Top 10 Badass Winter Soldier Scenes

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with the exception of loki perhaps never before has a marvel side character received as much love and attention as buckybarn's aka winter soldier and it's not hard to see why fans love bucky because he's steve rogers best friend the only person to befriend and protect skinny steve before his transformation as winter soldier a brainwashed weapon in the hands of an evil empire bucky has a compelling and tragic story and it goes without saying that the steve bucky friendship is the highlight of the captain america movies thanks to the growing popularity of bucky and winter soldier sebastian stan the actor who plays both characters has one of the most devoted fandoms fans are especially drawn to the portrayal of the quietly intense strong yet vulnerable winter soldier while winter soldier might not get a lot of screen time in barely any lines there's no doubt he makes an impact every chance he gets so today on the tv regent we're counting down the top 10 badass winter soldier scenes spoilers ahead you've been warned let's get to it in the 10th spot winter soldier takes on captain america black widow and falcon in 2014's captain america the winter soldier generally superheroes don't do street fights this makes this three versus one clash a rare spectacle from marvel venture and yet a perfect fit for the film's overall tone which is more action movie than mcu in its execution it also shows how strong winter soldier is seeing as he never seems to be a disadvantage even when facing off against three avengers a loose cannon on a murder mission the hydra assassin with a bionic arm tears through the scene with a gun knives and bare knuckles bullets whiz bombs explode punches land hard and it seems cap and company are up against an unbeatable enemy the scene ends in a tantalizing reveal as the enemy drops his mask and a stunned cap reunites with an old friend who's not only back from the dead but nothing like his former self lucky who the hell is bucky then wipe him and start over for our number nine pick we have a scene that follows the highway fight in the winter soldier back at the hydra headquarters a team of doctors is putting an injured winter soldier back in order that means repairing his prosthetic arm and brainwashing him yet again to remove the faintest traces of recognition that he now seems to have of his old friend steve naturally since hydra is evil the treatment causes excruciating pain to its subject pain that's symbolic of winter soldier's tragic past and his transformation from the gentle affable bucky barnes into a cold-blooded killing machine on a tight leash it offers a different image of winter soldier one completely at odds with the unthinking and feeling killer we met in the previous scene here we see a man treated less as a human being and more as a possession strapped down tortured and experimented upon without his consent it makes winter soldier the film's biggest threat but also its most tragic figure next up we have our first badass moment from the 2016 follow-up film captain america civil war raising the bar from the highway fight where winter soldier took on three avengers here he faces off against six and these guys are no slouches when it comes to stretching their powers facing charges of terrorism and murder bucky breaks out of the high security holding cell where he's being kept only to be pursued by the familiar trio of cap falcon and black widow along with iron man black panther and agent 13 joining in on the fun this scene is another tribute to winter soldier's strengths he throws cap down an elevator shaft gets the better of a slightly unprepared tony stark and nearly chokes the life out of black widow he also survives being thrown down a flight of stairs and several blows to his head marvel trivia says winter soldier's bionic arm gives him strength that's superior to captain america and matches iron man's armor it's not hard to see how [Music] i just don't know when to give up do you hang on this all day hey pick on someone your own size let's change the mood a little with the next entry at number seven we have bucky barnes to the rescue in captain america the first avenger now this 2011 movie is perhaps best known for its amazing transformation of the brawny chris evans into a teeny tiny steve rogers with the wonders of cgi and body doubles ever cease in this scene a skinny steve is being beat into a pulp by a bully in a back alley when bucky appears as his knight in crisp khaki and kicks the bully's butt quite literally for those of us fans who are used to seeing barnes in his super bad winter soldier avatar this is a refreshing change of pace even if we do root more for badass winter soldier moments this movie moment might not be as dramatic as the others on the list but it makes up for its lack of optics with its significance it's the moment that captures the beginning of a beautiful friendship which lies at the heart of the story of captain america and winter soldier what'd you tell her about all the good stuff [Music] next up we have winter soldiers entry in the film of the same name a lone figure standing in the middle of the road dressed entirely in black except for the shining silver of his metallic arm winter soldier is the angel of death personified and it's not just nick fury the shield boss lying trapped in an upturned car moments away from being assassinated who thinks so fans will agree that there's something chillingly menacing about the solitary figure who slowly comes into view through fury's bullet riddled windshield though no words are spoken it's clear as day that this man isn't the slightest bit bothered by the fact that he's about to commit murder on a busy intersection in broad daylight there's something almost mechanical and workmen like about the disengaged way he goes after his target for a first impact moment this introduction scene leaves a lasting impression in our minds about the film's antagonist making the cut at number 5 is another treat from the same movie this scene starts the same way as most of winter soldier's screen appearances do with him single-handedly making such a mess of an army of armed trained and supposedly dangerous men but it's almost a joke but it's when he runs into falcon that things get a little more interesting not only does he pluck off one of falcon's wings like one with a chicken wing he then sends cap's other best bun flying off a very tall building and into thin air not only is falcon forced to release his emergency parachute to make a safe landing but his prized jet pack with his retractable wings is as good as lost this pretty much reduces him to an audience member for the rest of the fight one who can only watch as captain america goes up against a very formidable nemesis even as we're impressed all over again by how strong winter soldier is we can't help but feel bad for poor falcon you a lot heavier than you look i had a big breakfast the next badass moment to make the list is black panther's high-speed pursuit of winter soldier this is the second entry from civil war in the wild it's probably impossible to shake off an angry panther the same can be said for the wakandan royal who won't stop till he catches up with his father's alleged killer and bring him to justice the chase takes off midair with both men leaping off sky-high buildings and across thin air before hitting the ground running on terra firma the chase loses none of its urgency and drama as black panther and winter soldier minus his suit jump from carhood to carhood and indulge in some extreme biking the eye-popping stunts are nothing short of an adrenaline rush something that we expect and get in abundance from the captain america movies talking about kaepernick's faithful sidekick falcon the two are reduced to bystanders as black panther and winter soldier do their traffic stopping act it's a heck of a ride that's bound to give you whiplash i know you're nervous and you have plenty of reason to be but you're lying [Music] in third spot is another black panther winter soldier moment only this time their friends well allies at least instead of enemies in this scene from 2018's avengers infinity war king t'challa presents bucky with a beautiful new vibranium arm to replace his now destroyed prosthetic limb vibranium as you know is a rare close to indestructible metal found in plenty in wakanda what's more the arm is designed by shuri t'challa's sister and innovator extraordinaire it's definitely an upgrade for winter soldier and the perfect weapon in the run-up to the avengers battle against thanos during his time in wakanda we get to see yet another side of the winter soldier he's not the old bucky but he seems to be a man more at peace with himself with his new arm he's once again a great warrior but this time he'll fight on the side of the good the new arm in many ways represents the birth of a new winter soldier we're getting close to the top but before that we have that awesome clash in civil war that pits old friends winter soldier and captain america against an out of control iron man this scene ticks all the boxes it's got one of the most interesting sets for any fight sequence it's got plenty of superhero gadgets laser beams armored suits bionic arms shield the list goes on it's got more than one poster worthy moment but what makes it such a super fight is the extreme emotions involved iron man's anger and thirst for revenge that makes him refuse to listen to all reason winter soldiers guilt to his past actions despite his lack of control over them cap's desperation to save his old friend come what may this fight is as personal as it gets there's no wrong versus right here no good versus evil it's just pure feeling acting on one's deepest sentiments and that gives this fight an intensity and rawness that can only be rivaled by the next scene to make this list that honor goes to the final battle between winter soldier and captain america in captain america the winter soldier after the revelation the winter soldier who's out to kill him is in fact bucky barnes whom he believed to have died captain america spends the rest of the movie trying to bring his old war buddy back from the brink putting his life at great risk cap tries and fails and tries again to make the brainwash killer recall their past and revive any trace of humanity he might still have and it all boils down to that final struggle brewing with tragedy and hurt the action is fantastic the set is magnificent but they all fade into the background when you notice the hint of tears in cap's eyes and the inner struggle that seems to be eating up winter soldier this is the only time you'll see the universe's strongest and bravest soldier give up a fight the excellent dialogue with some extremely memorable one-liners takes it all to another level rarely does a battle in an mcu movie bring one to tears unless someone's dying this one does come close and that's why it's number one on our list then finish it gives them with you to the end of the line and that wraps up the top 10 badass winter soldier scenes if you didn't believe at the beginning of the video that there were this many you now know better tell me what you think of this list by writing to me in the comments section if you enjoyed the video press the like button feel free to subscribe to my channel the tv region if you enjoy these videos that will definitely make my day i'll see you again real soon with a brand new topic bye for now [Music] you
Channel: The TV Regent
Views: 518,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the tv regent, top 10, top 10 movies, movie tops, movies, top 10 badass winter soldier scenes, winter soldier fights, best of winter soldier, top 10 bucky barnes scenes, winter soldier transformation, falcon and the winter soldier, top 10 superhero, superhero, winter soldier vs captain america, winter soldier vs ironman, winter soldier vs black panther, marvel, top 10 marvel, Sebastian Stan, winter soldier and falcon, falcon vs winter soldier, captain america, bucky barnes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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