Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 5 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown and Ending Explained

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I am captain america Welcome back everyone this is going to be my  falcon and winter soldier episode 5 video there   were so many easter eggs and obviously some big  setups and a genuine post-credits scene they're   doing the one division thing where the last  couple of episodes each have a post-credits   scene if you're brand new to the channel be  sure to subscribe to get all the episodes   also be doing episode videos for loki which is  going to start after the falcon and winter soldier   finale in june so i'll remind everybody about that  in the next couple of weeks careful for spoilers   if you have not seen the episode yet because there  were some really big reveals so we'll just start   at the beginning of the episode and i'll number  these as we go along talking about big wtf moments   and easter eggs as we go along starting with  the title of the episode which was truth so some   of you may have read the isaiah bradley origin  story comic book it's called captain america red   white and black truth and it basically tells the  story that isaiah bradley told to falcon during   the episode it's pretty accurate to the comics but  they kind of do the cliff notes version like i was   a little disappointed they didn't do full-blown  flashbacks with this character but it was a great   scene nonetheless they've only changed a couple  minor things about the isaiah bradley character   from the comics so i'll explain that when we get  to that part of the episode but the actual episode   starts with john walker directly after the events  of him killing that black smasher with all the   camera phones people recording him and it seems  like he just bolted out of the square to get away   from all those phones he has all these flashbacks  to lamar from before the mission telling him not   to go into the building yet cursing himself for  not listening blaming lamar's death a little bit   on himself he rests his head on the shield and  it seems like he's recognized what he does for a   second like for a moment he's just sort of filled  with all this regret and this pain and grief over   lamar's death there's this really sad soundtrack  playing over all these scenes like you really do   feel for him for a second but then sort of a funny  turn like on a dime he just turns like well back   to duty like he just wipes it all away nope that's  in the past fully compartmentalized there are also   repeated shots of the blood on the shield which  is still dripping down just to show you how fresh   this all is then when falcon and winter soldier  come running in you could just sense for a moment   like he's just completely past it like okay guys  let's plan what we're going to do next we need to   go after carly and falcon has to stop him dead in  his tracks like no dude you need to chill and give   us the shield back nobody else needs to get hurt  remember falcon was a grief counselor he has this   really nice talk with winter soldier towards the  end of the episode telling him about the right way   that he needs to be making amends using that list  of his that we saw earlier in the series obviously   that was all set up for yori's arc and him finding  out about his dead son that winter soldier killed   so i'll talk about that in a second too but  obviously we knew where this was all headed is   all just building up to them double teaming john  walker when he just completely goes over the edge   is as if you're watching a giant car crash play  out in slow motion as john walker kind of realizes   what's happening oh oh so that's how it is he  goes from zero to full hulk out mode on a dime   is almost funny if it weren't so tragic what was  happening here when winter soldier tries to tell   him that he knows from experience it doesn't end  well going down the dark side that way he's trying   to tell him about his time as winter soldier as  an assassin like that will not end well for you   of course john walker denies it all i'm nothing  like you but they keep showing you the bloody   shield is still dripping blood bucky's able to get  the shield from him for a hot second just another   subtle reference to bucky being captain america  in the comics first stretch after steve rogers   was there been a bunch of times in the series  where both winter soldier and falcon have used the   shield obviously it's all about falcon becoming  the next captain america and him fully wielding   the shield but they're just playing with that idea  like bucky has used the shield in the comics a lot   too the fight does remind me a little bit of  the fight from captain america civil war where   bucky and captain america are tag teaming iron  man i guess you could think of falcon as being   the person in the iron man suit but obviously  the dynamics are very different the context is   very different for this fight than the captain  america civil war fight because john walker has   taken the super soldier's serum all of his blows  land way harder i think they're able to have a   little bit more fun with the fight choreography  too because you have two super soldiers because   obviously bucky is a super soldier as well he is  able to disable winter soldier's arm just a little   bit i think that's also kind of foreshadowing for  whatever eventual battle they'll have during the   finale because obviously this isn't going to be  the last time they'll fight john walker they just   want to make it seem like bucky isn't invincible  against john walker like the wakandans of course   you would expect them to know how to disable a  vibranium weapon that they themselves created   but they want to make it seem like john walker  is just as capable of a fighter and now that   he's as strong as bucky he can match him blow for  blow then he almost straight up kills falcon the   same way that he killed that black smasher until  bucky's able to stop him he's yelling like a crazy   man i am captain america while he rips falcon's  wings off obviously that's all foreshadowing for   the big payoff with his new wakandan vibranium  suit i'll talk about that in a second too   and everyone's kind of disappointed they didn't  show you what's in the briefcase what's in the   box show me what's in the box yes we all  know exactly what's in that box but it's   almost hilarious how crazy john walker has gone  he's full-blown crazy town i would say he even   sounds crazier than wanda did during Wandavision  and she went full blown crazy then the two of them   literally have to pry it right off of his arm  they're only able to get it off by breaking his   arm he's screaming the whole time in rage like how  dare you try to do this to me i am captain america   bucky then drops the shield down next to falcon  gives him that knowing look like here dude here's   the shield it's your responsibility take the damn  shield anthony mackie was great during the episode   but i really loved his reaction in this moment too  like he touches the blood on the shield like he's   just horrified like how could it have come to  this later after things chill out just a little   bit falcon claims that carly's bolted we don't  find out till later that she's actually gone   to new york city like she's literally sitting in  new york city getting ready for their big attack   don't worry we'll talk about the big sharon carter  twist with batroc the leaper in a second because   that was a big twist they said at the plotline  with the grc rounding up all the refugees that   they talk about at the end of the episode they're  basically going to deport them in mass that's what   this big vote is all about then as bucky takes  off to find zemo torres shows up you also notice   that falcon has cleaned the blood off of captain  america's shield he says that the story line with   the u.s military basically taking john walker to  test stripping him of the captain america name but   they also said it the whole idea of falcon's new  suit like he tells him what happened here and he   doesn't reveal what john walker did which i think  might wind up biting him in the ass later like it   sounds like falcon didn't fully report john walker  completely going off the rails the way he did   almost killing him in that fight the way they  explained it later in the episode during his trial   the only reason why they're stripping john walker  the captain america name is just because of the   bad pr that he created by killing that flag  smasher in public or at least by getting caught   doing it in public but the whole idea with having  john walker destroy his last falcon suit is to   give him a logical reason to need another one  a replacement that probably just happens to   look like the captain america version of the  falcon suit that he got when he became captain   america in the comics also when he tells torres  to keep the wings like he doesn't want them back   it's also a reference to torres being the next  version of falcon taking up that name when falcon   became captain america in the comics then we go  back to washington dc and it's actually the same   military official or the same government official  who falcon gave the shield back to in episode one   and who unveiled john walker's the next captain  america who basically strips him of the title   and all of his military rank and benefits they  basically take the military away from him like   his entire life has been all about the military  doing what he's told being this good soldier and   they basically just kind of yank that back because  as julia louie dreyfus explains i'll explain her   character in a second because it got caught  killing the flag smasher in public otherwise   they probably would have given him a medal had he  killed all of them like they wouldn't have cared   at all like oh this is so wonderful thank you  for cleaning up this problem it's just that he   got caught doing it in public and it became this  big international pr incident but the whole idea   is they're basically telling him the only reason  we're not throwing you in jail for what you did is   because you were so decorated as a hero before and  you know later they kind of pay that off when he's   forging his new captain america shield he takes  his highest honor his medal of honor and embeds it   in the new version of the shield that he's making  this is basically him going from being captain   america to being u.s agent like the super patriot  character in the comics they've been foreshadowing   this turn through the entire series but i think  we all expected him to be a version of u.s   agent from the comics who was just a very very  dark character compared to steve rogers and was   actually kind of a captain america villain for  a little while too but then we get our big mega   cameo scene is julie louis dreyfus who introduces  herself as contessa valentina allegra de fontaine   who is madame hydra from the comics but originally  she was a russian sleeper agent who joined shield   and nick fury early on in her career but she  was this russian sleeper agent the whole time   she went on to become one of the leaders within  shields structure then wound up infiltrating hydra   later as part of a secret plot to betray them  betray hydra to leviathan she does come from the   classic captain america stories in strange tales  but she doesn't have any special powers she's just   like a black widow style character a little bit  like baron zemo's character as well just very good   at manipulating other people very good at spy  trade i also kind of think now that she is the   power broker character even though there's even  more strong evidence for sharon carter possibly   being the power broker i'll talk about that in a  second too because sharon carter does kind of seem   like she's gone dark and she's playing both sides  but julia louis dreyfus's character is the only   one who genuinely feels like a villain character  hiding in broad daylight she mysteriously knows   everything about him taking the super soldier  serum what happened with the flag smashers as   if she's been watching this all play out the  entire time since the beginning of the series   when she says don't worry i know you took the  serum it's one of the best decisions you ever made   it's made you very attractive to some people what  she means by some people is she's talking about   the power broker probably because she is the power  broker herself or at least there's strong evidence   that she could be the power broker it just feels  like they wouldn't cast such a big notable actor   in a role like this unless there was going to be  an even bigger twist in the finale i think this is   all going to wind up dovetailing with sharon  carter's storyline but they're not going to   resolve a lot of that till the finale like there  will be some connection between sharon carter's   character and julia louis-dreyfus character the  contessa then she says the best decision he's   going to make is just answer the phone when she  calls him there's a bunch of trailer footage from   next week's episode i'll talk about that when i  do another trailer video for the finale but it   seems like she's going to be the one to activate  him against the flag smashers she also makes that   clever reference about captain america shield  technically not belonging to the us government   it's a bit of a gray area what she means is is  that they probably acquired it through really   shady means back during world war ii or howard  stark acquired it for the government through very   shady means kind of implying that it was stolen  from wakanda so technically the shield belongs   to the wakandans not to the us government but i  believe within the mcu the way they're explaining   her character is that she's just a powerful figure  inside the government probably connections to the   military the weapons plus program because of the  super soldier serum because she seems to know so   much about it dr nagel and the power broker  probably on the slide because she might wind   up being the power broker herself i also love the  funny reaction to the business card like what is   this there's nothing on here it's just a regular  card then as we all expected winter soldier finds   nemo at the sokovian memorial thinking about his  family he claims he's not going to try and kill   winter soldier anymore like there's no bad blood  between them but the way their talk goes down   when he says they're going to do things their way  falcon and winter soldier i think zemo expected   winter soldier to kill him like okay well fine  then this is the way it was supposed to end anyway   like he's prepared to die but when he reveals  that he took the bullets out of the gun it's   just meant to show you that he's beaten his  programming like he's trying to tell zemo   i am not the winner soldier anymore we find out  that he's actually called in the wakandans and is   handing him over then the wakandans io tell  us that they're taking him to the raft this   will obviously make a lot of you comic book fans  really excited because you know thunderbolt ross   controls the rap that's like his home base now  obviously this is all kinds of foreshadowing for   thunderbolts hopefully there'll be some sort of  post credit scene in the finale to really set this   up but the whole idea is that thunderbolt ross  keeps all the biggest super villains in the mcu   inside the raft where no other prison would be  able to hold them normally so hopefully when   we eventually see a thunderbolts disney plus  series that will be where their home base is   because thunderbolt ross wouldn't want the rest  of the world finding out of their team's existence   and because between missions they just have to  go back to their cells the whole idea of the   thunderbolts is they just get some of the time cut  off of their sentence in most of the thunderbolts   characters have done such terrible things that  they're serving multiple life sentences so even   if they completed a couple missions they'd still  be sitting in prison for a long long time they   told us a long time ago that falcon and winter  soldier series was helping set up thunderbolts   so obviously this big twist isn't a huge surprise  it was just a question of how they were going to   foreshadow thunderbolts really expecting them to  put john walker on the team because he is a super   soldier so he does have some superpowers and he's  definitely on the outs with the us military now   then when bucky asks io for the favor that's  obviously the big setup for falcon to get a new   vibranium falcon suit that looks like his captain  america comic book suit i also kind of love io's   interaction with bucky here too she tells him  that he'd be better off making himself scarce in   wakanda until all this blows over meaning don't go  showing your face around in public back in wakanda   anytime soon because they're all still a little  bit salty that he helped zemo break out a prison   black panther not super happy about that that  dude killed my father how dare you break him out   of prison but she's also telling him in so many  words that he does still have a home in wakanda   he's still welcome there eventually after this  kind of blows over which might be a teaser for   potential winter soldier cameo in black panther  too i'm also kind of hoping that bucky winds up   showing up on the black panther disney plus series  that they announced that they're doing next year   i don't know exactly when they're going to  start filming or which characters they're   going to use but there will be a black  panther spin-off series on disney plus   then falcon goes back to isaiah bradley's to  get the full backstory on what happened to him   back in the 1950s around the korean war with his  super soldier serum and like i said it's basically   them doing that captain america red white and  black truth comic book story isaiah bradley   references the red tails 332 that's the tuskegee  airman a group of black pilots from world war ii   that's actually real world history that he's  talking about george lucas even made a movie   about them called red tails starring former roadie  terence howard from the first iron man movie   falcon wants to know why isaiah bradley didn't  just become the next version of captain america   because he was a super soldier and he's more  optimistic about it but isaiah bradley basically   explains that they would not accept him would  not allow him to be captain america back then   then he explains the full story of the super  soldier program at that time the weapons plus   program he says they tested a bunch of different  versions of the super soldier serum on a squad of   black soldiers that he was part of then they would  send them out on missions just to see what would   happen to see if the serums would work some of the  participants wound up dying some had severe side   effects some of them went crazy like he says most  of the other versions of the serum were unstable   but for some reason it worked in him and they  never quite found out why then during one of   their missions a bunch of the test subjects got  captured the military commanders of the time just   wanted to bomb the whole pow camp to destroy  all evidence that the super soldier program   existed what they were doing to them isaiah  bradley pulled a steve rogers captain america   went rogue to go save all their lives brought them  back but turns out they wound up dying from the   side effects of the serum later anyway that's when  they locked up isaiah bradley and just continued   to test him to try and find out why the serum  worked on him the scars that he was showing falcon   even that looked really horrific that's basically  all the marks from the test that they performed on   him but a lot of you probably sensed the easter  egg here so obviously him saving his squad mates   is meant to be a very dark parallel for steve  rogers in the first captain america movie breaking   away from his regular duties going rogue to save  all the soldiers in the pow camp during world war   ii including the howling commandos when he  brought them back he was celebrated as a hero   but when isaiah bradley did the same thing during  the korean war they locked him up as a criminal   but about 30 years later in the 1980s there was  a nurse at the facility where he was being tested   and held who took pity on him who basically  helped him fake his death using paperwork   gave him all of his wife's letters and then  basically helped him escape when falcon tries   to get him to go public like you could tell people  about your story he doesn't believe me he's like   no they would kill me on the spot to prevent my  story from getting out when falcon says he knows   people that could help he's talking about the  other avengers characters who are still alive   early theory when falcon becomes the next captain  america eventually he'll get justice for isaiah   bradley and they'll give isaiah bradley a special  section inside this exhibit next to all the steve   rogers captain america stuff you notice when  falcon goes to call his sister too to tell   her that he's coming home with captain america's  shield you see the wallpaper on his phone there   it's a little kid with his dad that's probably  falcon as a child with his father because he   references his father a lot when they talk about  the family boat there's a whole story line with   them fixing the boat up they actually use the boat  as a metaphor for captain america's shield in the   captain america name because it's all about his  sister eventually coming around and not wanting   to get rid of the boat like no we need to keep  this as part of our legacy it's an important part   of our history we can't get rid of it's basically  the same arc for falcon during the episode falcon   says the captain america name the shield is very  complicated the history is very complicated but he   doesn't want to run from that anymore they have  some really solid montages i love it when bucky   shows up and they have some of that buddy cop  energy he shows up as if he's a delivery boy like   i'm just here to deliver this special vibranium  suit that the wakandans gave me just sign for it   and i'll be on my way you find out that bucky is  actually a pretty decent mechanic probably learned   it during world war ii we also see john walker  meet with battlestar with lamar's family during   this period he also kind of lies about the flag  smasher attack yes i killed the man who killed   your son technically that isn't true carly is  the person who killed lamar and i think the whole   idea with him walking past that captain america  poster like cap is back seeing it after he's been   stripped of the title is just further cementing  the idea that he believes he is captain america   i am captain america and that's why he forges  himself another shield but then we get that really   crazy sharon carter scene back in madrapore i'm  not exactly sure what this painting is but it's   just meant to be commentary on the actual plot  of the episode she reveals that she got batroc   the leaper out of prison in algeria where falcon  took him down during episode 1 and reveals that   she was the person who hired him for that job  that he was on to capture that military personnel   when falcon took him down in the first place  it's not really clear why she wanted that person   captured it probably has something to do with  her illicit business that she's been conducting   they raised more questions than they answered  during this episode but at the end of the episode   we find out that she's actually hired the truck to  actually arm the flag smashers for their attack on   the grc now even though it makes her seem kind  of like a villain i think she's actually just   playing four-dimensional chess and she just wants  to get at the grc like it's all part of her agenda   that's separate from what's happening with falcon  and winter soldier and when batroc said that he's   there to kill the falcon it's not that sharon  carter wants the falcon dead she probably just   told him that that he could get his revenge as a  way to get him to do what she wanted like she's   manipulating batroc herself i think it's all just  meant to be a big misdirect and she's working some   long con but then back at falcons the next morning  bucky wakes up on the couch seeing his nephews   falcon's nephews playing with captain america  shield obviously just foreshadowing falcon   training with it later and becoming the next  captain america then even though this is all   about falcon training with the shield this big  moment of bucky sort of working through a lot of   his ptsd and explaining himself to falcon like why  this means so much to him why he's making such a   big deal about the shield saying that it basically  represents his family it's like the last thing he   has left that in captain america's book of bliss  the thing that makes him feel like a real person   grounded in reality and not some cyborg killing  machine like when he was a winter soldier   then because falcon's whole thing is that he was  a grief counselor for the military for veterans   he gives bucky this big talk about what he needs  to do to find closure himself helping other people   that he wronged find closure he says i bet  there's one person in your book that only you   can help find closure and obviously that's a big  reference to yuri helping him find closure over   what happened to his son revealing that he himself  winter soldier killed him in the past falcon also   says that captain america is gone he says steve  is gone but that doesn't mean that he's dead if   you remember way back in episode 1 when they're  walking through the captain america exhibit if you   zoom in enhance on some of these parts i believe  it says that steve rogers officially retired after   the events of avengers endgame which i believe  dovetails with all the talk about him secretly   being in space like retiring to space possibly  nick fury's space station from spider-man far from   home we'll see if they pay that off by the finale  hopefully there'll be some sort of tag scene   that'll explain or clarify what's happened with  old man steve rogers [ __ ] also makes another   avengers end game reference saying that bucky  crossing the names off his list making amends   was him avenging the people that he killed when he  was winter soldier but carly winds up activating   all the flag smasher sleepers in the area just to  show how much support for their causes those are   all the people that you see in the trailer footage  wearing the masks infiltrating that grc facility   as it starts at the beginning of the episode then  they sort of explain what's going on in new york   city with this vote the grc is enacting the patch  act it's all about deporting the refugees and they   just want to make it seem like the other members  of the council at least are trying to care for the   welfare of these people and this one government  official the person who is behind all the captain   america government stuff doesn't care about them  at all and just wants to blow past this like do   we even need to vote on this we have troops in  place we can get rid of them right now in right   on cue the flag smashers enact their attack  obviously that'll play out during the finale   but we jump back to falcon at his home opening the  vibranium suit but they pull a pulp fiction and   hold the reveal to the finale pretty predictable  like you see a little bit of white there obviously   like i said it's probably a version of his captain  america suit from the comics then we get the big   post credit scene with john walker forging himself  a new captain america shield going full u.s agent   now he doesn't have extra vibranium so that is  just a regular metal shield but everybody let me   know in the comments post all your theories about  julia louis dreyfus contessa character do you   think that she's really the power broker and all  the sharon carter stuff is just big misdirection   and what kind of thunderbolts teasers do you think  we'll see in the finale post all your predictions   for the way you think they're going to end the  series what kind of post credit scenes you think   we'll see i'll do a trailer video for the finale  next but my full falcon winter soldier episode 6   video will post next friday just like normal  then i'll start doing some more loki bonus   videos there'll be more loki footage and trailers  in the next couple of weeks too everyone click   here for all my falcon and winter soldier episode  videos and click here for that brand new marvel   loki trailer video thank you so much for watching  everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 1,235,244
Rating: 4.9346008 out of 5
Keywords: Falcon and Winter Soldier, Wandavision, Emergency Awesome, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 5, Marvel, 2021, Movies, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, Falcon and Winter Soldier Post Credit Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 6, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 1, Godzilla vs Kong, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 6 Trailer, zemo dancing, Falcon and Winter Soldier Finale
Id: JpxEr1g49kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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