i tested positive for covid-19...

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stop seeing people running up and down man the line goes way back there all the way down wraps around way down that Street and I was feeling pretty strong the whole entire week but someone who I was hanging out with tested positive for it so just to be safe got to get tested I'm next up in line they're about to test me and hopefully it comes back negative you guys were watching this probably came back positive [Music] before it in the video I want to apologize to everyone who come to this channel every single Friday expected to be lifted up expected to be filled with positivity and just overall watch an amazing video because that's what it normally is and we had an insane video plan for this week but because of what happened we literally we haven't been able to film for like this entire week even before this the last video we posted we actually filmed prior to figuring out everything but I'm not gonna beat around the bush man you guys read the title you saw the thumbnail and it is 100% true not clickbait I tested positive for Cove in 19 and you hate to see it but that's what happened to lady from the health department called me up the other day and she was like mr. Ireland you tested positive and I were just sitting there like now cause I'm the sorta Department of Health regarding your code nineteen tests yeah it did come back positive so and you said like when did your why did you come into contact with that person thank you two men came back with the positive result hey just hear it and I've shown no symptoms in 13 days man I don't even know what to say man there's no way like I couldn't believe it at first because you guys have seen other youtubers you guys have seen other people I'm sure go out do a bunch of stuff party be reckless and you guys know me and Nick we don't really do any of that we've been staying home we've been doing our thing we've been pretty safe about this entire thing the only people that we come in contact with are really our friends who come over to film and that's only like two or three people and it's the same people every single time and then after we upload our video we'll just stay at home pretty much the entire reef hang out with our mom and dad and that's how it's been for us and I'm sure how it's been for a lot of you guys since this whole Kovan 19 thing blew up but about 12 days ago I came in contact with someone who I don't normally hang out with and I trusted that everything was good but the day after we hung out they told me that they were feeling sick they had some of the symptoms of covin 19 and as soon as they told me that I let myself in my room stayed on this side of the house that's why you can tell them Nick's not even in this video he's not even near me he's literally I don't even know where he is as soon as the other person told me that they had symptoms i isolated myself because I didn't want to put anyone else at risk I don't want to put anyone else I came in contact with at risk just in case they did come back positive a couple days later after they got tested their assault came back positive and I still hadn't felt any symptoms at the time it had been a week since I talked to this person and I wanted to go get tested people running up and down man the line goes way back there all the way down wraps around way down that Street this lady has been going back and forth working her butt off shout-out to her but I mean look at the line it goes way up there wraps around back here all the way behind me all the way over this way all the way down there there's cops up and down the entire thing and then you can see the line even goes further down there I'm next up in mind they're about to test me and hopefully it comes back negative if you guys are watching this probably came back positive so I've been in self-isolation today is day number 12 of me being by myself even for my birthday on my birthday I had to be isolated by myself away from my family they'd at one table in the house at eat at the complete opposite side by myself luckily I've still shown no symptoms I wanted to make this video to first say I'm sorry there's no regular IBP video upload this week we had something crazy plan but because of the situation there's nothing really I couldn't even do about it besides sit here and isolate myself not put anyone else at risk and second off I wanted to use this as a learning lesson not only for myself but hopefully you guys can learn from this as well and the biggest thing I learned from this is sometimes you can take all the right precautions you can take all the right measures you can do everything right but if you hang out with one wrong person who doesn't care or doesn't take those same precautions as you then you can also be left to deal with the same exact consequences even though you did everything right and that goes for anything in life if you you do the right thing you're always doing the right thing but you hang out with one person who maybe doesn't do the right thing all the time they're doing bad stuff then sometimes you can be left to deal with the same exact results and consequences as that person even though you may have done everything right and the shortest way I can summarize that is some things may not be your fault but you still have to take responsibility so like that goes with so many things in life I was doing so many things right but I hung out with one person who didn't take it as seriously they were partying they were doing a bunch of stuff the day before and they didn't let me know so I there was nothing really I could do to stop that if I would have known their partying if I were to know they were hanging out with a bunch of other people day before i 100% would not have hung out with them but they didn't let me know that I had no idea so I made the decision to hang out with no previous knowledge of that so I can stay in this mindset of being negative being upset and just being angry but that's not gonna change the fact that I tested positive and I still have to take responsibility and do everything right Eve no I was doing everything right before I hung out with one wrong person and that that's the result and this is the whole result being not being able to do anything so guys the biggest thing I can say to wrap this up is just be careful where your masked man just wear your mask you best believe I wish I would have had this mask before all this happened because we literally just dropped these and didn't have it before that day I got tested positive I wish I did you can still hang out with close friends your family and things like that but just don't be dumb don't go to a gatherings with a bunch of people because if you do when you test positive it doesn't you can't really do anything you're locked in your house you can't hang out with anyone but my biggest fear is I don't want to spread it to my mom or my dad or to anyone else who may be susceptible because I was on the phone with the lady and she said eighty-five to ninety percent of people show symptoms so she said I'm pretty lucky right now I've shown like no symptoms at all but I still have to take all the precautions because I'm positive and because I can still spread it to other people so thank you guys for all the love thank you for all the support man hopefully we're back soon with the IBP videos we'll keep you guys posted and then just stay safe out there wear your mask and until next time I cannot explain what feels like I've been in this too but it still legs I've been in my room but it's so tight that I won't be here now I'm here right that's real life
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 1,128,048
Rating: 4.9072819 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, i tested positive, positive test, tested positive, covid 19, covid 19 test, tested for covid 19, i tested positive for covid 19
Id: P9Qs2MTfeAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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