A Guide To Marvel's Falcon And The Winter Soldier

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but the white wolf has rested long enough is falcon and the winter soldier teasing bucky's return to a life of villainy well probably not exactly the second episode of the falcon in the winter soldier gave us a tease of bucky's healing time in wakanda where he became known as the white wolf little time in wakanda and you come out white panther it's actually white wolf interestingly enough the white wolf character in the comics is one of black panther's biggest villains so why would the mcu choose to give bucky that name today's a video is breaking down everything we know about white wolf from the comics and how the mcu can adapt that with bucky's current character arc let's get started right now where's the fight ah poor bucky the first episode of falcon and winter soldier really reaffirmed how hard bucky's life has been so far as he puts it he's been in a non-stop fight for over 80 years and that sort of thing can weigh on a person there's still so much about his winter soldier pass that we don't know but we have the basic gist he was put on ice and just unfrozen whenever there was someone to fight or kill and then he was put back in the freezer next to the month-old fudsicles waiting for his next chance to thaw out and go to work it took an immense struggle from steve for bucky to begin to snap out of it of course steve wasn't the only factor like yeah steve's inspirational with his i'm with you to the end of the line speeches but sometimes you just need cold hard science to break brainwashing and no offense to steve but he's not exactly a scientist plus he needed a place where bucky could be safe because he was the world's biggest assassin for like 80 years there weren't a lot of places that would be willing to take bucky in to help him and that's what led bucky to wakanda where their advanced technological marvels and minds were the best chance to break the immense control bucky was under as well as having a leader that understood that bucky needed help rather than to be punished because bucky knows he needs to change he even volunteers to be frozen again until wakanda can figure out a solution so let's be real here how long do you think it took shuri to find an answer one maybe two days alright fine maybe it was harder than that so i'll say three days tops i'm sure you did your best i do wish we could have seen a bit more of that process though as it unfolds in the films we first see bucky being taken to wakanda then the next time we see bucky he's mostly better i want an in-between clip that shows shuri trying out a bunch of new techniques on bucky's brain is that too much to ask for but as we know a shuri was able to help bucky in the post-credit scene for black panther we see bucky recuperating in a wakandan hut sure he calls him a sergeant barnes but he insists to call him bucky which is a way to show that he's mostly back to his old self he's even dressed in solid red and blue which is a subtle tease to his taking over the captain america mantle in the comics but then there's a bit of a swerve in infinity war thanos is coming knocking on earth's door looking for a fight and they need a bucky t'challa says that bucky may be tired of war but he's rested long enough they give him an awesome new vibranium arm that's probably decked out with some cool special features like a snack department and the ability to turn into a swiss army knife okay how much for the um not for sale fine i'm speculating but sure he likes to have fun so you know that arm has upgrades it's important in this scene to notice the color on bucky his former red and blue robe is now faded but now there's a white element to his clothing that completely shines this probably has something to do with his name black panther calls him the white wolf fans who know white wolf's comic origins probably got excited about this and the fact that in the second falcon and winter soldier they bring up the white wolf moniker again it could mean a lot of fascinating things for bucky's future in the mcu so was bucky ever the white wolf in the comics no he wasn't which makes the mcu giving bucky the moniker all the more interesting especially since white wolf is a villain in the comics but i think it will all make sense once you hear white wolf's comic story and why it matters for bucky in the comics long ago there was a plane crash near the wakandan border where the only survivor was a caucasian child wakanda's whole thing for a while was all about isolation and secrecy i mean if you had all that technology would you want to share it with the world no people are greedy we saw how fast the new gaming consoles sold out so people would lose their minds if they knew how advanced wakanda was the lines for tourism would be crazy anyways even though they liked their privacy king t'chaka t'challa's father took a pity on the orphan child and took him in his name was hunter and t'chaka raised him as a son for a bit everything was going great until t'challa was born this caused immediate jealousy from hunter since it meant he was no longer in line for the throne this had an interesting effect on hunter although he was furious he decided to train his body and mind in order to prove he could be the perfect wakandan citizen eventually becoming a fierce warrior and the head of wakanda's secret police force adapting the name white wolf but when t'challa became king the animosity only continued to grow when black panther disbanded the secret police for being too violent which led to hunter and his group to be exiled from wakanda where they would become mercenaries for hire over the years the two assorted brothers would cross paths and fight it was very much a thor loki situation when you think about it yes that's right we could have had a thor loki 2.0 in the mcu yes hunter's methods were extreme and he disagreed with t'challa's way of ruling things but hunter was always loyal to wakanda and would protect it against outside threat when the situation called for it but it definitely looks like now we won't be getting hunter or the og white wolf in the mcu a lot of his backstory has so much in common with killmonger that they couldn't reintroduce the character without it feeling like a copycat and now the white wolf moniker has been given to bucky but you have to ask yourself why did they do this there has to be a reason right it's not like they were gonna turn bucky into a villain again that would just be cruel so why slap him with the white wolf name well it does make you think what the mcu's original plan for bucky was going to be remember sebastian stan signed that standard nine picture contract so he still has a lot of movies left as bucky barnes hell you buddy bucky what did you say and before the mcu was truly focusing on streaming shows i think they had something else in mind for bucky it seems like they were setting up a solid supporting role in black panther 2. think about it as i mentioned white wolf heads his own secret police while remaining super loyal to wakanda but tends to be too violent it's easy to see how they could easily translate that to bucky imagine a subplot in black panther 2 where bucky is struggling with his brainwashing and violent impulses but being fiercely loyal to wakanda for saving his life and trying to help him him and t'challa wouldn't necessarily have to have an antagonistic relationship but rather they'd have a complicated one because of bucky's issues and that would have tested what type of king t'challa was i'm sticking to the idea that that was the original plan before things changed maybe the mcu realized a falcon and winter soldier tv show would be better for the character overall and they shifted gears of course with the tragic passing of chadwick boseman and the statement that they are not recasting t'challa for the sequel does open up some exciting possibilities where we could still see bucky as white wolf right now bucky is looking for a life he's trying to make amends for his past decisions and escape the winter soldier shadow since he's not becoming captain america the door is open for him to take on a new mantle and that's where white wolf can come in maybe after the events of the falcon in the winter soldier tv show not only will sam upgrade to captain america but bucky will realize that he wants to help wakanda rather than the united states and build a new identity for himself there that means that he could still show up in black panther 2 and be a vital role in keeping the peace after t'challa's death bucky is quickly becoming one of the most complex characters thanks to falcon and winter soldier so the mcu shouldn't be done with his story after the show is over that's why we need the white wolf he's the man with the vibranian arm and the 1 000 yard stare are you having a staring contest the broodiest avenger had a long walk from steve rogers bestie to reformed winter soldier there used to be a rule that the only characters who stay dead in comics are uncle ben jason todd and bucky because of how important their deaths were to the hero then jason todd came back anyway and in 2005 ed brubaker brought back bucky as the winner soldier for the new captain america title since then bucky has become a key part of the mcu let's review what led to his team up with steve rogers other bestie sam wilson come closer well which way you have to have your hands open there was a lot of distance between the bucky of the comics and the buggy that we got in the marvel cinematic universe bucky was very much of the kind of strange golden age idea of the boy ward the idea was that heroes and superheroes would have an eager boy scout sidekick that the children reading the comic or listening to the radio program or watching the serial would imagine as themselves long before a reader paul spelled doomed for the boy wonder jason todd capp's sidekick bucky died during a mission in world war ii that deeply affected steve rogers who all of a sudden started questioning the concept of putting a mask on a 13 year old and then rushing into a super science version of world war ii for the mcu bucky barnes and steve rogers are the same age and best friends unlike the scrawny steve rogers bucky barnes is big and fit and enlisted in the army steve has been collecting four f classifications up and down the east coast until he runs into dr erskine and is introduced to project rebirth bucky missed his best pal achieving his dreams of joining the war effort because his unit had already shipped out to the european theater as it turns out bucky ends up serving under colonel phillips who was in charge of recruitment for the super soldier program before hydra wrecked the place he also happens to be captured by hydra when his childhood friend shows up as part of a uso show because the army thought if they only had one super soldier the best use for that was to sell war bonds finding out his best friend was captured steve rogers decided to prove that uso shows were a waste of a super soldier by recruiting the captured men from hydra that's when bucky joins the howling commandos who with his childhood buddy rogers destroy a bunch of hydra installations it all comes to an end during an attack on a train when bucky appears to fall to his death during the assault oh no he'll be back this is where things get a little hazy for old bucky because of the experiments that hydra had already performed on bucky he was able to survive the fall minus his left arm he's discovered by hydra once again man those guys are everywhere and shuttled off to siberia at the end of world war ii the strategic scientific reserve the good people who brought the war effort captain america decided they wanted some of that sweet sweet hydra science and recruited former hydro scientists as part of project paperclip it was a well-thought-out plan that in no way would end up undermining the newly formed shield with a core of hydra loyalists but undermining shield from the inside was only part of their plan out of the siberian holding facility hydra kept their own super soldier program going with bucky replacing his left arm with a robot arm they managed to create a super soldier out of bucky knowing how hard it is to just get one super soldier they decided that letting theirs age normally while not out killing people was a waste and would put bucky on ice when not out on a mission to ensure bucky killed exactly who hydra wanted dead they programmed bucky with a set of key phrases making him compliant unfortunately he still gets to remember all of the things they sent him out to do and they sent him out to do a lot in his new role as the winner soldier he becomes a sort of boogeyman among the super spy community as the superist super spy not that he was totally alone as the mysterious figure with super soldier serum coursing through his veins during the korean war there was another super soldier fighting for the us that worried hydra they sent in the winner soldier to see if he could kill azia bradley only to have him come back with half of his robot arm i whopped your ass then yeah this rare victory over the winter soldier wouldn't end up being as rewarded as one would think azia bradley's story turns out to also be unfortunate it's tough being a super soldier like any good depiction of a super assassin throughout time in the mcu bucky was the man on the grassy knoll that really assassinated jfk eventually the winter soldier would encounter another super spy with a super slick name this time the black widow hey fellas not only was she not able to catch the elusive winter soldier he was able to break through her plot armor wounding her with a gunshot that story gets related to steve rogers when hydra gets the brilliant idea to send the winter soldier to kill the only person on earth who could identify him on sight hockey who the hell is bucky and the only person in the world who has a personal connection to him that could undo his programming after 70 years of using a program killer you eventually get a little sloppy after an amazing showdown on a highway and another one on a walkway bucky managed to duck out on both hydra and what was left of shield to go out and find himself turns out finding bucky was also on steve rogers agenda as he and his 21st century pal sam wilson set out to do just that there is a genre of action hero that was trained in secret and is now leading a regular life these secret super spys tend to not know why they have amazing knife skills what's with all the knives ninja like reflexes until something happens that unlocks their memory and they discover they've been a spy so undercover even they didn't know that they were it generally means that a person with a regular understanding of the world has all the super skills without the memory of all the terrible things that they were asked to do with those super skills unfortunately for bucky that's not the case it would have been a hard sell anyway trying to come up with a mundane explanation for a super advanced robot arm and super soldier strength instead bucky got to live with the memory of all his training and all the things that hydra programmed him to do with that training the bright side is that all that training as a spy who has to disappear into the background allowed bucky to do just that hiding from both rogers and wilson as well as anyone else that was out there looking for hydra's secret super assassin his attempt to live the quiet life away from people who say particular words in russian to him and make him do murdery things would have worked out great but then a super robot created by two avengers decided to drop a city on a struggling eastern european nation and things took a dark turn baron helmut zemo lost his family in the sokovia event from age of ultron and held superheroes in general and the avengers specifically for that loss being not only a baron but an eko scorpion agent zemo knew a thing or two about how to destabilize governments or organizations specializing in counter-hydra activities when sokovia was still a place at the center of his plan was to let tony stark know that not only was bucky responsible for the death of his parents rodgers knew it and didn't say anything did you know instead of just sliding into stark's dms with the news it involved an increasingly complex set of events that started with framing bucky for the death of king t'chaka of wakanda did there need to be another high profile attack to make a super assassin that's been active since the 1950s a wanted man maybe not but it certainly upped the urgency this ended up pitting captain america who believed there was still good in his old friend against everyone else further complicating a divide that already existed over putting the avengers under the control of the united nations once bucky was captured zemo added another layer of complication by triggering bucky's winter soldier programming hitting him against half of the avengers again but the half that was on captain america's side included wanda maximoff so they had a lot going on zemo's increasingly convoluted plan worked gangbusters tony stark and steve rogers were splitsville rogers wilson romanov and maximoff went on the run sharon carter went into hiding apparently since the sorcerers didn't invite her to the final thanos send-off party she almost missed out on that sweet pardon after getting sam and steve their toys back i also took the wings for your ass so that you could save his ass from his ass it's all right she doesn't seem bitter about that at all buck decided that if someone just had to say a list of russian words to him in order to make him into a compliant killing machine he was better off on ice so rogers leveraged his new friendship with the king of wakanda luckily for bucky barnes wakanda turns out to be a technologically advanced oasis hidden away from the rest of the world with just the technology to not only deprogram bucky but also give him a new vibranian arm and the role of white wolf an outsider with a debt to wakanda that can be called upon to help the nation should it be needed that time came when steve rogers brought yet another avenger that needed the help of the super advanced nation after they fixed barnes and agent ross barnes took part in the defense of wakanda from thanos forces only to end up turned to dust when that defense didn't go as planned after the snap bucky came back and joined the final throwdown with the rest of wakanda earning him a pardon and allowing him to return to brooklyn 80 years after he left to fight world war ii who says you can't go home again look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane it's a man in a bird suit acting like a plane and it's full of spoilers up to the fifth episode of falcon in the winter soldier of course while falcon and the winter soldier hasn't been the mind bender that wanda vision was it's still been packed with exciting action as well as its own personal stories and deep bench of marvel characters and places and some places that are characters in all the hoopla over who will be the next captain america quietly and loyally joaquin torres has been waiting in the wings to become the next falcon get it waiting in the wings ah you get it you might be forgiven if you've forgotten about walking taurus from a falcon in the winter soldier in the first episode he was the super eager liaison between sam and the military that was hiring sam out for sensitive operations where an avenger might be less messy than a country's military force just like captain america in the winter soldier falcon started his adventure jumping out of a plane and beating up batroc the leaper it seems like he's a big move really is kicking the leaping is just the way he does it you think it'd be more menacing to be batroc the kicker it's all about branding people torres was the man on the ground for that mission and could not have been more enthusiastic i mean he literally cheered sam on torres also filled the role of that one nephew that knows the internet he's the one that alerts sam to the flag smashers and the way they've been using the internet to organize when he takes computer work to field work he ends up getting worked over by the flag smashers of super soldiers after that beating we didn't hear much from torres while sam and bucky tracked down carly and the flag smashers by enlisting baron zemo encountering a now very bitter sharon carter who has a lot going on we don't see taurus again until sam and bucky finally have to take captain america's shield away from john walker after he proved he couldn't be trusted with it in the process walker used his own newfound super soldierism to rip off falcons wings in the aftermath torrez gave sam the news that uncle sam was stepping in after their proposed flag bearer went all berserker rage in front of a bunch of cameras taking back the shield that steve gave sam he left behind his broken wings telling taurus to keep them there's a reason for fans to be excited that sam's eager beaver military pal got a pair of broken wings torrez's comic book counterpart has his own winged history there are already some a key differences between the joaquin torres and falcon and the winter soldier and the walking taurus of the comics growing up next to the border torres was a samaritan who would give water and supplies to refugees crossing the border when he was caught up by the sons of the serpent everyone's gotta have a gimmick as a prisoner of the sons of the serpent he was experimented on as is the custom taurus mad scientist was named carl malus and in a refreshing change from people chasing project rebirth malice's experiments had a more island of dr moreau theme he was splicing humans and animals in the hopes of getting superpowers out of them you know as you do the animal that was destined to be torrez's dna partner was none other than red wing himself in the comics red wing is an actual falcon instead of a drone so that makes a lot more sense not that red wing is any ordinary falcon for starters redwing and falcon share a telepathic bond not in a crazy pet owner way where your shut-in friend insists they can understand what their cat is saying but in a red skull used the cosmic cube and ended up giving red wing powers kind of way this telepathic link was also transferred to taurus as well as a pair of organic wings when misty knight got sam to free the captives being experimented on in his new role as captain america most of the people lost their animal powers all except torres who also got super healing what made taurus so special well it turns out red wing was also kind of a vampire after an encounter with baron blood because why not the name eagle fang doesn't sound so silly now does it while it does seem like there'd be enough time for taurus to get kidnapped and experimented on with a vampiric telepathic falcon he did end his appearance in episode 5 with sam telling him that he could keep the broken wings as a despondent sam wilson walked off with the shield so far the mcu's torres has shown himself to be at the very least a computer savvy sam wasn't eager to let torres work on red wing because when the military worked on red wing he wouldn't work right probably because the tracker they installed didn't work well with the stark tech but it did imply that torres has a tinkering streak to him for sam's part it seems like bucky has called in a favor asking io if shuri and the wakandans might be able to whip up sam a new flying captain america suit what that will look like will have to wait until the finale on friday in the most frustrating cut to black since please stand by but that means that sam has a new set of wings so even if taurus is able to fix the old ones he doesn't need them the final episode is shaping up to be a barn burner the flag smashers have teamed up with batroc the leaper john walker has started fabricating his own mighty shield sam and his new wakandan gear and bucky are heading to new york where the flag smashers hope to block the vote on an act that would make people displaced by the blip even worse off look for torres to provide more than ground support though he's still not likely to get any vampire falcon powers it'd still be pretty cool i'm not gonna talk about it anymore the scientists of the marvel universe don't really have a problem creating super soldiers they just can't seem to create more than one at a time that doesn't also end up hating their guts ever since a scrawny steve rogers volunteered to be a guinea pig for a super science upgrade to his physique the marvel universes have been a string of science experiments to recreate dr irksein's success some big names have come out of attempts to recreate the super soldier program but one name wasn't as well known and reveals a troubling history of the attempt to make super soldiers isaiah bradley post blip life for sam wilson and bucky barnes has been a little hectic they were only awake for a few minutes before the sorcerer showed up recruiting everyone for the big showdown with 2014 thanos who had skipped ahead a decade when he really shouldn't have since then sam has taken on government contracts and struggled to keep the family fishing business afloat yeah i said it and barnes has been trying to adjust to a life where he doesn't bust through walls and kill people in a menacing way the hardest blow for both of steve rogers besties though has been the fate of captain america's mighty shield sam yielded that shield to the smithsonian on the notion that the legacy of the shield was specific to the man who made it a symbol and wilson had a different legacy for himself all of that only to find out that the military had already hand-picked their replacement for steve rogers in the form of john walker they didn't get time to dwell on that betrayal before encountering a group of super soldiers noteworthy because usually super soldier programs end up as one and done kind of deals that's when bucky decides it's time to introduce sam to someone who knows a thing or two about being denied the mantle isaiah bradley while steve rogers went into the ice for an extra long winter's nap bradley continued on as a super soldier at least into the korean war when he encountered a hydra aligned bucky barnes i whopped your ass the existence of bradley is a shock to sam and would be to just about anyone else there have been some notable mixed results in the attempt to recreate the super soldier program bucky is the product of hydra's attempts bruce banner's smash your half is thunderbolt ross's attempt but no one seemed to know about bradley who was perhaps the closest thing to a steve rogers success that's because bradley spent 30 years imprisoned by the country he served being alternatively experimented on by the government and hydra who had infiltrated shield that's gonna make anyone a bit angry bradley's time as a super soldier is done and his former foe and an avenger aren't going to change his mind just like in the mcu the comic book story of isaiah bradley is one of the early examples of project rebirth and some of the less than respectable measures they've taken in order to create the perfect soldier project rebirth is the name of the project built around dr irksine super soldier program while the formula he managed to distill has been replicated a few times no one has been able to get his vitaray activation process spoiler alert gamma radiation is not a good substitute the project would eventually become a part of the weapon plus program that would experiment on a testy canadian mutant who of course wrecked the place and hated everything to do with the place while the weapon x experiments were horrifying project rebirth had been doing ethically horrible things almost from the start with the program designed to create an army of soldiers it only created the one captain america 300 black american soldiers from camp cathcart were experimented on without their consent in a story that was meant to echo the real world tuskegee study where syphilis tests were performed on black soldiers without their knowledge over the course of 30 years the project resulted in a five super soldiers with the rest of the camp killed to cover up the experiment with isaiah bradley being one of them while steve rogers got all the pomp and glory the five camp cathcart super soldiers were deployed in tough missions that would eventually see bradley as the last one standing bradley is eventually scheduled to back up captain america on what would otherwise be a suicide mission but when captain america is delayed by weather bradley dons the red white and blue and takes on the mission himself after being captured he's offered the opportunity to be a propaganda tool for the germans but refuses before the germans can start experimenting on him he's rescued by resistance members only to be imprisoned by the us government who of course experiments on him again in the 21st century captain america finally meets bradley who had become a legend in the black community but almost unknown otherwise there's more to bradley's legacy that might provide some clues to his future in the mcu and we might have already met him bradley has been living in baltimore with his grandson elijah knows what his grandfather's legacy is and what he was denied better than anyone else elijah's uncle and isaiah's son also took on the super soldier mantle as josiah x and elijah took up the shield as the patriot initially elijah faked inheriting his grandfather's super soldier status before being convinced that his skills and intelligence is enough then he gets a blood transfusion from gramps and gets that super soldier boost leading the young avengers elijah joins a few other young avengers who have made their mcu debut cassie lange scotland's daughter becomes the size variable stature kate bishop is set to get her hawkeye training from clint barton in the hawkeye series miss marvel will be getting her own series as well as iron heart who may step in for iron latch we likely haven't seen the last of bradley and falcon in the winter soldier as it deals with social inequities even in the superhero world but we're also likely to see his grandson get the recognition that he was robbed of at the hands of project rebirth [Music] you guys baron zemo's got his purple mask all is finally right in the world falcon and the winter soldier wasted no time in reintroducing civil war's main villain and putting him right in the action next to sam and bucky but is having him out in the open really that good of an idea i mean what could go wrong right today's video is all about zemo meaning his mcu origins and how they compare to his comic counterpart we'll also discuss what his comic back story might mean for this character's future let's get into it right now baron zemo has always been one of the most fascinating mcu villains who doesn't get enough credit he was the bad guy in caption america's civil war but he's often remembered more as just the catalyst to get iron man and captain america to punch each other in the most complicated way possible but if you actually look at how well he not only formed a plan and followed through with it but also how effective it was then i think it's time to start thinking zemo might be the most successful mcu villain ever but what did he exactly want well in the mcu he was a former colonel with the sokovian armed forces and ran a covert sokovian kill squad now that may sound scary but it doesn't mean zemo didn't have a heart his family still meant the world to him so that's what makes the events of age of ultron even more tragic when ultron set up shop in sokovia and tried to turn it into a giant meteor that would destroy all of humanity the avengers were able to save the day and move on but there was still a massive amount of collateral damage when the dust cleared zemo found the bodies of his father his wife and his son all crushed to death and that set zemo on a path of vengeance you see zemo is not some i want to conquer the world a type of villain no he just wants to live in a world without the avengers and super powered individuals the big swerve of a civil war is that we all thought zemo was trying to release a five new super soldiers from siberia to sell them off but he actually killed them all because he didn't want more of them out in the world that brings us to the falcon and the winter soldier where thanks to his past run-ins with hydra as well as his desire to wipe out all the super soldiers he makes a valuable ally for sam and bucky well for now now the baron demo in the comics is a bit different than the one we see in the mcu but his backstory is still quite fascinating albeit less complex comic zemo comes from nobility and a long line of previous emos who all grew up believing in the ideals of a master race and that his line deserved to rule the world his ideals always put him at odds with captain america whom he wanted to destroy but never could he also wears that signature purple mask for a reason early on in his life a fight with cap went wrong and he fell into a vat of adhesive x which disfigured him that's already a little different than the zemo we've seen in the falcon and the winter soldier with that zemo seemingly liking to put the mask on while he does his killing because i guess he thinks it looks cool anyways i think the most important thing to talk about with baron zemo is all his attempts to form a super villain team he's clearly a great tactician with lofty ambitions so he often finds himself putting together a team of super villains in order to take captain america down once and for all one of the first he organized was the masters of evil which well that's a super villain team name alright his og squad included radioactive man the melter and black knight but of course things didn't work out one time zemo even died because he was blinded by a glare from cap shield and crushed by a rock slide don't worry he got better though another one of his super teams was the thunderbolts but this was a bit different there was a time where all heroes were dead and zemo used this as an opportunity he formed the thunderbolts who pose as superheroes but was secretly the masters of evil in disguise they would go around pretending to be heroes in certain situations but then do things like gain government secrets and sell them it's these team interactions that could shape where the falcon and the winter soldier show is going zemo in the mcu doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd want to form a super powered super villain team like his comic counterpart he hates superheroes and he's helping sam and bucky because he doesn't want a world filled with super soldiers but i don't think the show brought back batroc the leaper by coincidence we know from set photos that he'll be back and with another group of villains so maybe zemo is going to recruit them for a new secret villain scheme to wipe out all superheroes honestly zemo's place in the show is a bit of a head scratcher at the moment when he was announced as coming back with his i don't plan on leaving my work on finish line it looked like he was being positioned as the show's big bad but will that really be the case now the mysterious power broker looks to be the big bad that both sam and bucky and the flag smashers are all fighting with and that doesn't include the new captain america john walker so where does that leave zemo is it going to be a situation where the power broker is beaten in episode 5 and zemo will rise up and be the last challenge in the finale is zemo somehow secretly the power broker i mean that seems super unlikely but it's gotta be someone we know at this point right and sharon's too obvious will zemo be killed with a bit of a redemption arc or will zemo just nicely go back to jail after they stop the super soldiers yeah i don't think that last one is likely especially now since he's got his beloved purple mask back whatever zemo does though i hope we can see him dance some more that was an episode highlight i'm battle star josh parker battlestar stop the car who is battle star pro wrestler political freedom fighter power broker disciple task master protege lamar hoskins is a dark hero worth investigating as the new captain america sidekick may be more important to the future of the mcu than you think you're up copy that the world first met chicago-born lamar hoskins in the form of a second amendment fanatic in captain america number 323 all the way back in 1986 this member of the bold urban commandos or buckies for short a group of heavily armed freedom fighters got into a fight with the square cutted super patriot aka john walker in the heat of battle lamar as a shirtless madman also got a briefcase to the plexus from good old boy steve rogers oh steven we miss you so in the mcu captain big fan anyway back to the lecture at hand it turns out that the bucky's public attacks on john walker were staged in order for walker to gain more popularity do you know who i am this political push helped walker gain the positive public approval rating and support he needed to be crowned the new cap so many politics involved in the superhero big leagues huh this is kind of like the fresh prince of bel-air episode love hurts where will after getting beat up at a bowling alley pays an actor 40 bucks to stage a robbery at his work which he could easily foil making him look strong and heroic in front of his girlfriend lisa in the end will comes to realize that he did all of this because of hubris and learns a valuable lesson before it's too late oh the things we do for love more on will smith-based characters later but could battlestar and the new cap have a similar story arc here lamar hoskins and john walker were military homies and are deeply connected because they were both experimented on by the power broker nothing connects people like shared trauma two wounded warriors bound together in a way most people never get to experience becoming a super soldier made him do what most americans would do with that kind of power he became a professional wrestler hey do you think the rock is a super soldier this must have been where lamar hoskins gained his propensity to stage fake attacks in style after being crowned as america's leading man jon gets his boy lamar to become his sidekick originally known as his bucky after writer mark gruenwald learned that the name bucky was a word more on the racially charged side of things because it was close to the term black buck the plot was reworked and bucky was used to describe the bold urban commandos and lamar got a new code name battlestar in the comics he has a triangular shield made of adamantium you know that good stuff wolverine's claws are made of one step up from cap's vibranium shield later on in the comics battle star spends some time training with taskmaster you know the piece of the past natasha romanov has to bury in the black widow movie could we see actor ot [ __ ] bentley's tony masters and falcon and the winter soldier spoiler alert did you watch episode 4 if not pause this video right now and come back in 44 minutes okay good you're back we can talk luckily for you i know where to begin battle star meets his maker at the hands of morgenthal sparking the new captain america to break the bad many fans suspected he would the second they saw him should have taken the mantle when you had the chance sam shouldn't have given him the shield i didn't give him the shield well steve definitely didn't kinda makes a fellow wonder what would have become of the mcu had his life force carried on battle star is more level-headed than john walker the yin to his yang when jon would wrestle with self-doubt and fly too far off the deep end into the darkness lamar would function as his lightbringer following in the tradition of the great american pragmatic sidekicks in the spirit of wise old lieutenant murtagh to the wild man martin riggs and lethal weapon or family man and relatively reasonable miami pd detective marcus burnett to the loose cannon mike lorry and bad boys see we told you we'd bring back big will maybe we'll bring him back a third time before the end of the video and sergeant al powell's radio council to hot-shot gun-toting john mcclane in die hard the mcu's battle star might have been there to make sure cap didn't cross over to the dark side you need that voice of reason to stay level-headed but unfortunately his death was in vain and like many bad drunks after having too many johnny walkers after lamar's light went out john walker went off the deep end like homelander in the boys although if i saw a meme comparing my captain america's mug to the old man from up i'd be tempted to break a little bat as well is it too late for john walker did ending a flag smasher taint his legacy as a hero permanently could the ghost of his fallen partner help john boy see the whole fields like bagger bands did for ranolf and there you have it the final will smith reference for the video like john walker said in this week's episode of the falcon in the winter soldier what's with all the knives but while the flag smashers were impressively talented at knife throwing what shocked me the most and i'm sure you all agree is the way the new captain america dealt with one of carly's allies the new captain america ladies gentlemen and gentle people while zemo has stolen the spotlight since episode 3 and keeps doing so with the newly released zemo cut captain america just seems to have been confirmed as the true villain of the show in today's video i'll dive into walker's backstory and discuss what's coming next for the dark captain america john walker is one of the most decorated soldiers in the u.s military but we all know all these earned medals doesn't mean he's a good guy the series keeps hinting that he had to do some unspeakable things in afghanistan to win these three medals of honor and this seems to have scarred him beyond repair walker or should i say the new captain america is on some sort of redemption journey for all the lives he took during his time as a soldier while his adaptation in the mcu differs greatly from his comic book counterpart like any character so far his essence remains the same so let's take a brief look at his origin in marvel comics walker first appeared in 1986 in captain america number 323 he was first introduced as a super patriot a sort of a cheap knockoff of captain america with a silly buzz cut while he was not really classified as a villain he remained one of captain america's enemies the clash came from a sense of jealousy entitlement but also because super patriots values did not align with steve roger's sense of morality while in the show he gained his superhuman powers by ingesting the super soldier's serum in the comics he received his abilities from the mysterious power broker now zemo mentioned more than once about the dangers of the super soldier serum on one's body so i think he's pointing at something here compared to steve rogers a painful transformation it's safe to assume that walkers was quickened or rather painless or was it there's little we know about what actually happened in those short moments he was off screen and came back op but there's even less we know about how the transformation will actually affect him in the long run the falcon and the winter soldier keeps giving us new information about the events surrounding the super soldier serum since we met ex-soldier superhero isaiah bradley and it was revealed he was experimented on after all he's done for the usa not only did the government wrong him in unimaginable ways but some many failed experiments claimed the lives of countless people captain america's legacy stands on a literal graveyard of humans treated as lab rats now steve rogers turned out pretty well but as a battle star has pointed out the super soldier serum does not turn someone into a power hungry villain but it does however reveal the test subject's true inner self and as we've seen so far walker seems to be quite ugly on the inside the super soldier serum he took must have let all his inner demons loose while walker and rogers are not totally different there are key differences that could just turn him into the next big villain both men are loyal to their country and would do anything in their power to protect it while rogers has a moral code he strictly follows he would do anything to prevent taking a life walker is quite the opposite he is impatient troubled aggressive and stubborn and always takes the easy route in some ways we can say that he follows the shoot first ask questions later philosophy with that in mind and the way he's been acting towards well basically everyone in the show so far i bet he won't just stop at one victim with sam and bucky having freed the mastermind zemo walker will probably blame them for battlestar's death but also the wakandian who interfered in his affairs because he obviously thinks he rules the world i think the series has done a great job of portraying john walker as a big whiny baby with too much power walker is an opportunist and while battlestar's death that clearly triggered him in so many ways it was not the catalyst to him taking the super soldier serum having his butt kicked by a bunch of fierce female soldiers seemed to have hurt his fragile ego since he took the captain america mantle his goal is not only to be as good as steve rogers but to surpass him in every way the man is an overachiever a metal collector and thinks by doing what he does he'll become one of the good guys it seems like the creators of the falcon and the winter soldier are setting up a coalition between sam bucky sharon and the flag smashers one which will most probably stand against the new captain america after all their goal is to some extent similar in this scenario the flag smashers become the lesser of two evils against a super soldier who was already quite op before gaining his abilities with only two episodes left i have a feeling john walker is going to play a huge part in the next two episodes unless carly has a hand in this i highly doubt sam will allow anyone to end him which means that we might get to see the birth of marvel's us agent in walker who will side with the power broker further complexifying the character that is a john walker a representation of a broken america i understand that i understand that while the avengers seem to be disassembled or at least not so active as of late thor what do you know the dark avengers are about to rise with john walker aka captain america well not anymore slowly losing his mind after his violent actions were streamed live online okay that's enough there's something dark brewing the secretly empowered super soldier refuses to back down and with the help of the mysterious contessa valentina allegra de fontaine showing up he might have just found the support he needs while his goal is not totally clear valentina might just announce the return of hydra but also the assembling of the dark avengers in the mcu saying that a lot went down in this week's episode of the falcon in the winter soldier is an understatement john walker got the beat up he deserved sharon carter is conducting shady affairs with patrack bucky has been unusually flirty don't flirt with my sister isaiah bradley revealed all that was done to him and zemo is about to be sent to the raft by the wakandans but within all this madness one thing stood out over anything else the introduction of contessa valentina allegra de fontaine i don't like to repeat myself so you can just call me val played by actress julia louise dreyfus the cryptic lady who looks like a super villain straight out of a comic book seems to be there to recruit john walker into some kind of mysterious initiative strutting her way in high heels towards walker she shows him that she knows way too much about captain america's shield legal ownership and leaves him a blank car to contact her or actually hinting that she will be the one doing the call her arrival in the mcu strangely coincides with walker getting a raw deal from the country that as he states himself you built me you know i can't help feeling just a tiny bit bad for the guy i mean he's turned into a monster and i can't condone his actions but walker did lose his best friend and only got discharged and publicly shamed for doing the same thing that he has always done the only mistake he made was getting caught on camera because let's face it this was probably not walker's first innocent kill so basically what we have is an ultra violent super soldier who lost everything at once and is out for revenge things are not looking good for sam bucky and the rest anyways let's go back to the one person who can actually enable him valentina who is she and what's her deal exactly when she first meets with walker one of the first things that she tells him is that he was right to take the super soldier serum but as far as i'm concerned he did not really tell anyone about it although it might have been quite obvious the way he fought bucky but having these new powers after what went down i doubt the government would just let him walk free in the streets so the contessa has eyes and they seem to be everywhere could she be the power broker um possible but what we know is that she is perched high in the hierarchy of things and probably loaded with money with that fancy title clearly standing on the other side of the law and who isn't these days in the mcu valentina is up to no good but there's a lot to unpack about her and something tells me we won't get any answer anytime soon since there's only one episode left for the falcon and the winter soldier so let's turn to the comics and see what we can find the character of valentino was created by jim steronko and was first featured in the 1967 comic book strange tales number 159 while she just popped up in the mcu it feels like she's been behind the scenes all along and taking into consideration the fact that her character used to be working for shield and dated nick fury for a time it points toward the fact that she's a capable spy and has access to classified intel at some point in the long marvel comics history in 1971 to be more precise she was part of a special task force of female agents called a femme force which also included sharon carter as the group's first leader but the two never really saw eye to eye as there were some fight over captain america while this clearly won't happen in the mcu since steve rogers is gone there's a big chance the two either have a common past or that sharon and valentina are actually working together but when it comes to her allegiance in the comics her loyalty wavers a lot while working for shield she secretly joined hydra and took the mantle of madame hydra but then betrayed them for leviathan as she was one of their sleeper agents all along to make it short things are complicated and things get even more complicated in the secret invasion comics when it was revealed she was a scroll spying on fury setting into motion the invasion so her goal to recruit john walker and eventually create a whole team of broken but empowered people might just be a ploy to set up the scroll invasion in a vanity fair report julia louise dreyfus was even rumored to make an appearance in the upcoming film black widow what her role would actually be or would have been if she didn't make the final cut has yet to be revealed who amongst marvel's russian characters might she be trying to recruit maybe the mutant colossus magic or even someone from black widows gang i have so many questions for you people so make sure to keep the discussion going in the comments section however i do have a one theory among all these question marks val as she likes to be called but doesn't actually like to be called is actually building her own dark avengers team to some extent she's mirroring agent phil coulson and nick fury in mcu's phase one when they were searching and gathering superheroes to build the first ever avengers team and also make the box office explode but that's another story so far the post-credits scene where john walker makes his own dollar store grade captain america shield hints that he'll be one of the first dark avengers and most probably the team's leader like he was in the comic book while i have a feeling that he'll find a pretty dark way to bring a battle star back let's take a look at which characters could also be featured in a team that will probably go up against the upcoming young avengers now i'm pretty sure that the dark adventures will be led by john walker but what's an avengers team without their iron man right in spider-man homecoming it was revealed that the avengers tower has been bought but we never really had any confirmation about who purchased it two years later in spider-man far from home we got a glimpse of the tower being remodeled while again never seeing what replaced the avengers logo on top of it reddit user broken i3 believes that the answer lies in the video game lego marvel superheroes 2 where the tower is now owned by the ozcorp company in the comics osborne becomes the founder of the dark avengers as well as one of its members under the iron patriot mantle if the theory that ned will become the hobgoblin is true the mcu might just present osborne as skipping his green goblin phase and go straight to the iron patriot one after all the usa is trying really hard to come up with another superhero mascot and that could just do the trick now let's take a look at which characters besides his two leaders could form the first dark avengers most of the dark avengers are equivalent to the ones we've met so far in the mcu the first member of this dark team is hawkeye's big brother charles barton who goes by the alias trick shot and just like his little brother he is a master archer guess it runs in the family the next on our list is toxydoxy who sometimes cosplays as the scarlet witch but is nowhere near her level of powers she's a scientist with telepathic powers but can also alter bones to diffuse impact and has a neurotoxin in her blood allowing her to poison and paralyze her opponents superior is the dark counterpart of the soon to be introduced miss marvel her powers are pretty much what most strong superheroes have like superhuman strength durability the ability to shoot energy blasts and she can also fly since wolverine hasn't appeared in the mcu yet gorgon might only show up later on in phase 5. after he was resurrected he gained power similar to wolverine which makes it really hard to rekill as his regenerative healing factors off the charts just like logan's finally the future dark avengers team will feature the hulk like scar who has studied under bruce banner and could make for a great addition to the she-hulk series as young avengers gone dark the dark avengers are a complex group of people who have been cheated by the system like john walker and could bring even more nuance to the mcu when it comes to the good versus evil archetype you can hear the echoes of revolution ringing in mcu's post blip world with the flag smashers as even sam somewhat agrees with their mission the arrival of the dark avengers who will most probably be presented as the new avengers will announce a new world order one that will stand as the young avengers main antagonists sounds pretty cool smiling tiger from a smiling tiger to dr wilfred nigel the falcon in the winter soldier's latest episode sure had its share of name dropping this part seems to be important but one thing that struck me the most is sam's inability to run in heels so in today's video i will explain how and why jurassic world's bryce dallas howard's claire is the next falcon with her super high heel abilities imagine what she could do with a pair of mechanical flying wings alright just kidding slow down i can't hear you you're going back to prison while this week's episode has tons of leads to follow i want to focus on that very last scene where bucky comes face to face with io and what it might mean for the future of wakanda no matter what happens we have to stay in character a lot happened in the falcon in the winter soldier's third episode power broker from bucky surprisingly helping zemo escape from jail to their trip to the crime infested magipore and the return of agent killing machine sharon carter that one hour episode was quite a ride we even got a glimpse at the princess bar a place often visited by none other than the clawed mutant wolverine while this was all fun and a lot of action the episode ended on quite the cliffhanger when the trio made of zemo sam and bucky were walking toward a building in riga bucky noticed something peculiar on the ground it was some sort of a metallic ball with some kind of design on it as he broke away from the group he followed a few other of these mysterious devices before ending up face to face with none other than the wakandan warrior io well that was unexpected welcome but unexpected the dora malagai warrior has been more of a background character after the events taking place in captain america's civil war most probably due to the screen time offered to more prominent wakandan character in black panther and avengers infinity war like t'challa shuri nakia and the leader of the dora malagai oyoke but what is she exactly doing in riga and why is she after zemo the obvious reason is that she is there to avenge king t'chaka's death during the attack organized by the purple masked villain which was wrongly attributed to the winter soldier at the time ayo has been tasked as bodyguard for both king t'chaka and king t'challa when he ascended to the throne so it actually makes a lot of sense that she would be the one sent to either capture or end the baron once and for all but who actually sent her on this quest so soon after zemo escaped his german cell the last we saw her she was tasked to protect shuri in wakanda until corvus glaive knocked her out and battled vision since she did not appear in avengers end game this might mean that she was one of the characters who got snapped and experienced the blip now there are a few rumors out there believing that she might have been sent by the yet to be revealed new black panther but since she works directly under okoye there is a strong chance that the mission was given directly by her in order to avenge king tachaka since the falcon in the winter soldier has been written and filmed way before actor chadwick boseman's passing a new black panther is out of the question since t'challa is still believed to be well and alive in the mcu at this point in time another question pops up when thinking about the person who sent io on this dangerous mission or actually too if she somehow fails who would replace her in completing the mission but also is she actually alone i understand that she appears to be alone for stealth reasons but the dora malagai have often been seen to work in groups and that is how they best their enemies so sadly we won't get t'challa or any new black panther for that matter appearing in the series but we might get a special visit from someone else from wakanda maybe nakia will join the mission as she was rumored to be the next black panther or even everett ross who has been confirmed as returning in black panther 2 and could have easily alerted wakanda about zemo's escape i guess we'll find out next week won't we so we know that chadwick boseman's titular character won't be recast in the future of the mcu nor will he be digitally recreated which is a good news for everyone it always made me a tad uneasy to see dead actors coming back to life through cgi like peter cushing in rogue one but an important question remains who will be taking the black panther mantle in the film's second installment a lot of rumors and theories have been going on after the morning of bozeman some think what kaabi might be one contender for the throne while i think this is highly unlikely others want shuri to become the next black panther which would make sense since she's the next royal in line after t'challa while some people think nakia could be a good pick i'm not gonna lie i'd love to see lupita nyong'o kick some butt in the black panther costume but my theory is that the next black panther will be no one absolutely no one or at least not before the end of black panther 2. the new film could be the occasion to rethink the black panther tradition and to honor the life of chadwick boseman while shuri might take the throne i have a feeling she will refuse to take the black panther mantle or if she does it will only be temporarily like in the comics leaving the power of the black panther to no one for the time being with john walker taking the captain america title we all know or will know soon enough how ugly that can get do you know who i am so for now let the feline rest in power a little bit until it chooses its next avatar living when you're dealing with super villains you have to create a super villain jail right i mean otherwise it's just weird to throw them in some normal jail somewhere else the latest episode of the falcon in the winter soldier saw zemo being hauled off to a special prison called the raft and this isn't the first time we've seen this prison in the mcu what exactly is it and how could this lead to more stories for zemo and just who exactly will zemo be bunking with let's get into it right now how long after super villains started showing up that the government decided to build the raft i mean it makes sense right when you have these larger-than-life villains it's sometimes not feasible to just stick them in any old prison somewhere because that's a recipe for disaster and the raft is about as secure as you can get for a prison it's an underwater prison that was specifically created to house and detain people with powers the strangest most ironic thing though is that we haven't exactly seen a lot of super villains housed there we first got a look at the raft in captain america civil war where the raft was used to detain the avengers who sided with captain america that means sam wilson clint spartan wanda maximoff and scott lang all were locked up there i mean i get wanting to have all your avengers under lock and key and under surveillance and you can't just throw them in any old prison but seriously don't you think that was a little harsh for three out of four of those individuals sam and clint are well trained but they're not enhanced individuals and scott has a super powerful suit but under that suit he's just a guy who's good at close-up magic and sure maybe the government was afraid of scott's sorcerer's supreme like abilities at this point so they wanted to lock him away but guys obviously he didn't start training and honing his god-like powers until he was put on house arrest i'm kidding of course but it's just unfortunate that group was there wanda on the other hand yeah this is the type of location that's built a container but we're just lucky she wasn't as grief stricken yet and turned the whole raft into a sitcom though that does sound awesome anyways the raft is a legit super villain prison and i guess any major super villain with enhanced powers who's still alive at the end of their movies would go here you know as long as you weren't a spider-man villain i guess but what's fun is that civil war isn't our only mention of the raft it was actually used heavily in the netflix marvel tv shows luke cage mentions that he sent his half brother to the raft and then in jessica jones when trish walker turns to the dark side she's eventually sent to the raft as well now because those shows were canceled and are very iffy on whether they're actually part of our mcu we'll most likely never see this resolution but it looked like the netflix shows were setting up some type of villain gathering at the raft that would have been cool to see don't you think so with the raft slowly gaining more and more prominence in the mcu what can we expect to see from the super prison going forward is it just going to be a place to put expensive guest actors who need to be kept out of sight until they're needed again or could we be setting up something bigger well there's a few comic options here one fun storyline in the comics is that otto octavius in the body of peter parker at this point blackmails j jonah jameson and gets a full ownership of the raft facility no longer a prison the dr octopus of spider-man turns it into his own personal headquarters and renames it spider island too now i know this is impossible but how about an adaptation of that where tom holland's peter is suddenly given ownership of the raft think of the shenanigans that would ensue okay fine while that's not likely there is another more feasible possibility in the comics the thunderbolts program is mainly run from this facility which allows criminals to go on missions for the government to reduce their sentences they must have watched suicide squad anyway the thunderbolts have been heavily rumored for the mcu for a long time now and with the reintroduction of the raft could this be laying the groundwork for an official mcu supervillain team partly based on raft prisoners maybe because should we read anything into zemo being transported to the raft at the end of episode 5 of the falcon in the winter soldier right now that seems like a tremendously odd choice so he started off the series in a pretty normal government jail and he was just a super smart dude who hated super soldiers and then bucky broke him out of jail faced no repercussions and then zemo became almost buddy buddy with sam and bucky then the wakandans showed up demanding he be handed over which made a lot of sense zemo was responsible for the death of king tachaka so it would make sense that since zemo was out the wakandans would want to bring him back to wakanda to answer for his crimes but then ayo mentions that they're bringing him to be imprisoned at the raft isn't that strange why would the wakandans show up to basically bring zemo to another us-operated prison this time for super villains shouldn't he go back to where he was he only was able to escape from there because of bucky so what warrants him being sent to the raft one of the only things i can think of is that the mcu isn't done with zemo as it stands if episode 5 is the last we saw of zemo then that's kind of a lackluster conclusion to his character part of me first thought a few episodes ago that zemo would be transferred to wakanda to have a part in black panther 2 but that seems unlikely now so again why the raft going back to the comics could we possibly be setting up his inclusion in the thunderbolts i mean he did lead a version of the thunderbolts in the comics and as i mentioned the raft is a big central point for the thunderbolts that's just too big of a coincidence right i certainly think so how long do you think it would take someone like rocket raccoon to escape the raft could he even do it it's supposed to be a highly secure facility but then again never count out rocket now there's an mcu moment i want to see
Channel: CBR
Views: 275,850
Rating: 4.8615203 out of 5
Keywords: Baron Zemo, CBR, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Baron Zemo Origins, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Dark Avengers Rise, Falcon and the Winter Soldier New Falcon Revealed, Life of Bucky Barnes
Id: fKO6LNYnt5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 11sec (3851 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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