Green Salsa, Tomato & Pasta Sauce | Late Season Canning

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today we are back in our kitchen and we are finally processing our tomatoes and our tomatillos ariel is going to be making our pasta sauce and our tomato sauce for us and I'm going to be making our green salsa first off we're going to be starting with making pasta sauce out of our tomatoes and then we're going to use these skins to make tomato sauce it's an awesome way to get a second use out of those skins rather than just composting them if you're looking closely you may have noticed that our tomatoes are a little bit funny-looking and that is because they have been frozen so this year a lot of our Tomatoes probably we have about 2/3 of them did not ripen on the vine we actually had to pull them off and bring them inside to let them ripen so this all happened over the period of about two months and we needed a place to store them in the meantime because we were processing them we went ahead and froze them now you normally wouldn't want to freeze a tomato if you plan on using it fresh again because it's just gonna ruin the consistency but for sauces and salsa it doesn't matter we're gonna start off by processing these tomatoes through our strainer which is hooked onto our meat grinder and then we're going to do is we're going to use the skins leftover to cook down and make our tomato sauce we're using four different varieties today I'm primarily wanted to use roma tomatoes but we actually did not have those grow as much and I planted a lot of the heirloom type we have hillbilly and we have Kellogg's and Kellogg's is always a great performer it gives you these really big orange tomatoes and then there are a yellow or orange variety which is Hillbilly that looks like this ideally those are tomatoes that are going to have a lot of water content so they're not great for actually making pasta sauce we just need to let the sauce simmer down a little longer to get rid of some of the water so we end up with a thicker sauce so we are gonna get started by putting these tomatoes through the strainer I also forgot to mention that we have some tomatoes put aside over here these are more of the unattractive ones and in this area of our kitchen we have our tomatillos and our jalapenos which have also been person this year we had a really good yield of these tomatillos some of them got just massive which is awesome we're really looking forward to having a really spicy green salsa before we get started on Tomatoes this strainer does draw quite a bit of energy so we like to have our generator running you are going to probably hear our inverter fan running in the background so when I'm first going to do is cut some of these larger Tomatoes into quarters or more appropriate sizes for our strainer and I did remove tops if there was any that had those on and these are slightly frozen which is okay [Music] [Music] about to Mundson we did break this strainer and it was probably because it was too cold from the partially frozen tomatoes or because they were partially frozen and they were having a hard time pushing through here so we went ahead and switched our strainer out to our pumpkin attachment and it's now allowing some seeds through I just wanted to point that out to you guys so you'll start to see some seeds in the tomato sauce and I'm just going to be keeping a closer eye on it and putting through smaller chunks [Applause] we just finished training all of our Tomatoes I'm going to put this last bit of juice in our pot and we've got another pot here with the skins and some of those seeds I'm going to add water to these and this is going to be our tomato sauce and you want just enough water to cover the tomatoes themselves now that both our tomato sauce and our pasta sauce are simmering I'm going to add some of these ingredients behind me to our pasta sauce first I'm going to start with some herbs that we have this is time and I'll be putting it in just straight and we're going to go ahead and fish out the little stems later next we have some dried parsley now I'm going to put some sage and I'm not going to put too much of that since that's pretty strong and we are adding oregano I put quite a bit of herbs in since we don't have garlic to add today we could have bought some but we didn't grow it this year so I just went ahead and added a little extra herbs we're also going to be adding in salt this is kosher salt and pepper and one cup of sugar there go ahead and get that stirred up lastly I forgot about basil and it's not very pretty looking I had to pick this over a month ago and freeze it but I'm going to be adding that in now I'm going to go ahead and get the onions chopped up I'm gonna chop up four onions we are using Walla Walla which is a sweet onion I have paterson that we grew as well and red onions and shallots but these Walla Walla won't store for very long so I'm going to try and make use of them here we went ahead and tried some of this onion and it is delicious and it's Walla Walla and sweet onion so it's not like a yellow onion you can chop it up raw kind of like a red onion to the pasta sauce has all of the ingredients in it so we are going to let it reduce down into a consistency that we like this tomato sauce in the back just needs salt and we also have to let it reduce down and then we will be straining it again for the final product and when you add water to those peels you're gonna get a great flavor from the peels themselves you don't have to compost them or toss them out they make another really wonderful sauce to have put up for the winter both these pots will take a little while to simmer down so Eric is going to get started on our salsa all right we're gonna get started on our green salsa or salsa verde this is something we usually always make and we go through it really fast it kind of replaces hot sauce for us so it's more of like a liquid salsa as compared to more of a chunky salsa some of the ingredients we are going to use is our tomatillos we have a bunch of peppers they're jalapenos and Serrano's we're gonna use a little bit of vinegar we're going to use some red onions and a shallot and then we have some cilantro the Ariel dried along with some parsley and some salt and pepper first thing we're gonna do is we're going to get all of our tomatillos and our peppers blend it up and add it to our pot [Music] all right the tomatillos are all blended up next thing we have to do is we are going to treat the peppers the same way we're going to cut the tops off and we're going to get those all blended up and add it to the pot all right next we are moving on to the onions we're using for these red onions and we're going to use one shallot all right and then to the blender with our onions in it we're gonna add our dried cilantro and we're add some parsley as well and to get this to blend we're going to add our vinegar now okay so a few last things we're going to add to the salsa before we get it all mixed up and on the heat is salt we have black pepper and then I'm have about a half a cup of apple cider vinegar okay we did a taste test and it's tasting pretty good so what we're going to do is our stove is kind of full with those two pots we have on there so this is going to go outside on the deck on the burner stove and we're going to get this heated up and kind of bring it to a simmer before we put it in jars and water baths it all right our salsa was outside simmer and we let it simmer for probably about 15 minutes and it's nice and hot we got our jars all cleaned and ready to go here we're going to be using half pints this time around we're gonna get these all filled up get some lids on them and then they're gonna go out in the water bath for 15 minutes all right so this is turning out a lot better than we thought we're actually getting a lot more salsa cans than we thought we were going to get we have 32 half pints already full here we ran out of half pints so we are switching to pints we're gonna start with twelve and see how many we get all right we've got the rims of the jars wiped off with a clean rag and a little bit of vinegar and we're taking our pot lids we're going to get them placed on these things with the Rings we end up with 32 of the half pints and then we filled up all 12 of the pints and all of these are just going to water bath for 15 minutes each our salsa has been going for 15 minutes and that's gonna be our finished product right there all right this batch of salsa is done probably have about two more batches to do let's head inside and see how Ariel is doing with our pasta sauce our pasta sauce is finally finished reducing and it's at a consistency that we're happy with it's not extremely thick but that's because of the tomatoes we use so we are going to be putting this in quarts and then pressure canning these for 25 minutes I'm just gonna wipe the rims off with vinegar and then get the lids on we got 13 quarts so pretty happy with that be nice to have some more but at least we have something now that our pasta sauce is in the pressure cooker we are going to get started on this tomato sauce we have already let it cool just a little bit before we run it to the strainer and I'm gonna get this turned on and we're gonna strain it through [Applause] we're all finished up and we are very happy with the final product this is what it looks like it's actually pretty chunky because we were using the pumpkin strainer and this is the leftover that will be going to be chickens in the morning we're gonna get this put in two pints and leave half-inch headspace we'll be processing them by water bath for 35 minutes the other option is in a pressure canner for 15 minutes we ended up with 14 of these pints we're gonna get the rest of our cans process and then we will show you guys tomorrow what they look like when they're all done it's the next day and we have 71 cans that we finished yesterday pretty happy with that we do plan to grow more Tomatoes next year we want to do diced tomatoes more tomato sauce and pasta sauce as well as even sun-dried or dehydrated tomatoes that is wonderful this will be a good start for us this winter and I think we are pretty much done with canning we may have a few things here and there to do but this was our last big run yeah it's been a really long hard canning season for us we're used to gardening and different climate where we kind of garden year round here our gardening season hit really fast we were really busy we put it all the way we've been getting a lot of requests to do a root cellar tour video so you guys are gonna get it we're gonna get these down the root cellar and our next video will be our root cellar tour we will catch you guys down there next time
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 231,054
Rating: 4.9635692 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, off grid life, living in alaska, off grid vlog, homestead alaska, garden alaska, cabin life, tiny house alaska, life in alaska, home canning, presto pressure cooker, greenhouse alaska, off grid cabin, canning salsa, Canning tomato sauce, canning pasta sauce, straining tomatoes, tomato skin sauce, home canning tomatoes, green salsa canning, water bath salsa verde, Tomato strainer, pressure can tomato sauce, preserving tomatoes, tomatillo green sauce
Id: z9yMkXg5xfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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