of the way [Music] okay before they go into the oven I am going to clean the rims and any drips that they might have gotten because they will be very screaming hot when they come out of the oven and you don't want to have to try to clean them [Music] all right so I'm going to put these into the oven now the package says that they cook for 15 to 20 minutes but I have found when cooking in glass jars the time is different so I'll start checking these at about 11 minutes I'm going to get these into the oven and get the lids on to simmer and once these are ready I will bring you back [Music] [Music] [Music] and a cornbread is done so you have to work quickly want to get your lids and rings on my lid serratus simmered them and now put them on paper towel to make sure that there was no liquid on them and you want to use pot holder these are hot they just came out of a 425 degree oven and the Rings get hot quickly too [Music] picture loads on nice and finger tight just like if you're canning and then as these starts cool all right and then as these cool down they will seal and they are then shelf stable for I've been told two years like I said I usually do enough to last me a month or two at a time so I'm gonna set these aside and let them cool down and in a few hours I will check the seagulls and I'll label them gonna put them in the pantry I hope that you've enjoyed the video today and if you did please give me a thumbs up it helps with the YouTube algorithms hopes to get me out there in the search engine and if you are not subscribed I hope that you'll subscribe and stick around I do a lot of canning a lot of southern cooking a lot of rebel canning and some crafts and DIY is throwing in thank you so much for watching today have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Fyreflye's Follies
Views: 5,715
Rating: 4.9673023 out of 5
Keywords: Canning, rebel canning, SHTF, prepping, long term food storage, canning bread, canning cornbread, southern cornbread, shelf stable storage
Id: Jg9PEmH15hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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