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they're calling me cops here she literally ran into the back desk guys welcome back today we are at toys r us that trees in the way but we are here and we are here to build another fort you guys love the last fort so we're going in there we got the bud his hair is still orange almost looks like some ibp merch link in bio look at that dang so we have no idea what our plan is because toys r us is like weird they don't have toilet paper which is our go-to option for voting ports but hopefully we can find something that's nice for fort boarding in there i think we can do it right oh yeah we can definitely easy work easy work going in toys r us right now last time we were in here we got straight booted out of here i was trying to hide we were playing hide and seek a worker heard me and boom we got kicked out hopefully that doesn't happen this time we've been scouting the place for a little bit and we found a spot right here but there is not much room so we found another spot a little bit farther down behind some baby crate but the only problem is it's right next to an employee desk there's a if you guys could see there's an employee right there behind those two people but this is a spot right here it's behind these baby crate type things like where we hid in target and look inside there's a good bit of room you have a little bit of room right there and then down there it opens up so i think we're gonna go ahead in there right now and we have some plans for expansion so that it can be nice and proper try to get this thing 10 diamonds ricky is entering the fort look at that technique that form come here look should i go in yeah let me show them daring dave is down there and it's like a long narrow walkway so hopefully we can move some of the boxes and make it a little bit wider because right now it's like super skinny i'm going in now oh ricky's in the narrow part david is expanding what what's going on there's people down there if they look over here they can easily see this giant camera it is so plain here there's literally nothing all it is is a bunch of cardboard boxes so the boys got to bring some stuff in and there just so happens to be some nice plush chairs for the buddies i think i'm gonna venture out right now and bring some back what color do you want blue red and a green to match the ibp merch for everyone yeah all right i'm getting the blue red and green to match the ibp merch getting out is very tight skirt chairs are right over here but there's this little ladder type thing and it says employees only so i think i'm gonna go up here and try to get a better view of the store and see if i can find any better chairs that was so loud attempt number two oh i'm going out boys oh shoot the workers right there i could literally see a worker over there i think i might try to go back up now i've been waiting for like 10 minutes waiting for the workers to leave but no they're not leaving now there are two workers at the desk right now try to show you guys there are the two of them one is right one right there and one right next to them i'm gonna go back and get those chair for the boys they're still chilling in the fort but i think they wanted a green one right here this green one will do first one going in rex make some room gotta run all right pick up that box ricky just knocked yeah i'm just talking to my friends like it's like a live chat really can you say hey to him hi his name is uh yee nation be nation i'm hilda guys hilda says hey i want to say yeah he travels around he's like everywhere but he's in colorado right now you like colorado i've never been i would love to go all right let me hear what he's saying he says that the weather's awesome and then you can like ski on the hills that's what amazes me all right yee nation we're picking the box up for you right now would you sleep right there or something right there yeah all right right there can you say bye to yi nation bye-bye i don't know how i pulled that off but she believed me i was just making up the most random stuff but she was completely fine with it so shout out to my girl hilda thank you for being so cool but now i actually have to get the boys their chair there's literally a chair right there and told it didn't even say anything so i just gotta pass them in yeah don't knock anything down again dude these are nice yeah dude quality bro not as good as the merch though i'm going back for chair number two this one is a red one so paw patrol right here rex make some room dude dude don't knock anything down again bro dude hurry up bro i'm just chilling here with a chair dude still gonna send all it well this one's free for me this one is for ricky because it's mainly blue oh shoot i think i just heard a worker on a walkie talkie hopefully they don't hear us putting these chairs in rex trail number three mickey's going in yo dude dude look who it is ricky see who that's baby david baby dave davey d your picture's on the box dude little baby darren dave he doesn't have the orange hair yet it's from back in the day but look he didn't eat the hot wings baby david right here oh no it's you dude that's you yo guys we've been chilling in here waiting for a time to get out but there's a lady there was a lady in that same aisle for literally 30 minutes but we're gonna get some new decorations to add in here i think we're gonna get some stuffed animals but again i don't know where they are so i'm going back on this ladder thing seeing if i can find any smaller chairs like these chairs right here but i just have to go up there just just to check the whole store see if there's any smaller ones or if there's any stuffed animals ready i think i'm going to the top this time [Music] you do some peterson [Music] let me get a quick instagram pic follow me on instagram nick ireland 99 but over there i see some stuffed animals i'm still on top of here but there are some stuffed animals right across there that i wouldn't have been able to see any other way like if i was standing on the ground no way i could see them from the ground there's no way like i'm on the ground right now but there's no way i could see them i had to check up there to see if i could find the stuffed animals but they were right there oh i can't be on that employees only had another incident with hilda right there but i see some stuffed animals right here i think we got a lion i think this will do it for the whole fort don't want to get it two-pack in there because like ricky was saying it's really narrow so we just have my lion right here that we're going in with the hype is this no chewbacca can we yeah chewbacca oh take minion too all right ricky's eating in literally a person right there but we're savage i'm going into one of them taking david get down down stay down town i'm going over here it's so narrow in here i don't know why we decided to build the fort in here it wasn't the best but honestly none of the employees have noticed that we actually have a four back here they may have seen us like hold up she saw me earlier but she doesn't know that we have a secret lair in her store my wife if i go around yeah there we go yoda just made another roundabout this is like her corner back here she monitors the baby crates and we got three little buddies right here we got mick lion minion and chewbacca who even has a little pouch right here to hold stuff like some slubbers or some bunnies but they're just like in their nice talk circle and they're also blocking a lot of the view for employees or workers nick has talked to toyota like two or three times already so we're gonna do it david just gonna scream her name because she doesn't know david and she hasn't seen me yet so we're just gonna scream my name until she comes back here and then see what happens hilda assistance please hilda hello [Applause] has not hurt us we're all gonna sing it ready three two one oh shoot there's some color oh there's soda right there guys she heard her calling she's hoping a customer out maybe that's why she's not coming she's a good employee [Music] hilda's thinking not answering our calls come on so what we're doing right now is there's a red car over there we're gonna eat yours and peterson out of here and just do some savage stuff and then maybe hilda will come here's the red car right here all right you go first if there's enough room david and dave will come up go go going on next going up third story do not try this at home go to my gum oh shoot i hear employee radio oh shoot yo there's no point nick nick right guys there's an employee there's an employee there was an employee walking down this aisle when nick went up so i'm gonna hit the camera up here nick here i can't see yo yo guys i'm behind this red car and there's not much room at all and it's so dusty like look at this dust that's so nasty i don't even know why i'm touching it but it's so cramped up in here definitely not recommended don't try this at home guys this is actually not good but i'm gonna see what the view looks like from up here look at the view handing it back to rich i think i'm heading down right now here you go baller what the heck how did hilda not come back here this is her corner man my knees but looking a bit ashy look at these ashes dude i told you my shoes no dude dude it looks ashy i told you it was dusty over there dude should this be our next four dude think it's good enough little mvp groups for the bus it definitely happens yeah nick you can fit into it here let me let me show them what it looks like this is what it looks like guys we out here you know big big crib big crips now dang dude i don't know if i can even walk around gary dave in the house look i'm getting tired bro trying to walk around this house french windows are yours french windows dude hey look don't show them over here oh i don't know if i can make it bro french window see oh shoot this one's blocked off this one oh oh oh david david hasn't known him bro guys dude this house is too big dude we got two pairs of french windows french french like the french i don't even know what that means but dang we left the other house it was a little bit open the french windows were a little too exposing so we found a double story crib right here let me give you a little house tours um house hunter as well it's hard to see through that's why we picked it for conclusions you guys probably can't see inside yet so let me hand them the camera so i can show them what's inside they can't really now you guys can finally see all the beauty of this can you hear me bro i think someone's calling my name can you hear me can you see me i can't hear you bro it's too dark i can't hear you dude come on everyone oh oh wow dude you surprised me bro i didn't even know you were coming in i feel like we're in a cage though we are like indicated dude this is like a cage a cage but like you can't see out of the cage yeah it's like a solid cage yeah so it's just like four walls and a roof i [Music] i don't know how we're making so much noise right now and there's like no employees maybe if we don't give a crap call hillary bro call him with it bro hilda [Music] yo dude 149 for this bro 149 my goodness let me go clean that up though we were in there for literally like over an hour and no one said anything at all to us so now we're headed to walmart we are here now what the heck and you know they have toilet paper that's what the boys are used to working with and count them one layer two layers three layers and we ain't wasting any time like we did last time we built one on the bottom bobro stole it then we built one on the second one didn't even use it we're going straight to the third guys there's a worker watching from way down this angle smash the like button for two forts and one vid there they've already heading up in there but there are literally workers way down there go go get out it's so loud up there oh we're good we're we're looking for the food and then hopefully we can find the food and cook a nice meal once we get home we'll show you guys how to cook that meal i just said that because there was a guy right there oh oh dude look at the view from here everything everything we gotta get over there because then we can actually build a fort because there's toilet paper down there this is just like some sparkle it's not even toilet paper but nick's coming up right now [Applause] [Music] [Music] now oh shoot how do you get over this how much just fell off i can see the workers from up here they're so exposed there's workers way down there in the green and it's green because this is a neighborhood walmart david he's moving these boxes he has to go quick or else the worker is easily going to see him oh oh shoot there's a bunch of workers dude no get down get down there's a bunch of workers we gotta continue the trek on this third story is not as good as the other one when we went with the bo bros it's like so cramped and there's like nowhere to go in here and nowhere to move stuff but hopefully they don't see us and we can hopefully expand it that way then maybe we'll have enough room to actually extend our legs there's a record there's a worker and there's another worker behind that guy dude this guy's moving down here dude we do you just want to walk just a regular pedestrian hopefully she's saving money and living better quick movement over this box and then duck okay oh david just moved the box and he just slid through such a smarter option ricky's going through having a bit of trouble right there ricky look at this man bro whose mans is this look at him this is the new area it's two toilet paper rolls not really a fort but down here is the miner jackpot go to high on that side so we don't have to duck anymore you guys i don't know what ricky was doing slithering through here bro savage bro and you know who else is also a savage my boy right here he's always supporting ivp he's the fan of the day so if you want to be a fan of the day be sure to follow us on social media they're all on the screen right now so if you want to change for your own shout out be sure to do that we love you guys and we're going to continue expanding this fort a little bit more they already built up these walls so we can like basically like stand up like this i'm savage pretty sure workers just saw me but uh we thought there was a bunch of toilet paper but literally this is it enough to build a tiny little box like this so what we're gonna do is be on the toilet paper right here it's empty wasteland and you get closer and closer and closer to the employees so what we're going to do is we're going to play a little game we're going to take a toilet paper and travel down as far down these raptors as we can david's going to try to go first however far he goes i'm going to try to go further and whoever goes the furthest basically wins and it goes pretty far down there and it gets pretty close to the employees we're just going to see who's the most savage darren dave's up first let's see how far he goes he's using push and slide technique so far no sign of employees oh shoot this person oh that's the employee door right there the one that just opened up it's my turn i gotta take that toilet paper right there further than darry and dave my technique i'm just gonna screw you across oh he's just pushing it okay i put it up next to that box and now if nick dares to go i do over the box you have to go over the box but it's literally pushed up against the box nick's gonna try to go further than me these raptors are so loud even the ninja nick's making sounds he has to go over the box there's no way oh she placed it right over here that was so intense guys that lady i thought she was gonna get mad but she was pretty cool with it now since we all had a turn we're gonna do rotation so basically it goes back to david if he wants to go further he can try and then if he doesn't it goes to me then nick until everyone's out but right now nick's in the lead you can put it right over the box you're going to try to beat it yeah i'm going to try to beat it right there and dave they call him that for a reason got oh butt over here david he's going oh oh he's encountering the boxes oh he stepped over he's grabbing it he just threw it down yo new technique he just threw it this is going straight up oh over here just came out guys a worker stay low rex oh rick's going with the slide technique again oh he's just straight standing up oh oh look at this guys dude literally down the big house there's an employee there's an employee i think they're really brandon really really please get down all right we're getting down we're getting down i'm pretty sure you're jumping all right we're getting down i see nothing way down here we're getting down sorry wrong with y'all sorry about that so i guess i technically win because i went the furthest got us kicked out the guy was like i think i was seeing things i'm actually very surprised that we lasted as long as we did they're calling the cops here she literally ran into the back desk peterson dude she was calling the cops dude i don't know if i got it but literally as we were walking out they were trying to beat us to the front desk and then she heated to the back manager's room and she was like running she was like bolting to the manager's room dude we got to eat the one guy he was like i think i was saying things and he was kind of like laughing about it but she was just like what the heck is wrong with you guys you guys give a big thumbs up we both two fourths you wish thinking you went to the third story in both toys r us and walmart so please give a thumbs up for that if you enjoy these forts we dropped off daring dave thank you guys for watching if you're new be sure to hit that subscribe button two fourths in one day thank you guys for watching we love you guys and until next time tell the who
Channel: Ireland Boys
Views: 11,487,705
Rating: 4.8325329 out of 5
Keywords: Ireland Boys, Ireland Boys Vlogs, IrelandBoys, Ireland Boys Productions, Vlogs, Family Vlogs, Kid Vlogs, Toys R Us, Toys R Us Fort, Walmart, Walmart Fort, Toilet Paper Fort, Walmart Toilet Paper Fort, fort, forts, fort in walmart, toilet paper fort in walmart, fort in toys r us, toys r us, toys r us fort, ireland boys fort, rafters fort, toys r us challenge, fort challenge, fort challenge toys r us, fort challenge in walmart, Triple Decker Walmart Toilet Paper FORT, kicked out
Id: t3M2vQtXnz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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