Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 2 TOP 10 Breakdown and Marvel Easter Eggs

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There are no wizards doctor strange is a sorcerer   a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat every time  we fight we fight one of the three so who are you   fighting now gandalf how do you know about gandalf  i read the hobbit in 1937 when it first came out   Welcome back everyone this is going to be my new  falcon and winter soldier episode 2 video there   were a whole bunch of marvel easter eggs for the  movies from the comics so we'll break it all down   if you're brand new to the channel i'm doing  videos for all the episodes so be sure to   subscribe to get everything we're also doing  a giveaway for disney plus memberships all you   have to do to enter just be a subscriber and  leave your favorite moment from the episode   on the video careful for spoilers if you have  not seen the episode yet obviously it will just   go through the episode shop by shot and talk about  easter eggs as we go along starting with the title   of the episode the star-spangled man that's a  direct reference to us agent captain america they   even call him the star-spangled man during the  actual episode he is john walker from the comics   even if you're not a huge comic book reader you've  probably at least heard of us agent or john walker   at some point he's been a version of captain  america in the comics before so this is them just   doing the comic book plot he was actually kind  of a captain america villain for a little while   but the way they play him in the episode is  trying to be a little bit more complex about it   like they try to bill him as the perfect candidate  for the next captain america at least on paper   you can kind of see where things slowly start to  go off the rails a little bit they're trying to   lay the seeds for that like they just introduced  this character so it's going to be an episode or   two before he really starts to go off the rails  so you kind of see how they're laying the seeds   for the idea that maybe falcon is potentially  the better candidate for captain america like   that's the whole idea of the series that he was  supposed to become the next captain america but   he chose not to when he gave the shield back but  the whole idea with the star-spangled name is that   it also reminds you of star spangled banner is in  a reference to the flag and that's juxtaposed with   the villain group the flag smashers as in the us  agent smashers which she does later in the episode   really easy way to find out that he has not been  enhanced quote-unquote in any way at least yet   so we'll get to that because there's all the super  soldier serum stuff flying around on the show now   the actual episode begins though with him  unzipping his jacket to you know basically   unveil himself in his new captain america costume  which is based on his comic book costume except   it's more blue than it is black like he had  a couple different variations of the costume   when he was captain america you find out that  they've gone back to his hometown high school   to unveil him to the world as new captain america  but he's sort of in the middle of this pr tour so   they've been doing this all over the place the  opening theme song is different they're kind of   doing the Wandavision thing where the opening  theme songs are just a little bit different in   each of the episodes but this time it's the band  later that's actually playing him onto the field   in that whole opening speech of his where he's  trying to wrap his mind around the expectations   that the world has for him and not wanting to let  them down in becoming the new captain america is   just to let you know that he's at least trying to  be a good captain america the way the producers   and the writers talk about his character and the  way they're using him on the series is that you   could be doing everything right but still not be  the right person for the job so that's the whole   idea is that he's perfect on paper but he still  won't be the right person to be the next captain   america that's supposed to be falcon you meet his  friend lamar hoskins who is based on a comic book   character battle star he even says later in the  episode oh my name's battlestar and bucky's like   what at least in the comics battle star did get a  version of super strength and abilities from the   power broker who is a character that it seems like  they're doing on the tv series they referenced his   name during the episode but it's still a bit  of a mystery as to who he actually is most of   battlestar's abilities were like lesser versions  of what happened to captain america the whole idea   with a power broker character there was an easter  egg for him during the credits last week so just   confirming that he is going to be a big character  on the show he was the head of a criminal   organization that later tried to replicate the  super soldier serum and it's kind of what's   happening on the show right now in falcon and  winter soldier like the flag smashers bucky says   there are eight new super soldiers running around  where did they get their super soldier serum from   because they all sound like they're british they  do this big highlight reel for us agent showing   you all of his accomplishments his awards all of  his stats off like he was always top of his class   and everything top performance in the military  he has all these awards for heroism he's like the   model soldier that everyone would normally look  up to like i said the whole idea is that he's   meant to be perfect on paper in terms of possibly  becoming the next captain america he references   iron man and the hulk even though he calls him dr  banner remember the world knows about the avengers   they're all celebrities in a certain sense and  they even reference that later in the episode   when falcon almost gets arrested by those regular  uniform cops like oh crap you're the avengers   sorry he compares himself to steve rogers captain  america a little he explains his timeline in the   mcu as well he says he was just at a west point  when cap came out of the ice in the first avengers   movie which is like college for military officers  so all through the timeline of the avengers movies   he was following and watching captain america just  trying to copy all of his moves sort of like a   captain america fanboy like i'm sure all military  officers were captain america fanboys but then you   cut to bucky's reaction as he's watching this all  unfold like he just can't believe this and i love   that he's still sitting on the floor like he still  hasn't gotten himself any furniture which i think   is just a function of his ptsd his reaction is  pretty much the exact same reaction that roadie   war machine had in episode one like dude what are  you doing why are you giving the shield back this   is the worst thing that you could possibly be  doing right now then you get falcon's reaction   staring at the new captain america poster at the  air force base where he runs all of his missions   out of bucky takes him to task telling him captain  america would not want this steve gave you the   shield for a reason this is sort of an ongoing  argument that they have throughout the entire   episode and obviously it's going to continue in  future episodes because bucky's just going to be   on him until finally he comes around and says okay  fine i'll take the shield back i will be the new   captain america they try to cut the tension by  transitioning to that funny doctor strange scene   that we all saw in the trailers falcon explains  the flag smashers group the mission he's going on   but he name drops the big three and i also love  that they reference this later with u.s agents   character like oh you're talking about the big  three like the big three is meant to be this   common term that all military officers supposedly  use androids aliens and wizards which obviously is   a reference to thanos also the events of the first  avengers movie with the shit-towering invasion   androids as a reference to ultron and wizards i  guess you could say as a reference to kaiselius   in the doctor strange movie maybe they think  of loki as a wizard technically loki isn't a   sorcerer either then bucky surprises everyone  by showing you he's a bigger nerd than you ever   thought that he was he totally understands magic  classes he's right doctor strange is not a wizard   falcon also technically correct in that sorcerers  are like wizards without hats they got into   different magic classes a little bit during  Wandavision like the whole idea that scarlet   witch draws her power from a different source than  doctor strange draws his power from and agatha   harkness draws her power from a different source  than both of them bucky makes his big gandalf   hobbit reference and the whole idea what he knows  about gandalf is because he read the hobbit when   it was originally published back in 1937. just  for reference he would have been in his early   20s when that happened i'm assuming he and steve  rogers because they grew up together as friends he   would have also probably read the hobbit as well  but the reason why he's referencing the hobbit   instead of connecting gandalf to the lord of the  rings which are technically a more famous story   is because the hobbit was published first the lord  of the rings books like fellowship of the rings   wasn't published until the 1950s and by that time  bucky would have fully become the winter soldier   for hydra and been in cryostasis between missions  in that siberia base also in the 1950s they would   have been the korean war so that's also just after  he would have run into isaiah bradley and had his   big fight with him don't worry we'll talk all  about isaiah bradley in a second i was so happy   that they included him in this episode it was one  of the coolest easter eggs they've done so far   they go on the mission to germany and they  know a little bit about the flag smashers   but it takes them the rest of the episode before  they learn that carly morgenthau is their leader   erin kellyman's character so she's based on the  comic book version of flagsmasher even though   they're using the flag smasher name for their  entire group but if it wasn't clear she's meant   to be the leader of their group they have their  funny bro off moment just their staring contest   foreshadowing the later staring contest that  they have when they're in that therapy session   when they have that conversation about him not  having a plan like oh great that's actually a   callback to the first avengers movie and the  winter soldier movie iron man had pretty much   the exact same scene i do have a plan attack as he  jumps out the back of the quinjet captain america   had a similar moment at the beginning of the  winter soldier movie when he just casually talks   about his plan with black widow then jumps out the  back without a parachute also bucky hilariously   having to jump out of the back of the plane  without a parachute like i'll probably be okay   it's only about 200 feet they investigate the flag  smashers moving those shipments of vaccine they're   pulling their whole robin hood operation later in  the episode they clarify that they're basically   stealing supplies like medicine and taking it  to displaced communities all over europe because   since the blip governments of the world are trying  to work together to get everybody back to where   they originally came from you have to imagine  after the snap the world kind of shifted around   looking for more resources so everybody wound up  living in very different places from where they   originally came from but then they have the funny  moment with winter soldier thinking that she's   this lost little girl and she just kicks him right  out the back and he discovers that they're all   super soldiers we have eight new super soldiers  it's really cool action scene that totally feels   in the tone of a buddy cop movie there's a bit of  a funny moment where she totally destroys red wing   on the spot everybody pressed f in the chat to pay  respects red wing did nothing wrong then an even   funnier moment when us agent captain america flies  in with battle star and they're playing it as if   they're meant to be the better version of falcon  and winter soldier but they both too get their   asses handed to them mostly because u.s agent  does not have any enhancements or super soldier   serum yet there were a couple moments where they  showed you some of bucky's abilities too because   he has the super soldier serum so he can run super  fast just like captain america but the reason why   they are able to pin him down is because they all  have the super soldier serum or a version of it   they follow it up with another funny wtf awkward  moment when u.s agent and his buddy battlestar   roll up and try to get them into the car like  he's trying to be a nice guy like hey why don't   we work together but kind of casually reveals  that the government has been spying on falcon   this whole time well you know technically red  wing was government property so is it really   bad for us to be spying on you if it's our  property the answer is yes yes it's still bad   i love all of winter soldiers reactions to us  agent like he is just not having any of this   you are not captain america just because you have  that shield how dare you stand where he stood   you are not captain america for the most part the  us agent is trying to be the nice guy like he's   trying to work with them i think though like  i said later in the series we're going to see   some cracks start to show like at the end of the  episode where he says stay the hell out of my way   he'll probably turn from really nice guy to  more and more hardcore in his pursuit of the   flag smashers later though the flag smashers  arrive at that safe house seemingly from some   random sympathizer who's just part of the message  boards where everyone talks about their group   and thinks of them as freedom fighters like they  call them robin hood she gets the mystery text   from the power broker saying that he's going to  kill her for stealing all the vaccine stuff that   she's stolen those 18 wheelers there was the big  baron zemo reveal at the end of the series but   i'm not totally ready to say that he's the power  broker it could still be potentially someone else   like thunderbolt ross could be the power broker  it could be another totally different character   if they are following the comics he is going to be  a completely separate person that we haven't met   yet but i'm expecting a couple big twists with his  character like he's just meant to be the shadowy   villain behind the scenes right now like baron's  emo yes he's a villain but i don't think he's   going to wind up being the main villain of the  series and yes the flag smashers seem like the   villain that's the way they're painting them but  they're more like freedom fighters that are slowly   going off the rails so we'll see who winds up  being the worst villains by the end of the series   when they reference the grc caring more about the  blipped people than they do about them the people   who did not get snapped they're referencing the  global repatriation committee and there's a poster   for their organization in the police station when  bucky gets arrested later in the episode i believe   their group is a coalition of world governments  that's sort of responsible for getting all the   blip people and the non-snapped people back  to their original countries and homes that   they came from but for the most part the flag  smashers seem like they're all british there's   still this big question about where they got  their super soldier serum from back on the plane   falcon makes a reference to captain america  civil war when bucky tells him we should just   take the shield from u.s asian falcon tries to  remind him that we were basically all criminals   after civil war you remember what happened he  references sharon carter just because she's going   to show up on the series real soon so they're  kind of reminding you that she exists like hey   remember that character sharon carter she'll be  showing up real soon then when he talks about cap   capping them being on the run for two years doing  their whole secret avengers thing if it wasn't   clear during that time period iron man actually  was helping them duck thunderbolt ross and the   world security council that's why there weren't  any governments that were able to capture them or   throw them in jail during that period they make a  couple funny references to their comic book names   between some of these scenes too like he calls  him white panther because he was in wakanda no   no it's white wolf and falcon gets all upset like  oh wait a minute i wanted a cool wakandan name too   then later in the episode outside of isaiah  bradley's house that little kid calls falcon black   falcon like no no it's just falcon kid but then  bucky's big idea is to take falcon to meet isaiah   bradley the og african-american captain america so  if you never read the comics you're not familiar   with his character after captain america went in  the ice he was the person the government tested   the super soldier serum on when they were trying  to replicate the original serum that they gave to   steve rogers there were 300 people as part of his  test group and isaiah bradley was the only person   who survived it's meant to be a reference to a  real thing that the us military did during world   war ii but during world war ii the us military  tested a bunch of gas masks technology on black   soldiers and wound up poisoning killing hurting a  lot of them later had to make a really big public   apology that's also what they're referencing when  isaiah bradley talks about being quote unquote   thrown in prison and being tested on by the us  military all those years but the whole backstory   behind bucky knowing isaiah bradley is that during  the korean war in the 1950s they had a skirmish   because bucky was hydra he was brainwashed during  this period and he was going up against the u.s   soldiers eventually because he killed all the  people they sent after him the u.s military   sent in isaiah bradley after he survived his super  soldier serum test the way isaiah bradley tells it   too he completely thrashed winter soldier ripped  half of his arm off i just wanted to see if you   got your arm back they also let you know that he's  still every bit as strong as he used to be i mean   obviously he's much much older now but he still  has most of his super strength and when he says he   was in prison for 30 years i think the whole idea  is the military just put him in a private facility   so that they could test him for 30 years so even  though it wasn't formally a prison it was like a   prison for him he also reveals that bucky's people  the hydra people kept sending agents to try and   kill him over all those years too because he was  one of the people that they feared most as bucky   says like captain america also really cool side  note his grandson here who's taking care of him   or helping take care of him is elijah bradley aka  patriot from the marvel young avengers team so we   might see this character come back in a future  young avengers project because we're kind of   seeing those characters pop up like on wandavision  with the twins bucky clarifies the reason why   steve rogers captain america never found out about  isaiah bradley because he probably would have   tried to help him if he did is because bucky never  told him and his existence was so top secret that   cap never found out about it but i think the whole  idea is is that in falcon eventually becoming the   new captain america eventually they'll bring  isaiah bradley back and give him some of the   recognition that he deserves like they're going  to pay that off before the finale at some point   then falcon almost gets arrested by a couple of  really idiot cops who then realize that they're   the avengers but bucky still has to be arrested  because he missed his therapy they have another   funny run-in with u.s agent who they still totally  hate like oh not this guy bailing me out of jail   you even find out the therapist knows him because  they ran missions together back when she was in   the military they do all those funny couples  therapy scenes that they had during the trailer   she even makes a direct reference to couples  therapy like i use this when i'm talking to   couples they're talking about making relationships  with each other they call the staring contest the   soul gazing exercise and eventually they do have  it out over falcon giving up the shield but the   way they leave things just lets you know that it's  going to continue in each of the episodes like   he's going to keep staying on his case to take  the shield back but thanks for making it weird   though doc they have a big standoff with u.s agent  and battle star outside of the station like all   right fine we're not going to work together best  stay out of my way that's obviously going to go   south pretty fast then in slovakia you actually  get a follow-up with the power broker's men at   least they say that's who's coming for them one of  the flag smashers winds up sacrificing himself to   allow the others to get away i don't know who this  lackey's name is or if he's playing a comic book   character but you see him phoning the power broker  to let him know that they got away or whoever the   power broker is going to wind up being then they  follow up with the baron zemo lead in like bucky   says we have to go see my people we have to find  out hydra's secrets and baron zemo knows all of   hydra's secrets so we go back to germany and it's  cell number 2187 which seems like a comic book   reference to the power broker because the power  broker character debuted in the captain america   comics for the first time during 1987. so i don't  know if they're trying to use this easter egg to   say that baron zemo is secretly the power broker  and he's been doing this from inside his cell   or if it'll wind up being somebody different  because baron zemo is not the power broker   in the comics so i don't know if they're changing  things or they're trying to pull a fast one on us   i'm so happy to see daniel bruhl back i did think  that it was a little cliche with some of the other   easter eggs here like they introduced him with  the classical music and the chess set like oh   are we doing a magneto x-men thing like all evil  guys play chess like at the end of the first x-men   movie where professor x shows up inside his cell  and they're playing chess together i think that's   just meant to be a bit of a reference to him being  a mastermind on the series like masters of evil   classic comic book baron zemo because he will be  wearing the classic comic book costume pretty soon   and he'll be pushing around the characters  like falcon and winter soldier like pieces on   a chessboard as for the flag smashers the super  soldier program and the weapons plus program   easter eggs i have a feeling that the power broker  will be connected to the flag smashers in a deeper   way like in the comics because the power broker  tried to replicate the super soldier program and   gave a bunch of characters super powers maybe the  power broker in the mcu is also where all the flag   smashers got their super soldier serum from but  you have to remember that all these other super   soldiers that are running around got diluted  forms of the serum it's not the same thing as   the original formula that steve rogers got so  it's not quite as potent so even though they're   not quite as strong they're still really really  strong compared to normal people the whole idea   with weapons plus on the tv show is that it's  sort of laying the seeds for eventual weapon   x that's really the big payoff down the road with  a new version of wolverine but kevin feike has   already said that they haven't even gotten close  to casting wolverine so i'm not expecting to see   any huge easter eggs for that i think the closest  we'll get to stuff like that is just them trying   to tie all this weapons plus super soldier  stuff to thunderbolt ross in the events of   the incredible hulk film with the abomination and  his weapons plus program but i don't actually know   if thunderbolt ross is supposed to have a cameo  on the series but in the way they're trying to   make everybody feel like they exist in this gray  anti-hero area like there aren't any true villains   there aren't any true heroes or anything like  that everybody's just kind of shades of gray the   government the military people like thunderbolt  ross are going to be doing things on the show that   are just as shady as what's going on with the  villain groups like the flag smashers in baron   zemo all this weapons plus incredible hulk stuff  from thunderbolt ross might also be why u.s agent   directly references the hulk at the beginning of  the episode just to start laying connections back   to the incredible hulk film before they make  any big reveals with the super soldier program   but everyone let me know in the comments who do  you think the power broker is going to wind up   being i've seen some people that want it to be  thunderbolt ross but i'm not expecting it to be   him either if you spotted any other big easter  eggs in the episode that i didn't mention in the   video just write them below in the comments  dc just dropped the brand new suicide squad   trailer so that'll be my next video but i'll do  some more falcon and winter soldier bonus videos   in the next couple of days in my full episode  3 video we'll post next friday just like normal   so i'll update the link here at the end of the  video for the suicide squad trailer when i post   that later today but you can also click here  for my falcon winter soldier episode 1 video   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 821,565
Rating: 4.9133 out of 5
Keywords: Falcon and Winter Soldier, Wandavision, Emergency Awesome, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 2, Wandavision Episode 9, Wandavision Post Credit Scene, Wandavision Quicksilver, Quicksilver, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 3, Marvel, 2021, Movies, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, 2020, Netflix, Godzilla vs Kong Trailer, Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 3 Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 1
Id: 94E-bzu04xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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